
By:  Lara


JC twirled the shot glass on the bar, glaring at the bartender’s back.  “EXCUSE me!”  He yelled at the man. He turned around, annoyed.  JC waved a fifty in the air.  “Three more, please.”  The bartender nodded and JC swiveled on his barstool, looking out over the dance floor.

Justin.  Fuck but he was gorgeous.  That body, the way it wriggled and writhed on the dance floor.  Some nameless, faceless redhead was grooving up on him, but JC knew Justin wasn’t interested.  Justin didn’t go that way.  The way Justin DID go was grooving beside him with a nameless, faceless brunette.  “Wade,” JC growled quietly, slamming his shot glass down angrily.  Fucking Wade.

Justin’s body rolled in time with the music as he ran a hand through his short curls.  JC could see sweat sliding down Justin’s smooth cheek, but he knew Justin wasn’t done dancing for at least three more hours.  Justin had the stamina of a racehorse. JC knew that up close and personal.  And now so did Wade.  Fucking Wade.

“Here ya go, Kid.”  The bartender slammed the shot glasses down.

“You spilled some.  Give me another.” JC’s blue eyes were steel.

“You old enough even to drink, Kid?”

“Shut up. Give…me…another…” JC said slowly, enunciating every syllable. The bartender sighed and went back to his bottles.  JC turned around again, watching Justin.  Justin’s arms were above his head as he grooved with the girl.  JC used to hold Justin’s arms just like that as he fucked him…watching the dark blue eyes go even darker with lust as Justin would beg for release…

“Here.”  The bartender put the fourth shot glass down and JC handed over the money. 

“Keep the change,” JC said, hoping the bartender would stay away for a while.  He downed the first shot and picked up the second.  His eyes narrowed as he saw Justin and Wade exchange smiles.  Yeah…they were all up on those girls…but by the end of the night they’d be back in a hotel room all up on each other.  Wade…up on Justin…where JC was supposed to be.


“Okay…Jayce…we need to talk.”  Justin ran a hand through his curls.

“Sure, baby. What is it?”  JC sat next to Justin on the bed, running a caressing finger down Justin’s cheek. “You know I always will listen to you.”

“I…I can’t see you anymore, JC.  We’re done.”  Justin got up and paced.


“I’m in love with someone else.”


Not just someone else.  Wade.  Wade, who taught them all the new moves that made them special.  Wade, who wrote half of Justin’s songs with him. Wade, who had so much in common with Justin that they could spend hours together doing nothing. Wade, who had stolen JC’s boyfriend. Fucking Wade.

JC quickly shot back the rest of the alcohol, enjoying the burning sensation in his throat.  Very soon the burning would move to his brain…taking the place of the hurt and the jealousy and the damn pain.  It hurt.  Watching Justin hurt.  Watching Justin laugh with Wade at rehearsal hurt.  Watching Joey and Chris’ looks of sympathy hurt.  Watching Lance try to avoid the whole situation out of deference to JC’s heartache hurt.

“JC.”  JC turned and saw Lance beside him at the bar.  “Hi.”

“Hello, Lance.”  JC idly played with the last shot glass, running his finger around the cool glass and gathering the last drops of liquid.  He licked the alcohol from his fingertip as he watched Justin watching him. Good.  Let him watch. Let him compare.  JC was more than Wade ever could dream of being.  JC looked back at Lance.  Lance’s green eyes were totally focused on JC’s tongue and the way it flickered around the smooth fingertip.  JC knew that look. He looked at Justin that way all the time.  He looked back at Justin, who was still watching.  “Lance.”  Lance’s eyes shot up and he blushed. “Wanna get out of here?”


Lance’s body was as smooth as it looked, all soft sinews and warm places. Warm hot places that JC eagerly thrust into, grabbing Lance’s plump ass and pulling it up as he pushed in.  JC’s fingers plucked at Lance’s hard nipples as Lance gasped with pain and pleasure.  JC closed his eyes, slowly pulling Lance’s arms above his head to hold onto as he plunged in and out.  Oh God…it was almost like being back home again.  JC came, grunting hard.

Only when it was all over did JC really open his eyes and see who he was with.  There was no blue-eyed, long-legged heartthrob below him in the bed.  Just a young man with limeade green eyes, who smiled shyly and gazed at JC with hopeful love.

JC made his excuses, getting up and quickly dressing.  The hurt in Lance’s eyes was hidden away in JC’s mind for later reflection. Right now all he wanted do was crawl into his bed and dream.  Dream of the way it SHOULD be.


“Hey, Lance, you okay?”  Justin asked as they all met for breakfast.

“Fine,” Lance replied quietly.  His green eyes held no sparkle, and his skin was even paler than usual.  JC almost felt like shit until he saw Wade enter the restaurant.  Justin’s eyes lit up.  JC’s eyes narrowed.

“Yeah, he’s fine. Aren’t you, Lance?”  JC gave Lance the smile he reserved for the most special people in his life. Justin used to be the recipient of that smile.  JC slid into a seat next to Lance. “Can I get you anything from the buffet, Lance?”

“No, thanks.  I’ll go up on my own.”  Lance’s eyes slightly sparkled as he nervously smiled.

“Can I join you?” JC asked, and Lance nodded, the smile broadening.  “Cool.  Let’s chow.”  JC got up, placing a hand on Lance’s back as he slightly stumbled.  “Careful there.”  He smiled over his shoulder at the others.  “Everyone okay?”

“Yeah,” Justin said, confused.  Wade sat down and Justin was momentarily distracted, but he soon followed JC with his eyes as JC talked with Lance in the buffet line.

JC looked back at Justin and grinned. Good. Let him see how it felt on the outside.  Because no one was getting inside of JC ever again.

The End

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