Stress Relief

By:  Kristie


Andrea's green eyes watched her boyfriend Justin pace the room. His life was stressful at the moment and he was starting to get those frown/worry lines at the corner of his eyes.


"Justin, stop frowning like that or you'll start lookin' like JC when he's tired."


He stopped pacing and bust out laughing before falling on the bed next to her. He rubbed her thigh and placed his head on her stomach.


"I'm just..."


"Excited about the awards and worried about the performance," she finished his sentence as she rubbed his stubbly head. "You need to stop stressing. You'll do fine."


"Maybe you could relieve some of that stress," he smirked with a wiggle of his eyebrow as his hand cupped her pussy.


"You sure your mind can handle being blown?"


"Try me."


She smirked and removed her shirt, freeing her braless chest. He groaned and scrambled to taste them, sucking hungrily. She laughed and rolled him over without breaking the suctions. She pulled him into a sitting position and worked his shirt off. His large hands caressed her breasts as he licked between them and she held him close by his neck.




"My baby girl likes that, huh?" Justin grinned against her breast bone.


"Yes," she panted and swiveled herself across his lap.


He groaned and she continued the action, growing wetter with each pass. He released her breasts and made quick work of removing her jeans. Once they were tossed on the floor, she settled back into position, flopping down, and he growled.


"My happy friend doesn't like that?" she questioned before licking his ear and circling her hips again.


"I need to be inside you," his voice was strained as his hips thrusted up involuntarily. "Fuck, Andrea. You gotta let me up to get these jeans off."


"Sounds like you're begging and I thought you never begged for anything, Mr. Popstar."


"I'm not begging. I'm telling you that if you don't get off, I'll move you off and then you'll be punished."


"Oooh, really?" she asked, grinding her center down harder. She knew she was drenched, but the look in his eyes was invigorating, so she continued to grind down on him.


"All right, you tease," he growled and pushed her off, quickly leaving the bed.


He turned to face her as he unzipped his jeans and she was massaging the inside of her open thighs. Her eyes glazed over with lust and he watched as she slipped one finger inside herself. The room was so quiet that he could hear her moisture slosh around as she played with herself. Her hips rocked slightly as she moaned and rubbed her clit.


Finally Justin couldn't take it any longer and demanded, "Stop! I need to be in there."


"Come and get it," she moaned, close to her peak.


Quickly he was on the bed over her stretched out body and his dick pushed into her tight pussy. She arched her back and wrapped her limbs around him, taking him in deeper. His steady rhythm quickly picked up speed and they moved frantically. Her screams were matched by his grunts and her nails dug into his skin. Deeper and harder he worked her body and she was soon on the verge of an amazing orgasm. With a yell of his name, she began to shake with pleasure and that was enough to pull Justin of the edge. Her walls constricted around his releasing dick and both grunted loudly. His hips slowed and they both remained silent for several minutes as they panted. Justin withdrew from her center and collapsed next to her. She rolled onto her side and snuggled up to his chest, running her hand over his relaxed chest.


"Your stress all gone baby?" she smiled.


"Yes, thank you, baby girl. I need to close my eyes for a minute."


She smiled as they drifted off to sleep.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!