In the Sunshine

By:  Kristie


Yvette laughed at her boyfriend Joey as they rode horses through the woods on Lance's property in Mississippi. He was not comfortable on the large animal and had a death grip on the saddle.


"Let's stop for lunch at the top of that little hill," she offered with a smile.


He nodded in agreement with a look of relief on his handsome face. He watched as she halted her horse then gracefully dismounted. He led his horse next to hers then swung his leg over the saddle. Before he could even realize what was happening, he was lying flat on his back. She tried to stiffle her amusement as she rushed to his side.


"God, Joe! Are you OK?"


"I think so," he grimaced as he sat up. She stood and pulled him to his feet.


She guided him over to the blanket and they sat down. They chatted about different things as they ate and enjoyed the sunshine. He loved how her greenish-gray eyes danced when she got excited and how her long, thick, dark brown hair would bob up and down when she nodded. Once their trash was packed away, she crawled over and nuzzled his neck.


"This has been such a great day."


"Yes, it has," he smiled and cupped her cheek before pressing his lips to hers. They kissed for a long time before his hands found her breasts. He moved his kisses down her neck and she sighed, loving his touch.


"Joe...we're the woods...we can't."


"No one is around."




"I can NOT get back on that horse like this," Joey stated and placed her hand over her bulge.


"DAMN! That has to hurt," she smiled as she rubbed him roughly through his jeans.


"It does."


"Want me to kiss it better?"


"Yes, that would be nice."


She rolled him over and quickly pulled his jeans and boxers off. She lowered her head and took him into her mouth sucking as hard as she could. He called her name loudly and she pulled back, running her tongue over the tip of his cock. He groaned and threw his head back as he pushed her head lower. She smiled and took him back into her mouth sucking and teasing him until he came in her mouth. She swallowed and smacked her lips loudly before moving to kiss his mouth. He wrestled his tongue with hers and stripped her clothes off then the remainder of his. She laid on her back and accepted his weight onto her body. Swiftly he entered her awaiting center and they moved together. Their love making was always spectacular and this time was no exception. As he worked her body faster, he moved his right hand to rub her clit, causing her to scream in ecstacy. Her walls tightened around him and after a few more hard quick thrusts, he came.


"Damn, Joe. That felt SO good," Yvette smiled as the sun shown down on them.


"Baby, that was all you and how you make me feel."


They laid there silently enjoying one another before both drifted to sleep still naked.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!