My Way Or The Highway

By:  Lara



Just one…more fight…about your leadership…and I…will straight up leave your shit…cause I…have had enough of this…and now I’m pissed…



“Okay, so, um, yeah.  Can you have the limo at the hotel by five tomorrow morning?” AJ juggled the phone between his ear and his shoulder as he zipped up his bag.  “No, trust me, it’s not too early. I plan on still being awake then.  Okay.  Yeah.  Bye.”  He hung up the phone and tossed it to the mattress.  Someone knocked on the door, causing him to jump.  He went over and peeked through the hole, frowning.  He opened the door a crack.  “Yeah?”

“Aje, aren’t you gonna let me in?”  Nick gave his occasional lover his sweetest smile. “We haven’t had five minutes alone together.”

“Yeah, about that…I uh…well…I don’t think we should fuck around anymore, Nick. I…I’m done with it.”  AJ’s brown eyes were unreadable.  “We’re just friends, okay?  That’s all we ever should have been.”

“What?”  Nick let hurt turn his face into a pout.  “AJ…”

“I’m sorry, Nick.  I gotta go. I’m busy.”  AJ started to close the door but Nick pushed it open, shoving him out of the way as he came through.

“What’s that?”  Nick pointed to the bed.

“My bag. I’m leaving. I’m not doing the rest of the tour.”

“You can’t suffer through two shows?  Is this because of me?”

“No, Nick, it isn’t because of you. I’m just not into it anymore. I’m tired.  Tired of putting on the game face and putting up with Kevin’s dictatorship of the Backstreet Boys. I’m done.”  AJ put a hand on Nick’s arm.  “I’m sorry. You guys are great friends, my brothers, but…”

Nick pulled his arm away.  “I can’t believe you are doing this.  Okay, you don’t want your dick up my ass anymore? Fine. That I can handle. I knew you wouldn’t last.  But this?  AJ…you’re dumping US, not just me.”


“Don’t fucking Nicky me, AJ McLean.”  Nick drew himself to his full height, towering over AJ.  AJ stared back at him, unafraid.  “You’re gonna be sorry, AJ.  All your dreams and nightmares are about to come true.”  Nick turned on one heel, slamming the door behind him.


AJ let himself into his room around one-thirty in the morning, amazed at how tired he was.  When he used to go out and drink, it was nothing to stay up until four or five.  It was what he had planned on doing this night. But something inside him was weary, and he didn’t have the alcohol to give him energy.  He closed the door and leaned against it.

“You’re really leaving,” a soft voice said.

“Jesus, Rok, scare the shit out of me why don’t you?”  AJ gasped.  “How did you get in here?”

“I got an extra key from the front desk, said that you locked yourself out.”  Brian stood but still didn’t turn a light on.  “I haven’t been here long.”

“What’s up?”  AJ started to turn a light on, but Brian put a hand on his wrist.

“I can’t believe you’re leaving us, Aje,” Brian continued, his soft voice draped with the light southern drawl.  “I’m gonna miss ya.”

“I’ll miss you too, Brian, but I just can’t take anymore.  I don’t have any part of myself left. It’s like everything I am, I share with you guys…I need to find me.”

“I understand that,” Brian said simply, taking AJ’s hand and stroking the fingers gently. AJ froze.

“Bri…what are you doing?”

“I know you fuck Nick, AJ.  I fuck him too.  Hell…we all have at one time or another.  Nicky’s a little slut,” Brian said, but AJ heard the fondness in Brian’s tone.  “And maybe I want a taste of you before you go.”  He led AJ into the bedroom, and AJ was so surprised that he put up no resistance.

“Brian, you’re talking crazy,” AJ said, concerned. This was not the Brian he knew.

“And it’s kinda funny, ya know, that you mentioned that everything you are you share with us…” Brian pushed AJ down onto the bed, climbing over him.  “…because that’s just what we had in mind…”

AJ shook his head, still shocked by the fact that Nick put out for the whole damn group.  “Brian…what are you talking about?”  He yelled as one of his thin wrists was shackled to the bed.  “Jesus fucking CHRIST, Brian, what are you doing!” He fought but Brian swiftly handcuffed the other wrist to the other side of the headboard.

“Wow. That was easier than I expected.” He rubbed his hands together.  “Now I gotta call the others.”

“The others?” AJ said weakly. “Okay, this is funny, ha ha, Brian.  Some prank, okay? I get it. You guys are gonna miss me.  Now let me up.”

“We’ll miss you, all right.  And we have to take our opportunities while we can.”  Brian left the room, whistling cheerfully.

“BRIAN!”  AJ yelled.


“Hi, AJ.”  Kevin stood in the doorway of the bedroom, smirking down at the figure on the bed.  “How are you?”

“Good.” AJ tried to ignore the fact that Kevin had on silk boxers.  ONLY silk boxers.  “Just hanging out.”

Kevin chuckled.  He slowly crawled up the bed, making sure his body did not touch AJ’s.  “I hear you’re leaving.”

“Um, kinda.”

“Without saying goodbye?  How rude, AJ.”  AJ yelped as Kevin took AJ’s tshirt in both hands and ripped it straight down the middle, exposing his slender frame.  Kevin ran a finger down AJ’s chest and AJ shivered.

“Kevin, I don’t know what you think you’re gonna do, but…”

“I’m not thinking about it…I’m gonna DO it,” Kevin hissed as he bit down on AJ’s shoulder.  “I’m gonna fuck you.  Howie’s gonna fuck you…Brian’s gonna fuck you.  And there’s even a possibility that we’ll let Nicky fuck you, since you never did.  You only ever dicked him…and I feel he deserves it.”

“God…Kevin…why…what…” AJ stammered.

“Just our way of saying goodbye…since you were gonna just sneak out and all,” Kevin said sweetly, licking around AJ’s nipple.  AJ ordered his body not to react, but it wasn’t easy.  Kevin chuckled and blew AJ a kiss.

“Guys,” he called.  Howie, Brian and Nick filtered into the room.  AJ gave Nick an evil glare.

“What the hell did you tell them?”

“I told them the truth…that you needed out and that you felt you shared everything with us to the point it was too much…and we realized that you didn’t share EVERYTHING…” Nick smiled at AJ.

“We’re not gonna fight about who goes first, are we?” Howie asked, stripping out of his jeans. He idly touched himself, watching AJ’s eyes widen.  “Come on, AJ…like you’ve never done a group thing before.”

“Yeah…but I…that was girls and…and…” Brian walked over and lightly slapped AJ’s face.

“Calm down, AJ.  Working yourself up is only gonna make it worse…you gotta relax,” he cooed.

“Howie, go up there and give him something to do,” Nick decided.  “I’ll get started down here, since I know what I’m doing.”

“You act like you’re the only person in this room who’s ever given a blow job before,” Kevin muttered.

“I’m the only one who’s done it to AJ…so far,” Nick said, crawling between AJ’s legs.  He unbuttoned AJ’s jeans and tugged them down, pulling his boxers with them.  “Look…he’s half-hard already.”  Nick stood and quickly undressed.

“I KNEW this wouldn’t be a big punishment for him,” Brian said, slowly taking off his own clothes.

AJ looked up at Howie, who was straddling his upper chest.  “D…don’t.”

“Come on, AJ…” Howie said cajolingly, rubbing his cock across AJ’s lips. “Open up…you know you want it.”

“Howie…I…” Howie slid his dick inside of AJ’s mouth, holding AJ’s head still with one hand.

“Go ahead…suck it…oh GOD yes…” Howie moaned, as AJ took him into his mouth. AJ had no choice.  AJ groaned around Howie’s thickness as Nick began to suck on him.  “Whatever you’re doing, Nicky, keep doing it,” Howie panted.

“Damn, Nick…you were right…you know what you’re doing,” Brian observed from his chair near the bed. His hand idly worked his own cock.

“Lots of practice,” Nick said quietly as he began to suck on AJ’s balls.  AJ whimpered and sucked harder on Howie, who let out a louder moan.

“Don’t give it to him TOO good, Nicky,” Kevin reminded him, running his hand down Nick’s back to his smooth ass.  “You want some, don’t you?”  He ran his tongue down Nick’s spine, letting it lap at his opening before pulling back.  “You wear him out now…he’ll be no good for the rest of us.”

“God…AJ…I’m so close…” Howie whimpered.

“Better decide, D,” Brian was next to Howie before he knew it.  “You cum now…you might not get to fuck him later…”

“I’ll let him fuck me…oh Jesus…” Howie yelled as he fucked AJ’s mouth hard and deep.  Brian captured Howie’s mouth in a kiss as he shot down AJ’s throat.  AJ gagged and tried to swallow, but he couldn’t help but allow some of Howie’s cum to run out of his mouth.

“AJ…how rude,” Brian said, bending down to lick the cum from the side of AJ’s mouth.  “Now you’ll just have to lay there for a while.”

“Fifteen minutes,” Kevin said, pulling Nick up into a standing position.  “Howie, go clean up.  AJ can just lay there for fifteen minutes and watch what Nicky does when he’s NOT with him.”  Kevin began to slowly kiss Nick as Howie wandered off to the bathroom.



Nick moaned as Kevin pushed him into the chair that Brian had vacated.  Kevin spread Nick’s legs and eagerly began to suck him.  Nick’s hands ran through Kevin’s dark hair, lightly tugging.  AJ couldn’t help but moan as he watched, his cock hard and throbbing.  Kevin gave Nick light bites on the inside of his thighs.  “I don’t know WHY you were so into having Nick as the bottom, as the submissive one, Aje,” Kevin said, licking up and down Nick’s shaft.  “He tastes so good…fucks so good…”

“Kevin…” Nick threw his head back, closing his eyes.  “Oh, fuck yes…”

Kevin made himself pull back.  “We’ll save that for another time, baby.”  He pulled Nick to his feet and stood behind him, his hands running over Nick’s smooth chest as he leaned his head on Nick’s shoulder.  “You fucked up, Aje.  You coulda been having this all the time…but you’re leaving.”

“I can’t believe you dumped him, AJ,” Brian said, shaking his head.  “That was harsh.”

“But we weren’t together!”  AJ protested, and instantly knew it was the wrong thing to say. He continued anyway.  “I mean, if y’all were doing him…it’s not like I was special.”

“Maybe you were,” Brian said quietly. “Maybe none of us has had a piece of Nick for ages now, because he was saving himself for you.”

“Really?” AJ gasped, looking at Nick.  Nick flushed slightly, but he turned his head to kiss Kevin.

“Maybe…but you’ll never know for sure, will you?”  Nick said.  He stepped aside and gave Kevin a gentle shove. “Go ahead, Kev.  Fuck him.  Fuck him hard.”

“No,” AJ said, squirming against the handcuffs.  His eyes widened as he looked at Kevin’s huge cock. “You are not getting that into me.”

“You don’t have a choice,” Howie said as he returned to the room. 

“Let me help,” Brian said.  He knelt down at the edge of the bed and spread AJ’s legs.  Howie took Brian’s fingers and began to suck on them.  Brian moaned slightly, then leaned forward to suck AJ for a few quick seconds before letting his tongue flicker down.

“Oh…Brian…don’t…oh GOD…” AJ panted, writhing on the bed.  Howie held AJ’s legs apart as Brian slid his fingers inside.  AJ winced.  “Slower…Brian…slow…”

“No,” Brian murmured, working AJ wider.  “You don’t deserve slower.”

“Oh…God…” AJ couldn’t decide if the feeling was pleasure or pain.  He looked up to see Nick kissing Kevin as he lubed Kevin’s cock, and he felt a slight sense of relief.  He watched Howie come up and unlock the handcuffs.  He rubbed his wrists and flexed his hands as Brian pulled back.

“Turn over,” Brian ordered.  AJ made a mad scramble to get off the bed but suddenly Howie was holding him over his lap as Kevin pulled his waist so he would get on his knees.

“If you know what’s good for you, you won’t move,” Howie whispered.  AJ stared at him but said nothing.  “Rok…you’re looking lonely.  C’mere.”  Howie pushed AJ up so Brian could kneel in front of him. “You know what to do,” Howie told AJ, guiding Brian’s length into his mouth.  Nick quickly slid a condom onto Kevin.

“God, that’s fucking hot,” Kevin whispered as he slowly pushed inside.  AJ squeezed his eyes shut as tears crept out beneath his lashes. 

“Don’t…bite…” Howie warned, keeping one hand on the back of AJ’s neck as Brian thrust into his mouth.

“Fuck…yeah…” Kevin grabbed AJ’s hips, slamming in as hard as he could.  AJ moaned around Brian’s dick, his fingers clenching the sheets.  “Suck him…oh fuck yeah…”

“Give it to him…harder,” Nick ordered, his fingers sliding down Kevin’s back to his ass.  Kevin groaned and grabbed AJ tighter.

“Fuck me…I can’t hold on…oh shit…” Kevin let out a yell as he came hard and fast.  His fingers left bruises on AJ’s waist.

“Don’t stop…Howie…don’t let him stop…” Brian begged, shoving himself into AJ’s mouth.  “I’m so damn close…”

“I won’t let him do that to you, Brian,” Howie promised, giving Brian a kiss. He sucked on Brian’s tongue and Brian came.  AJ made sure to drink every drop, and nothing seeped out of his mouth.

“Good boy,” Howie told him, patting him on the head.  Kevin pulled away and AJ fell onto the bed, panting for breath. His cock was painfully hard, and it seemed like his mouth and ass were on fire.

“My turn,” Nick said, smiling down at AJ.

“Nicky…please…” AJ begged, looking up at him. “I can’t hold myself up…please…I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t know it was like that.  I thought it was just a good time…” He looked at his bandmates.  “And I thought you guys were ready to quit.  I didn’t know you’d be so upset.”

“Turn over,” Nick said simply, and Howie rolled AJ onto his back.  Kevin put a condom and lubricant on Nick as Howie held AJ down.  “Finally,” Nick breathed, guiding himself into AJ.  AJ closed his eyes as Nick pulled AJ’s legs to rest on his long chest.  His hands held AJ’s thighs as he pushed inside. “Oh, GOD, this was worth waiting for.”

“Nicky,” AJ whispered as Nick suddenly hit the spot.  “Oh, Nicky…”

“I feel sorry for him,” Brian whispered, and he slowly started to stroke AJ’s cock.

Kevin’s tongue dueled with Nick’s as Nick fucked AJ.  “Give it to him this one last time, Nicky…make it so he doesn’t forget what it’s like to fuck around on his friends,” Kevin murmured.  Nick pulled AJ’s body up to meet his every thrust, and AJ was soon panting.

“Please…Brian…lemme cum…please…” AJ begged, and Brian stroked harder.  Kevin continued to whisper in Nick’s ear, and he soon came, letting loose a string of obscenities.  Brian bent down and gave AJ’s cock one suck, and AJ came fast and hard, screaming Brian’s name. 

“Hey…it’s late,” Howie said, looking at the clock.  “We should let Aje get some rest, since he’s probably leaving early.”

“Right.”  Brian got up and held out his hand. “Best wishes, Aje. Call me when you’re back in town.”

AJ shook Brian’s hand. “Um, okay.”

“Later, Bone.” Kevin left the room without looking back.  Brian and Howie followed.  Soon only Nick remained as he quickly got dressed.

“Nick, I didn’t know. You never said anything.”

“I didn’t think I had to. I thought you felt the same. I guess I was mistaken.” Nick looked at AJ.  “Sometimes you just don’t know friends the way you think you do.”  Nick went out of AJ’s suite, closing the door behind him.  AJ lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

The End

Tell Lara what you thought of this story!