Hey Big Spender

By:  Kristie


K nervously straightened her costume and checked her reflection in the mirror. She'd never dreamed she'd be doing this, but here she was in the dressing room of an LA strip club. She looked around at some of the other girls and was surprised at some of the things she saw. A platinum blonde seemed to be fingering a chocolate skinned woman as she pressed her against the wall and their tongues battled visibly.


"Cocoa, you're up," the large bouncer announced, but not before taking in the sight of scantily dressed women parading around the room.


"Mmm....gotta go, baby. Thanks for gettin' me ready," Cocoa said to her blonde friend and turned to grab her over coat before speaking again, "I'll be back to lick that wet kitty cat before your turn."


"You'd better be," the blonde answered and K tried to focus on the routine she'd developed, but was interrupted. "Tonight your first time, sweetie?"




"Well, don't worry. With breasts like these," she stated and cupped K's generous cleavage, stroking them slightly, "you should have no problem makin' at least $300 tonight. You could come home with Cocoa and I for a little fun if you'd like."


The blonde's hands moved down K's sides and then began stroking up and down her tanned, firm thighs. It wasn't doing much for K's desire, being the man only kinda girl she was, but K didn't want to seem mean. Politely she stood and stepped away from the blonde, pretending to look for something in her bag.


"Girl, your ass is just...scrumptious....mmmmm....lemme lick it."


"I...um...I need to just collect my thoughts since I'm next," K stuttered and moved away.


"Awe....don't run away, pussy cat...I know how to stroke it good and get your mind in the right place for dancin'....movin' sensuously....Lemme just look at this costume of yours, darlin'."


The blonde's blue eyes danced across K's fit figure dressed in a tight black corset top, shiny black leather skirt that just covered her ass, knee-high shiny go-go boots with a tall, thin heel, and a matching black leather cap. Her hair was done to kind of hide her sparkling green eyes and her lips were painted a deep shade of red.


"Please tell me you have a little, itsy bitsy g-string on under there," the blonde stated and moved to press K to the wall, her hands swinging around to cup K's ass. "Ooohh...firm cheeks...mmmm...all the better to spank."


"Look, I'm sorry to offend you, but I'm just not into the chick on chick thing. It's not for me. I need a big piece of meat to fill me up," K stated bravely, even though her chest was heaving.


"It's all good, Boo...we got dildos and vibrators galore at our crib...we even role play...Cocoa would get a HUGE kick out of you spankin' her in this little get-up here."


"I'm sure it's all good with you...um...I'm sorry, what's your name?"


"Diamond....like a girl's best friend."


"Diamond, like I said, I'm sure you do it well...I'm just not into it. I'm flattered, but not interested. Thank you."


"D, get up off the girl. DAMN! We don't even know if she can move yet and you're already all over her shit. Besides, we need to see if the kitty cat is shaved or trimmed all nice," Cocoa stated as she joined her girlfriend in pressing K against the wall. "We don't even know her name."


"Kisses...you're up."


"That's me. Again, I'm flattered but politely not interested. You two have fun," K stated before hurrying out of the room. "I can't believe I'm doing this."


"Take a deep breath and remember to work the crowd," the bouncer advised before turning to his mic. "Makin' her first appearance here tonight at the Deep Pleasure, please welcome the luscious and delicious.....Kisses."


There was a huge round of applause when the lights went out and K made her way to the stage, shaking only slightly. She snuggled back against the pole with her ass and bent down slightly, her hands on the back of her calves. ‘Hey Big Spender' sounded throughout the strip club and she moved sensuously around the pole. Men hooped and hollered from all around her, trying to get her attention as she slowly busted open the buttons on her corset. She swatted down, her legs wide open, and allowed one of the more drunkened male patrons to slip a $10 in her left boot. He growled playfully at her and attempted to slid his hand up her leg. Quickly she cracked her little hand whip near his flesh and he laughed heartily as he fell back into his seat. She worked her way though strippin' off her clothes, getting more into the sexy moves she'd practiced until she was finally only in her very thin, very sheer g-string. She fell down onto her knees and shook her breasts as she leaned back then mocked riding the stage for several beats of the song. She crawled on the stage down to the end where a small bachelor party was positioned and allowed the young men to tuck $10s and $20s under the strap of her delicate material. The groom to be was moved to the front of the stage and sat in the chair strategically positioned at her crotch level. She teasingly wrapped her legs around his neck and thrusted up into his face several times before he got too hands on and she cracked her whip again. He grinned and playfully nipped her flesh as she was pulling away. With a sensual, playful grin, she stood back up on her heels and turned her ass to face him. She did a sexy ass shake as the song was drawing to a close then bent down. Her hands clasped around one of her ankles and she slowly trailed her hands up her toned legs, then swatted her own ass as her eyes locked on a pair that seemed to pierce the darkness from way in the back of the club. Her mind was snapped back to the task at hand when the groom to be swiftly tucked a $50 inside the narrow crotch of her g-string. The song ended and the lights went off. Quickly she gathered her clothes and headed backstage, squirming a little from the position of the $50.


"Give it up for Kisses," the bouncer's voice boomed but K was too high from the experience to even notice the roar from the men.


"Good Lord, girl. Are you sure this was your first time?" Cocoa asked as she slung her arm around K's shoulders.


"First and last, thank you."


"Girl, with skills like that you SHOULD make this your career. Damn! How much did you make?" Diamond asked as K slipped a baby tee on and started to pull money out from what seemed like everywhere.


"Um...lemme see.....uh....looks like $750...damn! Hehe."


"And that was only ONE set. Usually we do at least three a night. Hell that'd be like 2,150 bucks in just a couple of hours. DAYUM!" Cocoa was drooling as she spoke.


"Awe, well....this was...hehe..kinda a dare," K informed as the bouncer stuck his head in.


"Kisses, your presence has been requested in the Green Room. Big money."


"What's the green room?" K asked as she slipped her skirt back on.


"It's the horniest room. Anything goes there, but there is security outside it in case things progress to where you don't want it to. Only heavy hitters go in there, usually at least 3-5 grand," Diamond informed as she touched up her make-up.


"Maybe it's the eyes from the back booth. He was checkin' your shit out like it was on clearance," Cocoa informed before swatting K on the ass. "Go for it, girl. Go get your pussy munched."


K tucked her money inside her right boot and headed down the hall where she was informed the Green Room was located. She gathered her courage and licked her lips before pushing the heavy door open. Quickly strong arms were around her and she was pinned against the wall, a thick, but covered hard-on pressed into her thigh.


"Baby, that was just....unbelievable."


"Really? Glad you liked it. Now I'm not sure how this is supposed to go down in here, but I'm up-front about these kinda things. What exactly are you lookin' for, Handsome?" K asked in the nearly pitch black room.


"Mmmm...I'm lookin' for the fuck of my life....and maybe some head....think you can handle it, Kisses?"


"How much?"


"Oh....$5,000...that OK, baby?"


K giggled and pushed him back into the chair her eyes had been able to make out. She quickly straddled his lap and rocked across his hard-on as she leaned down to smooch his lips. His mouth tasted like peppermint and she wrestled his tongue with hers, occasionally sucking on it. She felt his hand enter her tight shirt and soon his fingers were rolling her nipples. She moaned into his mouth and worked her hips harder, eliciting deep groans from his mouth. She sat up and giggled at his obvious pleasure, bearing down on him even more.


"Damn it, woman. You are askin' for it ALL."


She didn't reply verbally, but leaned over and bit his nipple through his button down shirt. He growled and pushed her back, landing on top of her as they hit the floor.




"You OK, Kisses?" his voice was so gentle and loving, his large hands moving to cup her face.


"Yes, now aren't you going to fuck me, Handsome?"


He laughed and hurriedly removed his clothes before stripping her of her shirt, skirt, and then snapped her g-string. The vision of her legs wrapped around his hips dressed only in those knee-high boots was nearly too much of him as he positioned himself at her entrance. Slowly he inched deep inside her, taking his time and making her nearly beg. His face hovered just above hers as he descended into her tight body and he couldn't resist whispering loving words into her ear. He heard her moan and arch her neck just as he brushed over her spot. He chuckled and moved against it, the friction sending electricity surging through her veins. Her head thrashed from side to side as he moved in and out of her.


K was in Heaven, mild orgasms hitting regularly just from his long pelvis strokes. She couldn't resist calling out and draped her thighs over the back of his, pulling him deeper with each thrust. Her body was covered in a thin layer of sweat and she could feel more dripping off his lean body. The lone blue light in the corner of the room didn't give off much light, but she could still make out the gorgeous features of his face as he strained to get deeper inside her.


"I'm cumin', Kisses....mmmm....ooh....squeeze me tighter," he moaned out and she felt herself give way as he coated her with this semen.


"Mmmm.....that felt good," she hummed as they panted in the tangled heap of flesh for several moments before she felt another wave of lust wash over her.


Quickly she rolled them over and began to slowly move up and down on his hardening dick. He groaned loudly as she squeezed her walls around him and he sprang to life. She giggled and dipped down onto him completely, her head falling back in fulfillment. They moved together and she vocalized her pleasure once more. Finally she got him to sit up and she wrapped her arms and legs around him, moving faster.


"Mmmm....God, K, this feels so good.....mmmmm...."


"Hehe..I can't believe I did that....oh, baby....mmmm...."


She arched back and gripped his shoulders as his mouth captured one of her bouncing nipples. He suckled her aggressively and she moved harder on him. She couldn't hold on any longer and cried out as she came.


"Oh, K couldn't hold out," he chuckled and moved her off of him. "On your knees, stripper."


She squealed and moved into position, her ass receiving a playful swat. Quickly he was completely inside her again and his strokes were short but hard. He heard her moan out, only making him go faster and harder, and soon she was ready to explode again. The tip of his erection pounded into her spot for several seconds before he emptied inside her collapsing walls. They fell onto the floor both panting.


"Ugh," he groaned when he rolled off of her and onto his back.


"Baby, that was just....SO good...I can't believe I actually went though with it."


"I know. You looked so HOTT up there shakin' your ass. Made me so hard to see those men wantin' and achin' for MY woman. I can't believe we got away with it," he chuckled and moved to hold her close. "How much did you make?"


"750 plus your 5,000. Not to shabby I must say."


"Well, not too bad for a roleplayin' dare. You wanna go for a bonus?"


"What kinda bonus, Handsome?" she giggled as he moved down her body, his face stopping at thigh level.


"God, do you know what these boots do to me?"


"I think you need to refresh my memory, Joey."


He chuckled and moved back up to her mouth, connecting their lips in a deep kiss that started their need once more.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!