Casino Nights

By: Neenie


Part One


Walking through the casino, I finally found an unused slot machine.  I walked towards it, not realizing he did too.  He got there first, which annoyed me.  He sees this and smirks as he inserts his money.  I turned to walk away, but he grabbed my arm.  "Stay.  You may bring me good luck."  Reluctantly, I stayed.  I stood there and watched him win and win big.  He could feel her losing interest so he asked if I'd like to play.  I simply nodded, but he didn't move.


"How can I play with you sitting there?  I don't even know you."


"Nick.  I'm Nick.  Now you know me and we can play."


"We?" I questioned.


"Yes, we.  In order for you to play this game, you have to sit..." he stopped, pointing to his lap.


"You want me to sit on your lap?"  I asked, surprised.  The elderly woman next to him gave him a disgusted look.


"I don't know you Nick."


"You know my name.  Come sit here. I don't bite, and I won't start now."  He let out a throatily growl instead of a laugh.  I had to admit, the boy had style, and he was fine.  I decided, why not?  I stepped beside him, slid my skirt up high enough to move my left leg over him.  I sat softly, not to hurt him in any way.  Through his jeans, I could fell his erection.  I felt myself getting wet from his touch.  I wiggled myself around a bit, to make myself comfortable.


"You don't mind me playing with your money?"


He used his nose to push my hair out of the way and rested his lips on my bare shoulder.  'You can play with anything of mine that you wish."  His lips moved to my ear and he groaned, "anything."  His mouth, then, went back to work on my shoulder.  The elderly woman stared in disbelief as to what Nick and I were doing, yet she didn't leave.  She continued staring in disbelief.


As erotic as Nick's lips felt against my bare shoulder and back, I was concentrating on winning.  There were 258 credits in the machine, so I had plenty to play with.  Although I kept losing his money, I'd slowly bring it back up again.


He was getting impatient, working only on my back.  He placed his hands on my hips and started grinding himself against me.  I tried moving my hips against him, but his grip became tighter.  "Not yet.  Keep playing."


I had a hard time concentrating now, but I did.  Whatever Nick was doing underneath me caused my juices to flow quickly.  I wanted him, needed him bad.  Ignoring the machine and the grip Nick had on my hips, I leaned back against him and lifted my right arm til it reached his head.  He loosened his grip on my hips, yet still held them.  He started grinding faster and harder, moving me along with him.  He felt his climax coming, so he released my hips and grabbed something soft, yet hard.  My breasts.  He cupped them in his hands and tweaked my already hard nipples. 


I knew when Nick reached his climax.  He squeezed harder while he bit down on my shoulder, to stifle his groan.  I've never experienced an orgasm without physical contact before, but mine came shortly after his.  In trying to grab onto something, I inadvertintly hit the 'bet max' button on the slot machine.  The reels began to spin as I settled against Nick comfortably.  The reels stopped on three red 7's; we hit the jackpot. 


The elderly lady continued staring, silently shaking her head.


While we waited for the casino attendant to come over with Nick's money, my mind was reeling.  I was too afraid to move, thinking about what we just shared, but wanting to move so we could share it again.  My pussy was still watering and my panties were soaked.  My clit was throbbing fiercely for a taste of his meat.


The attendant came over with $5,000 and handed it to Nick.  "Have a nice day, Mr. Carter."


"You too," he said graciously.  He squeezed my upper thigh gently and croaked, "let's go."  I climbed off his lap and stood to the side waiting for him.  I noticed the huge wet spot in the front of his jeans.  I pulled him close and with my hands, pulled his head down to mine.  I whispered, "Your pants are noticeably wet.  Did I do that?"


"You, me, what does it matter?"


"I suggest we go up to your room and get you out of those pants."


"I agree with your suggestion," Nick answered.  As we walked away, towards the elevator bank, we heard the elderly woman say, "I guess that's how you hit the jackpot.


As we got to the elevator, Nick pushed the button and said, "You know I'm very rude.  We brought each other to orgasm and I don't even know your name."


I smiled up at him.  "Ariel."  The elevator opened and we stepped in.  He pressed button 24.  The doors shut and he pinned me to the wall.  "I want to have my way with you, Ariel, if you'll let me."


"I'll let you, if you let me do the same to you."  He let out a groan as he started sucking on my neck.  He started to pull the think strap to my tank top off of my shoulders.  "You're going up baby," he exclaimed.  He picked me up and rested my clit again his throbbing member.  The elevator doors opened and we walked out, him still holding me like this.  "What are you doing?  What if someone sees?"


"Don't worry.  Me and my friends have the whole floor to ourselves.  No one, but them, will see us, I promise."  On the walk to the room, Nick decided he needed something in his mouth, to keep him busy.  He raised me up higher, high enough so my breast was in his face.  He stuck his head under my tank top and started sucking.  "I'm not going to make it to my room, I want you now."              


"Not out here."  He continued carrying me to his room, and swiped his room card.  He kicked the door open with his foot and walked in.  He sat me down on the bed and stood in front of me.  I was looking up at him.  My eyes never left his face as I brought my hands up to undo his pants and to free him.   


He pulled his shirt off as I slid his pants and boxers down.  He kicked off his loafers and kicked his clothes out of the way.  I brushed my hand across his stomach and down both legs.  He was beautiful - esquisite.  Nick wrapped his fingers up in my hair and arched his throbbing member so that it just barely touched my lips.


I flicked my tongue over the tip causing Nick to groan and push himself completely into my mouth.  My teeth and tongued worked his soft, sensitive skin. As his breathing became more erratic I pulled back.  Nick whimpered, "Don't stop."  I smiled, "Lay back on the bed." 


Nick lay back and I walked over to the dresser where I saw a radio and turned it on.  Dru Hills "How Deep Is Your Love" was just coming on.  I began swaying to the music as I walked back to the foot of the bed.  Piece by piece my clothes came off.  I threw my panties up on Nick.  He grabbed them and licked the crotch tasting my wetness.


I grinned as I picked up his left leg and started sucking on his big toe.  I sucked slowly, teasing him with my tongue as I moved from one toe to another.  When I finished with his toes, I rested his leg back on the bed and walked over to his side.  I stepped up on the bed and over him.  I stood there for a second, making sure he looked up at me.  Satisfied he seen enough, I sat on his stomach and leaned forward, pushing my breasts in his face.  I watched his mouth as his tongue went to taste me, but I moved back.  His tongue reached for me again, and I moved back.  "You are such a tease," he said before flipping me on my back and laying on top of me.  "Now you can't pull away." He took my tit in his mouth and bit down. He ran my fingers threw his hair to keep his face there.  It may have been painful, but it felt so good.  He moved from one to the other, sucking and biting each.  "Do you like pleasure, or do you like pain?"


"I like both Nick.  Do what you want."  He smirked as he left soft kisses on my stomach.  His tongue went in and out of my belly button, giving me thoughts of what was to come.  Just thinking about it, made me wet ... and horny.  He bypassed my sweet spot and starting kissing my inner thigh.  His hand was massaging my other thigh.  He was slowly inching his hand towards my vagina.  He was playing with it with his thumb.  He stopped kissing my leg and teased my insides with my tongue, licking all around.  He removed his face from my body and just looked at me.  He inserted his tongue, just lapping up the juices.  "Nick, no more teasing.  I want you, in me, now.  Please."


"Your wish."  He slid his body against mine, until we were face to face.  He entered me slowly, taking his time.  He was nibbling on my neck as his motions became faster.  I arched my back, wanting his full length in me.  He obliged me.  He felt himself ready to come, and I knew I wasn't ready.  He slowed himself down.  When he felt me tighten up, he started pumping faster.  We came together.  When he came, I felt him fill me up.  He kissed my mouth, shoving in his tongue.  "I could get used to this, Ariel.  I really could.  You made me feel good, and not like a child.  Thank you."  I just smiled at him.  He stood up and put his clothes back on, changing his pants. 


"What do you say we go back to the casino and play some poker now?"


Part Two


“Poker?  Are you sure you can handle poker?”


“Nick, honey, I can handle anything.  You will learn that in time.  By the end of tonight I may be teaching you a few things.”  I hooked my hands in the top of his pants and pulled him close to me.  My fingers played with the button on his jeans as my mouth kissed circles around his navel. 


Nick stood between my legs, his hands resting on my shoulders and his head looking down as he watched, and felt, my mouth against his very sensitive stomach.  As I continued my oral attack against his belly, my fingers unbuttoning his jeans and very slowly slipping his zipper down.  I moved my hands inside his jeans and squeezed at his ass, hearing him groan above me. 


My hands snaked inside the waistband of his boxers, pinching softly as to not hurt him.  “I thought we were playing poker.”


“Isn’t this more fun?”  I lowered his jeans and boxers to at least his knees and smiled up at him.  I rested my chin closer to his navel, feeling his erect cock press up against my throat and waited for him to say something. 


“If this is more fun, why aren’t you…uhhhh…” he groaned deeply.  I ran my tongue over his length before taking his balls in my mouth.  He squeezed my shoulders tightly causing me to use my teeth.  “Oh God, you’re mouth…”


I moved my mouth away from his balls and brought it to his length, sucking hungrily as I made my way to his tip.  Nick’s grunts and groans became pleas for his release, which I knew was in my hands.  “That’s it…right there…God, baby, you make me so damn horny…”


I moaned against him, sending chills through his body.  I grabbed at his ass, pulling him closer to me, and took as much of him in my mouth as I could hold.  He began thrusting into my mouth, moving his hands from my shoulders to my head, grabbing my hair.  “Oh God, girl…you make me wanna cum…” 


Finally hearing those words from his mouth, I pulled away from him, shocking him into pulling his hands away from me.  “What the…what are you doing?”  I stood walking behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, placing my hands teasingly close to his throbbing cock.  My tongue ran over his back before I whispered, “Teasing you.  Is it working?  Wanna play some poker?”


“What?” he asked, a bit annoyed. 


“Stop your complaining,” I said, wrapping my hand around his cock and pumping fiercely.  Nick leaned back into me, holding on tightly to my leg and pulling me flush against him.  With my lips pressed against his back, I managed to say, “Is this good?  Are you enjoying this?”


“Yeah baby…please don’t stop this time.”  Listening to him whine turned me on more than I already was.  I squeezed him tighter in my hands, pumping him with all the strength I had in me.  “I wanna be inside you.”


I kissed his back lightly, ignoring him.  I slowed my pace slightly, hearing his breathing become more erratic.  His hand joined mine over his shaft, helping me bring him to his climax.  After he came over the bed, his hand fell from mine, but I continued to massage his cock as the rest of his body became limp against me.  "Are you okay, Nick?"


"Yeah, I'm fine, Janine.  Really fine.  If you don't stop that, we'll never get down to the casino."  I kissed his back and stepped in front of him, pulling his face down to mine, kissing him roughly. 


"Ready to win big?"  He grabbed my hand and walked me from his room and to the elevator, where another guy was waiting.  "Kev, how you doin'?" Nick asked with a huge grin on his face.


"Obviously not as good as you.  Your hair is a mess, your clothes are look disheveled.  Did you just have sex?”  I smiled at Kevin, pursuing my lips and looked at Nick, waiting for his answer. 


Stuttering his words, he said, “Well…uh…what’s it your business?”  I bit my lip to hold in the laughter but it didn’t work.  My giggling started as Kevin and Nick looked at each other.  I glanced at Nick before saying quickly, “We hit the jackpot.” 


Nick smiled, and smirked at Kevin as the three of us waited for the elevator to come.  It finally did and once we were inside Nick leaned up against the wall, me leaning against him.  Kevin tried not to watch, but he could not help it.  I pressed my ass against Nick, grinding very subtly.  Nick’s hand held my stomach, pushing down lightly with the palm of his hands.  He brought his mouth to my neck and nibbled softly as his fingers began inching my skirt up. 


Nick looked up, watching as Kevin’s eyes never left his fingers.  When they finally made eye contact, Nick raised his eyebrow and smirked.  I closed my eyes and leaned into Nick, allowing his mouth to have full access to my neck.  The elevator dinged and the doors opened as Nick fixed my skirt and said good bye to Kevin.


Grabbing my hand again, I followed him into the casino.  We walked straight to a poker table and Nick bought about $500 worth of chips.  He set them down in front of me and told me to make my bet. 


“Any amount?”  He nodded and smiled as he wrapped his arms around my chest.  “Yeah, Janine, any amount” 


I placed the initial bet of $100 and smiled up at Nick as the dealer dealt the cards.  I picked them up and saw that we had a good hand so I put cards down that I wanted replaced and watched as the others did the same.  Nick pulled a stool behind me and sat down, holding my stomach in his hands.  “We have a winner,” the dealer said, pushed $250 our way. 


I shifted on the chair, moving closer to Nick as I made the next bet.  We had a good hand again and our money had been doubled with only two hands.  Nick pressed his mouth against my ear and whispered, “You are so good at this, the better you are the better I’ll make you feel baby.” 


I bit my lip as his hands moved around my hips and working there way to my legs.  I placed another bet and again received a good hand.  Three kings and two queens.  I smiled and waved off any new cards as the others waited for theirs.  I placed my final bet and won…again.  Nick, appreciative that I doubled his money, moved closer to me, running his hands down my sides.  He moved his hand under the slit of my skirt, and rested it above my knee.  Squeezing gently, he parted my crossed legs and left his hand on my knee.


“With every win my hand will come one step closer to giving you pleasure.  Got it baby?”


“Yeah, I got it.”  The dealer looked from Nick’s hand to my eyes and back to Nick’s hand before I placed a $300 bet.  “Deal me in,” I said.


I, again, waved off exchanging any cards in my hands because I had a Royal Flush.  Nick ignored everyone around us and began nibbling on my ear.  When the dealer pushed $700 in chips my way, Nick moved closer to me and his hand moved higher up your leg. 


“Good win, Janine.  You’re an excellent player.”  His hand came dangerously close to my moist center and I would swear that he sensed that.  I felt his lips against my ear before he laughed.  “A little anxious, are we?” he asked as he realized I wore no panties. 


I shifted against his finger and parting my legs slightly, feeling the tip of his fingers pinch my sensitive area.  I groaned slightly, looking up into the dealers eyes and raised my eyebrow.  “Deal me in,” I said.  I leaned my head back against Nick’s shoulder and ran my tongue lightly over his neck. 


The two guys on either side of us looked at each other.  One stood, leaving the game muttering, “And this is the future of America.”  The other guy shrugged and told the dealer, “Hell, I’ll play.  I usually have to pay to see this, so I’m not going anywhere.”


I pushed $500 in chips onto the table and waited for the dealer to begin.  My skirt covered the sweet torture Nick’s hand was putting me through.  He dealt a new hand and I held the cards up and surveyed them.  It was a lousy hand, but I had an idea. 


I waved off any new cards and turned my attention to Nick, kissing his neck, tasting my perfume on his neck.  His finger moved a bit faster around my throbbing clit, teasing me like there was no tomorrow.  Nick pulled away from my kisses and lowered his mouth to mine.  His finger pressed against my clit hard, causing me to moan against his mouth and inadvertently kick my leg.


I looked into the dealer’s eyes and apologized for holding up the game.  The other player and I raised the stakes and continued betting against one another until he folded.  Nick started moving his finger quicker around my clit, causing my breath to quicken.  Sweat beaded on my forehead as soft moans escaped my mouth.  “Oh God, Nick,” I said grabbing his hand and placing it over my breast, wanting him to pinch my nipple through the fabric of my shirt.


Nick licked my neck, bringing his eyes up to meet the dealer’s.  With the corner of his lips resting against my cheek Nick asked him, “How did she do?”


Fixing his tie and wiping the sweat along his hairline, the dealer said, “Um, she uh…won…”  He cleared his throat and looked away, packing up this cards and chips.  “This table is now closed.”  Nick watched him leave, but well aware the other player was still sitting there.   Nick finally began pinching and teasing my nipple as his mouth covered mine and his finger moved at a dangerous fast pace.  I moaned into his mouth, a warmth starting to overcome every inch of my body.  Short gasps escaped my mouth as I felt my inside thighs become sticky with my cum. 


With his lips resting against mine, he muttered, “Did you like that baby?”


Still breathless, I said, “Yeah, I did.”  Nick looked over my shoulder at the other player still sitting there biting his lip.  “You got your free show, now get out of here.” 


The guy held is hands up in defense as he grabbed his winnings and left the tables area.  Nick looked around and smiled at me.  “We’re all alone now, Janine.”  I stood and rested my ass on the edge of the poker table and looked down at him with my arms crossed.


“What do you want to do now that we are alone Nick?”  He stood in front of me, pushing his hard cock against my lower stomach.  “What do you want to do?” 


Smiling, I jumped up on the table and spread my legs slightly, inviting him to step between them.  He took the invitation, wrapping his arms around my lower back and pulling me against him.  “I think you know what I want to do.  Undress me, sexy.”


I pushed his shirt up his body, exposing his chest and stomach to me.  I pulled the shirt completely from his body and ran my fingers down his chest.  I moved to run my tongue over his chest, but he stopped me.  His hands held my flimsy shirt by the collar and ripped it from my body, exposing my bare breasts.  “You’re twice as naughty, aren’t you?  No silky panties and no lacy bra.”


His hands cupped my breasts, squeezing them gently.  Nick brushed his lips against mine before lowering his mouth to my breast.  Tugging roughly on my nipple, he maneuvered his hands to my waist and slipped my skirt to the floor. 


While he teased my hard buds with his tongue and teeth, my hands went to his ass.  He moaned against my sensitive skin sending chills through my body.


I moved my fingers to the front of his pants unbuttoning his button.  His mouth ended its assault on my right breast and began torturing the left at the same pace.  I unzipped his pants, running my short nails over his cock through his briefs.


Nick moaned against me again causing me to grab onto his hair.  I moved my mouth near his ear and whispered, “I want you inside me now.  I want to fell your big hard cock enter my tight hole teasingly slow and as you lick my lips and bite on my lower lip, you move inside me faster as my walls enrapture your throbbing cock.  What do you think?”


“Nick flicked his tongue one last time over my nipple before taking a step back.  I licked my lips and moved myself back on the table.  I brought my feet to his waist, hooking my toes on the waistband of his briefs, slowly bringing them down his body.  Once they reached his knees they fell to the floor and we looked up at each other, out eyes meeting.


I watched Nick walk a few steps closer to the table, and with each step he took I moved further up the poker table.  He finally reached and climbed up on the table hovering his body over mine.


“You want to feel me inside you?”  I nodded my head rigorously, letting him now how eager I was for him to fill me.  He pushed my legs open and lowered his body against mine, his nose touching mine.  “You want me to tease you?” he asked innocently, as he rubbed the tip of his dick against my clit.


“Yeah,” I said, barely audible.  He continued to tease me, the tip of his cock running to my tight hole, beginning its entry, and quickly pulling out.  My hands ran up his back until they reached his neck.  Pulling his cheek until it was even with mine, I said, “Please don’t tease me like that.”


Nick put his hands under my ass and slowly began his entry inside my waiting and wanting opening.  “Oh god, yeah, Nick.  Keep it going…give me more… oh yeah, that’s it,” I moaned in his ear.


“Keep talking sexy.  Help me keep my dick hard for you,” he said.  My hands grabbed his ass and pulled him closer to me.


“Uhh… Nick you got it… slam that rock-hard cock into me…” I grew silent as I interlocked my fingers behind his neck and gingerly caressed him.


“Damn, Janine.  You’re tighter than you were before.  SHIT, you feel so good,” he said thrusting and moving above and inside me.  My finger danced up his spine, as our bodies moved on the felt poker table as one.


“Touch yourself,” he whispered.


“What?  God, Nick, you’re so thick…”


“Touch yourself,” he said again.  I licked his neck, squeezing his shoulders gently, as I asked, “What do you want me to touch?”


Ecstasy evident on his face, he managed to say, “touch your breasts, roll your nipples between your fingers, but do you know what a big turn on for me will be?”


I waited momentarily before answering watching the exquisite pleasure on his face and the light grunting noises he was making with every thrust.  “Go faster Nick.  What’s a big turn on for you?”


“Between groans, Nick said, “Play with, massage, pinch, tug, tease, I don’t care but slip your hands between our bodies and play with your clit.”


I licked my lips anticipating the pleasure my finger and his cock would give me simultaneously.  Our eyes connected as I slid my hand between our bodies and rested one finger on my swollen clit.


“That’s it girl, play with yourself.  You’re enjoying it, aren’t you?  I can feel you tightening around my dick.  Go faster…move your fingers faster, I’ll move my dick faster.”


I moved my finger quickly, rolling my pulsating clit between my two fingers.  With my free hand I grabbed a handful of Nick’s hair pulling his mouth to mine.  I loosened my grip on his hair, moving my hand to his neck as we kissed.  Nick’s tongue swirled around mine, my finger swiftly helping, along with Nick’s thrusting, bring me closer to my climax.


“God, Nick, please move faster.  I’m almost there.”


“Me too, baby, me too,” he sighed.  Nick pushed himself in, as far as my body could hold him, and held himself there.  “You got it.  Squeeze me baby.”  Nick’s mouth covered mine again blocking any sounds of pleasure I could offer.


Nick kept his eyes closed as he whispered, “Oh god, girl…you’re so fuckin tight.  Oh god, I’m gonna cum.”  I felt my body grow warm and soon after my insides began milking Nick’s cock.


“Fuck Janine…” Licking my ear he moaned sexually.  “I’m cumming girl… deep inside you, I’m cumming…”


“Oh god… oh man… oh Nick, me too.”  My breathing quickened and Nick’s thrusts became rhymically faster.


“Give me your hand…I want to taste you,” he said claiming my lips once again.  I removed my hand away from my wet center holding my fingers up to Nick’s mouth.


“You’re cummin too, Janine.  You taste so sweet,” Nick moaned.


His hands gripped the edge of the poker table, and my hands held his forearms, as he continued to slam into me.  I lost my voice as I reached my peak with Nick.  He grunted as he shot the last of his load within the confines of my body.  He continued thrusting until he felt his body weaken.


Nick laid his body against mine, kissing my neck and cheek lightly.  “Are you okay?”


“I’m a hell of a lot better than okay.  Nick that was the best sex I’ve ever had…” I said stealing a quick kiss.  “I think out audience would agree…” 


The color drained from Nick’s face as he asked, “What audience?”


“Oh, look around.  The night cleaning crew for the casino and your buddy, Kevin.”  Nick looked up and watched as one by one everyone turned and walked away… all but Kevin.


Nick saw this and smirked, leaning down to give me one more kiss that night.  Kevin turned on his heels disgusted by Nick’s behavior and stormed out of the casino.  “What’s his problem?”


Nick slowly climbed from the table and pulling up his pants, saying, “He always has something up his ass.”  I hopped down from the table pulling my skirt on and then realized Nick tore my shirt.  He saw the look in my eyes and slipped his shirt off, handing it to me. 


Smiling and thanked him, and held his hand as we walked to the elevators.  “Ya know, Janine, there is a pool up on the 15th floor.  What do you say you and I take a dip…take a skinny-dip in the pool?” 


I looked up at him and saw the evil glare in his blue eyes.  Licking my lips I followed him into the elevator and watched as he hit the button for the 15th floor.


Part 3


“So this is the pool, huh?” I asked, my hand resting around his waist. 


“Yeah, it’s looks empty too, doesn’t it?  This just may be your lucky night,” he smirked, his hand moving down to my ass and pulling me closer to him. 


“My lucky night?  I think we can make this your lucky night.  I’ve won lots of money for you, you know.  Maybe I’ll make you luckier.”  I smiled as his cockiness, wondering where the night will take us.


“Wanna go for a swim?”  My hands scratched up his back and my mouth found his chest. Between kisses I softly whispered, “I don’t have my suit with me.” 


With his eyes closed and his hands in my hair, he said, “Like that matters.  Get undressed.” 


“Undress me,” I said running my tongue over his nipple.  His hands dropped from my hair and held onto the top of the shirt.  With his strength he ripped the shirt from my body. 


“You are aware that’s the second shirt I was wearing that you ripped from my body, aren’t you?”


“Oh yeah.  I can’t control myself when I’m with you.  I just want you naked at all times.” 


“All you had to do was ask,” I smirked lowering my skirt to the ground.  Nick lowered his head to mine, kissing me softly as my fingers played with the button of his pants.  His tongue invaded my mouth as I finally unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pushing them down below his ass and to the ground. 


“I want you right now,” he growled, stepping from his pants and grabbing me by the waist.  “And when I want something I’ll sure as hell gonna get it.”  My fingers grazed lightly over Nick’s neck, knowing how insane it drove him.  My lips danced closely to his ear when I noticed the other person in the pool room.


“Nick, someone’s here,” I whispered. 


“That’s okay, let them get a free show.  I don’t care who it is,” he said as he stood at the edge of the pool.  He placed me down next to him and sat along side the pool, his legs dangling in the water.  “Sit on me, baby.  Ride me now.  I want to be inside you so bad, baby,” he said reaching for my hand.  I watched as he grabbed it and pulled me towards him. 


I stood over him, sighing as his hands massaged my legs and pulled me down to sit on his legs.  “Please baby, ride me.  I just want to feel myself inside you… feel you all around me…that’s the greatest feeling in the world.”  I pushed him onto his back and straddled his stomach. 


“You want to feel me?”  Nick nodded.  “You want to feel my insides?”  He nodded again.  “You want me to ride you hard?”  He nodded once again.  His hands were on my hips slowly trying to push me down his body.  “Eager, aren’t you?”  He nodded again, his left hand moving from my hip and squeezing my breast hard. 


“Oh, that’s nice,” I sighed.  His thumb rubbed over my hard nipple.  I lost myself in the sensation of his fingers.  He had no trouble pushing me lower down his body.  I felt him slowly enter my body and I stopped. 


“You’re slick, Nick, but not that slick,” I smirked pulling myself off his hard cock.  He groaned, laying his head back on the floor.  I started climbing up his body, teasing him as I went.  I made it off his body without him grabbing me.


“Come with me, Nick,” I smirked, my eyebrow cocked.  Nick climbed from the poolside, his legs dripping wet, and walked over towards me.  “Where are we going?”


“Just follow me,” I grabbed his hand and pulled him along.  I pulled him into the locker room, listening for a sound around us.  When I was sure we were completely alone I walked towards the first row of lockers and sat on the bench, straddling it.  “What do you want to do Nick?” 


Quietly, almost to quiet, he walked around and sat behind me, moving closer until his body was against mine.  His thighs sat firming against mine, his chest against my back, his hands rubbing lightly down my arms. 


“What do you think I want to do?”  I groaned as he shifted my hair to my left shoulder and began lightly nibbling against my skin.  “I still want you to ride me, baby, but I think I’ll wait until we are in the comfort of my room for that.”  His arms wrapped tightly around my waist.  His right hand massaged my thigh, working its way to my center.  His left hand played with my right breast, tugging lightly on my nipple. 


“Know what I want yet?” he whispered, his finger dancing lightly over my slit.  “Have you figured it out?”


I shifted on the seat, bringing his finger closer to me.  Clearing my throat, I whispered, “No, Nick.” 


He pushed himself closer to me, his dick grinding against my ass.  His finger parted my slit and dipped inside, feeling the wetness he created.  His finger grazed over my clit before moving down towards my opening.  “Got it yet?”  


“You want to tease me?  Is that it?  You can tease me if you want.”  Nick moved his fingers lower inserting the tip of his finger inside me.  “Damn it, Nick, you are teasing me.”  He wiggled the tip of his finger, slowly inserting a little more at a time. 


“Yeah, I am teasing you but that’s not what I want.  Want me to tell you what I want?” he asked, his tongue running along my ear.  I nodded, not trusting my voice at all. 


“Okay, I want to tease you and please you.  I want my tongue inside you, tasting every bit of you.  I want to do anything to make you cum.  I wanna hear you scream my name.  I want you calling to God to help you get over the sensations running through your body.  Are you ready for that?  Can you handle that?”


I leaned my head back against Nick, moaning as a second finger joined the first.  His thumb was pressed against my clit.  “Yeah, Nick, I’m ready for anything.  You let me know what you want.”


“I want you.  Come back out by the pool.  This is gonna be so much fun,” he whispered.  He withdrew his fingers from me and helped me up from the bench.  Nick walked quickly to the edge of the pool and jumped into the shallow end.  I started to follow him, but he stopped me.  “No, no, baby.  Sit here on the edge,” he smirking evilly, patting the ground in front of him.  I did as he asked still unsure what he wanted from me.


“Lay back, Janine,” he said, his hand pushing me onto my back.  My legs were dangling in the water and once I was on my back Nick’s hands massaged my thighs.  He threw my legs over his shoulder planting soft kisses on my thighs.  “Are you ready?” he whispered between kisses.


“Yeah,” I answered breathlessly.  His face was close to my center and I shuddered, knowing where his tongue would be in one moment.  His tongue ran over my slit, poking through and feeling my wetness around his tongue.  He moaned against me, an instant chill through my body.  “God Nick,” I whispered. 


He moaned again, as though to answer, as his tongue flicked over my clit.  “Fuck,” I yelled, not caring if anyone walking by heard me.  He flicked his tongue once again before moving it towards my opening.  A long, low groan escaped my parted lips as Nick’s tongue entered my body.  Nick’s tongue licked every part of my insides, tasting every inch of me.  His tongue darted quickly, wanting to bring me to my orgasm. 


I felt it coming quick.  My body began trembling.  Nick noticed too, his tongue working faster inside me, his right hand pressed against my stomach to hold me down.  I put my hand on top of his, feeling myself becoming closer.  “Fuck,” I whispered my hold on his hand tightening. 


Nick moaned one final time against me.  I screamed loudly, his tongue feeling the stickiness of my cum.  I continued grinding against him until I couldn’t move any more.  I felt back against the side of the pool, my breathing out of control and my body on fire.  Nick pulled away from me, kissing up my thighs as he backed away from the pool’s edge. 


In one quick motion, Nick threw himself out of the pool.  He pulled my legs out of the pool and shifted me so I was lying facing him, my legs spread slightly.  He slowly crawled up my body, smiling when his face was over mine.  “I need you, baby.  I can’t wait any longer or I’ll…I’ll… Shit, I don’t know what I’ll do, but it will be bad,” he said, slipping into my body. 


The look on his face was pure ecstasy as he filled me completely.  “Oh yeah,” he murmured lowering his body against mine.  My fingernail grazed lazily down his spine.  His slow methodical thrusts soon became quicker.  His tongue snuck out of his mouth, licking my cheek.  “Fuck, Janine, you’re so fucking tight.  I can hardly hold on,” he choked out.  “You…god…” he groaned, burying himself inside me and holding himself there. 


Breathing heavily, he held my head in his hands and whispered, “You okay?  Does this feel good?”  He bit his lip, not wanting to move, but not able to take my muscles pulling around him, waiting for my answer.


“Oh yeah, Nick, oh yeah, I’m okay.  This feels…uh…fuck…incredible…” I managed to choke out.  Again Nick starting moving slowly, trying to prolong this feeling for him.  He continued pushing himself deep inside him, eliciting a moan from me, than thrusting quickly. 


“Nick, what are you doing?” I asked between gasping breaths. 


He lowered his mouth to mine, moaning as he pushed himself in me once more.  He pulled himself out of me, rubbing his tip along my slit, teasing my clit and sliding just his head back inside me.  With a groan, he buried his cock deep inside me, holding it there.  His hands came up to my head, wiping the sweat from my forehead and kissing me deeply.  “You’re enjoyin’ this aren’t you?”


He kissed me again, preventing me from answering.  Breaking the kiss, his licked his way towards my ear and whispered, “Janine, baby, you are so tight.  I’m gonna cum if I move.  Damn,” he groaned as he finally began his thrusting.  His fingers locked in my hair, knowing he was there.  “Fuck,” he growled, grinding his hips into mine.  I grinded with him, my hands on his ass pulling him closer, taking as much of him inside me as I could.  A warmth rushed through my body, blinding me.  My muscles tightened around Nick and he lost it.  He emptied himself with each quick thrust, sweat dripping down his face and chest.   He collapsed against me, his breathing heavy and him still thrusting in me.  Nick outlined my lips with his tongue before kissing me deeply.  He broke the kiss, resting his forehead against mine.  “Wow,” he whispered.


“Wow is right,” I said.  He kissed me once again.  As we broke apart we each heard a low groan coming from a different part of the poolroom.  I closed my eyes and whispered, “Nick, please tell me that was you and you managed to throw your voice across the room.”


He brushed my hair away from my forehead and whispered, “I wish I could tell you that was me, but I can’t.  It wasn’t me.  I think we have company,” he sighed.  Hesitantly, he lifted his head to see one of his close friends sitting about five feet from us.  “Kev?” he whispered.


Nick watching, his mouth hanging open, as Kevin’s hand moved fiercely up and down his own erection.  “Oh my god,” he whispered, turning his head. 


“What?  Nick?” I asked. 


“It’s Kevin.  He must’ve watched us.  He’s sitting over there strokin’ his own dick,” Nick whispered.  “But you know what?” I raised my eyebrow so I didn’t have to answer.  “It turns me on knowing that we did that to him.  He watched us and it turned him on and now look at him,” Nick said.  The thought turned him on so much his half erect cock stiffened inside me.  Nick started thrusting slowly, allowing me to get used to his size once again.


“Want to do something to help him out?” he growled in my ear.  I groaned as he filled me completely.  “I’m not asking you to fuck or suck him, there is no way in hell I’d let him do that to you,” he said as he continued pushing himself as far inside me as I could take.  His mouth dropped sweet kisses along my cheek.  “Just let him touch you, let him look at you, let him watch us.  What do you think?” he asked, his breath tingling my ear. 


“What do you have in mind?” I asked, groaning as he picked up speed with his motions.  Kevin groaned as he watched Nick’s hand move up my stomach and slowly squeezed my breast. 


Nick groaned and I whimpered as he left all contact with my body.  He wrapped his arms around my waist, his erection pressed firmly against my back, as he walked us towards Kevin.  “Stand right here, I’ll be right back,” Nick said, running his tongue up my neck.  I turned to watch Nick go, following his every move as he got a chair to sit opposite Kevin.  I turned to Kevin, watching his eyes roam my body.  He extended his arms, his hands nestling on my waist as he pulled me towards him.  Nick watched as I straddled Kevin’s leg with his head on my chest.  Dropping one hand from my side, Kevin began to stroke himself once more.  Kevin planted small kisses on my breasts. 


Nick placed the chair opposite Kevin and slowly pulled me away from him.  Kevin glared at Nick, the further I moved away from him.  “Sorry, Kev, she’s mine.  You can watch though,” Nick smirked. 


The thought of watching turned Kevin on immensely and it was evident in his labored breathing and hand motions.  Nick sat on the chair pulling me to his lap.  I still faced Kevin, straddling Nick as he entered me once again.  I gasped as he filled me, fully aware my most private places were being viewed by Kevin.  I moved with Nick, grinding against him.  His left hand massaged my left breast bringing my nipple to a hard peek.  His right hand smoothed gently over my thigh working it’s way towards my clit. 


Kevin watched, his eyes wandering from one part to another.  He groaned as Nick’s index fingers pressed against my clit.  “Oh god Nick, do that again,” I whispered.  He pressed again, causing me to grind him further in me.  Nick knew what would drive Kevin wild, they spent many nights talking about this when they were a little younger.


Nick pulled his finger away from my body, his hips moving quicker.  My eyes watched Kevin’s hand stroke himself.  Nick’s lips danced along my neck making their way to my ear.  He nibbled softly on my ear lobe, flicking it lightly with his tongue.  “I know what makes Kevin go crazy.  Touch yourself.”  I shook my head, not wanting to do that in front of anyone but Nick.  “It turns him on, Janine, you can trust me.  He won’t touch you, he just wants to cum.  Let him cum.  Touch yourself, it will work.” 


Nick’s hands squeezed each of my breasts, my nipples hard to his touch.  My eyes were watching Kevin and Nick was pushing himself inside me.  Kevin’s eyes followed my hand and I moved it between my legs and began slowly rolling it over my clit.  We groaned simultaneously, each wrapped up in our own touch.  Kevin’s hand picked up the pace, moving quicker up his shaft.  I felt myself quickly loosing control, tightening around Nick’s cock still pounding inside me.  Nick’s hands now rested at my hips and he moaned my name with each of his thrusts, letting me know how tight I was.


Kevin kept mumbling, “Fuck, oh god, oh fuck.”  A strangled cry escaped Kevin’s lips as he came – on his legs, on his chest and some of it on my thighs.  Nick thrusted harder, each time screaming my name.  Kevin continued watching as he stood and pulled up his pants.  Once they were on, he leaned forward and kissed my neck.  His eyes connected with Nick’s and he winked, before turning and walking out of the poolroom. Nick came a few minutes later, his body tensing under mine.  I grabbed his hair roughly in my hands, pulling as I came. 


Our chests rose and fell as he slowly lifted me from his body and pulled himself out of me.  “Today was absolutely amazing,” he sighed against my ear. 


“Yes it was.  We met at the slot machine, played a little poker and relaxed at the pool.  How much better can a day get?” I asked, nuzzling closer to him.


Nick held me close to him, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.  “Wanna go for a swim?  Go up to my room?  What do you want to do?” 


“Your room and sleep.  You wore me out completely today,” I laughed.  Nick nudged me off his lap and stood behind me, walking over to our pile of clothes.  I pulled my skirt up as he put his pants back on.  I sighed.  “Nick, you ripped my shirt off before, I have no shirt to wear back to your room.” 


“Be adventurous, walk around half-naked.  I am,” he smiled.


“If I didn’t have these,” I said taking his hands and placing them over my breasts, “I would be adventurous.  But I need a shirt to wear.  Should we raid the locker room and get one?” I asked.  Nick smiled at my insecurity.  He leaned down and gave a sweet, slow kiss when we each heard someone clear his throat behind us.  Nick quickly turned around to see a flushed and embarrassed Brian standing behind him with his shirt in his hands. 


“Um, here Nick…She can wear this… I’m sorry,” he said, looking around the room. 


“Bri, how long have you been here?” Nick asked, though it was obvious with the way he was avoiding looking at us.


“For a while.  I came for a swim, I swam and took a quick shower.  When I came out I was in the locker room and you guys where there.  You guys left and a few minutes later Kevin came out.  Nick?”




Brian smiled, still not making eye contact with us, and walked towards the door.  “Next time you do a pool room make sure it’s completely empty.  I could’ve been anybody.”


“Yes dad,” Nick joked. 


Brian began pushing the door open but stopped himself.  “And Nick?”


“Yeah Bri?”


“Great move with the pool.  Only you would think of being in the pool while sucking,” he laughed pushing the door open and left.  I stood next to Nick, biting my lower lip and waiting for him to lead me from the room. 


“Don’t worry, they’re my friends.  They are the last people who would say something.  Trust me on that,” he smiled.  I tried stifling my yawn but it didn’t work.  Nick noticed how worn out I was so he carried me like a baby.  My legs were around his waist, my arms around his neck and my head against his shoulder.  Before drifting off I remember telling Nick, “Maybe next time we can help your other friend.” 


Part 4


I woke up hours before Nick did and stared at him. I couldn't help myself, I had to admit he looked like a perfect angel. I ran my fingers through his hair waiting for him to open his eyes and look at me. "Mornin" he sighed, his arm pulling me against him. "


My fingers traced a line down his chest, stopping at his waist. "What do you want to do today?" I asked, leaning myself up on my arm and looking down at him.


"You," he said softly, leaning his head on my chest and allowing his tongue to reach out and flick over my nipple before eagerly taking it in his mouth.


"You certainly know how to wake a girl up, Nicky," I sighed, leaning myself against him.


Nick swirled his tongue once more over my protruding nipple before pulling away. His hands ran down my back, stopping abruptly on my ass, kneading and squeezing, while asking, "so, did you mean what you said last night?"


"Oh god," I moaned, involuntarily thrusting myself against him each time his hands moved against my ass. "What did I say last night?"


"You said that maybe we should help my friend out. The second one that ended up in the poolroom. Remember Brian?"


"The blushing one, right?"


Nick nodded, rolling the two of us over in the bed.


"That's the one," he said bringing his mouth down to mine. "That's definitely the one. He usually keeps himself locked up in his room all night. I think we should invite him over and have a little fun." His tongue entered my mouth and slowly rolled around mine. He rubbed his hips against mine, smiling when a soft cry left my mouth.


There was a loud knock on the door and Nick smiled. "I guess we'll have to finish this one later." He heard his name being called on the other side of the door and yelled a quick, "I'll be right there." He tossed his boxers on and walked over to the door. I rolled over on the bed, making myself comfortable on my stomach. The sheet rested on the curve of my lower back. I heard Nick open the door and answer, "Bri? What's up with you?"


"Nothing. I'm just bored. I wanted to know if you wanted to go shopping or to a movie or something," he said, walking past Nick and into the room. "There's nothing to really… Shit, I'm sorry Nick," he said, looking towards his taller friend. "I didn't know you had someone with you."


"It's okay Bri, she's cool," he said, putting his arm around Brian. "She's hot too," he whispered after pressing with mouth against Brian's ears. "Just look how cool." He nodded towards me and waited for Brian to turn his attention towards me.


"Hey, Janine," he called.


I rolled over in the bed, a seductive smile spread across my face, fully aware my body was exposed to Nick's friend and a stranger to me. "I…I should be, umm, going now… I'll, umm, talk to you… uh, later I guess," he said, not moving away from Nick and not taking his eyes off my body.


"Want to go to dinner with us tonight, Bri? I figure we can hit someplace here in Vegas. There has to be a nice place to just chill out in for a few hours." Nick stared at his friend, amused at Brian's facial expressions. "Bri? Dinner?"


"Sure, man," he smiled shyly. "She's coming too, right?"


Nick patted his friend on the back and laughed. "Yeah, she'll be there. After dinner we'll all come back here and watch a movie or something." Nick pushed Brian towards the door and said goodbye letting him know to be ready at seven that night.


Nick walked back into the room and smiled, jumping on the bed with a groan. "That was perfect. I won't be surprised if he goes back to his room to jerk off for a bit." Nick kissed me quickly before whispering, "It's almost two. We have five hours before dinner. What do you want to do?"


My smirk gave him the answer.


Four and a half hours later Brian was sitting patiently on Nick’s bed waiting for Nick to finish his shower.  I was standing out on the balcony overlooking Las Vegas.  It was just a great sight to see.  After Nick and I fooled around a little bit more we decided…well, he decided that he wanted me to stay with him in his room and helped me bring my suitcases down from my room.  I showered while he cancelled my reservation, paying for the remainder of today.  I had just finished slipping on a sundress as Brian knocked on the door.


I smiled when I opened the door and let him in.  He made a beeline for the bed, refusing to look at me.  I shrugged, leaving him sitting alone in the room while I went out to the balcony.  I could feel his eyes on me but I refused to turn around.  I waited to see whether or not he’d come out on the balcony with me or not.  Unfortunately, he did not.  I heard Nick’s voice in the room and turned, smiling at the two of them. 


“Nick, are you ready?  I’m starving,” I said, looking at Brian. 


“Yeah, yeah, I just need to change,” he said grabbing me and pulling me into arms.  He pressed himself against me, grinding his hips, while his mouth crashed down to mine.  His hands ran down my back and over my ass, pulling me closer to him.  He broke our kiss, kissing me once more before whispering, “Good girl.  You’re my very good naughty girl, aren’t you?”   He licked my earlobe and turned towards Brian smiling at him over my shoulder.  Before either of us knew what was going on, Nick stepped away from me and pushed me onto Brian, who was still lying on the bed. 


I could feel Brian’s hands on my waist and how excited he had become from watching my kiss with Nick.  “Hi,” I whispered, staring down at him. 


“Hi yourself,” he whispered back, trying to shift himself underneath me. 


“Do you want me to get up?” I asked, resting my head in the crook of his neck.  “I can if you want me too.”  His hands tightened around my waist and almost instantly he removed them and nodded.  I climbed from his body, sitting next to him on the bed.  Nick came out of the bathroom a few minutes later and frowned.  “Are you two ready?”


Brian nodded, looking down at his hands and I smiled up at him.  “Bri, I’m such a dick.  Why didn’t you tell me I didn’t introduce you guys.  Bri, this is Janine.  Janine, this is Brian,” he said, taking our hands and forcing us to shake.  Brian stood and headed for the door. 


“What the hell is wrong with him?” Nick asked after he leaned down and flicked his tongue over my ear. 


“I dunno.  Maybe he’s embarrassed for seeing me naked before.  Or maybe he’s embarrassed because you pushed me on top of him and he’s as hard as a rock.  Maybe he knows you have something up your sleeve for tonight after dinner and he’s nervous about that.”


“I have a feeling it will be really hard to convince him of anything.  But I think I know just the thing.”


Nick, Brian and I sat together in a booth at a small restaurant hidden in our hotel.  Nick ordered each of us a round of shots while we waited for our food to come.  “To new friends,” Nick toasted and we each downed our shots. 


“Ones enough for me,” I told Nick as he ordered up a second round. 


“Bri, you’re allowed to sit with us, ya know,” Nick said, tipping his beer towards Brian.  “She doesn’t bite…too hard,” he smirked.  Brian slowly slid across the booth, obviously nervous.  “You okay Bri?”


He nodded, taking his fork and stabbing at the table.  “I’m tired, I guess,” he said quietly.


“You guess?  Have another shot, man.  We need to loosen you a little.”  Nick ordered another round, toasting to their friendship.  By the time dinner came, Brian had four shots.  By the time dinner was over Brian had two more shots in him.


Nick wrapped his arm around Brian’s waist and carried him into our room.  “You okay now Bri?” Nick asked, knowing Brian was feeling really, really good right about now. 


“Yeah, man.  I feel gooooooooood.” 


Nick handed me the room key and asked if I could open the door for us.  I opened and held the door open while Nick carried Brian in.  “So, Janine, you ready to seduce him?” 


I looked up at Nick, my eyes wide as his words sunk in.  “Seduce him?  He’s drunk, all I have to do is touch him.”


“He’s Brian, trust me it will take more than just touching him.  He has a conscience at all times.”  Nick released Brian and the two of us watched as he stumbled and nearly fell, on his way to the bed.  He crawled to the top of the bed, resting his head on a pillow and closed his eyes.  “Me…sleep…you…bye bye…” he waved.


“Janine, come here,” Nick smiled, taking my hand and walking me to the couch.  He slipped his shirt over his head and unbuckled his belt waiting for me to unbutton and unzip his pants.  I took a step forward, kissing a trail on his chest from one nipple to the other while slowly undoing his pants.  Once his clothes were pooled around his ankles, Nick sat on the couch and pulled me to his lap. 


“So, my naughty girl isn’t wearing any panties, huh?” he asked, stroking his long hard member.  His hands massaged my ass and thighs before pulling me against him.  He held himself at my entrance slowly lowering me until he was buried completely inside me.  Nick held my waist steady and he began slowly trusting inside me.  He lowered the strap of my dress, softly kissing my shoulder as he continued to slam into me from underneath.  My fingers tightened through his short blonde hair.  I started to ride his length, the immense pleasure starting to build up. 


“You like this, don’t you baby?  I feel so good inside you, don’t I?”  Nick moaned my name as he began thrusting harder, holding tighter to my waist.  “God, baby, you feel so good,” he whispered, licking and sucking my neck.  His arms wrapped tightly around my waist, pulling me down to him as he thrust himself into me, harder and faster, grunting with each thrust.  “Oh damn, you are wonderful,” he managed to say as he emptied himself inside me. 


“Thank you, baby.  I’ve been wanting to do that to you all through dinner and then some.”  Nick lifted me off his lap and rested me on the couch, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.  “I’m going to run out for a bit.  Take good care of Brian and when I come back we’ll both take care of you,” he smiled, lowered his head to mine and kissing me very sweetly.  “I will be back.”  I watched as he stood, bringing his pants up with him, zipping them and turning towards the door.  “Later baby,” he said, closing the door behind him.


I stood, fixing my dress and looking at Brian.  He seemed to have passed out in the bed.  I turned towards the sliding glass door and stepped outside to take in the night air.  I heard the bed creak and the bathroom door open and close.  Brian was up. 


I walked back into the room and sat at the edge of the bed.  He smiled wearily when he stepped out of the bathroom.  With his soft southern accent he said, “I think I’ll be going back to my room now.  It was fun.”


“You don’t have to go, Brian.  Nick ran out for a while and I can use the company until he gets back.”  I smiled to try to ease his nerves. 


“Okay,” he said, sitting next to me on the bed.  I shifted closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.  I felt him instantly stiffen. 


I turned my head towards his ear, dropping my hand on his thigh and whispered, “Just relax.”  My hand rubbed lightly over his thigh and I felt him loosen up slightly against me.  I tugged his shirt out from his jeans and quietly asked him to remove it.  “Why?”


“I want to see what you look like under these clothes.  You saw me this afternoon, it’s only fair.” 


“Fair?” he repeated, slightly dazed.  I stood from the bed and moved in front of him, my fingers running over his face before I lifted his arms and put his hand on my shoulder.  I straddled one of his legs and lifted his shirt over his head, smiling at the uneasy look on his face.  “Want a drink, Brian?”


He nodded quickly, wiping his hands on his pants, and watched as I went to the mini bar and pulled out a small bottle of vodka.  I poured it in a glass of ice before walking back to him.  I held the glass up to his mouth, allowing him to drink most of it.  Before he suspected it I poured the rest of the vodka on his jeans.  I smiled at him and shrugged my shoulders.  “Guess your pants have to go too.”


He shook his head and started for the door.  “No… no, I think I’ll just go back to my room and change them there.” 


“Stay here with me, please.  I don’t want to be alone while Nick is out for a while.  Please?” I begged. 


“Okay,” he said, staring into my eyes. 


“Let’s get you out of those wet pants and into the warm bed.” 


Soon his pants were around his ankles after he kicked them off but still refused to remove his boxers.  He walked over to the bed, throwing the blankets off and climbing under them.  His eyes closed when his head hit the pillow but he did not fall asleep.  I slipped the sundress over my head and moved next to him.  My arm circled his waist and my head rested on his shoulder. 


“Why are you doing this?” he asked softly. 


I opened my mouth to answer but I was interrupted. 


“You need to loosen up, Bri.  You’ve been wound too tight for too long.  Just forget all your damn morals and go with it.”  Nick stripped off his clothes and climbed into the bed behind me.  His arm rested on mine, which rested on Brian’s chest, and he said, “Brian, I want to help you relax.”


Brian turned his head to look at the two of us.  I slipped my hand from under Nick’s and slowly trailed it down Brian’s body and eased it into his shorts.  Our eyes were locked as my fingers running over his length.  His hand ran up my arm stopping just above my elbow.  “Bri, just go with it,” Nick whispered before moving away from me but not leaving the bed.  I could feel Nick’s fingers along my spine, urging me to help Brian relax. 


Brian bit his lip tightly, his entire body stiffening once again as my hand wrapped firmly around his length.  Brian moaned with each of my hand’s movements.  I felt his hand move around me and stop on my waist pushing Nick’s hand away from me.  He pulled me closer to his body with a sigh.  “Don’t stop,” he whispered.  I moved my hand quicker, wanting to help him with his release. 


I slowly felt Nick’s fingers run through my hair.  “I’ll be back in a few,” he whispered, before walking away from the two of us. 


Brian waited until he heard the door close before he moaned again.  “God, it’s been so long,” he mumbled, his hand slipping around my waist and pulling me until I was flush against him. 


“How long?” I asked, moving my hand quicker up his length as he moved his hips in unison.  I began kissing his neck and shoulders. 


“Way too long,” he sighed, his mouth dropping open and a small gasp escaping his throat.  His hips moved furiously against my hand, trying to gain some sort of control over his body.  “Oh God,” he groaned.  


“You okay?” I asked, kissing him along his jaw. 


He nodded. 


“You sure?” 


He nodded again, his teeth biting his lip hard. 


“Are you ready?” I whispered, my breath tingling his neck. 


“Oh… oh god…” he grunted.  Brian’s body tensed against mine.  “Harder… do it harder…” he whimpered.  His hand tightened around my waist as he leaned down to kiss me.  His body jerked as he finally found his release.  “Oh god…” he mumbled once he finally started coming down from his high.  Both of us were unaware that Nick was standing in the corner watching our every move.


“You okay?” I asked rolling over onto him and burying my face in his neck, kissing his sweaty, sensitive skin. 


“Thank you,” he whispered, as though he was afraid someone would hear him.  His hand squeezed my waist and pulled me against him, rolling me on top of him.  “I need to make it up to you.”


“No you don’t, I was happy to do it,” I smiled, leaning forward and kissing him gently. 


“It’s been too long since someone touched me like that,” he shared, his lips resting on my forehead. 


“How long?” I asked snuggling against him.  I was very comfortable just lying with him. 


“Too long.  I’ve been single for months and… I mean, I was getting used to my own touch,” he admitted.  I was about to respond when he rolled us over on the bed and pinned me underneath him.  “I told you I need to make it up to you and I will.”


Brian’s one hand held both my wrists to together, restraining them against the mattress.  He then began kissing his way down my body.  He licked a path from my neck to my lower stomach, stopping to nibble on my skin.  He long since released my wrists from his grasp.  “You taste so good.  What do you taste like from the inside?” he mumbled, kissing my inner thigh. 


My eyes widened as I watched his every move.  I felt cold air blowing against one of my most sensitive areas.  His eyes met mine and they almost seemed to be smiling at me.  Then I felt his tongue.  His slowly tongue pressed against me licking circles at an even slower pace.  My back arched off the bed after feeling one of his fingers slide inside me.  “Oh shit,” I moaned, my hips falling into rhythm with Brian’s finger. 


Once I adjusted to his finger, he added another.  My body tingled from head to toe. 


Then I felt soft lips against the side of my neck, followed by a tongue.  I felt fingers on my breast, cupping and squeezing, and finally pinching.  Then I realized I felt another tongue.  That other tongue.  That tongue began licking back up my body stopping at my mouth.  I groaned into the kiss once our lips met as Brian’s tongue began flicking wildly over my nub. His fingers were plunging rapidly inside me as my fingers ran through Nick’s hair.  “Nick?”


“Yeah baby.  I couldn’t stand by and watch anymore.  I needed to do something… to you…” Brian began sucking as Nick lowered his mouth to mine.  Too many sensations ran through my body and I lost control.  Brian moaned against my body, the vibrations making my body shake harder.  Nick was suckling my breast, his hand cupping and squeezing the other.  Brian moved his fingers quickly, his tongue moving at the same pace. 


My left hand was wrapped tightly through Nick’s hair and my right hand was pushing Brian’s face closer to my body.  “Oh god, Nick,” I cried.  My lower body started moving, thrusting, against Brian’s face. 


“That’s it Janine,” I heard Nick whispered in my ear.  “Brian feels so good doing this to you, doesn’t he?  His tongue, his fingers.  We have to make it up to him.  You know what I want?”


I groaned.  “What?” I managed to squeak out.  Nick’s hand was running over my stomach, his fingers drawing circles. 


“I wanna see your mouth surrounding him.  I wanna see him inside you.  I want to watch everything,” he whispered. 


“Oh shit,” I mumbled.  That’s all I needed to hear.  My body started shaking from all the sensations, the touching, the licking, the feeling.  Nick held my stomach down as Brian continued sucking.  “Oh shit,” I mumbled again before screaming.  The tremors that racked my body slowly stilled and my body fell limp against the bed. 


Brian slowly kissed his way up my body, stopping at my breast and paying close attention to each one.  Nick kissed my forehead, running his fingers through Brian’s hair.  “I want to talk to you for a minute.”  Nick smiled.  Turning to me, Nick said, “We’ll be right back.” 


Nick pulled Brian into the corner.  They each spoke in hushed tones.  They didn’t want me to know what they were saying and every few seconds Nick would point my way and Brian would look.  I was starting to get comfortable on the bed when Nick and Brian turned back towards me. 


Nick crawled up the bed and rested to my right.  Brian did the same and rested to my left. 


Nick rolled over and whispered softly in my ear, “I want to see you ride him, baby.”  His hand slid down my body slowly sliding my legs open and slipping a finger inside me.  “Oh yeah, baby, you want him too, don’t you?”


I moaned feeling his finger slip out of my body.  He pushed me towards Brian until I was lying half on him.  Brian’s fingers wrapped through my hair as he lowered my mouth to his.  I instinctively climbed on top of him moaning into the kiss as I felt him jerk his hips into me.  I pulled away staring into his eyes.  He smiled up at me and then I felt him against me. 


His soft sigh turned to a moan as he pushed forward and entered the warmth of my body.  My head fell against his shoulder as he began to move at a very slow pace.  I felt Nick’s hand begin moving down my back followed by his body pressing up against mine.  “Do it harder baby,” Nick whispered. 


Nick straddle Brian’s legs as he held my hips steady with his strong hands.  Brian groaned pushing himself harder.  “Move Nick,” he groaned.


Nick obliged, sliding off Brian’s legs and stood against the wall watching our every move.  Nick groaned as he watched Brian roll the two of us so I was lying on my back.  He ran his hands up my arms and interlocking our fingers.  His hips continued rolling and his thrusting quickened.  He kissed me roughly, his hand leaving mine and running through my hair. 


“Girl…”  Brian continued thrusting into me, his moans coming quicker.  “God.”  I pushed up into him, my legs circling around his back allowing him to move deeper within me. 


I felt his tongue run up my neck, stopping at my ear.  “Oh god,” I heard him whisper.  “I’m there.  You there?”


I groaned my response.  “Brian, please.”  I felt as though my body was on fire from his touch.  I vaguely heard Nick moaning as Brian grunted his final grunt in my ear.  I tightened around Brian, hearing him moan softly once again.  “That’s it,” he sighed, lowering his body on top of mine.  “I need to catch my breath,” he sighed.


I kissed his cheek and wrapped my arms around his sweaty back. “Thank you, Janine,” he said pulling out of my body with a soft groan.  “I really needed this.  Nick always seems to know what I need.” 


Brian slowly slid out of the bed and started looking for his clothes.  I pulled the sheet up my body and cuddled with the pillow, one eye following Brian around the room.  Once he had his boxers and pants on Brian crawled across the bed and gave me a sweet kiss.  “Thank you, I mean it.  I had fun,” he sighed.  “Later Nick,” he said turning and walking off, returning to his room.


Nick slid into the bed next to me but kept his distance.  “Nick?”


“Are you tired, Janine?”


“Yeah.  You?”  He didn’t answer.  I waited but Nick didn’t say anything.  I was waiting for movement on the bed that never came.  I slowly rolled over in the bed, expecting to see him passed out from exhaustion.  He was not tired, not in the least. 


The gleam in his eye gave that away. 


That and the pair of handcuffs dangling from his fingers.


Tell Neenie what you thought of this story!