I Bring You Love

By:  Kristie


Holly looked at her close friend and smiled, "I'll be fine. You go ski and I'm gonna read this book."


"Are you sure? I hate that you're hurt."


"It's fine," the younger woman with black hair that fell onto her mid-back answered with her blue eyes sparkling.


"OK. I'll be back by 2 p.m."


"OK, but if you meet a hot guy, I expect you to let him buy you a hot chocolate to warm up."


"Whatever," Kris rolled her eyes playfully before heading to the slopes.


Holly sat and read quietly for about an hour. Her ankle still hurt a little, but the pain wasn't much and she kept it propped up. Her ever present smile faded as she looked around her family's cabin and saw all the pictures. Many were of close family friends, like Kris' family, but most were of her and her parents. I wish they were here she thought as she shifted on the couch. But becoming the French ambassador is really important to Dad, so I have to understand that they need to be in Washington right now meeting with President Clinton and President-elect Bush. She loved her parents and all that they had given her, but lately all she REALLY wanted was a little attention just to remind her that they truly loved her. She didn't think it was selfish, but still she felt bad for even thinking such thoughts. Her thoughts were interrupted when the front door opened and two young men entered, quickly brushing the snow from their clothes.


"Finally, I thought we'd never get here," the blonde sighed as he bent to untie his boots.


"I know, that drive took forever," the other answered and surveyed the large living room finally noticing two eyes watching them with curiosity. "Hi."


"Hello. I don't mean to be rude, but who are you and why are you in my cabin?" Holly asked still seated on the couch.


"Well, our manager made arrangements for us to use this cabin. It's his friend Tom's. I don't mean to be rude, but who are you?" the blonde asked as he stepped closer to her once his coat was hung on the nail.


"Tom is my father. I'm Holly, but no one told me to expect company."


"I'm Lance and that's JC. We are just lookin' to get away from everything," he explained as his enchanting eyes danced with the fire from the fireplace. "It's nice to meet you. Johnny said Tom had a daughter, but he didn't say you were so beautiful."


"Oh," she blushed and both were silent for almost a minute before JC spoke.


"Maybe we should get another cabin."


"No, that's not necessary. There's plenty of room. Kris and I'll just bunk in one room and you guys can have the other room. It has two single beds and we'll just make due."


"Kris? Who's that, your boyfriend?" Lance asked, hoping she was single.


"No, Kris is my close friend. She's skiing right now, but I'm stuck here because I twisted my stupid ankle yesterday and it's still tender. She'll be back in another hour or so."


"OK, well which room is ours? I want to put some of my stuff away," JC yawned and Holly pointed to the door on the left of the room.


"That one, but Kris' suitcase is in there. Would you move it to our room? She won't mind and I know she hasn't unpacked much. We headed to the slopes first when we got here yesterday and she was so tired last night that she went straight to bed after dinner," she smiled.


"OK, I'll be back in a few minutes," Lance said and the guys headed to unpack a little after JC moved Kris' suitcase to the other bedroom.


Holly returned to her book, but her mind wondered over the men in the next room. They looked so familiar, but she couldn't quite place how she knew them. She was lost deep in thought until she felt the couch sink a little near her propped up foot. Her eyes met his sparkling green ones and she couldn't help but smile. "All settled in?"


"Pretty much. JC is taking a nap. He's drained from being with family for almost a week. It's like your body goes into a kind of shock, because these people know everything about you from little on up," Lance chuckled as he got comfortable on the warm leather couch. "Nice fire."


"Thanks. It could be shuffled a little more and another log added, if you're up for it."


"Sure, no problem. So, tell me about yourself."


"Well, I'm a Senior in H.S. who's already been excepted at UC-Berkeley. I've been brought up with wealth and privileges, but find most of the kids in my school are so snobbish that I look for friends in other aspects of my life. I love to ski, well, I did," she laughed and he smiled. "Can I ask you something? And please don't think I'm stupid."


"OK, ask away."


"Why do you and JC look so familiar?"


"We're 2 fifths of NSYNC," he smiled as the recognition set in on her face.


"Oh, yeah. Well, Kris and I are fans, but never like try stalking you or anything. We just enjoy your music and your stage show is spectacular. What made you decide to come up here?"


"We wanted to get away from all the fans and relax. We both love the outdoors and our families understood. Joey and Chris were heading to Jamaica with their girlfriends and Justin is with Brit somewhere. Why are you here?"


"My parents have owned this cabin for years and we all come up here a lot during the skiing season. Every Christmas that I can remember we've spent up here and most of the time Kris' family comes up for a week or so, too. This year, I went to Washington and we celebrated with the first family."


"Really? How cool," Lance said.


"Yeah, I guess. I just wish they had a little more time for me. Gee, Holly, don't sound selfish or anything," she laughed at herself.


"Why don't they have enough time for you?"


"My Dad is bidding for the French Ambassador seat that is opening up and they have split all their time between DC and Paris. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy both places, but just want their attention. They missed my Homecoming, but I have really great friends who try their hardest to make up for it."


"I love friends who know just what you need. That closeness is priceless, but you still need your parents, especially since you'll be leaving for college in a couple of months."


"That's my point," Holly smiled. "The nomination will come in January, so then it'll be quiet for a little while as they prepare for departure."


"Will you go with them?"


"No, Kris is going to stay with me and act as my guardian at lightem. She's 24 and just finished her masters. I think you'll like her."


As if cued, the door opened and Kris entered covered in the still falling snow. She was singing softly and began taking off her outer wear. She started babbling at Holly about some idiot on the slope that nearly took her out before she looked up and saw the handsome blonde at Holly's side. "Hi! Who's your friend?"


"I'm Lance and my friend JC is napping."


"Dad told Johnny that they could use the cabin. Apparently, he forgot that we'd be here, too. So I offered them one room and you're bunking with me, chica," Holly explained.


"Cool. Nice to meet you. Anyone want some hot chocolate or coffee?" Kris asked as she started toward the kitchen.


"Yes, please," three voices answered and everyone looked at a sleepy JC, who'd just emerged in lounge pants, slippers, and a loose t-shirt.


"Hi!" Kris greeted as she took in his lean features. Realization washed over her eyes and she smiled wider.


"You must be Kris. Nice to meet you," JC smiled and offered his hand. They shook and both looked the other over thoroughly. "Now, about that coffee...."


"Come help me," she said and pulled him into the kitchen.


"I think they've made a new friend," Lance laughed and Holly agreed. They chatted for a while before JC and Kris returned with coffee for Lance and hot chocolate for Holly. All four joked and laughed for hours before finally realizing that it was near dinner time.


"Should we go get groceries?" JC asked from his place near Kris on the love seat.


"No, Mimi stocked the fridge last night and will be here on Saturday with more. We were planning on having garlic chicken with roasted potatoes. Wanna join us?" Kris offered, not bothering to look at Holly for approval or Lance for acceptance.


"I'd....we'd love to as long as we help cook and clean up."


"We wouldn't have it any other way," Holly said and smiled at the obvious attraction between her friend and the blue-eyed babe. "Shall we get started?"


"You, missy, are going to keep that foot elevated because I'm gonna need a partner on the slopes," the older woman stated as she stood.


"I bet JC would love to be your ski bunny," Lance snickered causing Holly to giggle.


"Excuse me, what was that? You'll do ALL the dishes and THEN snuggle with Holly. Is that what I heard?" Kris teased and JC chuckled before following her to the kitchen.


"She got you," Holly laughed and ruffled his hair.


"She did, but I'd gladly keep you warm."


Holly blushed and they were silent for a while before she struck up the conversation again asking about his family. She learned a lot about him just from the way he loved his family, trusted his friends, and was so appreciative of the musical gift God had granted him. She could tell that the fans were one of the main things that drove him to continue performing even during the roughest portions of his schedule. She loved how is eyes danced when he talked about singing live for on an appreciative audience and the rush it gave him.


They talked about everything it seemed and both were extremely attracted to the other, even though Lance had a few reservations about her only being 17. She was mature for her age and it seemed that wealth and privilege hadn't spoiled her soul at all. She was such a beautiful woman inside and out with a witty mind that didn't seem to be afraid of anything, yet so eager to learn.


"Dinner is served," JC announced as he and Kris returned each with two plates. He handed one of his to Lance as Kris passed her extra to Holly. "I can't believe there isn't a real dining room here."


"We always felt it was more homey because you had to eat in front of the fire and be close to one another. More intimate," Holly's blue eyes sparkled at the different memories flooding her mind.


They chatted easily and learned even more about one another before Lance and Kris did the dishes. Holly got a chance to chat with JC alone and learned that Lance hadn't shut up about how beautiful she was when the guys were unpacking earlier. She blushed a little and giggled when he started asking questions about her friend. She answered of them honestly, but left most of the details for Kris to fill in at her choosing. The other two returned and the four of them sat around the fire listening to soft music, reminiscing about past experiences. After a couple of hours, all were tired and headed to bed, with Lance chivalrously scooping Holly into his strong arms before she could attempt to stand on her sore foot.


"Allow me," he whispered and headed into her room, gently depositing her on the bed she pointed to. "Can I get you anything before I head to bed?"


"No, thank you. I'll see you in the morning."


"I can't wait that long, so I'm sure you'll be invading my sweet dreams."


She blushed and waved good night before he slipped out of the door. Kris entered just after his departure and had a look of utter enjoyment on her face. She watched her friend sigh and hold her fluttering stomach. Holly pried, "Want to tell me what just happened?"


"Huh? Oh, nothing.....except he kissed me," Kris said with an almost dreamy look in her eyes.


"He did?" Holly squealed and bounced on her bed.


"Shh!...Yes and he has the softest lips ever. I nearly came unglued when he sucked my lower lip into his mouth."


"Good for you. I really like Lance, he's so sweet."


"Well, from what JC told me, Lance likes you, too. Maybe we'll both find love," Kris reasoned as she changed into her pajama pants and for fitting tank top. "Need help?"


"No, I got it," Holly answered as she slipped her own pajama pants over her hips and then climbed into her over-sized sweatshirt. "My ankle feels stronger. Maybe I'll try it out a little tomorrow afternoon."


"OK, but be careful. If all else fails, Lance will carry you everywhere."


"Funny. But I won't be complaining. He's so strong, but so gentle."


"OK, Miss Glow-worm, turn down the happiness so we can sleep."


"Night," Holly laughed and pulled the navy and yellow comforter up to her chin as Kris shut off the light.



Holly spent most of the entire week with Lance by her side. After a little weakness, her ankle was fine and they spent some time on the slopes, but also found time to hike and enjoy nature. She found herself completely in love with her new beau, but wasn't sure of his feelings. He'd held her hand frequently and both enjoyed the little kisses they shared every now and then. Now as they headed over a small hill, her mittened hand was locked tightly in his gloved one as they silently took in all of the natural beauty around them. They walked through trees and under the sun filled sky, soon came to a clearing with a blanket laid out in the center. Upon the checkered material was a thermos and an insulated lunch pack. She was so surprised and touched by his planning. Quickly she kissed his chilly lips before they headed to the blanket. As they approached, she noticed two sleeping bags on the edge of the material.


"I didn't know how cold we would get," he answered her silent question.


"I don't think we'll need them because the sun is so warm today," she stated as she slid her outer jacket off, leaving her in a fleece pull-over and long sleeved t-shirt.


They settled close together and he poured her a cup of hot chocolate from the thermos. She accepted it graciously and they talked a little more. Soon the conversation started to get a little dirty starting with her witty ‘bite me' and his playful bit on her shoulder. She couldn't help but be physically attracted to this caring, sensitive man. Not sure exactly who initiated the first kiss, she found herself filling his mouth with her tongue and exploring greedily. Lance took her now empty cup from her hand and she pulled him closer as she settled onto her back, locking lips with him once more. Their kiss was urgent and not quite fulfilling enough. Both wanted more and the moans escaping their lips told their partner that they wanted the same thing. His lips trailed down her cheek and he spent ample time kissing her jawline slowly leading to her ear. She sighed happily as he gently sucked on her tender earlobe and her hands roamed the back of his jacket, eventually working it off. She couldn't believe how much she wanted this man, but it was evident from his hardness brushing her lower stomach that he wanted her too. She arched her back slightly in order to help Lance slide her shirts up her stomach and eventually off her body completely. In the middle of winter, she never guessed she'd be stripping off her close and making love to anyone. She giggled at the thought and Lance looked at her amused _expression.


"What?" he asked as his hands caressed her breasts and his lips moved across her collar bone.


"I never thought I'd do this in the middle of winter," she smiled and he chuckled against her cooling skin. "It's even more arousing to me."


"Really?" he asked and she nodded. "Are you wet for me, baby?"


"Mmmm-hmmm, wanna see?" He nodded and she pushed him up, allowing her room to slide her jeans and panties off. Teasingly, she handed over her navy blue lacy panties. "See."


"I can feel for myself."


"Well, have at it, baby."


Lance pushed her back down and immediately dove into her center licking greedily at her sweetness. She shuddered at the feelings he was evoking from her body and moaned his name. She bucked her hips as he eased two fingers deep into her slit and took her clit between his lips. He swirled the tip of his tongue over her nub and she called his name, covering his fingers with her first orgasm. He licked her until her breath was settling then he stood and stripped. Her eyes widened at his length and a smiled captured her lips. She opened her arms to him and he settled between her awaiting thighs, wanting to feel her warmth envelop him intimately.


"Are you sure, baby?" he asked.


"Yes, I want to feel you deep inside me."


That's all he needed to hear. Slowly he began his penetration and that seemed to drive her nearly insane. She bent her right leg, as her left leg encircled his waist, and lifted her hips to take more of him in. She urged his hips deeper into hers with her hands on his lower back. He obliged and filled her completely before stopping to enjoy her tightness surrounding his size.


"Lance.....please......" she begged and rocked her hips into his.


"OK....OK, baby....." he answered and began a steady fast pace that pleased them both. She worked her hips with his and every time he refilled her, he seemed to plow deeper into her tender being. She knew she's be sore, but didn't care because the feeling of this wonderful man making love to her was too incredible. His pace quickened and she could barely keep up. She was calling his name whenever she could get a good breathe and he was grunting at her ear. His sounds of pleasure grew louder and into a growl that made her stomach flutter. He thrusted harder and deeper, sending her over the edge again as she called his name. Her walls tightened around him and he came before collapsing on her tired body. Both panted in their places before Lance retreated from her center and returned with a sleeping bag. He climbed in and she followed, settling her sweaty head on his warm chest. Their legs intertwined and their hearts beat simultaneously. Holly had never been happier and the smile on Lance's face expressed the same feeling. She closed her eyes and draped her arm over his stomach as the sun shown down on the new lovers.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!