Not That Innocent

By:  Kristie


Chris watched as Lance continued grinding with the tall beauty that had been introduced as Manda. Her 5'10" frame matched Lance's but Chris didn't think he'd feel inadequate next to her.


Lance moved his body closer to Manda as the music continued and she blushed slightly as his bulge against her upper thigh.


"He doesn't bite," Lance growled into her ear.


"Not even if I ask nicely," she teased before boldly grabbing the bulge.


"Maybe," was the cracked reply as she roughly rubbed him through his jeans. "Damn! We gotta get outta here."


Manda followed Lance to the door, but her eyes were searching for someone else. Once her hazel eyes settled into Chris' brown ones, she summoned him with a crook of her finger. He started toward them without hesitation and her flushed body was greeted by the cool night air. She tossed her auburn hair over her shoulder as the car was retrieved and she smiled when Chris joined them. Without hesitation, she linked her free hand with his.


Lance glanced at Chris then at Manda who winked playfully. He laughed. She came across so innocent and sweet, when in fact, she could be pretty adventurous. The car arrived and Chris held her door before climbing in the backseat of the 4 Runner as Lance pulled away from the club.


"Let's get it on," Chris stated in a low voice, which came out funny causing the other two to laugh hysterically.


"Are you sure you're big enough?" Manda teased.


"Damn sure."


The drive back to Lance's house was pretty intense and at one point, Chris found the seat lever. Without warning, he laid Manda's seat back and she screamed in surprise. After a slight wiggle of his eyebrows, Chris kissed her nose then went for her lips as his hands settled on her breasts. She moaned and squirmed under his cold hands. Her nipples perked and she tried to force her tongue into his mouth, but his teeth prevented her penetration. He nipped lightly at her tongue before moving his mouth passed her chin to the top of her cleavage that he'd exposed. His torso was at her face level when he freed her right breast from her bra and low cut shirt, quickly biting the nipple.


"Damn, Chris," she hissed and bit his stomach.


"Fuck," he yelped, but didn't stop biting as he roughly massaged her left breast under her bra.


"Guys, DAMN! This is SO not fair," Lance stated as he attempted to avoid any collisions as his mind was not on driving.


"You'll get your's, don't worry."


Manda worked Chris' shirt up his torso and dipped her tongue into his navel as he switched breasts. Before long, he was moving lower and her shirt was bunched just below her breasts. His face was at her thighs and her head was between his knees. Without warning, he pulled the hem of her skirt up and her lace panties off.


"Mmmm....Chris," Manda moaned and opened herself to him with her feet on the dash.


"Oh, God," Lance groaned at a red light and she could see his hand move to release his penis. The constriction of his arm muscles implied his actions and she giggled.


"Manda, feet to the ceiling," Christ panted in anticipation but their current position didn't make it doable.


She complied with a groan from Lance and Chris didn't hesitate at opening her lips. She felt the cool air of the car seconds before Chris' hot tongue swept across her opening. She begged for more and he complied, but refused to touch her clit until she was so close to ecstasy and so frustrated at his torture that she bit his hard-on which was at face level. He yelped in pain before grinding his jeans covered dick into her face and biting her clit. Lance groaned loudly as he placed the vehicle in park and she screamed as her juices covered Chris' face. His tongue cleansed her before he looked at Lance.


"Want a taste?"


"No, I'm gonna fuck her pussy, so get off and into the house," was the deep but hoarse reply.


Chris retreated from her body and climbed out of the rear driver's side door. Manda remained in her spot too shaky to move until Lance opened her door, unbuckled her seat belt, and flung her over his shoulder.


"Don't tire out just yet, Manda baby. I'm about to fuck you so hard the tip of my cock will be branded on your back wall," Lance growled as he mounted the steps to his front door Chris had opened.


The cool night air felt refreshing against her still exposed pussy and she shivered. Through the door they went and she lifted her head as they passed Chris on the way to Lance's bedroom. Chris wore a smirk as his hand held his already exposed cock. She licked her lips in anticipation.


"Hurry up, albino boy," Chris said as he swatted Lance's ass and climbed the stairs behind the couple.


"Fuck you, Chris."


"No, you're gonna fuck ME," Manda reminded. "And I'm gonna suck the life out of Chris' cock."


"Sounds like a plan."


They entered the room which was dimly lite by the street light and clothes were flying off. Manda was tossed onto the mattress and her recovered body was quickly covered by Lance's. Steadying himself with one arm, he teased her opening with the tip of his cock, readying her for his invasion. Moments later, his penetration was fierce and she cried out in mild pain as her walls stretched to accommodate his size. His groin throbbed too much for him to stop and her body ached from his pounding. Both completely forgot about Chris until Manda was begging Lance to slam into her harder and the older man appeared behind the blonde man.


"Allow me," Chris spoke and shoved Lance the next time he thrusted forward. Lance's dick broke new ground and Manda screamed as her orgasm shook her body. Two more thrusts into her constricting walls and Lance lost it. His hips slowed and he wiped the sweat from his brow before collapsing next to her, still gasping for air.


"My turn, my turn, my turn," Chris chanted happily as he bounced on the bed.


The two recovering bodies laughed at his actions before Manda guided him up her body and he stopped once his dick was hovering over her breasts. Grabbing the headboard for balance, Chris lowered his dick to lie in the valley between her full breasts. He grinned down at her surprised _expression and she looked to Lance of help.


"Titty fucking," Lance stated with a firm hold on her breasts, bringing them together.


Chris groaned at the feeling and thrusted forward, coming close to Manda's chin. Getting the picture, Manda covered Lance's hands with hers and held Chris' moving dick tighter, moving her head to kiss his tip. Lance kneaded her momentarily before the desire to taste her was too much and he lowered to lick her thighs. She moaned and opened her legs wide, inviting him in. His tongue soon found the rhythm of Chris' frantic thrusts and Manda called out in sheer ecstasy before turning her head just in time as Chris' cum shot past her cheek.


"UGH!" he grunted and rested his head against the headboard.


His spasming dick still in her breast valley was spitting left over cum every few seconds, but she was in too much pleasure to care. Lance's skillful mouth captured her clit and he hummed. She came unglued and called out as she came, covering his face with her juices. Slowly she descended from her high and uncurled her toes. Her fingers released the comforter and she panted heavily. Chris moved from above her and Lance shifted to lie down to her left. No more words were spoken as they drifted to a peaceful sleep.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!