
By:  Neenie

His hands moved down her sides, stopping at her hips.  His nose nestled against her cheek.  He whispered soft loving words in her ear.  She whispered similar words in return.  “I can love on you all day like this,” he tugged softly at her ear lobe. 

“I can be loved on all day, you know,” she smiled against his shoulder. 

“Don’t tempt me woman,” his voice was low, his desire was unmistakable. 

They spent the day with each other, inside each other, holding hands, lying in bed, making love.  His hand ran over her stomach, a smile crossed his face as her muscles clenched.  His hands moved lower stopping over her thigh.  Alicia opened her legs slightly wanting him to put out the fire that was already burning between her legs.  His smile never faltered.   “What do you want from me?” he asked, kissing her cheek softly.

“You know what I want, Alex,” she whispered shifting her hips against the bed.  She felt his erect length pressing against her hip. 

“I want to hear you say it.”  He grabbed her thigh, pulling her legs open wider.  “Tell me, Alicia.  What do you want me to do?”  He began moving his hips in slow circles against hers. 

“What we did this morning and this afternoon, I want it all again,” she moaned.  “You want it too, I can feel it.”  Her eyes were closed with pleasure, her hand seeking his. 

“What did we do this morning?” he asked, his hand squeezing her thigh.  His mouth worked over her sensitive skin, his tongue running circles over one spot of her neck.  “Tell me what we did,” he growled.  He wanted this to last as long as possible. 

“You know what we did Alex,” she sighed, his hand finally moving slightly up her thigh, closer to her pleasure point. 

“I want to hear you say it, Alicia.  Tell me what we did this morning,” he said as he nibbled on her shoulder. 

She gasped as his finger pressed against her.  “AJ please,” she moaned. 

“Please what?” he whispered, his mouth pressed against her ear. 

“Please me,” she cried. 

Slowly and torturously he began moving his fingers between her flesh.  He leaned over, kissing her chest softly.  “I love you.”  His lips curled into a smile before they closed around her nipple, his finger still moving at a very slow speed. 

“What are you doing to me?” she whispered, her hand finding his head and holding it steady. 

He bit down on her nipple, his tongue reaching out to caress it in his mouth.  He moaned against her skin when he felt his finger become slightly wet.  His tongue worked over every inch of her left breast before moving to the valley between the two. 

“Alex,” she moaned. 

He moved his upper body across hers, his finger still slowly pressing against her.  AJ’s tongue traced over her right breast before drawing her hard nipple into his mouth. 

Alicia’s hips moved against his finger.  She cried out when he suddenly pulled his finger away from her body and sat up beside her on the bed.  Her stomach contracted when his finger traced over her muscles.  “Be patient,” he smiled, climbing between her legs. 

She watched him slide down the bed until he was able to rest his head against her thigh.  Their eyes met and she could only smile.  She loved the look in his eyes.  Love, power, dominance. 

Without breaking eye contact he kissed her thigh, his tongue darting out to taste her.  He opened her with his fingers.  Gently he kissed her thigh, kissing an invisible path towards her moist center. 

She groaned when his lips met his fingers. 

His tongue pressed against her pleasure point, small moans escaping her throat.  One finger made its way inside her body, his tongue rolling over her.  His eyes held hers for as long as hers could remain open.  A second finger joined the first, the pair moving faster, moving in rhythm with his tongue.

AJ’s eyes narrowed.  His free hand rested on her hip trying to stop her from moving. 


His tongue moved faster.  He wasn’t able to control her anymore.  Her body shook with pleasure.  He felt her slickness around her fingers, he tasted her sweetness on his tongue. 

When she finally calmed, she opened her eyes to find his large deep brown eyes staring back at her from between her legs.  He pressed her tongue against her, his fingers slipping from her warmth, as he moved up her body.  He was met with a deep kiss. 

He rested his head against her bare breast, closing his eyes.  “Alex?” 

He responded with a grunt. 

“It’s your turn,” she whispered. 

He moved up her body, kissing her neck softly.  His length pressed against her hip urgently.  “My turn can wait,” he whispered.

She shifted her hip against his erect length, smiling as he groaned in her ear.  “Sure you can wait.  Let me do this for you, Alex.  You’ve been pleasing me all day, let me do this for you.” 

“I can wait…”

She pushed him onto his back, her finger resting over his lips.  When she was sure he wasn’t going to speak she pulled her finger back, running it down his chest.  He bit his lip, her finger circled his nipple.  She tugged him until he moaned.  Out of the corner of her eye she could see the moisture at the tip of him. 

His eyes never left her face.  She concentrated on pleasing him, wanted to give him as much pleasure as he gave her.  He smiled when their eyes met again.  She lowered her mouth to his chest licking each hard nub before moving down his body.  She stopped at his navel, her tongue dipping inside it.  His back arched slightly off the bed.  She was so close.  Just a little further south. 

She moved lower again, his fingers grasping her hair tightly in his hands.  She pressed her lips against his pelvis maneuvering as such so she didn’t press against his throbbing mass.  Her hand softly massaged its way up his thigh.  Softly she cupped his balls in her hand, using her other hand to stroke his length.  “Good, god,” he groaned his hips jerking upward. 

“You like his?” she asked.  Her hand moved painfully slow.  As much as he didn’t want to, he closed his eyes.  He wanted to watch everything she was doing but he knew he couldn’t.  He nodded in answer to her question, his forehead creasing to a hard V.  Her finger ran over the tip of his erection spreading the moisture over his member.  A soft cry left his throat as her grip tightened.  “You really do like this?” She purred before kissing his navel. 

He groaned once again as her mouth finally covered him.  AJ gasped.  Her warm wet mouth took as much of him in as she could.  His whisper of her name slowly turned to a moan.  Her hand worked his length, her mouth concentrating on his swollen tip.  He thrust his hips upward into her mouth.  She gave him what he wanted.  His hands tangled in her hair holding her head steady as he pushed himself farther and faster into her mouth.  She moaned against him.  She heard him grunt with the feeling of the vibrations. 

“Almost… oh yeah…” She listened to his moans as he came closer to ecstasy.  “I’m there,” he groaned.  That was enough warning for her as he released himself inside her mouth.  Warm fluid ran down her throat.  Her mouth stayed wrapped around him until his body relaxed and his cock softened in her mouth. 

Breathlessly he whispered, “Come up here baby.”  Slowly she climbed up his body, kissing him softly until she hovered over his face. 

He smiled up at her, his fingers pushing her hair behind her ear.  She lowered her mouth to his, their tongues dueling. Their bodies glistened with a thin layer of sweat.  “I love you.  I can’t get enough of you,” he smiled, pushing her onto her back.

“We should rest, Alex.  We’ve had a lot of each other all day today,” she returned his smile.  He pressed his nose against hers and shook his head. 

He pressed his length against her thigh.  Her eyes widened and her mouth curled to a smile.  “Only you, AJ.” 

“Only me,” he agreed with a smile.  He slowly began to grind his hips against her thigh.  He pressed his lips against hers, his teeth tugging at her lower lip. 

He couldn’t take it anymore.  She knew that instantly.  He had that look in his eyes again.  She opened her legs, watching as he moved between them.  She knew what to expect from him.  He grabbed her hands, their fingers interlocking, as he moved up her body.  She could feel him pressing urgently at her opening.  She moaned softly.  He licked his way up her body, stopping to taunt her nipple, before ending at the base of her neck. 

“Baby,” he moaned.  He was so close to the warmth he was so familiar with. 

“Yes, Alex?” she whispered, her breathing already labored. 

AJ moved slightly, slipping into her warmth.  His breathing began to match hers.  “I love you, Alicia,” he whispered, capturing her lips and mouth.  His full length found its home inside her.  “You’re sweaty,” he said softly. 

“You’re not moving,” she said, trying to move her hips. 

“I like this,” he said, kissing her cheek.  He added, his voice low and the desire apparent, “I love the way you make me feel when you’re surrounding me like this.”  He released her hands.  They were on his back, holding onto his shoulders. 

AJ’s hands moved under her body, caressing the skin on her back.  He pushed his hips into her when he felt her muscles tighten around him.  “Don’t do that, baby.” 

She rocked her hips against his.  Slowly, painfully slow, he began matching her rhythm.  His hands held onto her hips.  The only sounds in the room were their bodies moving together, the soft gasps of pleasure, the heavy breathing.  “Alicia,” he groaned, his eyes closing.  He could not hold on much longer. 

His hips thrust faster with a will of their own.  His mouth kissed her neck, her cheek, her chin, finally her mouth.  “Alicia,” he moaned again.  The sound in his voice sent shivers down her body.  “Alicia, baby, I love you,” he said, his breathing coming in short gasps, his hips moving faster against her. 

Her words caught in her throat as her body began trembling beneath his.   Her insides clenched around his length.  His movements became faster, deeper inside of her.  He kissed her cheek, his body emptying itself inside her.  He kept thrusting, kept moving, until he was unable to move anymore. 

He lowered himself against her carefully, kissing her softly.  Their chests heaved as they both sought to calm their sensitive bodies.  Regretfully, he moved away long enough to pull his softening length from her warmth, letting out a soft groan as he pulled free. 

“I hate when you do that,” she said, running her fingers down his arm after he comfortably repositioned himself.  His head was resting against her breast, his leg wrapped around hers. 

“Do what?  Making love to you all day, all night, giving you mind-blowing pleasure like never before?  You hate when I do that?” he asked, his hand squeezing her side softly. 

“No,” she smiled, “I happen to enjoy that.  I enjoyed that very much.”  She kissed his forehead before continuing, “I meant, I hate it when you leave my body.  Makes me feel empty.” 

“Don’t worry Alicia, I’ll be back in your body soon enough,” he laughed.  “After some sleep, that is,” he said, yawning for effect.

“We’re not going to sleep yet,” Alicia said.  “We still have more to do.” 

“No sleep?” he questioned pulling his head from her breast. 

“That’s right, no sleep,” she smiled.  “I want to love on you a lot more.” 

“Sleep first,” he smiled, lowering his head back to her breast.  He knew he was going to lose this battle. 

“Sleep never.”  Her hand pushed against his shoulder, rolling him onto his back. 

“Sleep never?” he asked, watching her finger run down his body. 

“Think you can handle that?” she whispered, his hand grabbing his erection. 

He thrust himself against her hand.  “What do you think?” he asked, a smirk on his face.  Her smile in return was all the answer he needed.  . 

The End


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