Good Morning

By:  Kristie


Keli slept peacefully until she felt someone's eyes on her. She rolled over onto her side, facing those gorgeous blue eyes and slowly opened her own big brown eyes. She smiled immediately at her boyfriend and he moved to kiss her lips sweetly. She tried to greet him verbally, but his mouth covered hers and she couldn't speak. Swiftly he rolled her onto her back and settled down gently, making sure not to crush her with his weight. They had been together for just under a year and they shared his house when he wasn't on tour. Today was one of the days he had off and he wanted nothing more than to stay in bed with the woman of his dreams come true. She caressed his shoulders then down his back and finally her hands landed on his naked bottom. She smiled against his lips, realizing what he wanted, and playfully swatted his skin. He jumped then grinned down at her, melting her heart with his sexiness. Quickly he pulled her nightgown over her head and then slid his large hands down the smooth surface of her arms before cupping her face. His lips worked down her jaw and across her neck, making a zig zag pattern, driving her nuts. She panted his name and he continued lower, pulling her panties off. His hands cupped her breasts as he opened her legs with his chest then dipped his tongue deep inside her readiness. She squirmed momentarily then settled into the rhythm of his mouth, rocking her hips to increase the pleasure. His nimble fingers pulled at her nipples and his tongue circled her clit causing her to call his name loudly. The urgency in her voice told him she was close and he plummeted his tongue inside her as deep as possible. Seconds later, her walls constricted and her juices covered his lips. Rarely did he indulge her in that kind of pleasure, usually he was more focused on getting himself off or them off together. This rarity sparked her interest again and she pulled his face back up to hers before rolling him beneath her. His penis was begging for attention and she happily obliged, slipping his head into her still trembling slit. She steadied herself with her hands on his chest and slid down his shaft slowly, reveling in the sensation.


"Oh, Baby......" he groaned and raised his hips to meet hers as she repeated the motion.


Both moaned their pleasure as she increased the speed of her slide and he grasped her hips in his strong hands, urging her to move faster. Harder and faster she worked and he told her how good she felt. Swiftly, he rolled them over and slammed into her core as hard as he could.


"JJJJJUUUUUSSSSTTTTTIIIIIINNNNNN!!!!" she screamed as she came.


He grunted and continued pounding her body as the bed began to squeak. Hard and fast he moved with precision and within minutes, she was on the verge again. Wrapping the legs of her 5'7" frame around his slim hips, she met him thrust for thrust and moved her hand to kneed his balls. Together they came monstrously with their lover's name screaming from their hot, dry mouths. His hips slowed and she retreated her nails from his shoulders as they panted with his head resting on her shoulder.


"Good morning," she whispered as her fingers twirled around his curls and his right hand tangled into her long blonde locks.


"Very good morning," he mumbled against her skin, sleep evident in his voice. She chuckled and allowed sleep to claim her eyes.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!