
By:  Lara


Girl, when we started, baby, we were friends…but that’s not how this fairytale is gonna end…see, I was thinking and it clicked one day…that no one else has ever made me feel this way…



“Nick, for God’s sake, we’re gonna be late,” Kevin snapped, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor of the entryway.  “Why I said I’d pick you up I’ll never know.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Nick said, flying down the steps and almost knocking Kevin over. “I couldn’t find my shoes and…”

“Whatever. Let’s roll.”  Kevin stormed out the door to his car. Nick sighed and followed him.

“I don’t know where anything is, Kevin,” he said softly when he reached the car. Kevin froze and looked at him, the angry gaze softening.  “When she left…you know…”

“I know, dude.”  Kevin got behind the driver’s seat and Nick followed.  “You’ll get over it.”  Kevin smiled at him. “We love ya, but Willa was a flaming bitch.”

“I know,” Nick said, his voice confident.  Inside he wasn’t confident, though. Inside he was still lonely.  “So, what’s up again?”

“AJ wants us to meet that friend of his…the writer.  He says we will really like her and that he wants her to write an article for Rolling Stone about his whole rehab thing.” Kevin shifted gears and cursed as someone cut him off.

“This is the Lara chick, right?  The one whose husband…”

“Right,” Kevin interrupted quickly, and Nick said nothing more.

AJ had been bothering them for weeks to meet the girl who was quickly becoming one of his best friends. She was an aspiring writer, wanting to write a novel but supporting herself with magazine work. She had met him at an open AA meeting in Philadelphia during one of their interview stops there.  They had talked for a long time after the meeting, and exchanged email addresses.  He had finally convinced her to come down to Florida, telling her there were a lot of opportunities there to write, and he was worried about her.  Her husband, who had been clean and sober for years, had had a lot of issues when her articles started to sell, and she had been attending meetings with him as one last attempt to save their marriage. It didn’t work.


“Guys…I’m so glad you could come over.” AJ gave them each hugs as they came out to the back deck.  Nick looked at the young woman who was animatedly chatting with Howie on the swing.  She didn’t look like anything special.  “Girlfriend, shake that booty over here.”  AJ waved her over.  She rolled her eyes and walked over.  “This is my girl…this is Lara.” AJ gave her shoulder a squeeze as he hugged her with one arm. “This is Nick, and this is Kevin.”

“Hi, Kevin,” Lara said, shaking his hand.  She looked at Nick, smiling. “Hello, Nick.”

“Hey,” he said, then he smiled.  He could see in her eyes exactly why AJ liked her so much.  She looked at you like a person…not an identity.


“You’re so full of shit, Carter,” Lara said with her mouth full of potato salad. “There is no way you can jump to level six by dropping through that portal. That portal takes you back three levels.”

“It does not!” Nick insisted, almost knocking over his iced tea in his excitement.  “You’re thinking of the portal behind the rocks. This is the one on the cliff’s edge.”

“Whatever…Playstation for brains,” she muttered, and he reached out and yanked a lock of her hair. She gasped and slapped him back.

“Aww…the kids are getting along,” AJ said, smiling at them fondly.  Nick blushed.

“I’m sorry…I didn’t even notice I did that,” he apologized to Lara. She smiled.

“It’s okay…it felt totally natural to hit you back, I must say.”  AJ and Kevin laughed.


Three hours later, as AJ walked Kevin and Nick to the door, he eagerly asked their opinion.  “You were right, Aje.  She’s great…and I think she’s totally the one to write this article,” Kevin told him. He had read a few of her things when AJ first spoke of her, and he was really impressed.

“She’s really cool,” Nick told him.  “You two should hook up.”

“No way,” AJ replied. “She’s my girl…but it’s my sister.  And she’s hurting. She needs time to realize all men aren’t out to hurt her.”  AJ looked at Nick carefully. “Kinda like you.”

“All men aren’t out to hurt me?” Nick asked incredulously.  AJ kicked him.

“No…women, Junior. All women aren’t scum.”

“Well, if she’s still this cool next week when we hook up to play Playstation, then I’ll believe that,” Nick said.  AJ and Kevin raised their eyebrows. “No…friends. We’re friends. I don’t need a girlfriend to suck my heart out through a straw. I need a friend.”

Two months later


“Dammit, Nick, you freak, stop it…stop it right NOW!”  AJ heard Lara scream from the backyard.  He took one look at Howie and went tearing through Nick’s house. “You damn freak…let me alone!” 

AJ skidded to a stop once he reached the back deck. He frowned down at Nick, who was chasing Lara around the pool.  Lara was clutching a towel around her chest, trying to glare but failing miserably. “Come on…you know you want it…” Nick said, dangling the top of her bathing suit in front of her.  “Come and get it.”

“Carter, you dumbass, give me that before I come over there and get it,” she challenged.  He smirked at her and jumped into the pool, holding the suit above his head.

“You mean this?”

Without missing a beat, she tossed the towel down and dove in after him. AJ and Howie gasped.  Nick’s eyes widened with shock as the suit was grabbed from his hand. Lara’s hand reached from the water, grabbed the top, then she swam to the far end of the pool to put it back on.  “Okay, I need to come over here a LOT more often,” AJ said decidedly.

“Alex!”  Lara shouted, tying the suit behind her neck and then climbing out of the pool.  She ran to hug him, ignoring the fact that she soaked his clothing.  “I’ve missed you!”

“Yeah, well, that’s YOUR fault. Every time I call you, you’re doing something with the big pervert here.”

“She was sunbathing, Aje, and it was untied.  I got her attention and grabbed it. I couldn’t help it,” Nick said earnestly from the pool.  Lara shot him the finger.  “You wish, chickie.  You wish.”

“Yeah, right. I’m looking for something a little better then whatever YOU have to offer between those long legs.” She hooked her arm with AJ’s and led him to the swing.  “Tell me what you thought,” she said to him.

“Did you just say what I thought you said?” AJ asked her.

“Yeah…we talk like that all the time.  We’re friends,” she said with a shrug.  “What did you think of the article?”

“It was great.  Ya know, Nick’s awesome. You two would be so good together.”

“Stop.”  Lara’s eyes were serious. “No. No matchmaking. Not with me. Not with him. He’s not looking for that and I’m not looking for that. We’re friends.”  Her blue eyes were sad. “I can’t do that again.”

“It’s okay, baby. I’m sorry.”  AJ pulled her to lay her head on his shoulder. 


“Do you always try to undress Lara?” Howie asked Nick, handing him a towel.  Nick shrugged.

“On occasion…like when she borrows one of my shirts without asking. Why?”

“Um…you don’t try to undress us, and we’re your friends,” Howie pointed out. Nick grinned.

“Yeah, well, what you have under YOUR shirt I see on myself every time I look in the mirror, so, no, I don’t.”

“You know what I mean, Nick.  What about Lara?”

“She’s my friend,” Nick said softly. “She’s awesome…and she loves me as a brother.  I know she’ll never hurt me.  I like that.”

“That’s all? Brotherly love sisterly love kinda thing?”

“Yeah.” Nick looked at Howie as if he had grown another head.  “That’s all.”

“Okay.”  Howie climbed the steps back to the deck, deep in thought.

“Oh, yeah.  Nicky?” AJ yelled over the top of the railing.

“Yeah?”  Nick slowly climbed the steps.

“We have a thing on Friday.”

“What kind of thing?”

“A THING. Like you get dressed up and bring some tramp dripping with jewelry and everyone says, oh, look how nice those Backstreet Boys clean up, kinda thing.”

Nick frowned.  “Jive?”


“Shit,” Nick muttered.  This was the first party he would be attending since he and Willa had broken up.  “I need to find a date.”  He looked at Lara.

“Sorry…Alex got to me already,” she said, smiling up at AJ.

“Can I go stag, ya think?”  Nick asked.

“I’m planning on doing that,” Howie pointed out.

“Cool.”  Nick went into the house.  Lara looked at AJ.

“I’ll be right back.”

Nick was in the kitchen placing snacks on a tray.  “I hate those things,” he said without looking up. “I hate being on display like that, and everyone will be like, oh, there’s Nick Carter, the baby Backstreet Boy who can’t keep a girlfriend.”

“They won’t think that and you know it.”  Lara put a hand on his arm. “Nick…I was all ready to see if you wanted me to go with you, but Alex asked. He needs me, more than you. I know he still gets kinda freaked at these management things…like they’re all looking at him and judging him…waiting for him to fuck up.  Do you understand?”

“Of course,” Nick said, sighing. He hugged her, liking the way her body snuggled up to him.  They hugged often, both needing the feeling of support.  “You’re such a sweetheart.  Hey…maybe you and Alex could hook up!”

Lara laughed.  “No way.  He’s too much for me. I’m not the right kind of girl for him.”  Nick looked at her quizzically. “AJ needs cute, stacked, and perpetually horny. Not me.”

“Well, you’re right. You’re not all that cute…” Nick observed, and Lara hit him.  He laughed.  “You’re VERY cute.  I promise.”  He handed her the tray of snacks and shooed her out to the deck, watching her walk away.



Next time I saw you girl I knew I had to try to tell you everything that I was feeling deep inside…and listen good cuz what I say is from the heart…so if you’re ready…



Nick stopped short when he entered the private club where the party was being held. “Whoa.”

“What’s up?” Brian said from behind him. He and Nick had arrived together.

“Where did she get that dress?” 

Brian peeked around Nick, looking over to where Lara was standing with AJ, her arm roped through his.  AJ wore a dark purple suit that almost looked black, and Lara wore a shimmery silver dress that covered everything but made you want to look for more.  Her hair was piled up and Nick recognized the little diamond earrings he had put in the small basket he had given her at Easter.  “I’m assuming she got it at the store, Nick,” Brian said, shaking his head.  “You’ve got it bad.”

“Got what?” Nick asked absently, watching as AJ’s hand slid around her waist to settle on one hip.  Lara leaned an arm on his shoulder, nodding as they talked to Kevin and his girlfriend.

“Why don’t you ask her out?”

“God…you too?”  Nick turned on his best friend. “We are friends. I don’t like her that way.”

“Yeah, okay, sorry,” Brian said hurriedly. “It’s just…you had this look on your face…like you wanted nothing more than to be in Bone’s shoes right now. I must’ve been seeing things.”

“Yeah, ya were,” Nick griped, going over to the bar and asking for a drink.

“Hey there, Junior.”  AJ slapped Nick on the back.  “A water and a coke, please,” he told the bartender.  “You’re looking sharp.” AJ eyed Nick’s blue suit critically. “Lara must’ve helped you shop.”

“Yeah, she did,” Nick admitted. “She fell in love with this and told me if I didn’t buy it, she’d kill me.”  His blue eyes flickered over to where Lara was talking to someone.  “She looks amazing.”

“Yeah, doesn’t she? I’m feeling mighty special right now…having someone like THAT on my arm.”

“You’re lucky. She…” Nick’s eyes widened. Lara had thrown back her head and was laughing, her hand resting lightly on someone’s arm.  “Is that Lance Bass?”

“Um…yeah,” AJ said.  “They met when she was writing for some little magazine.”

“She’s flirting with him!” Nick realized.

“And?” AJ watched Nick carefully.

“It’s just…he’s…his eyes are crooked.”

“And yours are green. Jealous much?”  AJ went back to his date before Nick could reply. 


Much to the amusement of Brian and Howie, Nick’s eyes rarely left Lara for the rest of the evening. She stopped by him to say hi, but she was busy mingling and making contacts.  Her article on AJ was supposed to be published the following week, and she was praying it would be good enough to get her some good deals for future articles with different publications.  She flittered from group to group, sometimes introducing herself and sometimes having AJ introduce her.  She made sure AJ was in her eyesight at all times, however, and when he was looking exceptionally tired she made sure she was by his side.

“Bone’s doing good, don’t ya think?” Howie asked Nick at one point.  Slow music was playing, and Lara was in AJ’s arms on the dance floor.  “He hates these things.”

“I wonder when the last time was that he made it through one totally sober,” Nick remarked, looking down at his own beer. “We’re not much help.”

“AJ doesn’t expect us to revolve our lives around his problems,” Howie reminded Nick. “He told me so.  He’s cool.”

“Yeah, he is,” Nick said, wondering how one person could take a simple love song and turn it into an excuse to dirty dance with a girl.  He strode over to where AJ was grinding with Lara and making her giggle.  “Can I cut in?”

“Of course,” AJ said, giving Nick a strange smile.  He released Lara, and Nick took her in his arms. 

“Hey, stranger.”  Lara craned her neck back to smile up at Nick. “You look handsome…did I tell you that yet?”

“Nope.  And you look like a dream,” he informed her. She actually blushed and giggled. “I swear. And you have every guy under forty years old wrapped around your finger tonight.”

“No, I don’t think so. But thank you.” She laid her head on his chest.

“Do you ever think about dating?”

Lara’s head jerked up and she frowned. “Where did that come from?”

“You know…having someone to hang with, talk to, snuggle with.”

“I have that. I have you to hang and talk to…and I have Alex.”  She stuck her tongue out at AJ, who was watching them from a corner.  He made a face at her.


“Yeah…he’s a good friend to me.”

Nick frowned, wondering just how much snuggling was going on with Lara and AJ. He then wondered why he cared.  “Oh.”

“You looking to date again?” Lara asked. “All women aren’t Willas, Nick. You deserve a great girl.  AJ has this friend, Dawn…she’s pretty and really smart.”

Nick sighed in frustration. Somehow things had gotten confused. HE was confused.  “Lara…”

“Hey, maybe the four of us could go out sometime.  Me and you and Aje and Dawn.  If we were there, maybe you’d feel better.”

“But I don’t WANT to double with you and AJ,” Nick said.  “I’m not even sure if I want to date yet…I just wanted to talk to you. It was on my heart for a while.”

Lara placed a hand on Nick’s smooth cheek. “Nick, it’s okay. You can be scared.”  She stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. “I have to get back to Alex.  You think about it. I won’t say anything to him until you say so, okay?”  He nodded. The music ended and she kissed his cheek again, leaving him standing on the dance floor.


See, I toss and turn when I’m alone…and I just can’t wait til you get home, waiting for your call cuz tonight we’re gonna do it all girl it’s just the two of us…


“Are you sure Aje is ready for something like dating?” Nick asked Lara as he shoved the bookcase into place.  “I mean, I thought with something like that you were supposed to wait…to make sure that the relationship isn’t being used as a crutch.”

“You’ve really been reading up on that stuff, haven’t you?” Lara asked, smiling at him in approval.  “Over to the left…yeah…there. Good. Thanks, Nicky.”  She went over and hugged him.

“No problem.”  Nick caught himself inhaling her shampoo and quickly pulled back.  “Where are the boxes of books?”

“In the spare bedroom.” She led the way down the hall of her apartment. “Nick, I’m gonna miss you SO much.  You’ve been such a big help.”

“Where am I going?” Nick asked, confused.  She laughed.

“Nowhere. I have to go to New York for a few weeks, talk to some people about some things.” Lara noticed his frown.  “I thought Alex told you.”

“I haven’t talked to him in a while,” Nick replied. He didn’t mention that he had been so jealous of AJ that he thought he might hit him if he saw him.  “These it?” He pointed to some boxes.

“Yeah. Just the two on the right.” She picked up a box and lugged it to the living room.  “Maybe you could come up and hang for a few days, if you’re free. New York is so fun…and I think Alex will come up.”

“Maybe,” he said vaguely.  “Do you need anything else? I forgot…Aaron’s in town and I should stop by the house.”

“Sure,” she said, looking at him strangely.  “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”  He surprised her, and himself, by giving her a quick peck on the lips. “Call me.”  He darted out her front door before she could say anything more.


“Fuck,” Nick muttered as he squealed his car around a tight curve. He pulled to the side of the road, slapping his palms against the steering wheel. “Fucking AJ. Why does HE always get the girls?  I’m cute. I’m the blond one, for God’s sake. They’re supposed to like ME.”  He lightly banged his head on the steering wheel. All Lara seemed to talk about was AJ. AJ said they were just friends, but they were together a LOT.  Of course, he was with Lara a lot, too, but it was different. 

He got a hold of himself and carefully pulled back onto the road.  It was weird.  He had no clue when he had started to have these odd feelings about Lara…but it had just happened.  He thought about her often, and when he wasn’t with her he really missed her.  He knew that their friendship was tight enough that he could just open up and tell her…but he was afraid. What if she laughed? What if she acted like Willa, told him he was an idiot and a retard?  He didn’t know if he could handle that again.  And Lara said SHE wasn’t ready for anything, yet she had mentioned the whole double date thing, and she had brought up the fact of AJ going on dates just that day.

Nick squealed into his driveway and parked. He went into his large house and straight up to his bedroom, flopping on the bed. He had lied about Aaron, but he just couldn’t stand it anymore.  Couldn’t stand hearing about AJ. He knew Lara was a special friend to AJ; she understood some of what he was going through.  But Nick felt she was HIS special friend, too, and he just wanted the friendship to grow.  Now if he could just find a way to tell HER that.


“Hello?” Nick answered the phone sleepily.

“Were you sleeping? I’m sorry.” 

He sat straight up. “No…just dozing.  I’m fine. What time is it?”

“Seven…I told you I was gonna call you,” Lara said. “Nick, you’re acting really weird.  Are you SURE you’re okay?”

“Yeah…I’m fine…” Nick said vaguely.  “Wanna get together?”

“Alex stopped by…he’s here now…I thought we could go to a movie or something.”  Nick frowned.


“He brought Dawn with him,” Lara whispered.  “Please, Nick.  It would be good for you.”

Nick sighed. He didn’t want Dawn. He didn’t want AJ to be there, either. He wanted it to just be him and Lara.  But any time with her was better than no time at all.  “Okay. I’ll be over in twenty.”


Cuz I’m thinking ‘bout you day and night…and I just can’t get you off my mind…when you get a minute baby I was thinking we could hook up it’s just the two of us…the two of us…



Nick watched the sun rise over the ocean as he sat on his balcony. The night before had been a nightmare, and it had taken every bit of acting ability in his body to act like he was having a good time.  AJ’s friend Dawn was nice enough, pretty, with a brash sense of humor, but she wasn’t what he wanted.  And Dawn had spent most of her time paying attention to AJ.  It was obvious who she was TRULY interested in.  Nick had watched AJ interact with her, and he almost thought that maybe AJ was interested as well.

Lara had given him no clue to anything. She was equally interested in what both he and AJ had to say, and at the movies she had sat between them.  Nick kept one eye on her the entire time, and he didn’t see AJ making any kinds of moves on her.  He sighed, watching the sunlight sparkle over the waves.  He groaned and closed his eyes. This was crazy.  The LAST thing he needed was a new relationship. This wasn’t even a relationship and it was driving him crazy.  He needed to find the courage to tell her.  All she had to do was say no.


Cuz in a room full of people you’re the only one around and nothing in this world could ever bring us down…baby I’ll be there telling you I care this I swear…girl it’s just the two of us the two of us…



“Okay, it’s early,” Nick grumbled three days later. He opened one eye to check out his clock as he answered the phone. “It’s eight in the damn morning.”

“Eight-fifteen,” a voice said tearfully.

“Lara?”  Nick sat up. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s…I…I don’t know HOW the hell they found out I was up here…but they did…and here they are and I’m reading them and I don’t know…” Lara tried to breathe but she was sobbing too hard. 

“Lara, calm down. What is it, babygirl?”  The endearment slipped out, and Lara didn’t say anything about it.

“The divorce papers…it’s final…it’s done.”

“Where are you staying?”  Lara named the hotel. “I’ll get up there on the next flight.  You gonna be in your room?”

“I’ve been crying for the last fifteen minutes and I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon. I don’t think I’ll be doing any meetings today.”

“I’ll be there. You stay put, okay, sweetheart?  I’m coming.”  Nick hung up and started to get dressed.



Nick was walking through the lobby of Lara’s hotel by two in the afternoon. He carried only a small duffel bag, not quite sure how long he would be staying.  He found her room and knocked.

“Hey,” she said, sniffling as she opened the door.

“I love you, but you look like hell,” Nick told her.  She smiled but didn’t laugh.

“Yeah…thanks.”  He followed the little trail of balled up tissues as she went back to the bedroom.  “Sorry this place is a mess…sorry I’m a mess…” Lara began to sob as she fell onto the bed.

“You’re not a mess. You’re beautiful. Come here.” Nick took her in his arms and snuggled her against him. “Go ahead…cry it out.”

“I kept thinking…you know…that it wouldn’t come to this.  Even when I signed the papers…I didn’t think it was real. Now it is,” Lara managed to say between sobs.

“Baby, you are SO much better off without him. It didn’t work out and it’s not your fault, okay? You are such a sweetheart that you will do anything to make things work, even if it sacrifices YOU in the process. You need to let it go and move on.”

“Do you know what it’s like to feel like such a loser…to feel so helpless?” Lara whispered. “I feel like he kicked me in the gut and ran off laughing.”

“I TOTALLY understand that,” Nick told her. She thought about that for a moment.  “But it’s HIM that is the loser, Lara, not you. He is so stupid, letting you go like this…letting the partying and drinking get in the way of what he has.”  He gently stroked her hair. “You are fantastic. You’re beautiful and smart and so damn talented…that article on AJ is amazing. Everyone says so.  Even AJ’s mom.  And I KNOW people are knocking down your door right now…that book deal is just around the corner.”

“You think so?” She sniffled.

“I KNOW so.” He held her close, kissing the top of her head.

“Nicky, you’re the best friend I could ever ask for. Even Alex couldn’t say the right things the way you are.”

“Glad I could help,” he said, frowning both at the best friend remark and her reference to AJ.

“This is like some weird “When Harry Met Sally” moment,” she said. 


“You know, they’re friends and all, and she’s all depressed because her ex is getting married when he never wanted to marry HER.  Harry comes to console her and they end up in bed and ruin everything.  I’m glad I don’t have to worry about that with you.” Lara snuggled closer.  “You wouldn’t do something like that to ruin things.”

“No, I sure wouldn’t,” Nick said with a sigh, closing his eyes and enjoying the way her body felt against his.


Two hours later his eyes fluttered open.  They had fallen asleep on her bed and he was the first to awaken.  Nick rubbed his eyes, pushing some hair from his forehead.  “Hey…Sleeping Beauty…wake up,” he said, shaking her slightly.

“What time is it?” Lara mumbled.

“After four-thirty. You need to get your booty in gear. You’re gonna get up, get showered, and put on something spectacular. I’m gonna get up, go shopping for something nice, and then I’m gonna take you out for dinner.”

“Why?” Lara sat up and stretched.

“Because I feel like spoiling you.  Because I feel like getting all kinds of jealous glances that this hot chick is with me.”

“You’re impossible.” But she smiled as she shoved him.  “You’re gonna buy something new, just to go out with me?”

“Do you really think I shoved a suit in that bag?” Nick nodded towards his bag. He got up and stretched as well. “I’m gonna go get a room of my own.  I’ll meet you downstairs in the bar around…seven?”

“Okay,” she said, nodding. Her eyes were swollen and red-rimmed, but she looked beautiful to him. “Thank you, Nicky.”

“No problem.” He kissed her forehead, then left her suite.


Nick was reminded of the movie “Pretty Woman” as he wandered down to the bar a few minutes before seven.  He remembered how Julia Roberts was waiting in the bar for Richard Gere, and how stunningly beautiful she was, and how impressed he was.  This was nothing. The dark red dress made Lara’s hair shine, and the smile on her face when she saw him put Julia Roberts to shame. “You clean up SO good.”  She kissed Nick’s cheek.

“I look like dirt next to you,” he told her. He offered her his arm and they went out of the bar and out of the hotel.  “I thought we’d just go down the street here,” he said, motioning towards a classy restaurant on the corner.

“Oh, good. I wanted to try this place, but not by myself.”

“Well, I’m glad I’m taking you here, then.”  He held the door for her to walk in.

They had a pleasant dinner, and made a good-looking couple. Quite a few men and women looked at them as they walked by. Nick kept nudging her with his foot every time a man tried to catch her eye, and she was finally giggling and blushing. “Nick, you’re too much. Would you STOP?”

“I could get his number for you,” he said, and she giggled again.

“I don’t think so,” she said, sobering.  “I don’t know if I want to let someone in like that again. I would need to be their friend first…need to find out what kind of person they are.”

Nick ached to say something, but he wisely held back. “You’ll find someone, I promise,” he told her.

“I want someone who will romance me,” she said dreamily, leaning her chin on her hand. “I like surprises…I want someone who will make me laugh.”

“There are a ton of guys out there like that,” he said to her, a plan formulating in his brain. “You just need to wait for one of them to find you.”



Baby, I wonder if you feel the same as I do, I wonder if you’re going through the things I’m going through…I send you flowers on a Saturday, inside’s a letter with a message and no name…



“Why don’t you be my girlfriend…I’ll treat you good…I know you hear your friends when they say you should…’cause if you were my girlfriend…I’d be your shining star…the one to show you who you are…girl you should be my girlfriend…” Nick sang cheerfully.

Brian dropped the basketball he was about to shoot, cursing as it hit his ankle and rolled across the court. He turned to stare at his best friend. “Nick, were you just singing NSYNC?”

“Yeah…hey…I just noticed, they used “shining star”…wonder if we can sue for that.”  Nick walked over to pick up the basketball. He sent it through the hoop.  “Ahh…nothing but net, Shorty.”  He tossed the ball to Brian.

“You sang NSYNC. Are you okay?”

“Fantastic. For the first time in days,” Nick told him, ruffling Brian’s short hair affectionately. “Damn, Frick…you’re going bald.”

“My hairline is not your concern,” Brian snapped. “I want to know why you’re singing NSYNC.  What happened to you in New York with Lara?”

“I came to the realization that I’ve fallen in love with her…and now I know what to do to get her to notice me.”

“Um, Nick? You’re six two and pretty cute…I don’t think she could help but notice you.” 

“I’m cute?”

“Not the point…since when do you have this thing for Lara?”

“I don’t know.”  Nick caught the ball and dribbled it.  “I just woke up one day and she was there…cute…funny…smart…so talented.” He frowned. “Only problem is, I think she has a thing for AJ.”

“AJ?”  Brian looked even more confused. “I thought he was seeing that Dawn chick.”

“I don’t think so.” Nick shook his head. “If so…what a weird circle…AJ wants Dawn, Lara wants AJ, and I want Lara…and who wants me?”

“I want you, bro,” Brian said, winking at him. Nick growled and started to chase him across the court.


Lara paid the taxi driver and lugged her suitcases up to her front door. The meetings had gone well, and she was tired but happy. She had missed Nick after he had left, but she had been quite busy, and this was actually the first time she had thought about being alone.  She dug in her pocket for her key and opened the front door. 

She sniffed as she let her suitcases fall to the ground. “Smells like…” Lara wandered up the steps to her bedroom.  She shrieked as she walked into the room.  Three bouquets of white roses sat on her dresser.  She quickly grabbed one of the cards. “I know these are your favorite,” she read out loud. “I hope you enjoy them.”  Another card read, “These are beautiful, but not even close to you.”  The third just said, “Enjoy.” Not one of the cards was signed.  She picked up the phone.

“Yo…Bonedaddies R Us.”

“Alex, you are so sweet!”

“I know, baby, I know.  What did I do now?”

“The flowers.”

“Oh, yeah, I was gonna ask you about that…who you hitting it with, girl?”

“You mean you didn’t…”

“No, I didn’t. I came over to check on the house this morning and they were on the front porch. I thought you’d want them upstairs, so I put them in there.”

“Quit lying.”

“Lara, I love ya, but I didn’t buy the flowers.”

“Odd.” Lara sat on her bed, staring at the cards.  “None of the cards are signed.”

“Oooh…a secret admirer.  Sweet.  We on for lunch tomorrow?”

“Yeah…I’ll be over at one.”  She hung up and stared at the cards in her hand.


She had just finished unpacking when the phone rang. “Hey there,” Nick said. She smiled as she fell onto the bed.

“Hey, how are you?”

“I should be asking YOU that,” Nick said.  “How is everything?”

“Right now, okay. I have been too busy to think about it…but I’m sure in about an hour I’ll be having a nervous breakdown.”

“Well, you are talking to the right boy.  I have a video in hand, as well as coupons for the Chinese place.  Care to be distracted?”

“I would LOVE to be distracted.  What movie?”

“Some porn thing…Babes in Toyland or something?”

“Nickolas Carter, if you bring a porno over I swear to God…” Lara said, but she laughed. 

“I’ll be over in a half hour.” Nick hung up and went to find his keys.


Lara let out a short shriek when she opened the front door.  A large bunch of balloons with long legs was on her front porch.  Nick peeked around the balloons. “Hi.”

“Nick, what…why…” Lara giggled as she took the bouquet of six balloons from him.  They all read “Welcome Home.”

“I missed you…and I knew you’d like it.”

“I love it.  I swear, everyone must be in a bouquet mood today. You got me balloons and…”

“And what?” Nick asked, setting down the small box full of Chinese food.

“And…well…someone sent me flowers.  Three bouquets of roses…no name on the card,” she said as she went to the kitchen for plates and utensils.  “Weird.”

“Did you like them?”

“I love them.” Lara came back to the living room. “And I love these, too. Thank you.” She kissed Nick’s forehead as she sat down next to him on the floor.


Somehow they ended up curled up together on the sofa to watch the video.  It was a romantic comedy, and they enjoyed it, but Lara was soon fast asleep with her head on Nick’s chest.  He didn’t want to move, but he lightly stroked his fingers through her long hair. This was so nice. Willa had always been so busy, and the few times she was free, he was busy.  And when they were together for something, she always wanted to go out and meet people, go places, do things.  Lara wasn’t like that. And Nick liked it. He closed his eyes and sighed, enjoying the moment.


See, I just love the feeling knowing I can make you smile…and I haven’t felt that way about someone in quite a while…


Three weeks later



Just listen to these words I have to say…just take a chance…



“Wow…Brian was right,” Nick whispered to himself as he stood in AJ’s kitchen, looking out the patio doors.  AJ and Dawn were on one side of the picnic table, while Brian, Howie, Lara and Kevin were on the other side.  Dawn was leaning back against AJ, and AJ had his arm around her shoulders.  Howie got up from the table and came into the kitchen, startling Nick.

“You just gonna stand there all day and watch us hanging out, you pervert?” Howie asked, flicking Nick behind the ear as he headed for the refrigerator. 

“No…did you guys eat yet? I guess I’m late,” Nick said.

“Nope…you’re just in time.  Kevin’s about to hit the barbecue,” Howie informed him. He tossed Nick a soda and Nick smiled.  There was a time when you’d only find alcohol at one of AJ’s picnics.  “What were you staring at?”

“Aje and Dawn. Guess Brian was right, they ARE an item.”

“Duh, where have you been?” Howie asked. “For like WEEKS now.”

“I’ve been preoccupied,” Nick said vaguely, watching Lara laugh at something Brian was saying.  “Busy.”

“Okay,” Howie said, looking at him oddly.  Nick followed him out to the deck.

“Hey, Junior!”  AJ said happily, smiling at his friend.  Nick said hi to everyone, then took a seat on Dawn’s other side.  He looked at Lara.

“How are you? I haven’t heard from you in a while.”

“I’ve been busy…I was just telling them that when I DO have free time, I have been trying to figure out who this secret admirer is.”

“Oh…the rose dude?” Nick feigned ignorance.

“Yes…though it’s gotten better.  I got a basket full of stuffed animals one day…a box of bath salts and soaps…a box of chocolate…”

“Yeah, that would suck,” Dawn agreed.

“I know…it’s like he knows just what I like…which is what makes me think I know who it is…” Lara trailed off, looking at Nick.  He blushed.  Everyone else watched Lara expectantly, except Brian. He watched Nick.  “I think it’s my ex.”

“Your ex WHAT?”  Nick asked, shocked.

“My ex-husband.  I think he’s trying to win me back. No one else knows this stuff about me…all my favorite brands of things like this.”  Lara looked around. “What do you guys think?”

“Lara, I think the guy is a loser, and I thought that was done!” Nick snapped before he could stop himself.  She looked hurt.

“Well…yeah…officially…but, I mean, you can’t turn feelings on and off like a faucet, and…”

“He’s a loser.  He’s not coming back. When will you see that and move on?”  Nick said angrily.

“Nick, whoa,” AJ said, standing up and putting a hand on Nick’s shoulder.  “Relax.”

“I can’t relax when my friends are being so stupid and just letting themselves get hurt,” Nick replied.  Lara stood, tears in her blue eyes.

“I see.  Well, this stupid friend is outta here.  Sorry, Alex, but I need to go.”  Lara got out from behind the picnic table and hurried through the house.

“Fuck,” Nick mumbled, sitting down and burying his head in his hands. 

“Fuck is right, you prick,” AJ growled, hurrying after Lara.

“You need to tell her,” Brian said gently.  Kevin looked confused.

“Tell her what?”

“Nick’s the one that’s been sending her all this stuff…am I right?” Nick nodded. “You need to apologize and come clean about it,” Brian told him. Nick sighed and nodded again.


“Answer answer answer,” Nick mumbled to Lara’s door the next day. “Please come answer the door. I…” He stopped when she threw the door open.

“Yes? I’m busy.  Busy being stupid,” she said angrily.  He held out a small bouquet of white roses.

“These are beautiful, but not as beautiful as you,” he said shyly.

“Nick, I don’t…” Lara froze. “What did you say?”

“I hope you enjoy them.”  Nick pushed the flowers at her.  She slowly took them.

“Come in,” she whispered.  Nick followed her to the living room and sat down next to her on the sofa.  “How did you know what the cards said?”

“How do you think?” Nick said softly. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but he didn’t send any of those things…I did.”




Lara stared at him for a long moment, her blue eyes full of confusion.  “You?” She whispered finally.  Nick nodded. “Why?”

Nick couldn’t help but roll his eyes.  “Why do you think? I care about you…so much…I love you.”

“Well, sure, Nick, I love you, too,” she said hesitantly. He shook his head.

“More than that.  I am IN love with you.”

“You can’t be.” Lara stood up and went to the kitchen for a vase.  “We’re friends.”

“Can’t friends be in love?” Nick followed her, determined to make her listen.  “Shouldn’t it start that way?”

“Why? Why now? Why didn’t you just SAY something, instead of trying to be sneaky?” Lara said, keeping her back to him so he wouldn’t see her tears.

“Because I felt it was too early, first of all.  Remember how I said about Aje and it being too soon for him? That’s because I felt it was too early for you, too…and I thought you wanted HIM.”

“Alex?” Lara couldn’t help but laugh. “We’re friends.”

“Yeah, well, sometimes friends fall in love,” Nick said softly. He could see her shoulder shaking with silent sobs. “Lara…please…don’t cry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I was so afraid you’d freak…like this…so I didn’t tell you.  But today I couldn’t let you go on thinking that loser was trying to get you back…because it wasn’t him. He’s not worth anything you have to give him, baby.”

“Nick…” Lara turned around, tears falling down her cheeks. “I don’t…I can’t…”

“That’s okay. I’m gonna go. I’m sorry.” He leaned down and kissed her lips softly, then went out of her kitchen and out of her house.


Nick was miserable the next few days. Everyone he saw reminded him of Lara, everywhere he went held some sort of memory of her, so he left town.  Hopped on a plane and went on a mystery vacation.  No one knew where he was, and soon his friends began to worry.  AJ began calling his pager every three hours, knowing Nick would be checking it regardless of where he was.

“AJ McLean, I swear to fucking GOD if you don’t stop filling up my voice mail every day, I’m gonna kick your scrawny rehab ass,” Nick yelled when he finally called ten days later.

“Junior!  Hey, man, what’s up?”

“Why are you calling me? Didn’t you get the hint that I want to be left alone?”

“You’re gonna let a WOMAN chase you away like that?”

“I thought she was your friend.”

“She IS, but that doesn’t make her any different. It’s just a chick, dude…there are a million of them out there just like her…I bet I could find one right now ready to chain you to her bed for a week.”

“AJ, shut the fuck up,” Nick snapped.  “Don’t talk about Lara like that…she’s not like that.”

“Whatever, dude.  I think you need to come back though…I’m sick of getting your stuff at my house.”

“What stuff?”

“Apparently someone has the hots for YOU…they keep trying to deliver shit to your place and my place was given as a second address.  My damn foyer is full.”

Nick sighed.  He was furious with AJ for bothering him, and even more furious with him for what he said about Lara.  “All right. I’ll be on a flight tomorrow.”

“Cool. I’ll drop your car at the airport. I still have the extra key.”  AJ hung up.

“That was kinda mean, what you said about Lara,” Dawn remarked.  AJ smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

“You know I didn’t mean it…and it’s getting his ass back here, isn’t it?”  AJ frowned. “I do want all that shit out of my house, though…those flowers reek.”


Nick showed up on AJ’s doorstep at four the next day. AJ cheerfully let him in.  “I threw away most of the shit.  The flowers got nasty.  But all the other stuff is on a pile there.” He pointed to a large stack of boxes in the corner.  Nick’s mouth fell open.

“What the hell…”

“I dunno, dude. I didn’t look at the cards.  Open them.”  AJ leaned against the wall as Nick dropped to the floor and waded through the pile of boxes.  “Get any while you were away?”

“That’s not why I left, Aje,” Nick said, glaring at him.

“Oh, okay.”  He watched as Nick went through the cards first.

“None of them are signed. Half of them are blank.  This is odd.” He gasped as he opened the first box. Inside was a crystal pair of dolphins, from Tiffany’s. “Holy hell…these must’ve cost a fortune.”  Inside the other boxes were Miami Dolphins shirts, more ocean-oriented gifts, and a brand new video game system.

“Someone obviously knows what you like,” AJ said, impressed.

“Yeah…but the one thing I want more than anything isn’t in a box,” Nick said sorrowfully.

“Why don’t you just give up on her, dude? Move on,” AJ said, steeling himself from the blow he knew would come. Sure enough, Nick was on his feet in a second, grabbing AJ by the shirt.

“Shut up about her, okay, Aje? She’s not your concern.”

“Actually, she is.  So much that she gave ME the message that if I saw one of your dyed blond hairs in this town, I was supposed to call her…maybe you should do it.  Or, hell, just go over there.”

“Are you serious?”

AJ nodded. “She wants to talk to you.”

Nick darted out the door, leaving the gifts behind.  AJ smiled to himself and began to stack everything in the corner once more.



When Nick arrived at Lara’s house, he noticed that the front door was open, with the screen door unlocked. He let himself in, making sure to be extra loud so she wouldn’t be frightened.  He peeked into all the rooms downstairs and saw no sign of her.  He wandered out the back door to the yard and saw her weeding the small garden by the back fence. He couldn’t help but grin. She hated weeding more than any other household chore, and he knew she was doing it because she was upset.

His shadow hit her before he actually reached her, and before he could speak, she said, “I was friends first with him, too…best friends.  That friendship can never be now…because of the divorce. Because we got together, we can’t be friends anymore.”  She slowly stood up and turned around.  “That’s why I freaked out.” Nick opened his mouth to speak, but she continued. “I see why you sent all that stuff.  It’s fun sending gifts to someone, knowing they’ll appreciate them…knowing they’ll like the mystery of not knowing who is sending them.”

“You,” Nick said, mentally kicking himself.  “Of course.”

“I treated you pretty bad…I’m sorry,” Lara said softly. “I’m afraid of losing our friendship, Nick. What if this doesn’t work out? What if…”

“What if it DOES?” Nick asked softly, wiping a smudge of dirt from her cheek. “How will we know if we don’t try?  And I’m not saying get married tomorrow or anything…we both have a lot of baggage to deal with…”

“You can say that again,” she murmured.

“But I’d like us to stay like we are…friends…except that maybe every now and then you’ll let me put my arm around you…or kiss you…”

“Kiss me?” Lara repeated, her eyes fixed on his smiling red lips.

“Yeah, kiss you. Is that so repulsive?”

Her knees went surprisingly weak at the thought. “Um, no,” she whispered.  His hands reached up to cup her face.

“Wanna try it now…just to see if it’s weird? I mean, if it feels like you’re kissing your brother or something, this can’t happen.”

“Right,” she murmured, wondering why she could see nothing but the blue of Nick’s eyes. He gently pressed his lips to hers, and she sighed.  Her arms wove around him, and the kiss intensified.  When she finally pulled away, her eyes were sparkling and her cheeks were pink. “Why didn’t I ever see this before?”

“You’re kinda dumb sometimes,” he said affectionately as they headed back into the house.  She smacked him.

“Thanks a lot.”


It just gets better with each day…I always wanted to tell you but I was so afraid…


The End

Tell Lara what you thought of this story!