
By:  Kristie


The tea kettle whistled, drawing Kelly's attention from her book. She headed to the kitchen to see her still sleepy boyfriend making himself a cup of hot tea. She watched as he bobbed the tea bag in the steamy water before adding the desired amount of honey then squeezing in some lemon juice. She smiled at his actions, taking in his bed head and low slung lounge pants. His bare chest rose as he yawned and she couldn't help moving to hug him from the back.


"Morning," JC mumbled and kissed her fingers, loving how her 5'2" frame fit against his taller one.


"Mmm...," she hummed and kissed his shoulder blade. "Baby, it's 1:30 p.m. Good afternoon."


"Well, good afternoon then Shorty."


They stood that way for a long time as he sipped his tea, content with the silence. Her lips met his skin again and she covered his upper back with kisses before untying the draw strings of his pants and easing them and his boxer-briefs over his slim hips. He shivered as she ran her nails up the back of his legs once he'd stepped out of the material. He turned to face her, enjoying the uncharacteristic boldness of his girl.


"Now that I'm naked, what are you gonna do?" his voice was soft and seductive as he wore a sexy grin.


She was silent as she guided him to the table then pushed him to lay on the smooth surface, but hid a surprise behind her back. The prowess she was showing drove him crazy with lust. She straddled his naked hips on the table and worked soft nibbles across his collarbone before biting each nipple playfully. He kissed her forehead and pulled her beautiful pouty lips to his, tucking pieces of her shoulder length blonde hair behind her ears. While their tongues were dueling, JC pulled her baby tee off and unbuttoned her shorts before sliding them down her legs. She kicked them off then sat up, feeling his hard-on against her still covered center. He bucked his hips up, trying to feel more of her.


"Not yet."


"Baby," he nearly whined and held her hips.


She smirked and drizzled some sticky honey across his chest then bent to lick it off. He moaned when her tongue circled his nipple. She applied more honey lower on his stomach, quickly cleaning it up before settling on her target. Drizzling a more than generous amount of the thick, sticky substance on his large penis, she smiled up at him then shoved a large lemon wedge into his mouth before lowering her mouth to kiss his tip. Her name left his lips muffled and he bit hard on the sour fruit as she raked her teeth up and down his shaft, occasionally adding long licks. He snarled his fingers in her hair holding her head still as he thrusted his hips. She sucked until her jaw hurt and he emptied down her throat with an animalistic cry.


"Well, you look more awake," Kelly teased as she kissed his neck with her sticky lips and he panted once the wedge was discarded.




In one swift, graceful motion, he placed her body in his spot and took over kissing her young, soft body. He took his time kissing and caressing her entire body with his tongue before using the honey on her now naked pussy. Her natural sweetness was only enhanced by the honey and she pressed his greedy mouth closer as she bucked her hips. He led her to the edge of bliss with his mouth then claimed her body with his pushing her over into bliss.


"JJJJJJJJJJCCCCCCCCC!!!!" she screamed as she came.


Neither spoke more than grunts and moans as he penetrated deep inside her. Their sticky bodies moved as one and soon they came together. He hovered over her on his elbows, kissing her jaw as they caught their breath. They exchanged loving words and a long kiss before he climbed off her and pulled her to her feet.


"I need a shower," she stated.


"No, WE need a shower," JC corrected before leading her to their bedroom.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!