Mystery Man

By:  Kristie


Korina woke to her annoying alarm. Quickly she rolled over with a groan and turned it off. Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes with a yawn then slipped her bare feet into her slippers and headed into her bathroom. She turned on the water, then paused in front of the full-length mirror and inspected her fit frame. Her calves were slim, her thighs strong, her hips narrow, her stomach flat, breasts perky, and her thin shoulders strong.


"Not so bad, I guess," she spoke as her hands caressed her rose colored nipples, pinching and pulling them so they'd perk. She smiled, "That's better."


She playfully winked at her refection in the now steamy mirror before laughing out loud at her silliness and heading into the shower. The hot water was relaxing and she stood under it with her eyes closed for several minutes before turning to face the shower head. She reached up for her bottle of Herbal Essence shampoo, but never touched it as her body was roughly slammed into the wall. Her cheek bone crashed into the slick surface and tears sprung in her eyes as she cried out in surprise, fear, and pain.


"Shh!" came the harsh warning at her ear.


"Please don't hurt me," she pleaded and debated fighting her attacker, who's hand was in her hair holding her in place against the wall.


"I thought you liked it rough," he whispered, disguising his voice with a heavy accent.


" what you want, but...don't hurt me."




"My father's a cop," she warned before receiving a hard bite on the back of her neck.




"He'll track you down if you hurt me."


"Only if you tell him."


"Why wouldn't I?"


"Because...." he said and slid his hand over her hip, "you'll like what...." his fingers opened her outer lips, "I do to you."


"Really?"she scoffed.




"I don't know any woman who enjoys...FUCK!"


"Sorry, was I rough?" he chuckled into her shoulder as his penis shoved deeper into her ass.


"Fuck! Stop it!..." her demands stopped when his finger found her clit. His strong arm held her against the wall as he moved inside her once super tight opening and his thumb replaced his clit rubbing so his fingers could tease her opening.






His grip on her hair tightened when she attempted to turn her head and he stopped his pleasing action. She could feel his balls slap the back of her thighs as he pleased himself. Desperately she wanted him to fondle her again, so she relaxed her neck, settling against the steamy wall and slid her hand down to his between her thighs in hopes of encouraging him.


"Will you behave?" his hot breath fell on her shoulder and she nodded before moaning loudly as his fingers probed her. "Shh! Don't want to wake anyone."




He worked his thrust, fingers and penis, harder and deeper into her delicate skin. They moaned and called obsenities as he pleased them both. Korina couldn't help but wonder who this man was and how he knew she wanted it rough. She'd only told her best friend once because all of her previous partners had been lovers not dominators and she was ready for something a little dangerous and edgy. She couldn't contentrate when he began to thrust so hard she was lifted off the ground slightly and her face left a path in the moisture on the wall. Her body ached for release and finally it came hard. Moments later, she stiffled a scream as he jammed his deepest thrust yet then came. Her eyes teared and she looked down to see a little blood in the water before it disappeared down the drain.


"You ripped me, asshole," she snared and tried again to look at him, but he was too powerful.


"Sorry. You'll heal."


"Fuck you!"


"Maybe if you behave, I'll let you ride my cock next time."


"Not on your life!"


"Bitch, when I'm through teaching you, you won't be able to move and you will want nothing but my large dick," he spat.


"The only large part of you is your ego,"she laughed then cried out as he pulled her hair and slammed his limp dick higher in her ass before retreating from her entirely. "Fuck!"


Quickly she wiped around and no one was there. She flipped the curtain back, but the only thing she saw was her reflection. "What the fuck?"


Grabbing her robe, she rushed to the window and still couldn't see anyone or any car pulling away. She rushed into her roommate's room, but he was still buried under his covers. She was totally baffled and sore. Damn! My ass hurts she thought as she headed back to finish her shower. Thank God we got that large water heater. She dressed and headed to work, praying it would be an easy day.


"Hey, girl."


"Hey," she greeted her best friend in the kitchen with a smile. "Who did you tell?"


"Who did I tell what?" Korina quietly spilled every detail of the shower experience as they drove, stretched and warmed up. The blue eyes looked back at her with mischief and amusement. "So, you liked it?"


"Jase, don't fuck with me. You know I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I gotta know who he was."


"What makes you think it was a he?"


"Well, the dick was a good hint."


"Could have been a strap on," he offered and bent to stretch his leg muscles.


"Jackass," she threatened as she slapped his little ass. "I could feel his balls slap my thighs. Please just tell me."


"Maybe if you're good and cook me dinner for my birthday I'll tell you."


"You're birthday isn't until August. I can't wait that long. I need to locate his man and get him to fuck my brains out. And not just my ass."


"Patience is a great quality to have."


"Well, like most Dragons i.e. YOU, I have little when it comes to something I WANT to know. Who is it?"


"Korina Marie, calm your happy ass down or I'll never send him again," JC threatened.


"Joshua Scott, if you take him away from me, I'll never, EVER rub your back or cook for you again. Understand?"


"Yes, but do YOU understand? You need to be patient and wait for his next move. I promise it won't be too long before he visits again," his blue eyes danced then he kissed her forehead as Wade called them to start the dance rehearsal.


Two weeks later, Korina entered her hotel room in Seattle. She was exhausted from the stage and the guys had drug her out for drinks and dancing. Like I don't do enough of that on stage she laughed as she entered her bathroom and stripped down her to bra and panties.


That was the one thing she hated about being on tour: she couldn't sleep nude. Her room always joined JC's, not that that bothered her, but who knows which other member of NSYNC would have access to her room at all hours of the night. JC had only seen her completely naked once. That was the first night they had moved in together as roommates. She had invited him to join her for a video, but he'd been too tired. After trying to sleep, he changed his mind and headed into her room and settled under the covers with her. Half way through the movie, he flipped the sheet off of her to tickle her and turned blood red as she laughed. From then on, he knocked and asked if she was decent before he ventured near her at night.


She smiled at the memory and climbed into her soft cool bed, quickly closing her eyes and drifting off. After what only felt like moments, she woke to large hands caressing her stomach and the voice that had haunted her mind whispering her name in her ear. She opened her eyes, but could see nothing.


"Korina, baby wake up. I've traveled a long way to see you."


"Hi," she couldn't help but smile.


"Hi, beautiful. You looked so peaceful sleeping, but I need to be here," he spoke softly and forcefully grabbed her pussy. "Do you mind.....bitch?"


She didn't have a chance to answer as he shoved his tongue deep inside her mouth and began working his hand roughly against her center. Quickly she became wet and covered her thong panties.


"You're wet, slut. I'm gonna tear you apart." With his words, he ripped her pantes from her body and bit her collarbone. She groaned and raised her hips. That seemed to piss him off because he flattened her to the mattress with his weight then slammed his huge dick deep inside her delicate lips, tearing her slightly.




"Shut up or I'll stop."


She bit her lip and tried desperately not to make any sound as he worked her body hard and fast. His hands caressed her hips as he leaned all of himself further into her small frame. Aggressively, she wrapped her strong legs around his hips and pulled him further into her still. He was blowing her mind with his thrusts and she honestly thought he was going to rip her in two as he continued to pound her body. She arched her back and squeezed her thighs meeting his hips with hers as she clutched his shoulders for support, her orgasm approaching. She felt his lower stomach twitch and she lost herself in ecstacy. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and everything went black.


"Korina? Korina?"




"Korina, wake up," JC said as he shook her. Slowly she woke up with a huge smile and looked up into his pacifying eyes. She sighed and sat up, not worrying about the sheet. "Um...where are your clothes? I thought you were gonna wear something to bed."


"Oh, I did, but I had a visitor," she smiled and kissed his cheek happily before getting out of bed after he'd kissed her forehead.


"Korina! Joey is in my room. Cover yourself." She barely heard him as she entered her bathroom and hopped in the shower. "We're leaving in 45 minutes, OK?"


"OK. I'll be there."


It had been another month and Korina was getting anxious so see her mystery man again. She had discussed it with JC as she rubbed his shoulders until he was so sick of hearing about it that he suggested she relax in the hotel spa to get her mind off of him. Relectantly she agreed and headed to the luxiours primping center on the main floor after he kissed her forehead. She ordered a massage and facial, quickly being ushered into the latter. After the cleansing cream had been placed on her face, a hot towel was applied and she was instructed not to remove it at any cost. She sighed and relaxed after hearing the technicion leave the windowless room. Her thoughts drifted back to the man who'd captivated every free moment she had, sometimes even seeping into her mind when she was grinding on stage with JC and she felt a wave of excitement flow through her body, landing between her thighs with a sigh on her lips.


"Thinking of me, I hope."


"You're here?"


"Yes, I've been watching and waiting for you to be alone, beautiful," he spoke and his accent drove her crazy, flooding straight to her center. "Are you wet for me?"


"Yes," she answered and reached for his hand. She found it and guided his long fingers to her center. Once he began to stroke her, she raised her hand to the towel, but he saw her.


"Leave it."




"No buts. Leave it or I'll stop visiting you."


Defeatedly she left the towel on, but was quickly rewarded for being a good little prisoner. She opened her hips more allowing generous room for his face as he traced her slit with his tongue. She loved the feel of him licking up her juices and moved her hands to play in his hair, picking up a clue. His hair was straight and short. It was thick and felt healthy. She whimpered and bucked into his rhythm as his tongue plunges. As she reached the edge of reality, he stopped his work and loudly smacked his lips with satisfaction.


"I didn't cum," she informed.


"Maybe next time," he answered and she heard the door shut.


"Fuck!" she groaned and stomped up to her room. She laid there pouting when JC entered her room.


"Did you relax?"


"Fuck you!!"


"Hey! What did I do?"


"Your little fucking friend showed up again."


"And you didn't enjoy him fucking your brains out?"


"He was eating like it was Thanksgiving and he had been starving for weeks, then stopped right before I came," she nearly whined.


"Oh, sweetie. I'm sorry."


"Fuck him! I'll just buy a vibrator and depend on MYSELF! You men suck!"


"Yes, but some of us let our partners finish when we suck," JC chuckled then became serious when he saw the look she gave him. "I'm sorry."


"Just leave me alone. I'll be ready for sound check in an hour."


"OK," he agreed and left the room without kissing her forehead. Ten minutes later, she stood at the adjoining door watching him write. He felt eyes on him and looked up to meet her eyes. "What? Did he come back and disappoint again?"


"No, you didn't kiss me," she pouted and climbed onto his lap for comfort.


"Maybe next time you'll be a little more appreciative," he spoke softly into her ear with a slight accent. She looked into his eyes with surprise and couldn't believe what was happening.




"Maybe next time you'll be a little more appreciative," he repeated in a full-blown accent with a smirk.


"You?.....You were.....him?"


"Yes, are you disappointed?"


" no.....I got the best of two worlds," she smiled and kissed his lips softly.


"Which worlds are those?"


"My best friend has become my lover and he's got mad skilz."


He smiled and kissed her again. It felt so right to tell her who he was and they started to undress each other. Once both were naked and his music sheets were on the floor, he stretched his lean body atop hers, their tongues mingling within each other's mouth. His kisses moved to her neck and he gently sucked, leaving a slight mark before he ventured to her breasts. He engulfed one nipple as he fondled the other with his fingers.


"Mmm....Jase," Korina moaned and trailed her hands down his sides.


"Say it again."




"Say it again....moan my name, beautiful," he requested as he looked into her eyes and his hands kneaded her breasts.


"Jase......JC.....Josh.....Joshua...." she took her time and moaned each one, holding out each syllable. The smile on his face was priceless and she wanted nothing more than for him to make love to her. "Make love to me."


"It won't hurt."


"Just give me you the way you want me to take you.....please."


He smiled and kissed her once more before heading lower on her body once more. His tongue covered every inch of her flesh as his hips grounded into hers. She was moaning again and he couldn't wait to be inside her. The tip of his erection grazed her opening and she called his name, her hands forcefully bringing him to her center. He held his hips still with his tip at her enterance. He brushed her hair from her face and she looked up into his eyes. "I'm in love with you."


"I've been in love with you forever."


He kissed her then watched her face as he slid inside her burning walls then held painfully still as she reveled in the feel of him. Her eyes glassed over and she whispered his name over and over as her hands rubbed up and down his strong back. Her touch seemed to insight his body in a rage, but it was a gentle one. Raising up on his forearms, he pulled out of her slightly before pushing back into her delicate flesh, repeating his actions again and again.


Korina loved his body working hers. She wanted only what he gave her and never thought of anything or anyone else. She couldn't believe that she was making love to the man she'd secretly desired for years, but never thought she'd actually have. Yet here he was, his manhood buried deep within her center. That feeling alone gave her such joy and bliss that she couldn't help but want to take control. It was her Dragon nature coming out and quickly she rolled him beneath her.


"Korina," he groaned as she started a rhythm that pleased them both. He sat up and licked her breasts, her legs circling his waist. "I love you."


"I love you too," she moaned and slid down his shaft faster and harder. She felt his stomach flinch and remember that meant he was close. She threw her head back as his finger rubbed her clit and they called each other's name as their climax hit hard. JC flew back onto the pillows and she slumped on her perch, his spasming member still deep within her. Both panted and soon she looked down at her smiling lover, her undeniable pleasure evident on her face. "That felt so good."


"It did, but I know what you'll like even better," he smirked and sat up, pushing her back then over onto her stomach. Quickly he entered his still limp penis into her center and fondled her breasts. His hand work felt amazing to her body and she climbed onto her knees before wiggling her hips back against his. He moaned as he came back to life and waited until she was so wet he wondered if he'd slip out. She was moaning and started rocking hard against him. He waited as long as he could before giving into her pleads. Without warning, he grabbed her hips and slammed his now rock hard shaft as far into her depths as her body would allow.


"Oh...fuck YES!.....Jase.....oh....right there.....fuck....that feels so GOOD!"


"You like that, bitch," he snickered and bent to bite her ass before plummeting into her once more. She gasped and came hard covering his member with her juices. He wasn't finished, so he kept up his motion and soon she was calling his name again, urgently needing him to continue so she could cum again. She was rocking back into him and his hands found her breasts, roughly playing with them. "'m gonna cum .....UGH! .KKOOORRRIIINNAA!"


"JJJJAAAASSSSEEE!" she called as she came once she felt his release. Both panted heavily as they stayed in their position. Eventually he pulled out of her and settled on the pillows with her snuggled against his chest. "I'm tired."


"Too bad we have sound check in a few minutes, but we'll definitely continue this later," he smiled and kissed her heatedly.


The End


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!