Mile High

By:  Kristie


Kaci boarded the plane to Morocco just ahead of her super-star boyfriend. They were finally getting to spend some quality down time together and he'd surprised her with a trip to this exotic land with hopes of riding elephants and seeing other gorgeous animals. As several passengers and even two flight attendants gushed over him, she calmly stored her carry on and fell into her first class seat, leaving the window open for him. She watched as he graciously signed autographs for the fans then politely excused himself to join her.


"Sorry about that, honey," JC smiled and kissed her cheek as she rose to allow him into their row.


"Comes with the territory. I'm used to it. Besides you're going to be with me for the next two weeks."


"Yes I am."


They settled in for the long plane ride and gratefully accepted the food when it was served. Later after a brief nap by both, they were enjoying a cocktail when JC placed his hand on her upper thigh. His touch alone sent shivers through her body and her excitement settled between her legs.


"Baby, we are stuck on this plane for HOURS. You have to stop before you even get started," Kaci stated and pushed his hand from under her skirt, down to her knee.


"We can do LOTS of things, baby girl, you'll just have to be quiet," he whispered with his lips on her neck.


She fought the moan in her throat, but couldn't hold in the sigh. Silently she thanked God that the only other two people in the first class section were businessmen who were both snoring loudly behind them. Aggressively, his strong hand caressed back up underneath her skirt and she squirmed, unintentionally moving her bottom forward in the seat and giving him better access. He chuckled into her ear and she squealed quietly when his fingers grazed her drenched panties.


"You're wet."


"Mmmm.....please," she moaned and shifted closer to his hand.


He glanced around for the flight attendant who was in the rear of the plane helping with the other passengers. With a sly smirk, he dipped his long finger between her lower lips and tempted her further. She moaned and he continued his ‘handy work. His nimble fingers traced her slit slowly without penetrating her and when she didn't think she could handle anymore, he circled her clit, covering it with her moisture before slamming three of his fingers deep into her slit. She whimpered, but his actions didn't give her time to think about her slight discomfort. mercilessly, he pumped in and out of her as allowed his thumb to caress her outer lips. Every few seconds, he'd circle her clit and his mouth worked to cover her half-muted cries of pleasure. Her body trembled and she felt the inner explosion. Her knees clamped shut, holding his hand in position and her breathing began to slow. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open, gasping for air. He grinned down at her and placed sweet kisses on her sweaty brow. Slowly she relaxed her leg muscles and freed his hand. After a moment of silence, she opened her bright greenish-greyish-blue eyes and watched as he greedily licked and sucked her juices from his hand. This action set her off again and she wanted to feel him deep within her walls.


"Baby, meet me in the bathroom."


"But..." he started to argue about the tight space, but she was already walking unsteadily toward the bathroom. With a quick look back at the flight attendants serving drinks in coach, he hurriedly walked to meet her. Once inside the little room, she attached his lips and stuffed her tongue deep inside his mouth. "Anxious much?"


"Just bring him out to play," she smirked and worked the button and zipper of his pants.


Seconds later, his generous length was freed and she couldn't resist the urge to taste it. She lowered to her knees and quickly slid him deep in her mouth. She sucked as hard as she could and felt his knees start to buckle. She looked up at his face as he caught himself with his hands on the wall behind her and moaned at the look of shear ecstasy on his face. He grunted, thrusted deeper into her throat, and drained his semen down her esophagus. She swallowed and held his hips for balance as he went limp in her mouth. She licked his shaft and massaged his balls.


"Just a minute, baby girl," he panted, but she continued working her mouth of his recovering member.


Within minutes, he was rock hard again and the tip of his erection was purple. He pulled her to her feet and turned her to face the mirror, bending her slightly. She felt him raise her skirt past her bottom and it gathered at her hips. Her panties were ripped from her body and she felt his large hands caress her firm cheeks. She bent over a little further and shifted her legs apart, opening herself to him. He smiled and moved closer, teasing her with his hard cock. She moaned and pushed back against him. He grunted and finally entered her with one hard push. His size took a minute to get accustomed to, but soon she was rocking her hips back against his. His thrusts were smooth and purposeful as they both quietly vocalized their pleasure.


"Give me your hand," she requested and reached back.


He obliged and allowed her to move his hand to her breasts. He massaged her full breasts and pumped harder into her body. Her long curly light red hair fell over her shoulder and into her face. His hands and hips worked faster and their cries became louder and less reserved. Moments later, her body shook with the familiar, welcomed waves of pleasure and his cock expanded then exploded. Exhausted, both panted for air in the steam little room. Eventually, JC composed himself enough to pull out and straighten his clothes. Kaci stood up and pushed her skirt back down. Her panties were ripped and quickly found the trash can before they shared one more kiss then headed back to their seats.


Once seated, the flight attendant said, "You two look thirsty and exhausted. Would you like something to drink?"


"No, we're gonna take an nap. Thank you," Kaci answered and settled down onto JC's chest, both dozing off almost immediately.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!