
By:  Kristie


"Baby, you ever wanna try some thing new?" Joey asked as he cuddled his girlfriend.


"Like what?"


"Like....oh, I don't know.....bondage?"


"What?" Susan asked. "We've done that before."


"I know....but I have another bondage fantasy....It's more intense."


"Really? How so?"


"Well....I'd rather SHOW you if you don't mind."


"I don't mind, but we JUST finished," Susan pointed out. "And I have to work tomorrow."


"I know....I need some time to set it all up, too. Are you open to anything?"


"Just about anything. I don't want to be decapitated or anything severe like that."


"OK. I wasn't planning to go that far anyway. I want it to be fun and comfortable for both of us. Erotic, too," Joey informed then yawned as they settled further into the warm confines of their large bed. "Good night, baby."


It had been a long day and Susan was ready to just relax. She entered the loft she shared with her boyfriend and slipped her shoes off before releasing her hair from its bun. She rolled her neck, releasing some tension, and sighed. Quickly she was grabbed from behind and a hand covered her eyes so she couldn't see. She tried to fight her captor, but he was much too big for her. She felt herself being tossed on the bed and forced her eyes open, catching a glimpse of her captor's red t-shirt before a blindfold was tied around her head.


"Let me go! My boyfriend will be home soon and he'll kill you if you hurt me!"


"Oh really?" Joey asked with a chuckle. "I'd kill myself?"


"Joe? What are you doing? Why am I restrained?"


"It's part of the game, baby. Just relax."


Knowing it was Joey who was holding her captive, she did relax a little. This new dimension of their sexual game was making her crazy with desire. She felt him straddle her body as her hands were being handcuffed to the headboard. She couldn't help but pull against them, somewhat hoping to free herself, but to no avail. She grunted in frustration and heard Joey chuckle. His chuckle was echoed by another deeper one. Quickly she froze and demanded to know who else was in the room.


"No one baby," Joey stated.


"Bull SHIT!! I heard him chuckle. Who the FUCK is it!?" she demanded then whimpered loudly as a hungry mouth settled over her covered chest. "Mmmm...."


"You like that, baby?"


"Yes, Joe....Mmm...."


The mouth was removed from her body and her button down shirt was quickly ripped open before the mouth closed around her perked nipple. She moaned loudly and arched her back, bringing her chest closer. Strong hands were bunching her skirt up around her hips and she begged for more intimate caresses. She felt Joey shift on the bed and ease her thighs apart with both his hands just as a third one settled on her free breast. She stiffened and tried to sit up, breaking the suction the mouth had on her nipple.


"What is going on? I demand to know!"


"You demand, huh?" Joey taunted and bit the inside of her left thigh. "Let's head back downstairs and we'll see what you demand."


The handcuffs were released and she felt herself being thrown over someone's shoulder. She tried to get her hands up to her blindfold, but another pair prevented her. She kicked in protest and tried to swing at her captors, but they dodged her blows. She was taken down the stairs and around to the bay window in their library before finally being placed back on her feet. She tried once again to free her sight, but the men were too quick for her. She could hear metal chains clanging above her, but couldn't place them in her mind's eye. Her arms were raised above her head and apart before they were secured in handcuffs. She groaned and pulled against them, receiving a good, hard swat on her firm ass cheek.


"Stop that!" Joey warned in an alarming growl at her ear. "You'll pull the entire staircase down on your pretty lil' head, baby. Just relax."


"Who else is here?"


"Nuh-uh....not yet....just enjoy it first."


The room fell silent except for the heavy breathing of the three people within it. Susan's body trembled in anticipation and her nipples were hard from the air condition duct that was just below her. After a long minute of stillness, she felt strong hands delicately unzip her skirt then trail it down over her legs. Obediently, she stepped out of the material as well as her heels, the chain-linked restraints pulling her arms a little more. The remainder of her shirt was ripped from her body then her panties were snatched, the threads breaking over her hips as she gasped in surprise.


"What are you gonna do to me?" she asked, her voice shaking a little both in fear and anticipation.


"You'll see."


Without warning, two sets of hungry lips converged on her body. Hands seemed to be everywhere on her skin and she couldn't help but moan in pleasure. Fingers teased and probed her intimate passages while a tantalizing tongue slipped across her breasts. The second tongue came out to play on her lower back and she gasped as it slipped down the valley between her cheeks. She'd never experienced this before and it was strangely enticing. She moaned loudly and shifted her legs a little further apart, hoping one of them would touch her where she needed it the most. Both men must have been on their knees as they lapped at various spots on her body because neither of them came closer to her mouth. She held in a small scream as her left nipple was bitten then felt her knees buckle when her puckered entrance was tongued. Strong hands settled on her ass cheeks and eased them apart slightly before the intimate licking continued. It thrilled her in a new way and she didn't know how to keep within herself, her senses were flying apart.


"Oooohhhhh!!" she moaned loudly and couldn't stop the first release of the evening, her body being overwhelmed with tongues on her breasts and ass.


"That's my baby," Joey cooed up at her from her chest as she shivered and shook. "You like that?"


"Mmmm..." she nodded and tried to get herself closer to him.


He chuckled and stood before her, removing his clothes before coming in contact with her body. She pressed herself tight against him and he kissed her hungrily, raising her left thigh over his hips. A warm body pressed against her back for balance and she moaned into Joey's mouth as the third set of lips closed over her sensitive neck spot. Joey lifted her right leg and slowly entered her, her weight resting on him and his counterpart. Susan moaned loudly in pleasure and leaned back. She softly began to bounce on Joey, but he wasn't liking that. Quickly he grabbed her hips and slammed her down hard, straining her arms. She cried out in mild pain, but didn't make him stop. She had never experienced this before either and wasn't about to stop until she was exhausted. Her body felt exhilarated and she stated her pleasure loudly. Abruptly, Joey stopped their movements and she felt fingers slide inside of her at the base of his cock. She questioned this action, but no answer was given until those slick fingers were jammed in her puckered opening. She screamed out in mild pain, but that didn't stop her partners. Joey slammed her body over and over and she couldn't do a damn thing about it. Her arms ached from lack of blood as she used them to raise herself off her boyfriend then allowed him to pull her back down onto him hard.


"You like that, baby?" Joey asked as he buried his cock deep inside her. "You want more in your ass?"




"OK, baby. Whatever you want."


What she wanted was to cum and his body was hurriedly bringing her to that point. The added pleasure of a third person hadn't escaped her either and she tilted her head back to meet the lips of her new lover. His mouth was hot and delicious as their tongues battled. She couldn't get enough. She felt like she was drunk on pleasure as Joey's tongue licked up her neck. She felt an arm encircle her body and fingers pinch her left nipple. She couldn't hold out any longer. She gasped then screamed as pleasure over took her body, her walls clamping down on Joey's cock. She heard him cry out as his hot, sticky semen coated her insides and the penetrating fingers slowly came to a halt before the warmth behind her moved away. She panted in her position and Joey's chest heaved against hers for several moments before he removed himself from her.


"Now, baby," Joey panted as he looked his naked woman over where she hung from the ceiling by her arms. "Our guest has had no fun of his own and he's hard, baby. You think you could help him out?"


"Mmmm....I think so. Bring it on."


She heard them chuckle before she felt herself being released. She couldn't support herself on her weakened legs and was very thankful for the strong arms that caught her before she hit the ground. Warm hands moved to cover her breasts once she was steady on her feet and she moaned. She wiggled back into the naked flesh behind her and dropped her head back on the broad shoulder. His mouth was on her neck and he kept cupping her breasts, squeezing them temptingly. She was wet and hot in anticipation and wonder of who this man was. She raised her hands to remove the blindfold, but Joey swatted her ass hard.


"Leave it on."


She nodded and turned to face her new lover. Her mouth searched for his until his tender, full bottom lip was between hers. She sucked on it and temptingly teased the inside with her tongue before he growled and bit her. She moaned and rubbed her body against him, his hands grasping her ass.


"Blow him," was the cold demand from Joey's voice in the corner.


Her current lover moved back from her and fell on the window seat, his hands pushing her down onto her knees. She ran her hands up the strong thighs before her and finally reached the aching, throbbing, thick cock that strutted up from his lap. Just the mere size of it in her hands made her pant and her crotch ache to have it inside her. She took a moment to just stroke up and down the hard length then focused her caresses on the tender, velvety tip. She heard a deep, throaty growl escape his lips and she jumped in recognition.


LANCE!! Joey had brought Lance home for her! God, she loved him at this moment! He'd given her exactly the experience she'd been dreaming about. Sharing these two gorgeous men had been a long time fantasy of hers, but she'd never voiced it to him. The only person she'd EVER told was Kris, JC's girlfriend, and only because the two women had both admitted to fantasizing about the bass singer when masturbating. Neither of them had allowed their obsessions with Lance and his huge girth to affect their sex life with their boyfriends. Lance was a side conquest they both desired.


And now she had him. He was there in front of her....puddy in her hands. She giggled and dipped her head down to flick her tongue across his leaking tip. Her actions were rewarded by another growl and his hands in her hair, urging her to take more of him in. She complied and eased as much of him into her mouth and throat as she could before she began to suck him off hard. She wanted him to remember how good it had felt and how agonizingly relentless her mouth had been when she blew his mind. He was guiding her head up and down his shaft faster and faster while lifting his hips. She forced herself to relax so she wouldn't gag and cupped his heavy sacs in her hands, rolling them roughly.


"Oohhhh!!" he cried before abruptly stopping himself from spilling down her throat.


His hands were snarled in her hair as he dragged her face up to his. His mouth savagely captured hers and his tongue nearly choked her with its intensity. His hands, now free of her hair, were positioning her above his cock and she heard Joey grunting approvingly in the corner, knowing he was stroking his own cock hard and fast. Susan wrapped her arms around Lance's shoulders then settled down onto his lap a little more, his cock in perfect position. She knew he was bigger and longer than Joey and, at times, Joey's size hurt her so she steeled herself for the unbelievable pain she was about to ensue on herself.


"Fuck me, Susan," Lance growled just before he sunk his teeth into her breast.


She cried out from the mild pain then slammed herself down on his huge girth. Liquid heat rushed through her veins as his cock plunged into her depth. Her pussy felt like it had just been ripped open by a hot knife, but she couldn't deny how full she felt. She moaned again and rocked herself back slightly, hitting her spot. Both remained still for a long moment before Joey demanded that they move, his excitement clear in his voice. Up and down she slid on Lance, each time coming down harder than the last, his cock going deeper than the last penetration. She was sure he was about to rip her in two when her head was yanked back by her hair.


"Get off him," Joey snarled and roughly pulled his woman off his best friend, nearly throwing her on the floor. "You lil' slut. You're gonna get just what you deserve. Up on your knees, bitch!"


Frightened by his anger, Susan quickly pushed herself up onto her knees and waited for further instructions, knowing that his side of Joey was fun, fucking fantastic, but HAD to be obeyed.


"Get behind her buddy and fuck the living daylights out of that pussy," Joey growled at his friend, who didn't hesitate to slam back inside Susan.


She groaned and lurched in pleasure and pain. Her mouth fell open as Lance continued to pound her body and Joey forced his own cock deep into her mouth. She gagged slightly but didn't pull away as Joey's fingers snarled in her hair. She sucked with all her might, just the way he liked it, and couldn't help but moan when Lance's pace quickened, the sensitive base of his cock sliding across her spot repeatedly. She couldn't keep it up, it was too overwhelming. She pulled on Joey's hips until his legs collapsed and he laid in front of her. She immediately took him back within her and used one of her small hands to roll his balls.


"Shit, baby!! You suck like a Hoover," he grunted as his hips thrusted up and she kept going.


"I...I'm there......" Lance groaned behind her.


She was nearly numb with pleasure and silently thanked a high power that Lance was ready to explode. She ached for release but had been waiting for him. With another growling grunt, four more hard strokes and a flesh tearing bite on her left shoulder, he came and his cum seemed to fill her beyond maximum capacity. She moaned as her own climax hit and quickly swallowed the load Joey's cock was shooting down her throat. She moaned and sucked him until he was limp then allowed him to slip from her lips. She panted and rested her head on his thigh as Lance pulled out. She was too exhausted to move and fell silent as she tried to contain her senses again. She felt Lance standing above her then a tender kiss on her temple.


"Thanks, guys," he whispered before roughly nipping both of Susan's nipples.


"Mmm....bye, Lance," she sighed and crawled up Joey's panting body, his arms encircling her. "Baby....that was SLAMMIN'."


"Glad you liked it," he chuckled and removed her blindfold. "Was it all that you fantasized?"


"I...How did you know?"


"You talk in your sleep, baby."


Both chuckled as they heard the front door close.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!