In A New Light

By:  Kristie


Brandi sat chilling in her friend Lance's living room. All the guys were there and they were just hanging out watching TV. The conversation turned to the up coming Grammy Awards Show and everyone was discussing what they were going to wear, but JC looked quite bummed. He said nothing and headed out onto the deck. Being the caring person she is, Brandi followed him out as the other guys and their girlfriends continued talking. She stepped though the sliding glass door and found JC in a lounge chair with his eyes closed.




"Oh, hey Brandi. What's up?" he forced a smile.


"You just looked sad and I thought maybe you'd like to talk. We aren't as tight as Lance and I are, but I'll listen if you want," she offered as she lowered to the foot of his chair sitting Indian style once his legs moved to hang over the sides of the chair.


"Its....well....I don't have a date for the Grammys."


"You, not have a date? Mr. Sophisticated Sheik doesn't have a date?"


He laughed at her sarcasm and his eyes crunched showing his genuine happiness. His smile faded and he told her that Bobbee had called the night before. They had had another monstrous fight and he had finally had enough, telling her to stay at home. He needed something new and less demanding in his life.


Brandi had noticed a less stressful demeanor about JC, but his eyes did look sad. She teased him a little more before he took a huge breath and asked her to accompany him to the awards show.




"Yes. I think we'd have a great time."


"OK, but I'll have to have help picking out an outfit."


"You'll do fine. Thank you, Brandi. You don't know how much this means to me," he beamed and hugged her tight.


In the three years that she'd known the guys, she'd always liked JC, but Bobbee was there and going after a taken man was something she didn't do. This was her shot.


Four weeks later, Brandi stood in the bathroom of her and JC's hotel suite. She was nervous, but looked amazing in the dress that she'd chosen. It hugged all the right places just to remind everyone that she was indeed a girl and the color made her skin appear to glow. Her dark brown hair with natural blonde highlights was swooped up with curls hiding the pins that held it and little whispies hung from the base. Her light make-up only intensified her beauty and her hazel eyes danced with excitement as she opened the door.


"W...." JC was speechless as he took her in from head to toe as she slipped on her low heels.


Blushing slightly, she stood tall at 5'8" and at his urging, did a small circle so he could see the entire dress as Lance entered their room.


"DAMN!" the blonde said. "You look hot!"


"Amazing, beautiful, and Heavenly," JC finally found the words he was looking for to describe his date for the evening. His body voted to stay in and make love to this angelic creature, but the orders of Sexual Chocolate came through the door announcing their departure.


"Are you sure it's appropriate?" Brandi was a little nervous.


"'s.....perfect. May I escort you?" JC asked as he offered his arm.


"I'd be honored."


The guys cleaned up at the awards and then everyone celebrated at the after-parties. JC found himself staring at Brandi time after time. Something about her that night made him want her. He nearly last himself on the dance floor, wanting to bend her over and take her right there in front of everyone, but his self control managed to take over his desire.


"C, I'm ready to head back, are you?" Brandi asked as they danced to ‘My Everything' by 98 Degrees.




They headed back and she noticed how almost uncomfortable he seemed. She smiled as her eyes landed on the bulge he was trying to hide. They hurried into the hotel and then up the elevator.


"Do you mind if I use the bathroom first?"


"No, help yourself," she smiled as he rushed out of the room. Quickly she took her dress off and waited for his return.


"All" JC was floored when he came back into the room. Brandi stood at the foot of his bed naked. "! You're beautiful."


"It's your's if you want it," she purred and kneeled on the bed. JC shook his head to clear his thoughts, but when she crooked her finger asking for his advance toward the bed, he quickly obliged stripping his clothes off as he came. Joining her on his knees, he pulled her close and she hungrily kissed his lips forcing her tongue into her mouth right away.


"Mmm," he hummed at the spearmint flavor of her mouth and his hands roamed her body exploring lovingly. He trailed his kisses down her neck and she tunneled her fingers through his hair, completely enjoying the feel of him touching her. Bending slightly, his mouth worked lower to her breasts as she arched away from him giving him better access. Slowly he lowered her to the bed, resting her head on the soft pillows then cupped her ample cleavage in his hands as his lips danced between them.


Feeling a little brave, Brandi pushed his head further down her body as her legs parted and purred, "Taste me, C. I need to feel your lips on mine."


With a seductive grin on his lips, he settled between her thighs and took in her beauty once more before lowering to kiss the inside of her left then right thigh. He could smell her sweetness and licked his lips in anticipation before draping her left leg over his shoulder and sampling her. His tongue traced her slit before circling her clit and she called his name encouraging his actions. Easing two of his long fingers into her opening, JC sucked wildly on her clit. He chuckled as she raised her hips off the mattress in hopes of offering more of herself to his greedy mouth, but his left hand held her stomach down and her hands grabbed his head, pushing him further between her now trembling thighs.


"C....shit....C....damn....that feels SO GOOD! Baby, don't stop!" she called over and over. She felt his tongue dart into her pussy and she couldn't hold back. Her body came violently and she shook as her eyes rolled. Before she had a chance to come down from this glorious feeling, she felt the head of JC's cock at her entrance and opened her eyes. He smiled down at her and she nodded, feeling his thick slide expand her tight walls.


"Damn, Brandi. You're so tight."


"You like it and you know it, so stop complaining," she teased as he finally was all the way in.


"That I do."


Together they set a slow pace that satisfied them for the time being. His lips danced across her shoulder and he whispered delicate compliments that sent goose bumps all over her body. Their pace increased and both were near frantic to meet their peaks, but to her surprise, just when she couldn't take anymore, JC slowed his rhythm and their build-up began again. After four cycles of this, Brandi had had enough. She raked her nails down his back and when he jumped in surprise, she rolled him onto his back quickly increasing the tempo of their bodies. Greedily, she rode him desperate for her climax and it wasn't until he laughed that she looked down at him.


"What?" she growled as she slammed down onto him again then rocked her hips across his.


"You're beautiful when you're aggressive. Was I not pleasing you?"


"C, you were....but I'm.....gonna explode if we....don't finish this."


He smiled and guided her hips harder onto his, their bodies drenched with sweat. Several more powerful meetings and they met in a wonderful fit of passion as their bodies indeed exploded. His rhythm slowed as she covered his deflating cock with her juices and her head fell back in exhaustion. After a few minutes of panting, her eyes met his. Both wore huge smiles and she snuggled down onto his chest, feeling him slip from within her.


"Damn, girl. Why didn't you tell me that's how you felt?"


"Because you had her and I'm just an ordinary girl. I'm not glamorous or sophisticated."


"You ARE glamorous and so beautiful. I can't believe I never knew that you felt this way. It's like I'm seeing you in such a different light for the first time."


"Well, now you know. What are you gonna do about it?" she asked as she raised her head to look into his gorgeous blue eyes.


"I'm gonna hold you while we sleep, then I'm never gonna let you go."


Brandi smiled and settled back down. She fell asleep to the steady sound of his heartbeat very happy that she'd agreed to accompany him to the awards because now he was hers. Right where he needed to be.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!