

Please tell me what you like, does that feel nice, give me a sign…If you love it, I can do it again, we’ve got the rest of the night to get it right…Please tell me what you like, if that feels nice, give me a sign…If you love it, I can do it again, we’ve got the rest of our lives to get it right…



“This is nice,” AJ said as he looked around the sparsely decorated one-room apartment.

“Thanks,” Lance said, chucking his keys onto a small table by the door.  “Bathroom’s on the left there, if you need it.”

“Gotcha,” AJ said, nodding.  He stepped further into the room to get a better look around.

“Sorry if it’s a little warm in here…I don’t keep the air up very high if I’m not around,” Lance said, turning a knob on the large air conditioner.

“No problem, I’m cool,” AJ said.  One corner of the room was set up as a living room, with a large TV and comfortable chairs and couches.  The other half was a bedroom, with a king-sized bed dominating the corner.  A kitchenette occupied part of the bedroom side.  “I need to get me a place like this.”

“Yeah, well, it works,” Lance said, blushing slightly. “If you don’t, you know…”

“Wanna take someone to your actual home?” AJ asked, smirking.  Lance blushed again.

“It’s close,” Lance said defensively.


“You know, I don’t normally, um, bring someone here.”  Lance stood and fidgeted.  “I basically use it if I’ve had too much to drink.”

AJ walked over to him.  “Are you saying, Lancey, that you don’t often bring men home with you?”  Lance shook his head.  “So I’m special.”

“Yeah, you are,” Lance said before he thought.  AJ smiled and took a step back.  “Was that the wrong thing to say?” Lance asked, frowning.

AJ sighed.  “No, it’s just…I’m not real good at this relationship thing lately.”

“You’ve been through a lot,” Lance said.  “I’ve been impressed with how well you’ve dealt with it all.”

“Well, you know what this life does to you,” AJ said, toying with a knick-knack.  “Nick really should be in the same kinda place I went to, but he refuses.”

“I know…JC should, too,” Lance said sadly.  “When I went to Russia, he was bad.  When I got back, he was worse.”

“Get the other guys to stand firm, Lance,” AJ said seriously. “That’s what my guys did with me, and it was the best damn thing I could have asked for.”

Lance said nothing, just looked at AJ. AJ walked back over, put his hands on Lance’s waist, and gently kissed him.  “This doesn’t have to be about a relationship,” Lance said finally. “It can just be tonight.  I…I just need something…”

“Me, too,” AJ said, lightly kissing Lance again.  Lance welcomed the kiss, then took AJ’s hand and led him towards the bed.  “Do you mind if we turn the air off?” AJ asked suddenly.

“It’s hot out,” Lance reminded him.

“I’d like to open the windows,” AJ said.  “And you have a fan over there.”

“Okay,” Lance said.  He turned off the air conditioner and turned on the large standing fan across the room.  AJ opened all five of the windows and a light breeze blew in, though it was a warm breeze.

“Good,” AJ said finally. “I just like having windows open.  It’s too confined sometimes.”

“No problem,” Lance said. They met at the bed once more.  AJ shrugged out of his lightweight shirt.  He wore a black wifebeater underneath, and Lance traced the edges of the fabric.  “I don’t…I’m not sure what you like.”

“I’m a pitcher, you’re a catcher.  I think we can figure out what goes where,” AJ teased gently. “And I’m easy to please.”

“And here I thought you were just plain easy.” It was Lance’s turn to tease, and he punctuated the sentence with a flick of his tongue over AJ’s earlobe.

“You keep doing that and talking in that voice, I will be more than easy,” AJ groaned, his hands tugging at Lance’s shirt.  Lance reciprocated with a pull at AJ’s wifebeater, and they were shirtless before they knew it.  Lance slowly pushed AJ, until he fell onto the bed.  Lance covered AJ with his body, kissing AJ’s neck.  He hit a particularly sensitive spot, and he felt AJ shiver.

“You like that? I can do it again?”  Lance rumbled, and AJ moaned at the sound.

“You’re evil.” 

“I can be,” Lance admitted, his hand flittering over AJ’s groin.  AJ arched up, gasping.

“And here you look all sweet and innocent,” AJ gasped.  He pulled Lance up for a vicious kiss, his hands sliding down to fight with Lance’s belt.  Lance pulled them into a sitting position, kneeling across AJ’s legs so AJ would have easier access.  AJ quickly shoved at the pants, getting the pants and boxers out of the way enough so he could touch Lance’s hard cock.

“Ah…” Lance panted, grabbing at AJ’s shoulders as AJ stroked him.

“Damn, Bass…very nice…” AJ turned so Lance fell onto his back, and he quickly pulled off Lance’s shoes, and yanked the pants and boxers off.  He then slowly took off his own baggy jeans.  He wore nothing underneath.  He slowly crawled up Lance’s body.  “Oh, I forgot.  One of the other reasons I wanted the windows open…I wanted your screams to echo out in the street,” he whispered, taking Lance into his mouth.
