Three Fantasies

By:  Kristie


Kris woke to a little voice just to her left, "No, Gamma, they sleepin'. They tired. They were lovin' last night."


Mortified, she opened her eyes and came face to face with her almost 3 year old son on the phone. Quickly she tried to reach the phone, but her significant other was sleeping soundly on her naked chest.


"Joshie, honey, give me the phone, please."


"It's Gamma. She's laughin'," he grinned and handed over the phone. "She thinks you and Daddy lovin' is funny."


Kris took a deep breath and prayed to God that it was her own mother on the phone. She could handle a little ribbing from her own dirty minded mother, but JC's mom was a little different. Kris still wasn't sure where she stood with the woman. After all, she and JC weren't married but were living together and raising their son. What would Karen think if she knew the couple were trying to conceive again?




"Good morning, Kris," Karen's voice laughed and Kris cringed, not knowing if that was a good laugh or a ridiculing laugh. "Does your son often find you naked in bed after 9 a.m.?"


"No. He's recently figured out how to lower the guard rails on his bed. JC said we'll have to get him a big boy bed instead of the toddler bed soon."


"Maybe Papa and I could help you guys shop for it this weekend when we visit. It is OK if we visit, right?"


"Absolutely," Kris' voice was chipper. "We always enjoy your visits and Joshie is really looking forward to see you."


"Gamma and Papa on Friday, Mama. Friiiiiiidaaaaaayyy," Joshie sang happily after he'd successfully climbed up onto his parents' bed and began jumping. "Friday, Friday, Friday."


"Joshua, you're not supposed to be jumping," JC corrected groggily and rubbed his scruffy face across the generous cleavage under him. "Morning, baby."


"Morning. You're Mom's on the phone. Wanna talk to her?" she asked as her eyes pleaded with him. "She said they'd help us shop for the b-e-d."


"Cool," he yawned then scooted up her body to kiss her lips as his rigid body rubbed against her sensuously. "Morning, beautiful."


"Joshua, talk to me on the phone and molest your.....Kris later!"


JC grinned and Kris cringed at her words. Finally JC took the phone but remained on top of her, wiggling his hips just right. She bit her lip to keep from moaning out and he nipped at her neck before greeting his mother.


"Morning, Mom. You all set to fly down tomorrow?"


"Yes, sweetie. We are really looking forward to the visit. It's been too long and he sounds like he's changed SO much."


"He's gettin' big and he's so excited to see you again," JC smiled and aligned his body with his woman's, tempting her, then silently chuckled as she desperately shook her head no. "Would you want to babysit Joshie for an evening so I can take Kris out to dinner?"


"Jeez, Josh. She lives with you and does everything a wife would and you STILL have to woo her? What more does she expect? Aren't you already..."


"Good bye, Mom. See you Friday at the airport," JC snapped and hung up the phone before looking down into Kris' hurt face. "She doesn't matter. This is OUR relationship. No one else has the right to judge us, baby. All that matters is that we are happy. OK?"


"OK. I'm going to go get in the shower. I suddenly feel dirty."


"Hey. Our love is not dirty. We don't have to meet anyone else's standards."


She nodded and he finally let her out from under him. She made it to the bathroom before the tears started. She loved JC with all her heart, but he'd never asked her to marry him. They were content just being together and it hadn't mattered to her. But it seemed that their families were always throwing it up in their faces that they didn't have that one little piece of paper. She showered quickly and forced herself to wear a smile when she came back into their bedroom.


JC and Joshie picked Karen and Roy up at the airport Friday afternoon then met Kris back at the house. Karen, being the protective mother and grandmother, gave the house a good inspection before the group decided on dinner. Begrudgingly, Roy invited Kris to join. With JC's hand firmly on her back, she nodded in agreement. Dinner was delicious and all were tired from a long day, Kris' more stressed than long. Roy carried Joshie upstairs while Kris went to prepare the coffee for the next morning.


"Will you keep Joshie tomorrow evening?" JC asked his Mom as they sat on the couch in the television room.


"Are you still wooing her? Doesn't she see what a good catch you are?"




"What woman in her right mind wouldn't want to marry you?" Karen tried to reason.


"Maybe one I haven't ASKED yet."


"But you said....."


"I never said she turned me down," JC sighed. "I just chickened out of asking her. I didn't want her to think that I was only doing it because she'd just given birth. Then things have been going so well......I....I just don't want to mess know?"


"Josh....she's crazy if she doesn't say yes."


"Maybe you could back off a little?"


"Sweetie, the only reason I've been critical is because I thought she TURNED you down. son wasn't good enough to marry."


He hugged his mom tight and realized she was only protecting him. He'd do the same for her or any other member of his family, including Kris. His mom kissed his cheek then headed to bed since it was after 10 and Kris joined him after stwitching off the kitchen light. He took her hand and led her up to their room for a peaceful night sleep.


"Oooh, Mama....very perty," Joshie gushed when Kris headed down the stairs the next night, dressed elegantly in what is best known as the ‘little black dress'.


"Wow!" JC drooled and reached to take her hand.


"You DO look beautiful," Karen smiled genuinely, already knowing some of what was in store for the woman that night. "I just wish it wasn't raining."


"That's OK. We're going to be inside at the restaurant anyway."


"True," Kris smiled then turned to head back upstairs. "My trench coat is upstairs. I think I'll get it incase the wind picks up anymore."


She rushed upstairs then came back down with the coat tied tightly around her and the bathroom garbage in her hand. JC had already gone to start the car and she headed out the front door to drop the garbage in the can. He backed out, curious as to why she didn't get in the car then they'd drop the bag off. He pulled up next to her, the hedges hiding them from the front door, and she knocked on the passenger window. Slowly it hummed down and she peeked in.


"You lookin' for a date, handsome?" she smiled coyly and loosened her coat, allowing him to get a glimpse of her generous flesh minus the dress.


"Where are your clothes?"


"I'm sorry. I thought you were lookin' for ANOTHER kind of date. Maybe you should just drive on."


He got the message and grinned at her playful ways, "Get in and we'll talk up a price."


She slid into the comfortable passenger seat and pulled the door shut as he powered the window back up. She winked at him and bit her lip playfully. He drove on down the block and both were silent until he reached the first stop sign.


"So.....handsome, you lookin' to get a lil' action tonight?"


"Hell, yeah," he grinned and tried to kiss her, but she pulled back.


"I don't usually do my business on a residential street.....especially not in THIS neighborhood. Maybe we could go somewhere more private.....preferably somewhere where no one will question your screams."


He was hard at the sound of her husky voice and the dirtiness of her words. Never had his Kris been like this. This was something new and fun. Something he'd secretly desired, but never mentioned because she didn't seem the type. Sure she liked things a little rough at times, but nothing this......well, playful. Numbly he nodded and drove to a local hotel. Quickly he got them a room then they headed up to the top floor.


"Josh....I didn't mean the penthouse," she lost her character for a moment. "Baby....this is crazy. This is too much for just a couple of hours."


"Josh? How did you know my name?" he asked and coached her back into character.


"I don't, handsome. You sure you can afford all this AND me?"


"Yeah, I'm sure."


"You sure your wife won't mind our lil' encounter?"


"I don't have a wife," he stated painfully, hoping the box in his pocket didn't show.


"A big, strong, handsome man like you is unattached," her voice was heavy as she rubbed her breasts against him as they walked into the entryway. "I don't believe that."


"Not unattached."


"I have to taste you," she stated forcefully as she pinned him against the door.


Thankfully they had made it inside the penthouse before she attacked him. Her hungry mouth devoured his and her eager little tongue dominated as she pulled his head down to her level. Her tight body ground into his hard one and her hips seemed to find the exact spot he wanted to be rubbed. He moaned loudly and she smiled devilishly before biting his neck as her fingers worked to undo his shirt buttons. She untucked his shirt and spread it off his strong chest before dipping her mouth lower. Slowly she circled his left nipple with her rough tongue then made another round with the silky smooth underside of her mouth muscle. His knees nearly buckled, but she didn't allow him to move as her hands went to his belt and dress slacks. She nipped down his stomach as he grumbled obscentites then eased her small, soft hands into his jockey shorts, giving his ass a good squeeze.


"Baby," he groaned as her hands eased the material off and it pooled around his ankles.


"Gotta taste you, handsome. You gonna be able to stand?"


He nodded as she kneeled in front of him. Her sweet little mouth came in contact with the inside of his right knee and he groaned again. Slowly she worked her tongue and lips up until his rigid cock was face level. He moaned, thinking she was going to take his length into her mouth, but she didn't. She lowered back down to his left knee and worked back up again. His pre-cum was already glistening on the tip of his penis and he was holding on to the door to keep his balance. Finally her lips met his smooth tip and he dropped his head back against the door, moaning loudly. She smiled and slowly removed her mouth, only to firmly pant her tongue flat against the base of his dick then drug it back up to the tip, applying a little suction. His knees nearly gave way when she engulfed the first two thirds of him with her mouth then covered the remaining portion with her tight grip. She knew exactly how to work him, her tongue rolling over every inch, and it didn't take long before he was calling out in deep pleasure. Her hungry little mouth slurped up all he had to offer and he couldn't resist looking down at her. She licked her bottom lip then smirked up at him before slowly allowing the trench coat to drop off her skimpy covered body.




"I think maybe we need to get you over to the bed. You almost lost your balance there, handsome," she smiled and stood, leading him over to the couch with her hand firmly around his reemerging hard-on. "Ooh, good reaction time."


She pushed him back onto the black leather then stooped temptingly in front of him in her lacy pink, peek-a-boo camisole and matching panties. Her nails were perfectly manicured, a luxury she rarely allowed herself, and he desperately wanted to feel them gripping his ass as he buried himself within her. She must have read his thought because her right eyebrow arched in curiosity.


"You wantin' more, handsome?" she asked throatily and moved one heeled foot up on the couch between his thighs as he nodded. "You can have more.....IF you can afford it."


" much?"


"'s $50 for the blow you've already had."


"Done," he grunted when the cool, wet tip of her shoe nudged his balls. "Baby...."


"Not done. I don't see the cash."


He stared up at her and she winked playfully. Her character never faltered and he was loving this game. Quickly he retrieved his wallet from his trousers then toed off his shoes. She bent to pull off his socks and slacks as he retrieved a 50 from the bunch. She snatched it crisply and folded it neatly before tucking it into the cup of her built-in push-up bra, her tongue teasingly sliding across her teeth.


"Now....what else would you like me to do?"


"Mmm.....I want you to ride me," he stated plainly and reached for her, but she batted him away.


" sure you got the cash to cover your wants?"


Playfully, he tossed his entire wallet at her and she caught it. She met his eyes and bit her lip, being allowed something she never was before. Slowly she flipped through the few photos he kept in there. There was a sweet one of him and Joshie she'd taken about a year ago, one of his parents, and one of the first that had ever been taken of them. They hadn't been a couple when it was taken, in fact she was dressed for a date with another man, but Susan had insisted on taking a group picture. She fingered it gingerly then shook her head to clear her thoughts. She met his eyes again and slowly pulled all the money out, smirking at the large amounts.


"Yeah, this'll cover a good....long ride," she nodded and effectively tucked the entire wad into her garter belt that he hadn't even noticed yet. "You ready to be saddled up, handsome?"


"No saddle. Just us."


"What about that lady in your wallet? You don't want to take anything home to her now do ya?"


"You got something?" he questioned as he pulled her closer, his hands running up and down her hips. "I want another baby."


She nodded and knew that wasn't part of the game, that was real. He tenderly kissed the lace on her stomach where he hoped another of his children would grow and she allowed the tender moment to happen for a little while before she jerked his head back by his hair.


"You gettin' all sentimental on me, handsome?" she teased and bent to bite his lower lip. "Lean back."


He followed her orders and she moved to straddle him, her body rubbing sensuously against his. The lace nearly drove him crazy as she moved knowingly against his nipples. She'd discovered by accident recently that his nipples made his libido respond very similar to her own. His hands came up to grab her ass, but she wouldn't lower onto his lap and he growled in frustration.


"Relax, handsome. It'll happen....but when I'M ready."


Her mouth captured his and her tongue took over again as her body came back into his. The lace felt rough against his skin and he couldn't wait to get it off of her. He unhooked her garters from the nylons then he eased the panties down over her ass, allowing his hands to pause briefly to spat her firm, round ass. She couldn't help but smile as she nibbled his lip.


"Take these off, please," he requested then groaned when she moved off him just enough to slide them down her legs, revealing her lower half. "Mmmm.....I wanna taste you."


"This is about YOUR pleasure. You're payin' for this remember? Why don't you just relax and let me do what you're payin' for."


He leaned up to kiss her and pulled her back into him. She remained on her feet as they kissed and didn't allow him to succeed in getting her back on his lap. Slowly she pulled her lips away and brushed her eyelashes against his cheeks.


"Handsome.....will you do something for me?"


"Anything," he breathed and immediately assumed she wanted him to taste her. "Just lie back."


"No, that's not what I least not right now."


She knelt in front of him and slowly lifted his left leg. He didn't question her because her lips were back on his neck, but he did jump a little when the itchy lace was slowly drug up his hairy leg. She giggled against his neck and her breath tickled him. He wanted her so much at that moment that he didn't CARE what she made him do. He was puddy in her hands as she eased the panties up high on his thighs.


"Lift your bottom up, handsome."


He complied as he spoke, "I thought the idea was to get you more naked so you could ride me, not cover me back up."


"You won't fit in here....not with THAT hard-on," she laughed and she situated the itchy material under his ass and around his balls. "Feel good?"


"It's itchy."


"But it LOOKS amazing. Lemme get my camera."


She didn't get too far because he grabbed her hips. She laughed and moved to straddle him, lowering to tease his length. His hands released her hips and moved to cup her breasts, a deep moan released from her throat. He smiled because he knew the torture she was putting him through was as much a turn on to her as it was to him. She used his shoulder for balance and guided his cock to her entrance. She knew he was expecting her to ease onto him so she did the opposite and plunged down. She gasped in pain and pleasure as he groaned loudly, his teeth biting her left nipple through her limited clothes. She rode him hard and it wasn't too long before they were both covered in a thin layer of sweat. His hands helped lift her so she felt the full affect of his size when she came back down and she cried out, releasing her pleasure. He let go too and wrapped his arms around her for support as she sat on his lap. Her own small arms eased around his neck and her fingers toyed with the hair at the back. He could feel her grin against his temple and he couldn't deny his own.


"Well, handsome.....that was better than I expected."




Slowly she disentangled herself from him as he watched in disbelief. She stood tall and removed the money from her stocking. She licked her thumb and counted her earnings before turning toward the door and her trench coat. Quickly her head was jerked backwards by her hair and her body flew back into his where he stood.


"My game now," he growled and tossed her over his shoulder, money fell all around them as they headed to the bedroom.




"I'm not Josh. Stick with handsome and pretend that I'm a john who's gettin' a lil' rough."


Mild fear danced in her eyes as he deposited her on the bed. He took her in, lying there looking so delicately evil in her camisle and push-up bra, her pussy openly displayed by her haphazard landing. God she drove him crazy. Her eyes met his and she realized this was just a game and that if he was truly hurting her, he'd stop. Slowly a smile crept into her lips as she surveyed him in only her pink lace panties with his dick strutting upward.


"Lookin' good there, handsome," she teased and he snapped back into character.


"Shut up, bitch. You wanna suck me off again, slut, or should I just jam this back inside you?"


She played her part well, too. Fear was all over her demeanor and she tried to claw her way back up the bed, losing a heel in the process. He just smirked powerfully as he moved over her, kneeling possessively. His large hands caught her by the knees and pulled her back down until her thighs were draped over his. She put her hands up to push him back but he grabbed her wrists and pinned her back to the mattress.


"You want me dick deep inside of you, don't you, slut," he taunted as his cock rubbed against her stomach. "Don't you?"


"No, no, please no."


"Yes you do. I bet you're even wet in anticipation."


"Uh....mmm.." she bucked against his rough fingers as they probed deep inside her. "No, please, no."


"You want it. You're wet for it. Taste yourself."


He forced his wet fingers into her mouth and she winked at him before greedily sucking them. She bucked her hips against him, playing the roll perfectly, and brought him out of his own seclusion that had focused on her mouth. His hand lowered to his cock and he aligned their bodies. He felt her clench in actual fear and he brushed his finger across her clit to reassure her. She met his eye for a few seconds before she begged him not to hurt her. He smiled at her ability to fulfill two of his fantasies in one night. He dove hard into her and she clenched her muscles, making him groan against her neck. She felt so good around him and he couldn't stop himself as he repeatedly pounded into her. The bed slammed against the wall and she cried out in mock pain, her arms fighting against his that held her. She bucked up into his down slide and he sunk his teeth into her collar bone.


"Shit! Fuck! God damn that hurts!!" she cried over and over, but her legs moved to hold him tighter and he freed her arms.


Quickly her hands were on his ass under the lace and her nails were in his skin, just like he liked it. He went harder into her and she begged him louder. Her voice finally faultered when his cum spurted out deep inside her. Her own body clenched and shook as she came, milking his seed. Exhausted, he collapsed on her panting body and she held him close.


"I think you earned your money, beautiful," he panted and eased the remaining lace from her body. "I need to feel your skin on mine and nothing else."


She giggled and snapped the back of the panties he still wore. He laughed too and moved to nuzzle her neck, his love still inside her.


"What would your mother say?" she teased then grabbed for him as he left the bed. "Josh?"


He hurried out of the room and returned just as quick, his limp cock flopping in the breeze. He was grinning and she laughed at the sight.


" look too delicious in those panties," she smiled and pulled him in for a deep kiss, but he wouldn't settle back onto her for more. "What is it?"


" Mom actually loves you....she just thinks that you refused to marry me."




"I....I had planned to ask you right after Joshie was born, but you were still questioning why we were together and I was afraid you'd assume it was ONLY because of Joshie and refuse me."


"I would have," she stated plainly. "And you never told your Mom so she thinks I'm a mooch."


"I told her last night."


"That's why she was so different today."


"Anyway, she's not important right now," he fidgeted with the box and removed a gorgeous, simply elegant emerald engagement ring. "Now, will you marry me?"


"Yes, Josh. A million times, yes!"


He slipped the ring on her left ring finger and kissed her heatedly as she fulfilled a third fantasy. They made love for a few more hours then returned home for an impromptu engagement party.


THE END....or so we think!


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!