Oops, I Did It Again

By:  Lara


Oops, I did it again…I played with your heart…got lost in the game…


                “If you don’t want to go, sweetie, we can always stay home,” Lance said to Ari as they climbed into the limo.

“It’s a little late now, Lancers,” she grumbled, taking special care not to catch her long skirt in the door.  “I spent almost two hours getting ready…I’m not wasting all that effort on you.”  Ari mentally kicked herself as Lance’s green eyes filled with hurt.  “I…I didn’t mean it that way, Lancers.  I’m sorry.” She leaned over and sweetly kissed his cheek.  He put his arm around her, pulling her close.

She sighed to herself as she allowed him to gently massage her shoulder.  She didn’t know why every little thing he said and did lately drove her crazy.  Lance Bass was the sweetest man she knew…maybe that was the problem.  He was sweet, tender, kind, generous, thoughtful…and she felt like she was being strangled by his affection for her.  She enjoyed the lifestyle he had, and the way he showered her with presents, and the sex wasn’t half-bad, but she needed something new.  This relationship was getting old, but she wasn’t quite ready to leave yet.

“You look absolutely gorgeous, by the way,” he told her, gently kissing her forehead.  “All the other guys are gonna be so jealous that you’re mine.”

That’s what I’m hoping, she thought, but she said, “You look nice, too.”  He did.  Lance was wearing black pants and a black suit jacket with swirls of velvet in it.  They did make a nice looking couple, Ari had to admit, looking down at her long purple dress.  “So…what’s this thing we’re going to again?”

“Some shindig for Jive…the other guys will be there…so will Britney, the Backstreet Boys…” he continued listing names.  Ari wrinkled her nose at the mention of Britney Spears.  What she and Justin had was so completely obvious, and yet they still tried to play it off as just friends.  It annoyed her to no end.  Her ears perked up at the mention of the Backstreet Boys.

“Wait…back up.  The Backstreet Boys?  I thought they were on tour.”

“They finished last week and made a special trip up to New York for this thing.  Maybe your friend Lara will be there.”

“Maybe,” Ari said absentmindedly. Her friend Lara was dating AJ McLean, and Ari swore that she was the only person in the world sweeter and kinder than Lance.  It got kind of obnoxious after a while.  She was head over heels in love with AJ, and he couldn’t help but love her back.  She sat around at home, patiently waiting for him to come off tour, and when they were apart they called each other like every ten minutes.  Ari frowned.  AJ McLean was the hottest damn thing she had ever seen, and she had been dating Lance for two months before she had ever met him.  Even though he was her friend’s boyfriend, there were times she found herself waking up from passionate dreams about him.  She looked over at Lance, who was staring out the other window.  He was so nice…and he loved her so much.  She sighed again.


Oops, you think I’m in love…that I’m sent from above…


“Erin!”  Lara came running over, trying not to trip in her short dark blue mini-gown.  “I’m so happy to see you!  It’s been months!” She gave Ari a big hug, then turned to Lance.  “Wow, Lance, you look so nice!”

“So do you,” Lance said, politely kissing Lara’s cheek.

“Where’s AJ?”  Ari asked, her eyes searching the crowded room.

“Over at the bar, I think,” Lara answered.

“Do you want anything, sweetie?”  Ari turned to Lance, who shook his head.  “I’ll be right back.” Ari made a beeline for the bar, and she could see the red tips of AJ’s hair before she could actually see him.  He wore baggy black pants and a billowing white shirt that had three buttons unbuttoned.  She could see the white wifebeater he wore underneath and she almost drooled.  “AJ.”

He turned around, smiling at her over his sunglasses.  “Well well well…Erin from Maryland.”

“I don’t live in Maryland anymore,” she reminded him.

“Oh, right…in New York with Lansten now,” he replied.  He looked her over from head to toe. “You’re looking good,” he mused.

“Not as good as you,” she said bravely.  His smile broadened.

“Well, I can’t leave my lady alone, so I’ll talk to you later.  Save me a dance?”

“Of course,” Ari said, trying to hide her disappointment as he went over to Lara, who was indeed standing alone.  Lance was deep in conversation with Justin and JC.  Ari walked over to them.  “JC!  Hi!”

“It’s nice that you get to see Ari again,” AJ said as he reached Lara.  He continued to watch Ari over his sunglasses.

“Yes!  I didn’t expect her to be here!”  Lara gushed.  “She and Lance make such a cute couple, don’t you think?  He’s such a sweetie.”

“Not as sweet as you,” AJ murmured against her neck, licking her earlobe.  She blushed a scarlet red.

“Alex!  Please!  Not here…people are watching!” 

AJ sighed in frustration and pulled away.  He could never express affection in public.  She always got embarrassed.  Sometimes she got embarrassed in their own bed.  It was ridiculous.  They had been together for months, and it was almost like trying to screw a virgin each time they hit the bed.  “I’m gonna get another drink.”

“But, Alex, you…”

“I need another one.”  He roughly kissed her cheek.  “I’ll be right back.”

“But I don’t think we should do something like that on the next album!” JC argued.

“JC, lighten up,” Justin said in exasperation.  “We need to try something new.”

Ari also sighed in exasperation.  After saying hi, the men had immediately continued their business discussion.  “I’m going out on the balcony,” she told Lance.  He gave her a smacking kiss on the cheek before continuing on with the discussion.

Ari grumbled as she leaned on the balcony, looking up at the starry night.  It just wasn’t fair.  Why did Lance have to be so damned wonderful?  It would all be so much easier if she could find some reason to hate him…but what kind of person hated someone just because they smothered you with love?

“Champagne?” A gravelly voice said behind her, thrusting a glass in front of her.  Ari took the glass and turned around to see AJ behind her, smirking in his own special way.

“Thank you.”  She turned back around and he came to stand beside her. 

“You okay?”

“Yes,” she sighed.  “Just…dissatisfied.”

“Lansten not getting it up anymore?”

“Hardly,” she snapped, shocked by his rudeness.  “That’s the least of my problems.”

“So you’re having problems,” AJ said sympathetically.

“I did NOT say that at all!  Why do you keep putting words in my mouth?”  Ari flared.

AJ reached up and carefully tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.  “Ari, if I was putting something in your mouth, it wouldn’t be words.”  She whimpered unconsciously and he smiled slowly.  “So, what’s really wrong between you and Lance?  He treating you okay?”

“He treats me wonderfully,” she whispered.  “He couldn’t be sweeter.”

“He does things because he knows you like them, right?  He does everything to please you, without pleasing himself.  He treats you like royalty, right?”  She nodded after every sentence.  “Sounds familiar,” he said wryly.  “And even though you like the situation you’re in, it leaves you wanting more, right?”

“More,” she whispered, as AJ moved to stand even closer to her.  His hand moved to rest on her hip, and just as he moved closer yet, he suddenly pulled away.

“There you two are!”  Lara announced, her heels clacking on the stone floor.  “Alex, the music is starting.”

“Right,” AJ said, holding out his arm for Lara to take.

“He’ll save you a dance, Erin!”  Lara called over her shoulder.  As soon as they were safely back in the ballroom, Ari threw her champagne glass against the low balcony wall.  It shattered with a pleasant sound, and she felt a bit better.

“Erin.”  Lance strode out onto the balcony.  “Ready to dance?”

“Of course,” she said, smiling brightly.  He took her hand and led her to the dance floor.

“I thought they’d never play a slow one,” Lance murmured against her hair twenty minutes later.  “I couldn’t wait to hold you.”

“You hold me all the time, Lance,” she said, immediately biting her tongue.

“It’s not the same.  We never go dancing anymore.”

“You’re always at work,” she pointed out. 

“You said you didn’t mind the long hours.  You said you enjoyed having time to yourself,” Lance said.  He drew back to stare down at her.  “Have I been ignoring you?”

“Oh, no, Lance, not at all,” she said quickly.  Her eyes met the chocolate eyes of AJ.  He and Lara were a few feet away.  Lara’s head was on his shoulder, and she had a blissful smile on her face.  He winked at Ari, who blushed. 

“Maybe we should go away for a few days,” Lance said slowly.  “I think we need some time alone together.  Things have been really weird between us lately, and I’m worried.”

“Lance…do you really think that’s necessary?”  Ari replied.  “I mean, things are fine.”

“Are you sure?  Do I give you everything you need, Ari?”

“Of…of course,” she stammered. A new song came on, and before she knew it, AJ was tapping Lance on the shoulder. 

“Shall we switch, Lance?”

“Sure,” Lance gave Lara a kind smile.  “Take good care of my girl, McLean.”

“Oh, definitely.”  AJ smiled at Ari as he took her into his arms.  “Think I could take care of you?”

“I’m sure you could,” Ari said softly as his hands traveled down to rest just above her backside.  She let out a soft gasp.

“What are you doing tomorrow?”

“Um…n-nothing.  Lance has some kind of meeting all day, and I was just gonna bum around the house or something.”

“Why don’t you come over?  Lara made plans to go shopping, and I told her I’d be out of the house anyway,” he said.

“Maybe it’s not a good idea, AJ, I…”

“You don’t want to be alone with me?”  AJ asked.  “I need a change, Ari…I need some excitement, and I think you are all the excitement I can handle.”

“But what about Lara?  I thought you loved her.”

“I do…but she worships the ground I walk on, I swear to God,” he said, making a face.

“It’s hard, isn’t it?”  Ari said sympathetically. “I mean, sometimes he acts like I’m an angel on earth.”

“It’s not easy keeping your balance on that pedestal,” AJ agreed.  He slowly brought his hands up Ari’s back again.  “Please…Ari…I want you so bad.”  He pressed his body against hers to prove his point.

Lust like she had never felt before washed over Ari.  “Okay,” she agreed.  “Eleven okay for you?”

“Great.  We’ll do lunch and then go back.  That will give them time to go wherever they’re going.”  The song ended and AJ kissed her cheek.  “Until tomorrow then.”

“Honey!  You forgot your briefcase!”  Ari shouted, running down the stairs to catch Lance just as he was walking out the door.

“Oh…duh…sorry. Thanks so much.”  He had taken special time packing it, telling Ari that it had all the new songs and lyrics in it.  He kissed her cheek. “What would I do without you?  I just hope I never have to find out.”

“Right,” she said weakly.  “What time do you think you’ll be back?”

“Oh…I don’t know…this could run late.  Eight or nine, maybe?”

“Okay,” she replied, kissing him goodbye.

“Okay, I guess I’ll be back after dinner,” Lara said with a sigh.  “I’ll miss you so much, Alex.”

“I’ll miss you too…I’ll probably be home around seven or eight,” he told her.  “Don’t spend all my money.”  He kissed Lara’s neck and she giggled.

“I won’t.  Love you…” she ran out the door, swinging her large purse behind her.  As soon as her car was down the street, AJ grabbed his jacket and hurried out to the garage.

Ari checked her watch for the sixth time as she watched the front door of the restaurant.  It was eleven-ten.  What if Lara had changed her mind?  What if Alex had changed his?  She was ready to take a chance on calling him when she saw him walk through the restaurant.  Her face broke out into a huge grin.

“I’m sorry I’m late…she didn’t leave when I thought she would.”  Alex kissed Ari’s cheek and sat across from her. 

“I thought maybe you changed your mind,” she said shyly.  AJ took Ari’s hand and ran his finger across her palm, making her shiver.

“Never,” he told her.  They ordered and sat in silence for a moment.

“Are you leaving her?”  Ari asked AJ suddenly, surprising even herself.

“I don’t know.  I don’t want to.  I do really care for her.”

“I care for him, too…but I just feel so smothered.  I’m not the person he thinks I am.”

“Maybe we should hook up, and Lance and Lara could hook up,” AJ suggested.  Ari laughed.

“Honey, you’re so sweet!  No, YOU are…no, YOU are,” she mimicked.  AJ laughed also.

“You’d get a cavity just from being in that house.”  He looked at her, his eyes filled with desire.

“I’m not hungry,” she told him softly.

“Me either, but I didn’t wanna just grab you, drag you back to my house, and fuck the hell out of you without giving you lunch,” he said softly.  She felt her knees quiver at his words.  “Not that it wouldn’t be a nice improvement.  Sometimes I feel like a horny monster or something, the way she whines about me asking for sex.”

“She doesn’t like sex with you?”  Ari asked, wondering if that was humanly possible.

“Guess not…I have to beg for it all the time.”

“You wouldn’t have to beg me,” she said boldly.  He smiled a sexy smile and slowly took off his sunglasses. 

“That’s what I was planning on.”


They barely made it into AJ’s car before their lips met.  Hands ran through hair as their tongues tangled together.  AJ finally pulled away, gasping for breath.  “Damn, woman…you’re enough to make me throw you into the backseat right here!”

“Hurry…drive fast…” she whispered.  He threw the car into gear and pulled out onto the street.  Ari nibbled at AJ’s ear as he drove, slowly unzipping his jeans and slipping her hand inside. He moaned, almost swerving into the opposite lane.  “Faster,” she moaned into his ear.  He ran two red lights and turned onto his street.  As soon as the car was in park, his hands were slowly sliding up the skirt of her minidress.

“Inside…we need to go inside…the neighbors…” he panted.  Ari pulled away, smiling at him as she straightened her dress.  She sedately got out of the car and walked up the sidewalk.  AJ quickly zipped his jeans and climbed out of the car.  He unlocked the door and Ari barely had time to come inside before he slammed the door shut, pressing her back against it.  His hands slid over her breasts as his thumbs toyed with her nipples through her dress.

“Oh…God…AJ…” she moaned, her nails clutching at his back.

“Think you can make it upstairs?” He asked as he pulled his shirt over his head.

“Yes, I can, I…” she paused, cocking her head to the side.  “Is that music?”

AJ listened for a moment.  “Yes.  I must’ve left the radio on in the bedroom.  Let’s go turn it off.”  He jogged up the steps with Ari close behind.  “Whoa.  Wait a minute.”  He stopped her outside his bedroom door.  “What the hell is that?”

Ari listened closely to the loud music.  “Nine Inch Nails?”  She wondered.  They heard the definite chorus of “Closer”.

I wanna fuck you like an animal…I wanna feel you from the inside…I wanna fuck you like an animal…

“What the…” AJ swung the door open and gasped in surprise.  His girlfriend was naked and tied to the bed, and Lance Bass was straddling her chest as she sucked him.  “Holy SHIT!”  He yelled.  Ari caught sight only of Lance’s face as he turned to look at them in the doorway.  AJ pushed Ari out the door into the hallway.

“We didn’t just see that…please tell me we didn’t just see that,” Ari babbled as they stumbled down into the living room.

“We didn’t…we couldn’t…Lance?  Lara?”  AJ fell onto the sofa, his dark eyes wide with shock.  Lance and Lara soon came down the stairs.  He had on a robe of AJ’s while she wore Lance’s t-shirt.  They stood at the entrance to the living room.

“You don’t even look sorry!” Ari observed.

“We’re not,” Lara said defiantly, glaring at them both.

“What the hell is going on here?”  AJ finally screamed.

“We’ve been trying to find a way to tell you this for a while,” Lance said, putting his arms around Lara.  “Lara and I are in love.”

“In love…but…Lancers…I thought you loved me!”  Ari wailed.

“I do…but not the way I love Lara.  She just does things to me…I can’t explain.”  He looked down at Lara and kissed her nose.  She blushed happily. 

“How long has this been going on?”  AJ demanded.

“About three months…it started while you were on tour,” Lara said softly. 

“You’ve been fucking another man for three months?”  AJ asked.  “You couldn’t even bear for me to touch you, and you’ve been…” his mouth fell open.

“It’s his hands…he has magic hands,” Lara murmured, turning to gaze into his green eyes.

“Not as magic as yours,” Lance said, lightly tracing her jawline with his fingertip.

“I’m going to be sick,” Ari moaned.  Lara took a long look at AJ.

“Where’s your shirt?”  She asked.

“Um…uh…by the door?”  AJ answered.

“Oh…so you can come in here and give us hell but it’s okay for you two to get it on?”  Lara shouted.

“That’s different,” Ari said weakly.

“Why?” Lance demanded.

“Because you…because she…you guys don’t do this kind of thing!”  Ari said finally, realizing how idiotic it sounds.

“You don’t know WHAT kinds of things I do!”  Lara retorted.  “And either do you!”  She turned on AJ.  “You never once asked what kind of things I liked in bed.  Never asked if I liked it on top, on bottom, or even up the ass, for God’s sakes!”

“DO you like it up the ass?”  AJ asked.

“That’s not the point!”  Lara shrieked.  “The point is that you didn’t care to ask.  Lance and I just clicked…and he has fulfilled almost every fantasy I have ever had.”

“Almost?  What do you mean, almost?  What haven’t we done yet that you were dreaming of doing?” Lance asked her with an evil gleam in his green eyes.

“Oh, GOD,” AJ said in disgust.

“I can’t believe this…you…the two of you…two of the most naïve people I have ever met…” Ari just stared at them.  She finally turned to AJ.  “Would you mind if I crashed here for a while?  I kinda don’t have anywhere to go.”

“You’re welcome to stay…” Lance began.

“No.”  Ari shook her head.  “No way.”

“I’d better go pack my things,” Lara said.  “I’m sorry you found out this way, Alex.”

“Whatever.”  He looked away and she slowly walked up the stairs.  Lance soon followed her.  Ari and AJ looked at each other, unable to find anything to say.

I’m not that innocent…

The End


Tell Lara what you thought of this story!