
I’ll never mess it up again, won’t let it slip like grains of sand through careless fingers, because I’m a man who understands…though burned by the fire, I can learn to feel the light again and listen…I can hear your demands, I know I can do it, give me one more chance, baby, here I am…

“Motherfucking son of a bitch,” AJ cursed, watching the ball fly far off course.  He wanted to smack his bag with the club, wanted to wrap the damn club around a nearby tree, but instead he cursed and stomped his foot like a child.

“No matter how many new curse words you come up with, it won’t make your stroke any better,” a voice said behind him.

AJ whirled around, ready to scream at whoever was invading his space.  He saw who was behind him and smiled.  “Hi, there.”

Alice Cooper shook AJ’s hand. They had met at various VH1 golf functions.  “Bad day?”

“Bad week,” AJ mumbled, trying not to think about the lonely six days since the night with Lance.  “I didn’t know you were in town.”

“Yeah…had some stuff to take care of, and this is one of my favorite courses.”  Alice looked at AJ.  “Golf is a poor substitute for the good stuff, huh?”

“Yeah, but I’m following your example. Right now I am all about getting drunk and breaking things…but instead I came here.”

“Good for you,” Alice said in approval.  “How bad is your game today?”

“That shot you just saw was the best one so far.”

“Oh, man,” Alice said, shaking his head.  “Whattaya say we quit early and go back to the clubhouse for lunch?”

“That sounds GREAT.”  Alice clapped AJ on the back as AJ bent down to pick up his golf bag.

They went back to the clubhouse and sat down at a table.  Eyebrows raised at the tattooed arms, but for the most part, they were left alone. “God, it’s so damn hot,” AJ said, wiping his forehead. “You’d think that after living here forever, I would be used to summer…but I’m not.”

“So why are you still here?” Alice asked. “From what I hear through the musical grapevine, you’re not part of a group anymore.”

AJ shrugged. “It’s only been a week,” AJ said, pain evident in his eyes.  “But this is my home.  It’s all I know.”

“Is that why you’re out there sweating and swearing?  Because your group fell apart?”

“No…more than that.”

“I’m thinking that “home” isn’t the only reason you’re still around here,” Alice said. “When I realized my career was done, I traveled all over the place, just to get a feel of ME, you know?  I had nothing holding me back.”

“Either do I,” AJ said.  Alice looked at him.

“Right.  My advice to you is…go find YOU…and take whatever is keeping you here along with you.”


“Yeah…Justin, I know, okay?  The TV show starts in a month…I need to be around for interviews.  Justin, I let them follow me around all that time…” Lance made a face and held the phone from his ear as Justin squawked.  “I know…I’ll be there. I promise.  Your house, Friday night, with a nice shiny birthday present for Jayce. I swear.”  The doorbell rang, and Lance went to answer it, cellphone still glued to his ear.  When he saw who was on the other side of the door, the phone almost hit the floor. “Look, Justin…I’ll call you back.” Lance hung up on Justin and turned the phone off. “Hello.”

“Hi.” AJ fidgeted on his front step. “Can I come in?”

“Sure.”  Lance moved aside and let AJ walk by.  “How are you?”

“Fine…took in some golf today.”

“That’s good. Isn’t it a little hot for golf?” Lance asked.

AJ turned and stared at him. “I didn’t come here to talk about sports OR the weather.”

“What did you come here to talk about?” Lance asked, feeling himself shake slightly.

AJ pulled something out of his pocket.  He unfolded a piece of paper, and Lance saw it was a printout from the Internet.  “This is a flight confirmation.”

“Oh? Where are you going?”

“I’m going to New Zealand, and I thought you’d like to come with me.”

Lance stared at him. “New Zealand?”

“Yeah.  Flight leaves tonight at midnight…it’s an open-ended ticket, so, you know, we can stay as long as we want.  I loved Australia, and I thought New Zealand sounded neat.”

“I have a party to go to on Friday,” Lance said, feeling his stomach squirm with emotion. “And I have to go to things for that space TV show thing that debuts in September.”

“Okay, well, you know, I just thought I’d ask.”  AJ looked absolutely heartbroken.  “I need time away, and I don’t want to be alone.  Actually, no…I just want to be alone, with you.”

“I have all those things…but I don’t care,” Lance said.  He smiled at AJ.  “I’d love to go with you.”

AJ’s breath caught in his throat. “You would?”  Lance nodded.  AJ finally touched Lance’s face.  “I missed you.  I didn’t mean for you to think that you were…it was just all so…”

“Yeah, I know,” Lance said, smiling.  He kissed AJ’s palm. “I need to make calls and pack. Do you want me to meet you?”

“Do you mind if I stay?”  AJ didn’t want to let Lance out of his sight.

“No. I don’t mind at all.”  Lance gave AJ a tender kiss, then turned on his cellphone.

The End

“What You Like” sung by Darren Hayes, by Darren Hayes/Rick Navels

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