Show Me

By:  Kristie


Jenn stared at her friend. Her brown eyes showed her disbelief. Is she serious? She's fucking with me, right?


"So?" Kris urged from her seat in the hotel restaurant where she'd just paid for her friend's birthday meal.


"You're kidding me?"




"You're not serious?"


"Yes, I am. They agreed that your first time should be special and I can't think of anything more special than on your birthday with them," the other woman reasoned.


"But...I..." Jenn stumbled over the 10 thoughts swarming around her head and ran her fingers through her shoulder length highlighted black hair. "They agreed to this?"


"Yep, but you have to keep it on the DL because of your age. There's Lonnie. Have fun and page me when you're finished," Kris said with a hug before she led the birthday girl to the huge body guard. "Take good care of her."


"We will," he smiled and pressed the elevator button.


Jenn looked back at Kris once more before heading into the elevator. She was nervous but so incredibly excited. Just the thought of those two handsome, lickable men made her wet and for the first time, she was going to know what it felt like to have sex, to be a full fledged woman. She bit her lip as they arrived on the 9th floor and Lonnie escorted her to room 917. She smiled at her age number on the door as Lonnie knocked swiftly. The door opened and revealed a gorgeous blonde.


"Good evening, Jennifer. Happy birthday," he smiled with his arms open ready for a hug.


"Hi," she spoke barely above a whisper and walked into his arms. He smelled so good and she loved how his arms held her close.


"Is she here?" another voice asked from behind the blonde.


"Damn C. Anxious much? Yes, she is. Jennifer, this is JC, the other portion of your fantasy/entertainment."


"Gee, thanks, Lance," JC smiled and his entrancing blue eyes settled into her dark brown ones. "Hello, Jennifer. It's wonderful to meet you and share this memorable experience with you."


"Thank you," she smiled as he kissed her hand, bowing slightly.


"You're very beautiful," Lance's southern accent slipped out a little as he took her purse and placed it on the dresser.


"Yes, you look absolutely delicious," JC added as he led her further into the room.


As the large bed came into view, her eyes widened in surprise. Laid out neatly at the foot of the large King-size bed was an array of sex toys. There were several dildos of all different sizes, a couple of vibrators, condoms galore in every color imaginable, and one piece of enjoyment she'd never seen before. It's base consisted of a stable handle that steadied the clear globe on top. Her mind wondered as to its purpose and her facial _expression showed her curiosity.


"That's a pleasure wand," JC informed, rolling her wrist to show her the on/off switch.


Once activated, a little spark could be seen in the center of the globe. Now her curiosity was working overtime. She touched the glass surface and a slight zap of electricity grazed her skin. She laughed.


"It'll feel really good on other parts of your body," Lance whispered in her ear as his hands rubbed up and down her arms. "Take off your shoes and get more comfortable."


She did then allowed JC to pull her long sleeve button up off revealing her spaghetti strapped tank top. She sat on the bed and JC covered her shoulders with kisses, feeling her relax under his mouth. Slowly he added long licks of his tongue as his large hands rubbed her back, easing her further. Her muscles relaxed and she closed her eyes bowing her head to allow JC more access. He pushed her hair over her left shoulder and moved his nibbles across her neck. His tender hands moved to caress the base hem of her shirt before slowly pulling it over her head and dropping it on the floor. His hands moved to caress her breasts over her strapless bra as his tongue drew lazy patterns across her shoulder.


Lance watched his close friend start their teaching exercise as he prepared the next faze. He moved to kneel in front of Jenn and slowly caressed her knees. Working under her skirt inch by inch, he saw the growing look of desire spread across her face and bent his head to lick the inside of her lower thigh. She shivered slightly and he could faintly smell her anticipation. He grinned up at JC, who was releasing her bra, and together they laid her back onto the soft mattress. She scooted up a little so Lance could join them and then pulled JC down into a monstrous kiss.


"Jennifer, have you ever pleasured yourself?" Lance whispered as his fingers played along the edge of the top of her skirt.


"No, I.....I always get interrupted."


"Don't worry, baby. We'll teach you how," JC smiled down at her before kissing her lips once more as Lance pulled the remaining items of clothing off her body. "Just trust us."


Using his fingers, Lance spread her lower lips and viewed the precious delicacy before him. She looked new and he wanted so much to taste her, but held off. Teaching was their plan and he wasn't going to waver just yet. Lightly, as not to scare her, he covered her clit with the pad of his index finger and began massaging it. She moaned and moved one hand to play in his hair as the other held JC's head down to her's enabling their kisses.


"Here, Jennifer. This is what you need to work with when you're alone and remembering our time," Lance stated as he moved her fingers to play with her own nub. He worked her fingers with his until she was no longer kissing JC, but panting obscenities and bucking her hips. Frantically, she worked her fingers without his urging and screamed out her orgasm.


"That's a girl. Didn't that feel good?" JC's voice feathered against her ear as he moved to lay next to her, completely naked himself.




"Want more?" Lance asked from his perch near her hips.




The guys shared a look and JC moved between her slightly parted thighs. Taking the condom Lance handed him, he rolled it down his hard shaft and Lance moved toward Jenn's face. He gently opened her hips further and moved to tease her entrance. She moaned and moved her hips to rub against him, making herself wetter. He held his composure for as long as he could, then gently entered her opening. She squirmed and he pushed a little further. She cried out in mild pain before urging him completely in. He held completely still as Lance worked his mouth and tongue over her neck and face. She was enjoying this tremendously and her body began to accept JC's invasion. Slowly he worked his hips into her and she felt him touch everything new within her. He was gentle, but she still experienced some pain. Not enough to make him stop, but Lance's mouth helped her relax. Her body felt like it was on fire and she couldn't get enough of the warmth. She raised her hips to meet his thrusts and he claimed more of her newness. This amazing sensation claimed her body and she called his name loudly, filling the room with her voice. She felt him expand then he withdrew before pausing momentarily to catch his breath and discard the condom. Her eyes were closed so sh didn't see him slide down her body. He gently flicked his tongue between her slightly swollen lips and she jumped at the sudden sensation, raising to her elbows. Her eyes were wide as she watched his tongue tease her center. She shifted onto her right elbow and moved her left hand to the back of his head, pushing him closer. He obliged and teased her slit with the tip of his tongue, running it up and down the sensitive skin agonizingly slow.


Lance watched her reaction to JC's mouth and grinned. This beautiful girl was becoming a woman at their hands and he wanted in on more of the action. Grabbing the desired tool, he eased her back down onto the mattress and circled her nipple with his tongue before gently biting it as JC nipped her clit. Her cry of pleasure enticed both men to work her innocent body further. Sensing JC's mouth endurance was at peak performance, Lance placed the activated wand just above Jenn's nipped. She moaned at the sensation and he continued, moving in slow circles until JC reached for it. He watched as JC moved to finger her opening and placed the wand on her clit.


Her body jerked with pleasure as her orgasm exploded throughout her body. Never had she felt something so intense, so thrilling. She felt the want being removed from her skin and JC's fingers slowed as she panted. She swallowed hard and her mouth was dry. Finally she opened her eyes to see both gorgeous faces smiling down at her. She smiled too and kissed each one before asking for some water. JC fulfilled her request and she sat up to drink from the bottle. She took her time sipping the water as she took in JC's naked body then Lance's boxer covered one. They were in great shape, even if JC looked extra skinny, and both were aroused. Their eyes showed concern for her soreness and she grinned at their sincerity. Her eyes moved to the other sex toys and she wondered if they'd use the wand again. She'd long since decided that owning one of those was something she had to do.


"Jennifer," Lance's deep voice whispered as his hand caressed her thigh. She locked eyes with him and he continued. "Are you OK?"


"A little sore, but DAMN!"


Both chuckled at her _expression then JC spoke, "Do you want more?"


"Yes, please."


"Anything in particular?"


"Whatever you think I'd like, but I'm curious..."


"About what? Please don't say guy on guy action," Lance teased.


"No, no. Um....I...."


"Don't be embarrassed. Whatever you want. We're here for your benefit," JC spoke softly as he played with her fingers, genuinely curious as to her desires.


"Will you spank me?" she whispered with her head low.


"Is that what you want?" Lance asked as he moved her across his legs face down.


Without allowing her time to answer, he firmly swatted her tight ass with his large hand. She yelped in surprise, but was completely turned on. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been punished this way, but never had such a beautiful man affected her in this way. Lance continued his pleasurable punishment and JC moved to sit before her face. She met his gaze and urged him closer, guiding his dick into her mouth, sucking as hard as she could. The force of the spankings made Jenn's body rock forward, taking more of JC's length into her mouth and throat then she'd rock back slightly before Lance's hand connected with her numbing behind once more, repeating the process.


"Oh, yes, Jenn....suck harder," JC grunted and she obliged as best she could.


"Do you think you've had enough?" Lance growled and swatted harder.


Jenn moaned and bit JC's dick slightly causing him to yelp before emptying down her throat. He fell back onto the mattress, tired and spent, breathing irractically. Lance swatted her ass twice more before she sat up and bit his chest.




"I play rough after being punished I guess," she smirked.


He winked at her, then forced her back onto all fours. He moved behind her, shedding his boxers and grabbing a condom in the process. She bucked back against him and he growled loudly before steadying her hips and plunging deep into her core.


"AAAAHHHHH!!!" Jenn cried in mild pain.


Lance paused momentarily before setting a furious pace. His body slammed into hers and she vocalized her pleasure, moving her body to meet his thrusts. Their cries and grunts caught a sleepy JC's attention. He moved under Jenn and rubbed her clit. She leaned down and bit his shoulder before demanding more from both men. They complied and after several minutes at this exhausting pace, she came screaming their names before collapsing onto JC's arm. Lance thrusted twice more before he grunted his completion. He pulled out and laid next to her. JC softly stroked her stomach with the hand that was pinned beneath her and Lance caressed her back as she continued to compose herself. Several minutes later, she raised her head and sighed contently. Slowly she kissed each man before Lance helped her dress her sleepy body and Lance paged Kris.


"Thank you," she mumbled before kissing both one final time and trudging down the hall.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!