It’s More Than Friendship… We’re Family

By:  Maple Beanie

Disclaimer: I do not know, own, are related to, let alone ever met the members of Nsync, their family, friends, record label, associates or management. I have no idea how most of the events in this story actually happened all I know is what was reported in the press. The version of the events in the following short stories are mine and mine alone, they are from my own imagination and in no way necessarily the complete real accounts of what happened. This is fiction and intended for purely entertainment purposes only.

Author’s Notes: As the summary says it is all about the friendship. There are 2 shorts about events (good or bad) in each Nsyncer’s life (2 for JC, 2 for Lance, etc.) within the time frame since they have become members of Nsync, plus 2 additional shorts for the group in general. Some are shorter or longer depending than others and I’ve tried to put them in chronological order as best as I could but I’m not sure of exact times and dates for all of them and they will possibly over lap in time. I obviously also wasn’t present at the time these events took place so I don’t know exact facts about everything being written. If you do and feel the need to correct me please do so. I would like to know, I just ask that you do it nicely. =) Considering the shortness of each story please be prepared that things will move very quickly. It is really just a small peek into the whole event. Scene changes will be marked normally through *~*~* symbols while change in times will be marked simply through (***) three Stars and there will be a name in bold at the start of every scene so you know which guy’s event is being portrayed. Each scene can probably easily stand on its own but being in chronological order a lot will have sentences linking each scene together. Hopefully that explanation wasn’t too confusing and by the end of this you will have maybe just a little smile on your face. This is my first attempt at a short story; the idea came to me quickly and was written just as fast. Reviews always welcome and I hope you enjoy it. 



“Yes Sir, we will all be there at 10 am tomorrow. Goodbye” Chris said hanging up the phone. 

He rocked back and forth excitedly on his feet, trying to resist the urge to just jump around and scream at the top of his lungs because of his excitement. Tomorrow was the day he was going to find out whether or not all his dreams would come true.  

He turned back to the four friends sitting on the couch behind him grinning widely. The five of them joined together to make a singing group. Each one knew at least one other and all were good friends, now united simply in the process of getting a record deal.  

“We’re in.” He said simply grinning from ear to ear, letting lose and bouncing around the room much to his friend’s amusement. 


“Ok whenever you are ready sing something for me so I can hear what you five sound like together.” Lou Pearlman said looking at the five boys in front of him. They were an interesting bunch but he could see they wanted it badly and being in the ‘boy band’ business he was willing to give them a shot. 

“Yes Sir. Is there anything in particular you want us to sing?” Chris asked. Lou Pearlman looked up at the young man who spoke. Noting that he was the one who started the group. 

“No whatever you guys know. The National Anthem would be fine.” He said dismissively. Snapping his head back up upon hearing their voices. 

They were good.  

Really good. 

There was some kind of magic about them, as if they were always meant to sing together. When they stopped he just sat there looking at them until finally the one responsible for bringing them together spoke up breaking the silence. 

“So how were we Mr. Pearlman?” Chris ask anxious to hear what the older man thought, all of his hopes and dreams on the line. 

“I think we can work something out.” 


“CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!” Chris yelled. Unable to control his hyperactivity any longer he jumped on the back of his friend Joey sending both tumbling to the ground. “WE HAVE A RECORD CONTRACT!” Chris continued getting up and bouncing around all over the room.  

And his friends just smiled adding in comments to the hyper man’s babbling every so often. It was no secret that while they all had wanted this record deal Chris by far wanted it the most. Not wanting to have another dream be crushed and fail.  




It had all happened really quickly. It might be a cliché he reflected but it happened just like a slow motion movie. 

They had signed with Lou Pearlman’s company a couple years earlier and since then they had been force to maintain an extremely gruelling schedule in the effort to make it big. 

“You have to do this if you want to get air play and be successful. I’ll remind you that we have a contract that says you do as I say.” They heavy set man had scolded them when they asked for just one day off. 

So they had maintained the schedule convinced in the fact that while it seemed like more hard work than necessary it would pay off any day and they could go home. Lately they were all feeling the hard work more than ever. They were burning out and burning out quickly. They just didn’t know how quickly for one of their number. 


They had been sitting in the Common room waiting to go on stage for the night’s performance when Joey had looked over to Lance and noticed that the bleached blond was even paler then normal. 

“Hey Lance are you feeling alright? You don’t look very good…” The Italian asked with concern. 

“Yeah don’t worry… I think I’m just coming down with a cold or something.” The green-eyed blonde had replied. But his friends weren’t to be deterred. 

“No I don’t think you are alright. Hey Lou!” Chris had yelled across the room gaining the man’s attention as well as the two former mouseketeers who came trotting over to see what was wrong. 

“What is it Chris?” The older man asked exasperated.  

“Lance is sick I don’t think he should go on tonight.” The oldest member had said not fazed by the tome of voice at all. 

“He can’t just not go on Chris. He WILL go on just like the rest of you and that’s final.” Pearlman had said eyeing Lance quickly and then turning to go back across the room to what he was doing. 


“No Buts. I told you guys before if you want to make it in this business then you do as I say.” 

And that’s how it started. 


One minute he was upright the world spinning fast around him and then the next he woke up lying in a hospital bed completely unaware of what happened or how he got there. 

His mom was sitting by his side old his hand, her thumb gently rubbing circles over the back of it. But he didn’t see the guys anywhere. 

“Oh thank god honey. We were all so worried!” 

“Where are the guys?” Lance asked, his mouth dry. 

“He wanted them to finish the show, they wanted to come with you but they will be here any minute now.” His mom had comforted. 

“What happened?” Lance asked confused. 

“Ssshhh. Don’t worry about that right now lie back and get some more rest.” His mom said smoothing out the blankets. 


“Ok thank God Lance we were so worried about you!” JC had cried when he entered the room to see Lance sitting on the hospital bed awake.  

“I’m ok. I just don’t really know if I know what happened?”  

“You collapse on us in the middle of the performance.” Justin said. 

“Oh. And Lou made you stay to finish it?” 

“Yeah. We wanted to come with you I hope you didn’t think we didn’t. We were really worried about you.” 

“You were?” 

“Yeah. Well that’s what friends are for.” Chris sung breaking out into a cheesy grin making everyone laugh. 



JC sat fiddling with his notebook sitting patiently as the rest of the guys read over the handful of songs he wrote. He was showing to them in hopes maybe they could use some on their up coming album. 

He knew that they were just his friends but he was nervous. He really liked writing, loved it even, but this was the first time he had shown his work to anybody and he would be lying if he was to say he wasn’t at least a little afraid of rejection. He worked hard and really wanted the guys to like them. Sure he knew some of them were basically crap… even he would admit to that. But they were his first tries and well first tries at anything aren’t always the best. But there were several songs that he really liked and were proud of and those were the ones his four bandmates in front of him were looking at. 

He worried his bottom lip between his teeth, as the silence grew longer. Looking down into his lap at his notebook he didn’t see the grins of his friends over how nervous he was. 

“Well I’m done.” Lance said looking at JC with a smile.  

“Yup so am I.” Joey added. 

One by one he watched as his friend’s put down the copies they were holding and looked at him. 

“Well?” JC asked tentatively. Watching as his bandmates passed unreadable looks between them before breaking out into smiles. 

“They really good Jace.” Justin said, “I don’t know about you guys but I really like these four here. Showing them the names.  

“I agree. I really like No Strings Attached.” Lance said. “Actually I think that’s the perfect name for the album. What do you guys think?”  

The course of agreement echoed through the room and JC couldn’t help but smile widely at the praise, he had found one of his passions in life. 

“Yeah I agree. But I have just one question for you Jace.” Chris said trying to be serious. 

“Umm… sure… Shoot.” JC said nervous all over again. 

“Digital Get Down? Dude is there something you should be telling us?” Chris teased and they all broke into laughter at how JC flushed and started to stutter a response, his arms flying about wildly as he tried to explain. 



It was a shock to all of them. One minute they are flying high on their growing success getting ready to release a new record under a new label back in the United States with a whole new start and the next they have been slapped with a $125 million dollar lawsuit and the threat of losing their name. 

They could have easily sued Lou Pearlman and his company when they first agreed to leave it for another label. There were plenty of things wrong with the way they had been treated and most of which were thanks to the man that they were once so happy to know. But they had decided that it was best to just let it die and have a whole new start. Never in their wildest dreams did they figure the man to bring up a lawsuit against them. Especially one of such severity. 


It was shaping out to be a tough battle between the two sides. They had countered sued Pearlman and his companies and so far were winning. With the media frenzy the whole thing had become well known but at least the press was a little more sympathetic to their side. 

It was fought dirty and dragged out but as Joey the ever optimistic had said:  

“As long as we stick together we will get through this. So what if we have to start over with a new name, it will still be us and we will still be friends regardless.” 

And he was right, because they were friends and nothing could change that. 


They looked up from the TV as their manager Johnny Wright entered the room with a smile on his face. 

“Hey what’s up Johnny?” Justin asked looking back to the movie they were watching. 

“It’s over.”  

“Excuse me?” Lance asked. 

“It’s over. Pearlman agreed to a settlement out of court. You guys came out on top and most importantly you get to keep your name. Better get ready to release that album in a few months’ boys. I have a feeling this one is going to be big.” Johnny Wright said with a grin, watching at the guys cheered and celebrated. 


They were sitting around waiting impatiently for their manager Johnny to enter the room bringing them the results of their first week sales. They had agreed that no matter where they wound up in album sales for the week that they would be happy and not get discouraged. The lawsuit brought good and bad press and could have affected album sales in either way. But they would keep going.  

Still, no one would deny that it would be nice to come out at number one. 

The door opened and their manager walked in with an unreadable face. Shifting nervously they waited for him to come and sit down to address the group. 

“Well… you guys want to know the results?” Johnny asked watching as the five heads nodded. “The good news is that you guys are the number one album sales this week.” 

“Hey well that’s good right? Why do you look so gloomy?” Chris asked nervous tension releasing a little as did the other guys. “Wasn’t quite the figures you wanted?” He added tentatively. 

“You didn’t let me finish Chris. But no it wasn’t quite the figures we were expecting.” Johnny said unable to hold back a smile now. “The good news is you guys are the number one album sales this week… The even better news is that you guys have the number one, first week record sales all of time! You guys sold 2.4 million copies in the first week!” 

They screaming and cheering that followed the statement was deafening. 



The overwhelming success of No Strings Attached skyrocketed Nsync to over whelming success. The fans loved them and the men of Nsync loved and appreciated their fans. 

With the release of the album came a nation wide tour that was just successful as the CD sales itself. And amongst all of it the baby of the group all the sudden wasn’t a baby anymore.  

At the end of one show on the tour Justin was about to run off stage as they normally did when a hand on his arm stopped him. He looked up to see JC smiling at him. 

“Hold on a second J there is something else we have to do.” 

Justin was confused but simply nodded and followed JC back to the centre of the stage where there was a little podium set up and a group of people standing, one of which he recognized as his mom. He noticed that the other guys had by now put on graduation caps and were standing off to the side. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion when he reached the group and was about to say something when a man spoke up. 

“Justin Randal Timberlake. After a lot of hard work and completing all of the required courses I am pleased to be here tonight to present you with your High school diploma.” 

All the sudden it made sense and Justin couldn’t help but grin widely throughout the ceremony. When it had finished he turned around to smile at his friend to see their very proud faces looking back at him. 



Joey was nervous. He was about to tell his four best friends about what could be the biggest thing to ever happen to him in his life and wasn’t sure how they would react to the news. 

Certainly he was known as the flirt of the group, always chatting up one girl or another. But Kelly wasn’t just another girl, she was… well she was almost like his high school sweetheart. In his own way he really did love her. 

So even though what had happened was an accident he wasn’t the kind of guy to run away from his problems and leave her to deal with it on her own. He could and would never do that to anyone no matter how scared he was. 

If he was honest with himself, once he got passed all the insecurities and fear he was glad it had happened. He was going to be a father and he couldn’t help but smile at the prospect. 


He opened the door nervously to see his friends standing on the front step with warm smiles stating various non-angry greetings as they stepped by and into the house. 

“That’s just because they don’t know why they are here yet. They are going to hate me.” Joey thought nervously. 

Once they had all settled into the living room of his home the question he had been dreading was asked. 

“So what’s up Joe? Why the urgent meeting?” Lance asked casually. 

“Well I have something important to tell you guys… something that um… could possibly bring bad press and hurt us…” Joey said not looking at anyone. 

“What is it Joey?” Justin asked seriously. 

“Well... you see… I guess there is no easy way to say this… Kelly’s pregnant and the baby is mine, and we are going to keep it.” Joey blurted out waiting for a response as silence surrounded them.  

Still unable to look anyone in the eye he kept his eyes focussed on the ground not seeing the shocked yet caring looks passed amongst his friends. 

“Is that what you want Joe?” JC asked softly. 

“Um... yeah… yes. I’m scared as hell but part of me is also happy about it. Obviously it wasn’t planned but its happening and well I just hope you guys don’t hate me.” 

“We would never hate you Joey. If it is what you want then I guess Congratulations are in order.” Chris said with a smile and walking over to give his bigger friend a hug, the others following suit. 

“But what about the press. They are going to have a field day with this.” Joey stuttered in surprised. 

“We’ll deal with it when it comes. The most important part is that you’re happy.” JC said with a smile. 

“Awww…. GROUP HUG!” Chris yelled. 


“Hey Lance?” 

“Yeah Joe?” 

“Would you be the baby’s godfather?” 

“I’d be honoured.” 


“Joey just called! Kelly is in Labour and we have to go to the hospital right now.” JC said frantic. 

“Calm down Jace. You never have been very calm under pressure.” Justin joked. 

“Yeah next thing we know your going to pass out and we have to put you in the hospital.” Chris chimed in. 

“Shut Up.” 


All eyes in the waiting room looked up to see Joey enter carrying a small bundle wrapped in a pink blanket. 

“It’s a girl.” Joey said beaming over his child. “Guys I’d like you to meet Brianna Fatone.” 

“She is beautiful Joey. Congratulations.” 



“So I was thinking that as if we didn’t have enough going on right now that I would start a clothing line.” Chris said in passing one night just after a concert when they were all sitting on one bus heading towards the next city. 

“Why?” Justin asked before he could stop himself. 

“Geez… way to be supportive there Justin.” Chris said sarcastically. 

“No it isn’t that I’m not trying to be supportive, but a clothing line? I was just curious why you would want a clothing line?” 

Chris shrugged. Truth is he wasn’t really too sure why either just seemed like a good idea to him. 

“Lots a big names have a clothing line why not me?” Chris said defensively. 

“You don’t know why do you?” Lance said with a smirk looking up from his laptop. 

“Well why did you start two companies?” Chris countered. 

“Touché.” Lance said. 

“Well you know we will support you in any way Chris, I say go for it. Right Jace.” Joey said. 

“Huh?” JC questioned head popping up from looking at his portable keyboard and taking the headphones off his ears. “What did I miss?” he questioned clueless, his friend chuckling at his cluelessness. 

Joey reached over and gently slapped the confused man upside the head. “Spazz.” He joked causing the skinny man to go red in the face and the laughter to only grow louder. 

“Would someone just tell me?” JC asked rubbing the spot on his head where Joey had hit him. 

“I’m going to create my own clothing line.” Chris repeated his laughter subsiding slightly. 

“Oh. That’s really cool Chris but… um… why?” JC questioned causing the whole room to erupt in laughter and JC to go red in the face once again. 


“Yeah its called Fumanskeeto and the clothes will be out in stores sometime in October. Right now it is targeted just to girls but we hope to get a boys line up and running by sometime next year.” Chris said enthusiastically in response to the interviewer’s question. 

“And what do you guys think of Chris’s new venture?” The Journalist asked the other guys. 

“We think its great. Although we are still trying to get him to make us free clothes.” 



“So I was thinking that uh… while we were off on our individual breaks that I might try releasing a solo album. Not that I don’t like what we have together its just that I think I need to go out and prove myself on my own… Jive approached me and are all for it and it of course it wouldn’t mean the end of Nsync in anyway, it would be a totally different sound to what we can do as Nsync… You guys are always going to be first priority in my life of course… it’s just that…” Justin nervously rambled. 

“J?” Chris interjected.  


“You sound like JC.” Chris said with a grin. 

“HEY! I really wish you would all stop making fun of me.” JC huffed. 

“It’s not our fault you make it easy.” Chris countered grin spreading even wider. 

“You know Justin if you want to release a solo album, just like everything before we will support you.” Lance said seriously. “Its not going to be easy though you know that right?” 

“Yes I know and I think I can handle it. It’s just something that I feel I need to do right now.” 

“Ok.” And that was it. 


It had indeed been a very tough ride. There were lots of questions over the solo album and whether or not it meant the break up of Nsync as a whole. No matter how hard they tried no one seemed to believe them when they said that they were still a group and simply taking a break from recording. That there would be another album within a year or so.  

And there were also many questions on Justin’s personal life and his ability to record a successful solo album. And now they sat waiting to hear if he had in fact released a successful album. 

Justin sat biting nervously at one of his nails. He was surrounded by family and friends as they waited to hear how his first week album sales were JC, Chris and Joey were there with him while Lance was in Russia but would call later on to hear how it went. 

The phone rang and Justin answered it nervously. 

“Hello. Oh Hi Johnny. Yeah. Uh-huh... Uh-huh. Ok Thanks. Yeah Goodnight.” 

“So?” JC offered. 

“Well…” Justin said taking a deep breath. “The good news is that I sold just under half a million copies in the first week. Bad news is that is only good enough for number two on the charts. I lost out for the number one slot to the Eight Mile Soundtrack.” 

Congratulations were shouted out from everyone but Justin merely smiled, part of him somewhat disappointed. 

“Hey listen Justin.” Chris said taking the younger man’s wrist and dragging him away from the group of people, JC and Joey in tow. “Half a million copies in the first week is really good J. It means that you proved to the world you can be a successful solo star.” 

“I know it just would have been nice to be number one.” Justin said quietly. 

“Number one or number two doesn’t really matter Justin. You proved that you have what it takes and proved all of those stupid critics wrong. You should be proud of yourself. I know we are proud of you.” JC said hugging his friend. 

Justin smiled widely in response. 



If the media and people thought that the whole put a pop star in space thing had come out of left field then they had no idea how far out of left field it had come for the five men of Nsync. 

They all knew Lance was fascinated by space and had done the space camps when he was younger. And they all knew that it would be a dream come true if he actually got a chance to go up into space. It was just never in a million years would they have thought it was a distinct possibility. 

The moment the rumours – true or not – had started Lance was extremely excited… practically bouncing on spot at the prospect of his dream coming true. Whoever had come up with the rumour had no idea how hard it was about to back fire on them. 


They were all on tour gathered in one room for breakfast one morning. As usual they had fought over the different sections to the paper each wanting their individual favourites first. Chris naturally like he did every morning was content with the entertainment section (Which of course held the comics) and was flipping through the section when he noticed a small picture of Lance. Naturally curious he stopped to read the article and nearly spit out his coffee over what it said. 

“YOU’RE GOING TO SPACE!” Chris yelled causing everyone to jump in the previously silent room. 

“Who is going to space?” JC had asked innocently enough. 


Four heads, faces showing various degrees of shock, turned to the fifth only to see the same confusion and shock mirrored on his face too, but a smile slowly started to grace the features. 

“Is there something you forgot to tell us Lance?” Joey questioned. 

“Not that I can think of Joe… I don’t know anything about it but I certainly wouldn’t turn it down….” Lance said slowly. 

“That’s really dangerous isn’t it? Travelling into space I mean…?” Justin asked quietly. 

“Yes partially… but this is my biggest dream guys you can’t expect me to pass it up?” 

“No of course not. If its what you want then we are behind you all the way.” 


It turned out to be a very bumpy road to space. Not only was there a lot of gruelling training and hard work but also there were a lot of troubles with backing and financial problems that almost had sent him home on a number of occasions. 

But Lance persevered and kept a positive outlook trusting that it would all work out and his dream would become reality. 

It became hardest on Lance when he had to miss important events in his friend’s lives. Events that he would have attended come hell or high water just to be there to cheer them onto victory, but simply couldn’t because the Russian space centre insisted he continue training. 


Justin had been supportive when he had called to find out the first week sales of his album asking all sorts of questions even though Lance was trying to find out about him.  

The album sales had been good, great even but he could tell his friend was a little disappointed and it hurt him not to be there to comfort and cheer Justin up. 


Joey’s debut on Broadway in Rent had been praised significantly. He was a hit. 

When Lance had called Joey to congratulate him on opening night and hear all about it, even though he couldn’t see his friend he could hear the excitement of being on stage and if he closed his eyes could picture him practically glowing with it.  

He wished he could have gone to see the show and share in his friend’s excitement. 


But the worst was when he was told he was going to have to miss the Challenge for Children event. He was looking forward to it and seeing his friends again. Sure he talked to them all the time and JC had even managed to come out and visit him while he was at NASA in Huston. (JC had been very excited and interested in everything and while Lance knew it was in support of him part of him suspected that a few songs would show up sometime in the future.)  

It just wasn’t the same. 

He had called all the guys part of him hoping that they would tell him to give up and come home so he could participate. But all they did was cheer him on even more saying that he was so close to his dream hat he couldn’t simply give up now. And he had to smile because as strong as the feeling was to just give up his friends encouragement was enough to keep going. 


When everything feel through for good, at least for the mission he was aiming at, he returned home to find his four friends waiting to pick him up. After a brief visit to his mom they whisked him off to Joey’s house where they ate pizza watched movies just forgetting that his dream just fell through, that Justin was only in for the night, that JC should have been in the studio recording and that Joey and Chris were suppose to be somewhere else as and it was just like old time. 

Sometime later in the night when they had all gone quiet Chris spoke up. 

“There will be other chances Lance so don’t think this is the end. You’ll get to space sometime we’ll see to that even if it comes down to us financing you ourselves.” 



To Joey, it was a dream come true.  

Sure singing was always first and foremost for him but he loved to act and a part in a Broadway show where he could do both was very simply a dream come true.  

It really didn’t matter what show it was in the minute the words were out of the man’s mouth he agreed. 


Nsync were on their break so making the time to take up a role for a month or so in Broadway’s Rent wasn’t hard at all. And it meant that he could spend some time in his native New York, which he always found nice. 

But it turned out that doing a Broadway show was a lot harder than he had ever imagined it being and he constantly found himself wanting to give up go back to Orlando and just take it easy. But it was funny because every time that thought filled his head during the couple weeks of rehearsal before his debut one of the guys would call him five minutes later listening to him talk animatedly about how much he loved being on the stage, telling him how proud of him they are were and in general giving him exactly what he needed to continue on with the gruelling rehearsals confident in the knowledge that it will all be worth it. 

It was after he hung up the phone just after one of these calls that he found himself wondering how he ever was lucky enough to have such good friends. 


When opening night came around Joey was nervous. Really nervous. His hands were sweating, he couldn’t stop shaking and he swore if he took so much as one step he was going to be sick. 

He knew that JC and Justin were going to be there in the audience tonight to watch him and that Lance being in Russia following his space dream obviously couldn’t attend but would call after the performance and Chris would be there later in the week due to obligations he had made long before Joey was ever even offered the part. 

This was completely different. On stage with Nsync he could get a way with a mistake because there were always four other voices to cover for him. Here while there were other voices there were lines and stage directions and it wasn’t a stadium packed with screaming girls but a small little theatre with serious theatre go-ers just waiting for him to screw up in some way. 

But he was a success and while yes he had screwed up a couple times no one seemed to notice anyway. They went out and partied hard later only to regret it the next day when he had to get up and do it all over again. 


When he finished up his stay in Rent Joey had been somewhat sad to see it end, even though he was completely exhausted. The five of them went out to Celebrate, the other four toasting Joey on a job well done and once again Joey found himself wondering how he ever ended up worthy of friends like them. 



It was no secret that JC could write for hours on end, song after song after song. But when Nsync went on hiatus and each member off to do their own thing JC started to miss the interaction with the fans. At first he had just shrugged it off thinking that he just had to adjust to not touring and everything that for 7 years the five of them had been doing basically non-stop, but as the break grew longer JC realized he needed to come up with some way to interact with the fans on hiatus or not. 


Only Artist was launched officially in February the following year after a long period of getting permits and making it work. Its success was overall really good and he was getting plenty of feedback. 

Each of the guys had a little something to do with the site even though over all there was no doubt that this was JC’s “baby”. Joey helped with some of the technical stuff since it turned out he was really good at creating web pages. Chris with some of the designs since he had had Fumanskeeto and proved that he was good at it. Justin had helped JC figure out a few lyrics for songs over the phone while he was off promoting Justified. And Lance… well Lance couldn’t really help with anything being so occupied with getting ready to go to space but if it hadn’t been for Lance’s encouraging JC would have never gone through with it. 

The launch and relative success of Only Artist helped change or perhaps just make up JC’s mind in terms of releasing a solo album as well. 


JC ducked his head in the manner he always did when nervous, as he switched off the CD player. He had just finished playing the guys a copy of his solo CD that would be release about a month later and while he had been so anxious to the point of practically bouncing off the walls to hear what the guys thought of the album he was now extremely nervous as he waited to hear their opinions. 

“It is really good Jace. People are going to love it.” Lance said hugging his friend. 

“Dude. You’ve got some amazing songs on there.” Justin added in. 

“And some that once again I’m wondering where the inspiration has come from.” Chris chimed in being hit with a flying pillow moments later causing him to cackle with laughter. 

“Its great Jace. Number one album.” Joey said with a wink. 

JC beamed at the praise and smiled widely. 



They hadn’t technically sung together in over 8 months. But it was something that they just couldn’t refuse… that they didn’t want to refuse. Being asked to sing a medley of songs by one of the most influential groups in music history at the Grammy awards, as a tribute to them since the death of one of their members and brother, was one of the greatest honours ever bestowed upon them as a group. 


They got together a couple days before the show to practise and everything was as if they never had been apart from each other for as long as they had. Come the night of the performance when they stepped out on stage they knew they sounded a little rusty but 8 months apart and several solo events is a fairly large obstacle to overcome. But it was also the best feeling in the world to be back and singing as a group again and they were the hit of the night. 

After the show finished they went out to the various post Grammy parties but all agreed to meet back again later at JC’s house to catch up and spend some time together. 


“So that felt good tonight.” Joey ventured as they sat around JC’s living room at 3am. 

“Yeah. It really did.” Justin added. He liked the solo thing but he couldn’t be without being in Nsync. 

“I guess that just shows that we can go away and do all of these solo things and still be able to come back together again.” Lance said taking a sip of his soda. 

“I’m not sure it is just that Lance.” JC started. “I mean yes we go apart and do all of these things outside of Nsync and still can come back together as a group again but have you noticed that we really aren’t going apart and doing our own thing? Think about it we each do our solo stuff but we are also calling each other, asking each other’s opinions and everything. That’s because we are more then just a singing group, we’re friends.”  

“You sort of right there Jace but it goes further than that.” Chris said, “It’s more than just friendship…. We’re family.” 

The End 

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