
By:  Kristie


"Good afternoon, Susan."


"Hello, Doctor," Susan smiled and shook his offered hand.


"You're looking beautiful as always. Just the annual check-up today?"


"Yes and the script for birth control."


"Fine, fine," he gave her a sexy, crooked smile as he washed his hands then headed over to her. "Lie back and I'll check your breast tissue."


Susan reclined onto the exam table in the flimsy, open in the front gown she'd been provided. The doctor pushed both sides off her breasts and just looked at them, admiringly, for a long moment.


"Very symmetrical.....nice nipple color.....mmmmm....nice firmness...."


His large hands cupped both breasts and he gave them an arousing squeeze. He held them for a second longer then proceeded to expertly massage small circles starting on the outside of her left breast, checking for abnormalities, as he smiled down at her.


She fought to keep the moan of ecstasy in when his tongue swept across his lips, but lost. His touch was driving her insane. She'd never reacted this way before, but no other yearly exam had ever been this arousing. Maybe it was the homey smell of cinnamon that seemed to linger in the room. Or the soft Jazz music drifting through the air. Or maybe it was the handsome features of the man whose rough hands were fondling her breasts. The latter was Susan's guess.


"Very nice....such a creamy breast color," he leaned over and sucked her already perked nipple into his mouth, biting down slightly. "Good nipple reaction......exotic flavor."


Susan couldn't stop herself from arching up into him. His warm breath teased her skin and she felt naturally wet in reaction to his unorthodox examination techniques. She drew several shaky breaths as he repeated the procedure on her right breasts then closed her eyes as he leaned down to tease her right nipple with his mouth.


"Very, you just relax while I set up my equipment.....continue to breathe for me, gorgeous."


She heard him moving around at her feet as she tried to control herself. She smiled provocatively when she realized he was about to witness her arousal first hand. She heard him pull out the stirrups then felt him touch her calves.


"Susan.....slide your spankable ass down to the edge of the table for me.....that's a good girl....just lie back and breathe....I'm going to rest your feet up in these stirrups."


The stirrups were positioned a little differently than in past exams. They seemed to be further out to the side and back toward her bottom. There was no chance in attempting to cover her vaginal area by closing her knees because his hands were already resting on the inside of her knees. Her breath came more quickly again and she kept rewetting her parched lips.


"OK....let your legs fall open naturally so I can take in all of your beauty.....mmm....very nice....good color.....pleasant, inviting don't mind if I examine your clitoris, do you?"


She didn't have time to answer before his index finger and thumb had clamped onto her excite button. He expertly pinched and rolled the sensitive tissue as she withered on the table, the paper crinkling under her body. She moaned loudly as he increased the speed of his actions then whimpered disapprovingly as he stopped abruptly.


"Nice reaction......good vaginal coating....plenty of moisture.....a little is slipping out of your you mind if I take care of it?"


Again she didn't have time to answer before his tongue swept across her exposed, aroused womanhood. She shivered in pleasure as he continued to lap at her hungrily. She couldn't help but touch her own breasts as he continued and he became more aggressive, his mouth alternating between penetrating her pussy with his tongue to nipping and sucking her clit. She withered on the noisy paper and he didn't let up until she cried out in white-hot pleasure.


"Yes.....all your reactions seem to be just fine. Yes...nice flavor...good clit sensation.....wonderful vaginal response....good tight wall collapse.....very nice, very nice," he spoke softly as his large hands caressed up and down her shaky thighs. "Would you mind if I trimmed some of these hair to get a better look at the outside color of your vulva?"


She couldn't catch her breath to respond or object and quickly heard the buzz of an electric razor. The soft vibration reacted her sensitive outer covering and her body jumped in excitement as the cool head touched her skin. The buzzing vibrated through her vulva and aroused her clit again, her hands groping her own breasts as the doctor continued to apply pressure to the small device. She moaned louder still and heard him chuckle softly as he finished shaving her entire womanhood.


" I can see everything....good abnormalities....just smooth, soft, protective skin.....such an alluring fragrance of arousal.....mmmm......"


"Doctor...." Susan moaned as he eyes rolled back in enjoyment.


"Relax your legs again, sexy. you're going to feel me touch you.....there, feel my fingers on your lips.....feel me opening them......feel the heat from my breath as I lean lose to smell that delicious fragrance of your like when I lick?....hmmm?"




"No need to beg, Susan," his voice was smooth and seductive. "'ll feel slight pressure when I insert my's important not to clench too fact, pretend you're having a bowel movement and use those muscles so my descent will be smoother."


Surprised at his comment, Susan furrowed her brow and did as she was instructed. With a hard, direct movement, his instrument entered her. Her chest heaved as she tried to control her breathing but couldn't stop her fingers from pinching her own nipples.


"No need for that....." he informed as he removed her hands from her breasts and replaced them with his own. "I'll handle that. You like it rough, Susan?"




He laughed deviously before rocking his pelvis hard into her inviting one. His dick felt huge within her and she called out in ecstasy as he fucked her. This was CERTAINLY not like a normal exam but she had to admit that his dick felt a lot more comfortable than the normal instrument, the specula. She was so exposed with her legs so wide and out of the way. She felt like he was jammed so far up inside her that he would soon break her in two. Harder still he plowed into her, using his strong grip on her breasts to keep her in place as he thrusted deeper still.


"Oh, yes.....please, doctor......yes...."


"Shit, feel so TIGHT!!!"


He couldn't hold on much longer and, for once, she was grateful, her own sanity wavering. Both exploded with pleasure and he remain within her as they fought for breath.


"Very nice vaginal response.....very good moisture.....very tight orgasm....Did you enjoy it?"


"Oh, yes," she panted and looked up at him. "Very thorough exam, doctor."


"No, the exam isn't finished."


She gave him an inquisitive look then laughed in surprise as he forced her to bend over the exam table, her feet leaving the floor. Quickly he filled her again, penetrating hard and deep. Her body had no where to go in retreat of his thrust so he got extremely deep. Faster and faster he punished her body as she cried out in ecstasy over and over. His grip on her hips increased as his thrusts became almost desperate until he finally exploded within her. She cried out one final time in ecstasy as her world turned upside down.


"Ahem....excuse me, Ms. Lane. I'm ready to give you your exam now," Dr. Robinson declared from his spot at the open door, his stance awkwardly. "That is, if you and this man have finished."


Joey chuckled and spatted Susan's ass before pulling up his pants. He slipped out of the extra lab coat he'd found in the hall as Susan got back up on the exam table. She glanced at her fiancee and both couldn't help but laugh as the real doctor washed his hands.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!