
By:  Lara

She watched from the shadows, hiding her naked body behind the bushes. She had been waiting all day for this moment. She had studied him all day long on the beach, watched him sunbathe, watched him frolic in the water, watch him goof off and generally be crazy as he flipped himself into the oncoming waves. She watched his tan body glisten in the sun, watched his long form stretch as he laid down on his green towel to take a nap after eating a sandwich for lunch. She knew that this particular moment had to come sometime, and at four-thirty the moment had finally arrived.

The sun started to go down, and he made his way to the private shower outside his bungalow. No one was supposed to go there but residents of the bungalow, but she hid behind the surrounding greenery until he appeared. He stood outside the shower and removed his shorts so they wouldn’t get wet in the shower. She swallowed deeply as she watched the muscles on the back of his legs tighten as he bent down to pick up the shorts and hang them on a nearby tree branch. She thanked whoever had made the shower open, with three sides and a small shelf for soap or whatever. She had a perfect view of EVERYTHING.

She watched him work the water into his short blond hair until it was slicked back behind his ears. She then followed tiny droplets of water as they snaked down his spine, ending in the crack of his sweet ass. Her hands ached to squeeze the globes of white skin, very pale against the tan of his back. He turned so he was facing her, tilting his head back to let the water run through his hair. His chest seemed to broaden as he arched his back, and she gasped quietly as he ran his hands across his chest and down between his legs. He rubbed the water across his balls, and her eyes were glued to his penis as his hand briefly floated across it. It was thick, and even in a dormant state quite large. She bit back a whimper.

He worked some shampoo through his hair, and began to whistle as he worked up a lather. Her eyes continued to flitter from his handsome face to his chest to his groin, down to his feet, then back up again. He rinsed out the shampoo then began to rub the bar of soap across his chest. When those large hands reached down to clean his penis, she could hold back no longer. She stepped out from behind the bushes and his blue eyes widened as he noticed her. He dropped the soap and it lay on the ground, forgotten.

"Shhh," she said, placing a finger on his full red lips. He captured the finger in his mouth and began to lightly flick his tongue over it. He pulled her into his arms, and the soap from his body soon made her skin slick against him. His mouth met hers and he moved so she was under the spray of the water. He ran his hands over her back and down to her ass, squeezing as he grinding himself against her. She moaned against his mouth, her fingers raking through his wet hair. He picked her up, placing her legs around his waist. He walked a few steps, then gently laid her down on the sand. By the time her body was completely down, he was buried inside of her.

She groaned and arched up against him as he pinned her hands above her head. His hard cock filled her, slamming into her again and again. Neither spoke, they were concentrating too hard on breathing. Breathing became more difficult as they brought each other closer to the edge. She wrapped her arms around him, biting into his shoulder as she came. He arched his back, thrusting into her once more as he filled her.

He collapsed onto her body, panting for breath. When she caught her own breath, she said, "You know, now we’re gonna have to shower all over again."

"But let’s move it inside this time. You never know WHO will be watching you out here," Nick said with a grin. "How long were you standing there, Lara?"

"Long enough to remember YET AGAIN why I love you so much." She brushed some sand from his face. "Happy birthday, baby."

The End


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