
By:  Kristie


Justin sat in the over stuffed easy chair in the living room of his home. He was waiting for his girlfriend Andrea to finish getting ready for the house party JC was throwing. It wasn't anything fancy, but Andrea tended to be a perfectionist when it came to her appearance. He ran his long fingers through his curls and sighed.


"Ready?" her soft voice asked as she entered the spacious room freshly showered and dressed comfortably in a blue halter top and white board shorts that showed off her long legs. Her neatly peticured toes were visible through her white sandals and her red curls laid perfectly.




"So, I take it that the wait was worth it?"


"Um...yeah....Wow, girl!"


"You like?" she teased as her green eyes danced. He stood and moved to embrace her 5'8" frame. His hard-on brushed her hip and she laughed, "Guess so."


"Mmmm....you smell good baby," he mumbled as he kissed her neck.


"We're late. We should....go."


"How about we go upstairs and you help me work this out?" he proposed and moved her hand to cup his dick through his jeans.


"Only if you promise to handle JC's wrath."






They raced upstairs and Justin tossed her onto their bed. As she bounced slightly, she watched him quickly light some candles and smiled at his romantic side. Seldom did they make love without scented candles accentuating their pleasure. He quickly removed his clothes and gently pulled her off.


"Baby, those crunches work well," she smiled as she traced the definitions of his abs.


"I knew you'd like them."


"I do."


"Good," he grinned and lowered his face to kiss her lips lovingly, slowly easing his tongue into her awaiting mouth.


Andrea ran her hands up and down his back as they kissed. His hands worked her clothes off and soon his mouth was moving down her trim body. Tenderly he sucked each of her breasts and she grew wetter as his hips wiggled into her. He hummed against her skin when her naked legs wrapped around his waist and she raised her hips up to his.


"I need you, baby," she moaned and he raised his head to grin into her face.


"I love you."


"I love you, too."


Slowly he slid deep inside her and began a steady rhythm that quickly became harder and faster at her urging. Her peak was coming fast and she desperately needed his body deeper inside hers. Pulling him closer by his ass, she gripped him with her manicured names and he yelped in mild pain as he continued to pound her body. She met him thrust for thrust and both were moaning loudly as the bed began to squeak. Her walls constricted around his cock and he pushed harder into her until she couldn't handle it anymore.


"JJJJJUUUUUSSSSSSTTTTTIIINNNN!" she screamed as she came.


He watched her face contort in pleasure as he continued pumping into her until his peak shook his body and he released deep within her walls. Softly she whispered loving words as he caught his breath. They shared several tender kisses then redressed and headed to JC's.


"You're over an hour late," JC stated as he opened the door.


"Sorry, Andrea distracted me," Justin smiled.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!