Road Test

By:  Neenie


I stood to the side nervously, awaiting my turn to get into the car and take my road test.    "Janine..."  I heard my name being called and my nerves jacked up a lot.  I looked at the car I was to drive.  It was a 1999 black BMW, leather seats and perfect smell inside.  The smell of a man's cologne.


The instructor was already in the car, waiting for me to get myself prepared.  I put my seat belt on adjusted the side mirrors and held onto the wheel.  "Lookin good, now all you have to do is start the car."  His voice was low and raspy, his hands folded in his lap.  I was afraid to make eye contact with him, his voice making my insides flop around. 


I started the car and slowly pulled out of the spot, driving along at 5 mph.  "Janine, you can go just a little faster if you'd like.  You won't fail for speed, I can tell ya that," he laughed.


I smiled, stealing a quick glance at him.  He was wearing dark sunglasses, which covered his eyes.   "Do you have a name? 


"Sorry about that, your beauty distracted me a little.  My name... is it that important to you?"


"I'd like to know the person who could prevent me from getting my license."


He laughed as his hand rested on my thigh.  I slowed down a bit, a little surprised at where his hand was.


"The name is Alex and I want you to parallel park in that spot over there."  His grip on my thigh tightened as I eased the car in the spot.


"Has anyone ever told you that you have strong thigh muscles?"  I smiled at him as he slipped his sunglasses off, his large chocolate brown eyes staring back at me. 




"Your thighs are really strong.  Do you want to feel my strongest muscle?"  He had a evil gleam in his eye as he leaned himself closer to me.  "Will you come with me if I pass you?  This is the last test I have today and as far as I'm concerned, you pass.  This is my car, lets go someplace quiet and secluded."


"Okay Alex.  Give me directions, I'll drive us there."


"Please, call me AJ.  Now pull out of this spot and at the corner make a left."  His hand traveled up my leg as I drove us along.  I looked at him as I made a stop, wanting to know where to next.  "Make a right... my house is at the end of the street."


"Your house?"  His fingers stopped at the edge of my panties as I pulled up his drive way.  "This is your house?" I asked, feeling the tips of his fingers run over the silkiness of my panties.


"Yeah, the whole house is mine... all mine... every room, every bathtub, every bed... the pool in the backyard.  Your panties feel a little wet, is this exciting you?  Am I exciting you?"


'Oh god yes this is exciting me,' I thought, my eyes not able to tear away from his.  I returned his smile, not answering him.  I put the car in park and shut the engine off waiting for him to lead me from the car. 


Holding my hand, I followed him into the house.  I was in total awe of the size of his home, and wondered about what awaited me. 


"Any particular room you want to see first?" he asked.  Before giving me a chance to answer, I felt his breath against my neck, "Or would you like to see a tour of my bedroom.  I can show you everything in there..."  I felt his mouth on my earlobe, sucking and nibbling gently before he whispered softly, "Even me... I can give you a tour of my body from head to toe."


His hands moved to the front of my stomach pulling my backside against his gyrating hips, letting me feel his apparent arousal asking me, in his deep sexy voice, "Do you think you can help me with this?"  His lips danced across the back of my neck, my mouth hung open feeling the way he moved against me, both of us clothed.  I wondered what he looked like naked, how he'd look laying above me running his fingers over my breasts, his mouth on mine, his...


"Am I losing you somewhere?  I asked if we should move this party up to my bedroom?"  I looked down to see my shirt unbuttoned, my breasts covered by two strong hands working their way under the lace of my bra, teasing my nipple, bringing it to a hard peak. 


"Mmm... bedroom sounds good," I hardly managed to say.  He walked me over to the stairs, walking behind me.  With each step I took up the stairs, AJ's hands moved higher and higher up my legs.  By the time  I reached the top stair, his fingers pushed the crotch of my panties aside and began probing my

outer lips. 


I sighed as I feel back against him, my teeth tugging on my upper lip.  "Let's wait until the bed room.  Then you can do what you'd like."


"Do you know what I'd like to do?  Let's get inside my room so I can tell you... better yet, I'd love more than anything to show you."  He veered me in the direction of his bedroom and once we were inside he playfully growled at me.  Wasting no time, he spun me towards him, his mouth eager attacking my breast, sucking fiercely my nipple.


My knees instantly grew weak feeling the warmth of his tongue through the lace of my bra.  His tongue and teeth swirled and bit my nipple, leaving a sharp pain when he pulled away.  His mouth continued it's attack on me as his hands slipped my shirt off... the shirt he unbuttoned when I was thinking about him.  His mouth, his hands, other body parts I'd become familiar with.


I was lost in thought again, not feeling AJ walk me over to the bed and lay me down.  My bra was puddled on the floor along with my shirt, shorts and panties.  He discarded his clothes leaving them with mine and crawled on top of me.  His knees rested between my legs, his hands against my hips, helping me make my way towards the top of the bed. 


When my head hit the pillow, AJ rested on his side next to me, his one finger running circles around my belly button.   I laid there with my eyes closed waiting for him to make the first move... any move.  I felt his nose press against the side of my face and felt his lips brush against my ear. 


"Janine," he said, his voice low and full of sexual energy.  "Can I touch you... Rub you like this," he asked, his hand stretched across my lower stomach.  "Taste you like this," he lowered his mouth to where his hand rested, his tongue tasting all it could.  "Slip my finger inside you, move it back and forth while those sweet sweet lips of yours never leave mine."  He lowered his mouth to meet mine, moving his left leg over mine, his finger doing exactly as he had said.


I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, the kiss never having been broken.  While the fingers of his left hand slid in and out, caressing my insides, slowly at first, quicker as the moments between us lingered, a small moan escaped my mouth, barely heard by both of us.  His right hand rested on my head, his hands smoothing out my hair.


AJ broke our kiss as he inserted a second finger, this time hearing the pleasure that escaped my mouth.  "Do you like this?  Does my girl like this?"  His mouth rested against my chest, his two fingers moving quicker than they had been.  I felt a warmth wash over my body, sweat began beading on my forehead.  I couldn't speak... all I heard was AJ's breath against my ear.  "You are very sexy you know.  You look like you wanna cum for me.  Can you do that?"  His mouth connected with my neck, his fingers thrusting inside me faster than before. 


Stumbling over my words, I managed to say, "Yes," before that feeling wash over me, my insides holding on tight to AJ's fingers.  I felt my body began to relax, he slowly pulled his fingers from inside my body.  I opened my eyes to find him staring down at me.  His fingers rested against my lips, opening them softly.  Once my mouth was open, he lowered his to mine, our tongues entwining around his fingers, the both of us tasting me in our mouths.  He withdrew his fingers from my mouth and that hand came to its rest on my hip.  AJ covered half of my body with his, taking my arm and laying over it, my hand roaming softly on his back.


He squeezed my side, smiling at me.  My hand that ran up his tattooed arm went to his mouth, not letting him speak.  "Can I do something for you?"


"What do..."


"Shhh... lay back and close your eyes.  It's the least I can do for passing me," I said winking. I watched as he got comfortable, laying on his bed, the sun streaming brightly through the window.  I repositioned his legs, bringing his knees up.  I held his knees in my hands, slowly lowering them down his thighs.  My mouth followed my hands, dropping soft kisses on his legs.


I looked up at him, our eyes connecting and holding with each others.  Not breaking the eye contact, my hand went his length, stroking softly by the base as I lowered my mouth and took his balls in my mouth.  His eyes widened, watching my hand maneuvered up and down, the feel of my mouth too much for him to handle.


AJ's hands gripped the brass bars of the headboard above his head, his hips started moving back and forth, following the rhythm of my hand.  My tongue rolled over his skin, caressing and, with my teeth, lightly scraping his sensitive area.  Growling loudly, he screamed out my name.  Hearing the choked moaning from his throat, I moved my mouth to take over for my hand.  He pulled on the bars tighter, not able to take his eyes off of mine. I gave him a lopsided grin, my mouth concentrating only on the tip of his endowment.


My hand worked his length, my grip tightening.  I wanted to taste him and I don't know what came over me.  My mouth and hand matched each other as I listened to the sounds coming from deep within AJ.  He finally broke eye contact, closing his eyes as he leaned his head back, saying, "Janine... make me cum... baby, make me do this for you... oh yeah..."  I looked up at him, pulling my mouth away, leaving my hand tighten once more, gliding forcefully up and down his length.


I watched as his cum glistened over his tattooed belly button.  AJ's breath slowly came back to normal, his hand holding my cheek and chin, his thumb running over my mouth.  "Why did you..." I kissed his thumb, looking up at him, my eyes full of wanting, longing, to be touched once again my his hands... his body.


I moved up his body stopping when my mouth was above his navel.  Lowering my mouth against his skin, my tongue traced the 69 that circled his navel, licking up the cum that lay there.  Once all was gone, I climbed his body till my face was opposite his, not expecting him to roll us over. 


His hands pinned me down, holding my shoulders against the bed.  "What do you want to do AJ?  Do you want to be inside me, experience what your fingers experienced?"  Taking him by surprise, my hands held his wrists as I rolled him over, I was straddling his lower stomach.  "Or do you want me to ride you... do things my way." 


AJ lifted me from his stomach sitting me next to him.  Not answering me, he sat up and turned towards his pillows, propping them until they were positioned for his back.  He leaned against them, and once sitting comfortably he motioned me to join him.  He opened his legs allowing me room to lay back against his chest. 


Low and deep were how the words came from his mouth.  "I'm gonna tell you what I want to do, okay?  I want you to ride me... I want it right now."  He didn't give me a chance to reply, he lifted me from the bed, and sat me on his lap, pulling me down against him.  His hands cupped my breasts, our motions matching the other.  I leaned my head back to his shoulder, feeling his hands squeeze, his mouth nibbling softly on my neck. 


"You feel so tight," he whispered, "this feels so right.  Let's make this last."  As I lifted myself from his body, he pulled himself down.  While he fully entered me once again my moans became contagious.  His hands squeezed my breast roughly, his lips not moving from my shoulder. 


Rocking back and forth, I whimpered his name.  He lifted me from his lap, laying me down on his bed, quickly climbing on top of me.  AJ slid himself inside me as my hands gripped tightly on his back.  My hands hand their way to his bony butt, pulling him as close as possible to me.


"AJ... baby... just a little more, okay?  I'm almost there... take me there..."  Each following thrust was met with a growl.  


AJ rested his body against mine, looking down at me with only love in his eyes.  "Baby, you certainly know how to make me feel loved."


"This was a great idea you had, Bone."


"Thank you, my baby.  Are you ready for the real test?  I can drive you over and wait for you."   My response was a kiss, long, deep, loving kiss. 


He helped me get dressed and once we were clothed he drove me over to the designated test taking area.  I got out of the car, waiting to hear my name called.  "Janine..."  My nerves were tested again as I got into the car.  I adjusted the side mirrors and slipped my seat belt on. 


The driver spoke in a slow southern drawl.  I looked over at him, his green eyes blazing into mine.  "My name is Kevin, pull out of the spot and let's go for a short ride."


The End


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