Don't Think I'm Not

By:  Kristie


Damn! He's so fuckable Bobbee thought as she eyed Justin grinding with some girl across the dance floor from her and JC. She'd always had something for Justin, but settled for JC because he was more her age. The curly-headed man was too unpredictable and unsteady. Sure, his name and credit card could take her places, but she'd settled for the one her family approved of. Her eyes followed Justin's swiveling hips and she found herself moving to the same beat.


"Damn, Bobbee. We can not fuck on this dance floor," JC warned in her ear, but she never heard him.


Her body was crying for Justin's attention, but he failed to even look in her direction. He was too busy with the girl of his choice for the evening. She was being pulled out of the club by JC and her mind kept envisioning Justin's swiveling hips and his thrusting pelvis.


Once back at the hotel, she decided her needs superseded JC's need for sleep. She proceeded to undress herself seductively in front of him and he eventually gave in. Like always, he control himself and did bring her pleasure, but not exactly the kind of unabashed, uninhibited, animalistic orgasm she desired. Long after JC's eyes were closed and his breath was even, she paged Justin with a simple, direct proposition: I need you to fuck me. She left nothing other than her new cell phone number and settled down next to her boyfriend, dreaming of her desired romp with the man she'd been lusting for.




The next day, she was trying to enjoy a cup of coffee in the hotel cafe with JC and the new wardrobe girl Kris, who she completely despised. It annoyed Bobbee that Kris was able to capture some of JC's attention without even trying and that JC looked at this new girl in a very similar way to how he used to look at her. Now their relationship was stressed and not as happy as she'd have liked, but the money and exposure was good, so she stayed. This new girl seriously worried her because of how effortlessly JC took to her and seemed to invite her nearly everywhere. As the conversation on jazz music continued to bore Bobbee, her phone rang and the caller ID revealed Justin's cell phone.


"Excuse me, baby. I'll be right back," she said with a fake smile plastered on her colored lips. He seemed to not hear her and she stomped away."Hello."




"Hi, Justin. What's up?"


"I'm sorry, I must have misdialed," he apologized and started to hang up.


"No, don't hang up. Are you calling about a page you got last night?"




"Then you got the right number," she spoke with a husky voice.


" don't know what to say."


"Say you don't have plans tonight and that you want to fuck my pussy until I can't move."




"No buts. Your room tonight at 7 p.m. See you then Justy," she smiled and ended the call. Heading back to the table, the frown she wore was real when Kris came back into view. "JC, baby. I have to leave this afternoon."


"Is everything OK?" Kris asked sincerely.


"Yeah, just need to get home and back to my research. They've moved my deadline up."


"Oh, OK. Do you want me to take you to the airport?" JC asked but didn't move to touch her like he had in the beginning of their relationship.


"No, I got it. Miss me, baby."


"I will."


She bent and quickly pecked his lips with hers. He wasn't big on public displays of affection and she knew it, but still tried to push the envelope every now and then. He pulled back and smiled at her before glancing at Kris out of the corner of his eye. Bobbee was fuming and even more determined to fuck Justin just to spite JC. She glared at Kris once more before heading to gather her things, but stopped at the reception desk to get her own room to store her luggage so JC wouldn't suspect anything.



Promptly at 6:59 p.m., she knocked on Justin's door, thankful that he was on a different floor than JC. Finally, he opened the door and she walked in. He was sloppily dressed in loose sweat pants and a sweaty white beater and she wasn't impressed. He gave her the once over and moved to kiss her heatedly. She kissed him back even though she could taste the burrito he must have had for dinner and forced herself to remember what she wanted. Her hands grasped his hips and she pressed herself tightly against him. He hands cupped her face much like JC would do and she broke their kiss.


"What?" he asked a little confused.


"Don't cup my face. HE does that and I don't want it like he gives it. I want you to fuck me, Justy. Fuck me hard."


He got the picture and started to strip her of her clothes. Nothing stopped him in his quest to get laid that night and Bobbee seemed to be on the same page. Together they undressed and their clothes mingled on the floor while their tongues searched their partner's body. Without warning, he threw her onto the bed and pounced on her. She giggled at his child-like antics and quickly brought his lips back to meet hers. Their tongues battled for several minutes before he started trailing gentle bites down her neck and across her collarbone. She guided his head lower, but he won't go past her breasts and she wanted more.


"Justy, taste me."




"Justy," she begged, but he won't comply.


His teeth held her left nipple while his fingers pinched her right and his hips moved into position. Without warning or even a slight check to make sure she was ready for him, Justin slammed into her and she gasped in surprise. She could see his body moving, but there didn't seem to be much action inside her. He positioned himself on his forearms, much like most men do when they're looking to deepen their thrusts, but she felt very little difference. Her body was not getting the attention she desired and Justin had removed his mouth from her skin, so none of her was even being teased. A few short minutes later, she did feel something, but it wasn't exactly what she wanted. She felt his cum shoot inside her and coat her unreacting walls. He grunted from his position atop her before collapsing onto her chest. She grunted in disbelief before trying to move him off her, but he was dead asleep and was dead weight.


"Just great. Can't even shower or brush your teeth. This can't get any worse," she sighed, but spoke to soon. As soon as the words left her mouth, she heard him fart and sigh in his sleep. "Oh, even better."




The next morning, she left while Justin was in the shower and headed to JC's room, completely forgetting her lie about having to go home to do research. Without knocking, she used the key she'd kept from the day before and entered the room. Nothing seemed out of place as she surveyed the bed, covers strewn every which way and the pillows all over, but it was the noises she heard from the bathroom that caught her attention. She opened the door to the steamy room and moved to whip the curtain back. There in all their naked glory was JC and Kris, with him down on his knees. His tongue visibly teased Kris' center as the hot water rolled down their bodies, both oblivious to Bobbee's presence.


"What the FUCK is going on here?" Bobbee demanded and startled the other two.


JC turned to look at her, eyes full of hate and demise and spoke, "What you can fuck around on me and I'm supposed to take it?"




"Justin is like my brother. I knew EXACTLY what was going down last night and quite frankly, I'm glad it happened because now I don't have to deal with you. Bye."




"Sorry, Bobbee. You're loss and my gain. Guess you don't know when to hang on to a good thing," Kris smirked down at JC, who was still on his knees.


Bobbee watched for a few seconds longer as JC went back to his feast before huffing loudly and slamming the door as she left.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!