Customer Service

By:  Kristie


Miranda forced a smile at the elderly woman who was trying to count her change. The woman had 14 items in the 10 items or less express lane, but Miranda hadn't caught her in time. The two customers in line were getting quite irritated at the old woman and finally the woman handed over the 34 cents that seemed to have taken her 34 minutes to count out.


"Thank you and here's your receipt," Miranda stated politely as she handed over the slip of paper.


"It's about damn time," the rude middle aged man barked in the old lady's direction as Miranda rang his items up.


Glancing at the clock, she realized that her double shift would be ending in less than 5 minutes. This made her smile as she finished the last customer and the shift manager came to collect her money drawer. Her legs were tired of standing and she couldn't wait to get out of her skirt when she got home. As she rounded the corner of her aisle, she bumped into someone.


"I'm sorry," she stated and looked up into the most beautiful blue eyes she'd ever seen.


"It's my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going. Do you work here?"


"Yes, but only for another 2 weeks. How can I help you?"


"Point me in the direction of the eggs please."


"I'm heading that way, so I'll escort you."


"Thank you....Miranda," he smiled as he read her name tag still fastened to her smock.


They walked in silence past the aisle of soda and chips. As they rounded the corner into the dairy aisle, Miranda found herself pinned against the glass doors. Those gorgeous eyes were closed and the perfect pouty lips of this stranger held her lips in a passionate kiss. It had been forever since she'd felt this attractive and wanted so she went with the flow. Soon her hands were in his hair as he pressed harder into her body. Their position against was well hidden from the security cameras and she thanked God that it was so late. It seemed that no one was in the store and she couldn't get enough of this handsome man. Aggressively, she forced her tongue passed his lips and into his fresh-tasting mouth. She hummed at his minty flavor and felt her smock come over her head. His large hands cupped her breasts under her shirt and she moaned when his fingers pinched her nipples. She hadn't bothered with a bra that day and her thin panties were soaked in anticipation. As if he could read her thoughts, this stranger trailed on hand down her flat stomach and his mouth covered the vacated nipple. Quickly her skirt was gathered around her hips and his pants were undone. His hard dick sprang free and she could feel him against her lower stomach.




"Josh...My name is Josh," he smiled up at her as he lifted her by her hips.


Instinctively, she wrapped her tired legs around his slim hips and her arms held his shoulder for support. He pushed her panties to the side and forcefully shoved his entire length deep inside her tight opening. Both groaned in pleasure as he set a slow but steadily increasing pace. Her fingers massaged his scalp as she panted his name over and over, encouraging him to go deeper. Within moments, their bodies were covered in a thin sheet of sweat, but neither cared about the cheek marks they were leaving on the glass door. They were more concerned with their own pleasure and Josh's thrusts were quickly becoming very hard. His body slammed into hers again and again as he grunted. She tried stifling her cries of pleasure, but he was too much for her to hold back.


"JJJOOOOSSSSHHHH!!!" she screamed, not caring who heard her.


Two more strong thrusts and her walls collapsed around his throbbing member, milking his semen out. She felt his burst and he buried his face in her shoulder to muffle his completion cry. Panting heavily, he slowed his hips and she relaxed her nails from his shoulder. Slowly she unwrapped her limbs from him and he steadied her against the glass doors before easing her skirt down her still trembling thighs.


"Damn," she breathed.


"That's what I call customer service," he grinned and moved to kiss her once more.


He tucked himself back behind his jeans then gathered his carton of eggs before heading around the corner. Miranda shook her head in disbelief at the experience of her life. She collected her smock from the floor and headed to the employee lounge where she clocked out. She pulled her coat on and headed out to her car, where the handsome stranger waited.




"Hi, Miranda. I was hoping maybe we could go somewhere not so public and you'll let me taste you," he whispered in her ear and her knees were weak again.


"Yeah, sure."


"Very good."


She smiled and climbed into her car, unlocking the passenger door so he could get in too. Together they drove to her place and her mind wandered where they would start. The drive was a short one and soon they were kissing again as she tried to unlock her apartment door. Finally she succeeded in her quest and he lifted her, kicking the door shut with his foot.




"To the left," she directed with her lips still pressed against his.


He followed her directions and together they landed on her mattress. Quickly they disrobed each other and Miranda was anxious to feel his hard dick deep inside her again. She grasped it in her hand and slowly pumped up and down with a generous amount of pressure. His mouth was devouring her left breast as his fingers kneaded her right. She verbally invited his penetration, but he refused before slithering down past her flat stomach. His hands opened her thighs allowing plenty of room for his head. Realizing what he was going to do, Miranda smiled and pulled his head closer to her awaiting center.


"Anxious much?" he laughed and kissed her out lips.


She shivered in anticipation of his tongue gliding in and out of her. She didn't have to wait long as his thick tongue split her lips and came in brief contract with her clit. She called out and arched her back, grabbing the comforter under her. He chuckled and repeated the motion then dipped his tongue as deep inside her as possible. Her hips rocked adding to her pleasure and he moved his tongue to work on her clit as he plunged two fingers into her. She gasped in surprise, but he worked his fingers to precisely that she felt her orgasm peak only moments later. As soon as her walls clenched around his fingers, Josh shifted and shoved his tongue back inside her, greedily tasting her pleasure. He lapped up her juices before crawling back up her body and smiling down at her with her pleasure still visible on his mouth.


"I think you taste better than chocolate," he declared before ravishing her lips.


She laughed and rolled him beneath her, quickly guiding his rock hard mass deep between her lips. The feeling was intense and she quickly rose and fell back onto him. He grunted and met her descend. Both were moaning and she road him fast and hard. Even though she was going as fast as she could, it wasn't fast enough for him and he sat up. His strong hands guided her faster yet and soon she was begging for him to take over.


"Fuck me, Josh. I can't do it anymore," she begged as her thighs burned.


Quickly he rolled them over and thrusted as hard as he could. She groaned loudly and arched her back, trying to get more of him inside her. Her legs wrapped around his hips and he continued his actions, biting her collarbone each time he met her g-spot. Over and over she called his name until her breathing was so erratic that all she could manage was a faint pant as he worked her harder. Her body ached for release and she couldn't hold back any longer. Her walls constricted around him and he let his pleasure over-take his body too. Tiredly, he stopped his hips and rested his head on her chest as they panted.


"I'll take you to get your car tomorrow," Miranda finally spoke, but the only reply was an ever so slight snore. She smiled and closed her eyes, falling asleep quickly.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!