Shh! They'll Hear

By:  Kristie


"That was SO good," Lance declared as he sat back in his chair and glanced over at their hostess.


"I agree....very scrumptious," Rachel, Lance's girlfriend, seconded as she replaced her napkin on her lap.


"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Should we wait a little while before dessert?" Kris proposed as she stood to clear the table.


"Sounds like a plan. Here, I'll help."


"Thanks, Rachel, but these two are helpin' as well. I didn't cook all this so we women would have to clean up."


"Yes, baby," JC grinned and grabbed the left over pasta along with his plate before turning to Lance. "Yes, I know she has me whipped, but DAYUM it's all good."


Lance laughed at his friend as the four young people headed into the spacious kitchen of JC's large LA mansion. They worked together and were finished with the dishes in no time. Lance kept stealing glances at his lovely woman, naughty thoughts invading his mind. As Kris started the coffee and bantered playfully with JC, Lance slipped over to Rachel at the sink and eased his arms around her waist, his nose nuzzling her brown locks.


"Hey, Princess. Have I told you how scrumptious you look tonight?"


"Awe, Lancers. Thank you, but you've seen me in these jeans and this tank top a gazillion times."


"I know, but each of those times......" he leaned in to nibble on her ear before continuing, "I've wanted to rip them off of you."


Rachel was speechless, partly from his words, but mostly from the intense bulge he was pressing into her. She exhaled slowly and couldn't resist snuggling back into him, her ass teasing his stiffness. Seductively he growled quietly in her ear and his hands moved to cup her breasts, plucking the sensitive nipples through the thin material.


"Lance," she warned, their friends still in the same room.


"Rach, come on. I KNOW you don't want me to stop......You like it when I touch you.....don't you, Princess?"


His hands were roughly kneading her soft, smooth mounds and she nodded her head. In fact, she LOVED when Lance touched her no matter where they were. Once they'd pulled off a little closet fun at a Jive party that was held at the NSYNC compound in Florida. Now, as his hands drifted lower to unbutton and unzip her jeans, she wasn't about to stop him. She just prayed their friends would understand their unbridled passion for one another. Hell, weren't Kris and JC all over each other all the time anyway, Rachel reasoned as she pulled her stomach in and Lance's fingers teased the rim of her panties.


"Now, Princess," Lance began as he glanced back at Kris and JC, who were sitting quietly at the small kitchen table on the other side of the spacious room. "You can't be too loud. Don't want Kris and JC to know that I'm pettin' my favorite girl."


"Mmmmhhhmmmm," Rachel hummed and gripped his forearm, pushing his hand into her panties. "Touch me, Lance."


"Purr Princess....lemme hear you know I like it when you do.....gets me...hard for you, baby."


His fingers were gently rubbing her outer lips and his words were driving her nearly insane. She dropped her head back onto his shoulder and nuzzled her nose into his neck, deeply smelling his scent. God! He smelled so amazing and she couldn't resist nibbling on the thin beard along his jaw line. He growled playfully and eased on finger between her nether lips, the pad of his middle finger stroking across her slick slit. She breathed out his name once more before he pushed two fingers deep inside her slit twice then pulled back and traced the edge of her slit. He barely applied any pressure, but that's what seemed to set her off. She squirmed, trying to get his fingers back inside her wetness, but he refused, only advancing back just enough to stimulate her booty hole.


"Lancers," she growled and pushed her own hand inside her panties, hoping to guide his correctly.


"Ooh, Princess, you gonna give me a little show of your own pettin'?....hmmmm?....'cause you know that'd set me off.....Please, me how you get off when I'm away....."


His words were slow and thick with lust as his hand covered hers. He forced two of her own fingers inside her slit and vigorously rubbed them against her velvety walls, eliciting a deep moan from her mouth. Quickly Lance glanced back at their friends just in time to see them laugh and head out of the room, JC slipping Lance a thumbs up sign. With a slight chuckle, Lance pressed Rachel's fingers deeper inside her slit and nipped her ear when her excite button popped up.


"Now, keep strokin' that kitty kat....I'm gonna move over to this little pleasure keep goin'...."


Rachel nodded at his instructions and moved her fingers faster as the pad of Lance's index finger pressed down on her clit. A chain reaction of small explosions ran through her body until she couldn't hold back any longer, her intimate juices over flowing both of their hands. She called out his name and shoved his fingers back inside her, her own holding his in place.


"Shh! They'll hear us."


"Like they.....don't know already...." Rachel panted as Lance continued to rub her, coaxing her down from her high. "Baby, that was.....exhilarating...mmmm....damn....."


"You like that,, too....but now....I need some attention....." he stated and nestled his hard-on into her backside, groaning when she pushed back into him. "Girl, I'm gonna unleash it right here if you don't stop that rubbin' shit."


"Bring it on, baby."


He grunted something unintelligible as she rubbed deeper into him, his eyes surveying the kitchen. His cat-like green eyes landed on the table and he quickly led her over to it, pressing her face down onto the wooden surface. She giggled and he pulled her jeans over her ass, her panties coming down with them. Quickly he slid his own jeans and boxer-briefs down to his knees before nestling into her warmth, not penetrating her just yet.


"Princess,'re so's gonna feel so good to be inside of you again," he stated as he stretched out over her, his palms at her head and his lips brushing against her shoulders. "How do you want it, Princess? want hard and fast?....deep and slow?...loud? tell me."


"Deep....hard....and start slow, but build to, please..."


He smiled and nipped at her shoulder blade before trailing his hands down her back as he stood back up. Her skin covered in goose bumps and her center covered with a fresh coat of wetness as his fingers caressed her ass cheeks. Slowly he opened her legs a little further, as far as the jeans would allow, and teased her slit with the tip of his rock hard cock.


" ready for me?....hmmm?"


She only nodded and he pushed into her, his stroke hard, but not rough. Both groaned loudly before he started a slow rhythm, tipping his pelvis up slightly was he was at her hilt and his balls grazed her clit. Rachel gripped the table and moved back into his thrust, adding to their pleasure. Lance was so aroused from seeing her fingering herself that he knew he couldn't hold out very long if he raced, so he worked up to top speed then slowed almost to a stop. This just set her off and she begged him to pound her, wanting the pleasurous agony to end. He obliged, but did it at his own pace, alternating between short, hard thrusts and long, slow slides deep inside her.


"Lance, baby....please....I need to cum again....mmmm.....please...."


He gave into her pleas and slammed into her small frame over and over, driving as deep as possible. She held onto the table, her body loving the pounding she was taking, and she bit her lip to keep from screaming out. Usually where wasn't a need to be quiet and they would vocalize their passion as loud as they wanted. Deeper he penetrated and she couldn't hold back any longer, screaming his name so loud the dead probably heard her.


"That's it, Princess....tell everyone here in LA who's filling you.....mmmm.....tell ‘em again, Princess...." he commanded as he slammed into her once more and his fingers pinched and rolled her clit.


"LANCE!, give it to me.....COME ON.....OOHH......OOOOHH....MMM.....BABY! LANCE....LANCE......OOOOHHH!"


He grunted, her cries egging him on, and soon both were so numb with passion that they couldn't hold out, his cum coating her constricting walls before he collapsed onto her tired body. They laid there in a panting heap for a few moments before Lance lovingly caressed her back and shoulders, sweet words leaving his mouth.


"Princess,....that was amazing....but I think Kris and JC know what happened."


"Good, because otherwise it'd be pretty hard to explain the marks the table made on their floor," Rachel giggled and Lance laughed, too. "Mmm....lemme up, baby."


Lance withdrew and back away slightly, fastening his jeans once more as she flowed. She smiled shyly and kissed his lips hungrily. He chuckled and snuggled her into his chest, her nose in his neck. His fingers snarled in her hair as they just basted in their aftermath. Neither spoke for several moments and Rachel couldn't resist grabbing Lance ass, making them both laugh.


"Mmm....Princess, do you think Kris and JC would mind if we skipped the food and headed upstairs for a little dessert of our own?"


"Nah, I think they'd understand....but let's grab the chocolate syrup for a little experiment."


"Oooh....ruin a pair of their sheets as well as their floor waxin' like a lot....better run...I'll grab the syrup," he chuckled and grabbed the ice cream topping from the refrigerator before chasing her upstairs to their guest room for more fun.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!