My First Day With You

By:  Kristie


"Lisa, just go out with him once. That's all I ask," Kris begged as she applied some light mascara.


"But it's the entire day. Why couldn't it just be for dinner and drinks?"


"How often do I do something like this for you? Huh? You drag me along on mindless dates weekly so you can get some. Well, now I'm this close....THIS CLOSE and I ask you one little favor. Entertain his Southern friend for the day with us at Disney World, completely my treat."


"You really like Josh, huh?"


"Yes," she sighed.


"You'd have to in order to want to fuck him."


"Will you help me or not?" Kris asked as she eyed her friend in the mirror and wrapped a scrunchy around her curly brown hair, her green eyes piercing.


"How long has it been?" Lisa asked as she moved to the mirror and pulled her own brown hair into a messy bun.


"Seven months, but it's not like a regular relationship."


"What does he do anyway?"


"He's involved in music. So, you're coming?"


"On one condition, is he cute?"


"Terribly handsome with fantastic eyes and an Adam's apple well worth sucking."


"Fine, I'll go, but if he's a dweeb, I WILL flirt with other guys," her hazel eyes danced. "And I want details about your romp."


"IF I romp, but it's different with him. I'm gonna call to make sure he's up."


"I don't need a babysitter."


"Lance, shut up. I don't need you as a third wheel and the other guys are out of town. Besides, I want you to be the first to meet Kris and Lisa is a lot of least she seems so on the phone," JC explained.


"Fine, but you owe me."


"Yes, I do.....Will you answer that?" he nodded to his ringing cell phone.






"Yes, who's this?"


"I'm Kris. Are you guys up and moving?"


"We're pulling into the condo complex, so yeah," he answered.


"OK, see you in a bit. Bye!"


"She'll see you in a bit," Lance relayed. JC parked the car and Lance watched him sprint up the steps. "Anxious much?"


"Just excited," JC answered with a grin.


"How long have you known her?"


"Seven months, but I haven't seen her in 3 weeks and we still haven't.....Hey, baby!"


"Hi!" Kris greeted before they kissed sweetly. "Nice to finally meet you, Lance."


"Hi! You, too."


"Lisa, are you ready?"


"Yeah," she answered and entered the living room, completely floored to see two members of her favorite group NSYNC.


"Lisa this is Josh and Lance, guys this is Lisa," Kris introduced with JC's arm around her waist.


"Hi, Lisa. It's nice to meet you," Lance smiled and felt this amazing connection with her.


"Hello," she smiled and stared into his green eyes for a good ten minutes while Kris grabbed her shoes and then kissed JC a little more.


"Excuse me," JC said as he waved his hand between the two of them.


"Huh?" Lisa and Lance replied together.


"Can we continue this in the car?" Kris smiled as she took JC's hand.


"Sure. After you Lisa," Lance smiled and held the door for her.


"Thank you."


They hopped into JC's Jeep with Kris as his navigator and she looked back at her friend, "Any music requests?"


"Play whatever you want, baby. I doubt they'll mind," JC finally answered and they smiled at the two in the back seat who were holding hands. "I love you."


"I love you, too," Kris smiled and cupped his cheek in her hand.


"So, how long have you lived in Orlando?" Lance asked.


"Nine months. You have fascinating eyes."


"I'll thank my parents for the genes. You are breath-taking."


She blushed and he leaned closer, "What?"


"Nothing," he whispered with his lips millimeters from hers. "Where have you been all my life?"


"Apparently, not close enough to you," she whispered and captured his lips in a sensual kiss.


"Am I crazy or do you feel a connection, too?"


"I've never felt this way before, but it's almost intoxicating, you know?"


"Yeah. I think I'm falling in love with you," he whispered.


"And I'm falling for you too." Both smiled and he brushed her cheek with his fingertips. Slowly he moved closer and kissed her upper lip then lower lip. She sighed and swept his bottom lip asking for permission to enter. He granted it and slowly they explored each other's mouths.


They spent the day getting to know so much about each other as they went from ride to ride. As they waited in the dark line for Space Mountain, Lisa and Lance were kissing again.


"And which couple has been together for 7 months?" Kris teased, but they didn't even notice.


"Come pay attention to me, baby," JC said.


" pleasure, handsome."


"Lance," Lisa whispered as his mouth moved to her neck.


"I don't want to rush but...."


"I want you too." He captured her lips again and held her closer to him. "Come in when we head home."


"OK.....I just want to......please you."


"We'll handle that at home."


"Or a little now," he grinned in the darkness and turned her back to him as he slid his hand down between her legs, pressing hard against her center.


"Mmmmm....I'm wet," she moaned.


"Let me feel."


"We're in public."


"But we're in the dark. No one will know if you're quiet," he whispered and snaked his hand into her loose khaki shorts. His fingers entered her lacy underpants and funneled through her curls. She sighed against him as he split her lips and felt the smooth texture of her most private sanctum. "You are wet."


"Lance," she breathed. He slid his hand further back and stimulated her fully with her juices before attacking her clit rubbing vigorously. He dipped two long fingers deep inside her aching opening. She dropped her head back onto his chest and bit her lip trying not to call out in pleasure.


"Do you like that baby?"


"Yes," she moaned then clamped her legs after her hand pulled his harder to her center. Seconds later, she came and fought tediously not to cry out and draw attention to them. He held his position until her opening stopped trembling, then removed his hand from her clothing.


"Want a finger?" he smirked before sucking her fluids from his middle finger then offering her his index.


"No, I'll have some of yours later."


"Guys, come on!" Kris called from further down the line.


"Lisa already came on me."


Later the girls headed to the bathroom and the guys promised to try to win them a prize in the game gallery. "So, you and Lance seem pretty chummy."


"His fingers felt great."


"What? When?"


"In line for Space Mountain," Lisa grinned.


"No way."


"Yes and I plan on more later. He's.....we...."


"You seem to have connected instantly."


"It's like as soon as we saw each other face to face, we started falling in love. Is that too weird?" she asked as they washed their hands.


"No, there is ‘love at first sight'. I can't believe how quick it has happened. As long as you're happy with it, then I'm happy for you."


"I am happy. Let's go get our men." They rounded the corner and their guys came into view. Lance handed over the huge white tiger he'd won for her as Kris thanked JC for the teddy bear holding a heart that said ‘Be Mine'. They rode some more rides and had dinner before heading back to the girls' apartment.


"Wanna come in?" Kris asked JC.




"Guess I don't have to ask him."


"Guess not," JC laughed as they watched the new love birds race up the stairs.


Lisa finally got the door unlocked and they headed inside leaving her keys in the door. She led him to her room and he closed the door behind them before attacking her body pulling clothes off as they went to her bed. He pushed her down, pulled off her shorts and panties, and knelt before her.


"Lie back.....I wanna taste you, baby," he spoke softly and she nodded. Slowly he trailed his soft hands up her smooth thighs just ahead of his tongue. She moaned his name and he couldn't wait to hear her cry out. He thoroughly licked the crease at the top of each leg then looked up to see her face contoured in pleasure. "Are you a screamer, Lisa?" His breath teased her very wet center.


"Sometimes," she panted and guided his head closer and lifted her aching pussy to his mouth.


"Anxious much?" he laughed and she groaned. With one sweep of his tongue he spread her moisture over her entire private area. He took his time tracing her slit and she cried out over and over.


"Oh......GOD! YES!.....Yes, YES!.....FUCK YES!"


"Louder," he growled and captured her clit in his teeth.


"Lance! LANCE!" she screamed with every ounce of air in her body. He relaxed his jaw and captured her clit once more with his lips as he plummeted two fingers deep inside her. "YES!....FASTER!....FUCK!....LANCE!... LANCE!...I'M.....I'M...."


He didn't let up on his attack and soon she came. Quickly his lips covered hers to draw out more of her moisture and her entire body shook with pleasure. He watched her face over her bare, heaving chest and panted slightly himself as he urged her further on the bed. She moved as he silently instructed and he stripped then settled between her parted thighs.


"Lance," she whispered and accepted his weight onto her slim 5'3" frame.


"Can you take more?" his voice was soft and sweet as his lips worked across her shoulder to her neck.


"Yes, but I should repay you."


"No, I want to be inside you," he spoke directly into her ear and she shivered as her hands explores his back.


"Touch my breast, Lance.....lick them.....suck a starving child taking milk from its," she moaned loudly when he engulfed her right nipple hungrily.


"Mmmmm...." he hummed against her tender, perked skin and she arched into him. Simultaneously he bit one peach center and pinched the other.


"Lance!...Yes! ....Fuck me, please," she begged and grabbed his very thick, incredibly hard penis. "Roll over."


"Ooh! Ride me baby," he groaned and rolled onto his back, helping guide her hips onto his. He coached, "Go slow so I don't hurt you."


"I'm in control, you just relax," she smirked thinking she could handle him. Sure he felt huge, but she'd had other lovers and figured she knew her body well enough. Placing him at her entrance, she slid down forcefully and screamed. His size did in fact hurt her and she cringed in pain.




"Just give me a minute."


"OK," he grinned and sat up to tease her nipples again. She felt so good around him, but he didn't want to hurt her more so he held his pelvis still as his mouth and hands attacked her. Ever so slowly she began to slide up and down his shaft spreading her wetness down his extenuous length.


"Baby, you are so hard, so long," she moaned as she arched back. "Help me."


"You're so wet and so tight.......Fuck me....FUCK ME LISA!" he called and urged her hips faster and harder. She pushed him back to the mattress and using his hips for balance, repeatedly plummeted him deeper into her core. Wildly she called his name as a little pain mixed with tremendous pleasure and he held off as long as possible before he rolled her beneath him pounding her body mercilessly.




"Louder," he growled and bit her collar bone never relenting from his work.


"AAAAAH! FUCK! LLLAAAAAAANNNNNNNNCCCCCCEEE!" she screamed as she came harder then she ever had before. She sighed happily with the last ounce of energy in her, "Lance."


"LISA!" he called as he exploded sending another thrill through her drained body. She could feel some of his unmentionable fluid overflow her depths and slide back to her delicate anal tissue. He panted, "What are you doing?"


"I have to know what you taste like," she announced with new found energy once he was on his back again. She knelt between his legs and eyed the monstrous mass before her. She licked her lips in anticipation and he groaned when she roughly grabbed his still extra sensitive shaft. She stroked him tightly as she spoke, "I like when you growl."


"Grr! Baby, GRR!"


She couldn't resist and reached up closing her lips over his Adam's apple, not releasing it till there was a deep purple mark present. She smirked as she went back to her assault on his lower member and he stiffened. She grinned and licked the pre-cum that had seeped out.


"YUM!" she growled and he returned the growl. He propped himself up on his elbows and she asked, "You gonna watch?"


"Yes. Problem?"




"Then suck woman.....suck HARD," he smirked. Gently she eased his thickness into her warm, wet mouth, slowly taking as much in as she could without gagging. He moaned and pushed a little further, expanding her jaw. She closed her eyes momentarily as she sucked with all her might, letting a little moan escape. She felt his body shudder and a deep, low, sexy growl met her ears. She made eye contact and moaned again. His eyes rolled and he dropped his head back as he expanded slightly then emptied in her throat.


"YES, LISA!," he called and thrusted deeper into her mouth as his body trembled. Her mouth ached, but she held him inside until his shaft stopped spasming then she thoroughly cleaned him before cuddling close to his tired, panting body. "God, baby."


"You like?" she smirked.


"No, I love."


"Good. Will you stay all night?"


"I'll stay forever," he smiled and kissed her sweetly.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!