Under The Blankets

By:  Neenie


“Nick, what are you doing?” I whispered as I felt the blanket cover us, his hand resting on my stomach.  “You are aware that everyone is sitting right there?”  Nick’s leg was tucked firmly between mine.


“Shh, baby.  You keep talking they’ll pay attention to us.  Let’s just watch TV.  I want to hold you and watch.”  I turned my head to the TV and watched, feeling Nick’ s head come to rest against mine.  I felt him lift my shirt slightly and run his fingers over my stomach.


“Aww, isn’t that so cute?” Brian said, turning his head towards us. 


“Shuddup Brian,” Nick said, moving closer to me.  Testing me, his hand ran up my shirt, cupping my breast.  My eyes widened as his thumb flicked over my nipple.  “What the hell are you doing?” I asked through clenched teeth. 


“Having a little fun.”  I gasped loudly when Nick pinched and rolled my nipple between his fingers causing four heads to turn our way.  “I squeezed her a little to hard.  She was just surprised,” he smiled.  Turning back towards me he whispered, “Just watch TV.  Don’t make anymore sounds.  I have a few surprises for you.”


I started shaking my head.  I had a feeling of what he had in store for the rest of the night but I didn’t want any part of it.  Not while everyone was here with us anyway.  “Jay, just relax.  None of these guys will think twice about looking at us if we don’t make it obvious.”  He lowered his head to mine and kissed me.  I rested my hand against his shoulder and eagerly returned his kiss. 


“Will you two get a room?” Kevin growled after I moaned into the kissed. 


“Will you grow up?” Nick shot back flipping Kevin off.  Nick turned back to me and began nibbling down my neck.  “Nick, please stop.”


“Nick you have a bunk.  Get your ass in there and fool around,” Kevin said, obviously annoyed with our behavior. 


“Kev, if you don’t like it don’t watch.  And you have a bunk yourself.  Go have fun in there alone tonight,” Nick said, turning his attention back to my neck, squeezing my breast once again.  My fingers ran through his hair and grabbed tightly trying to pull him away.  “Nick, please.  Not in front of everyone.”


“Okay, fine,” he said kissing my cheek and resting his head against mine.  We both turned back to the TV watching in time to see Kevin shoot another glare at Nick before retiring to his bunk.


“Jay, baby, I want you right now,” he whispered against my ear, his eyes not leaving the TV.  “I can’t wait till they all go to bed.  I need to touch you and feel you and taste you.”  His rolled himself slightly on top of me knowing I could feel his apparent arousal against my hip.  He was squeezing my breast roughly, knowing how much of a turn on this was for me.


“You can’t say no, can you?”  I couldn’t look at him.  I knew I couldn’t look at him.  My eyes not leaving the television, I only shook my head and whispered no.  “How about you and I try a little something right now?” he said pressing into me again. 


“Okay.”  I couldn’t think of anything else to say. 


“I’m gonna please you with my long strong fingers, touching you from the inside and you can’t do a damn thing about it because Brian is right there and AJ is sitting next to him and Howie keeps coming in and out of the room.  What do you have to say about that?”  He was grinding relentlessly against my hip, trying to crack me. 


He slowly trailed his hand down my side and stopping at the elastic of the boxer shorts he let me borrow.  His hands slipped under the elastic band and moved further down my body.  He slipped the thin fabric of my panties to the side and ran a finger softly over my skin. 


I bit my lip, trying to stop my impending moan.  Nick smiled at my apparent uneasiness and slowly pushed my legs apart.  His finger slipped between the folds of my soft fresh pressing against the skin.  “Nick, Jadyn, do you want to watch a movie?  We have a few here?”


The bus hit bump and Nick pressed harder smiling as I shifted against his hand.  “You are so damn evil Nick,” I said between my clenched teeth.  “Nick?  Jay?  Movie?”


“Whatever you want, Bri.  You know we’re always up for anything.”  Nick kissed my cheek and whispered, “Right baby?”  One of his long slender fingers slipped inside my body.


“Damn it,” I groaned, my eyes closing instantly. 


Brian turned to stare at the two of us.  “What?  I can put a different movie on.  Geez, Jay,” he said, ejecting the video from the VCR and putting in a new one.  “Happy now?”


“Oh god yeah,” I said.  Nick slipped a second finger inside my body, his grin widening.  He knew what was going on in my head.  I need my release and I needed to scream. 


“This movie’s fine, right baby?” 


I nodded.  I didn’t trust my voice.  Sweat trickled down my forehead and over my body.  “You okay Jay?”


I nodded again and within a second of hearing the concern in Nick’s voice AJ was sitting next to us on the floor.  “Jay, you feeling okay?” he asked pressing the back of his hand against my forehead.  “You’re feeling a little warm.” 


“Fine, AJ, I’m fine,” I whispered. 


“You sure?  You’re sweating… a lot… and you feel feverous.  Nick, take care of your woman,” he smiled, turning his back and leaning against the couch.  “This is a funny movie, huh, Jadyn?” 


“Yeah,” I sighed, my eyes locked on the movie but not sure as to what we were watching.


“I’m going to bed,” Howie announced, walking from the back of the bus and to his bunk.  Brian and AJ looked at each other, Brian moving next to AJ to watch the movie. 


“You sure you’re okay, Jadyn?  You look flushed.  And AJ’s right, you’re sweating.  Should I turn the air up back here?” Brian asked.


“We’re fine, Bri.  Cuddling with me makes her warm, am I right baby?”  I nodded not quite sure Brian and AJ didn’t realize anything.


“So take the blanket off.  You stupid or something?” AJ asked, tugging on the blanket.  I turned to face Nick unsure of what to do. 


“We’re fine AJ.  I’m chilly, actually, and I need the blanket.  She’ll be okay in a few minutes.  Just watch your movie.  She is,” Nick smiled, nipping at my neck.  Once he was sure his two friends were paying close attention to the movie he began moving his fingers faster.  His hips moved urgently against mine as he sucked on my neck. 


I wrapped my hand through his hair unaware I bumped AJ’s head with my elbow.  He turned to say something but his words stopped short of his lips when he saw Nick and I.  He elbowed Brian to turn as well, but he only elbowed AJ back. 


AJ’s eyes slowly crept down our bodies and noticed the quick movements of Nick’s arm under the blanket.  His eyes worked back up our bodies and stopped my face.  I was fighting the obvious and losing.  I was so ready to lose control.  Nick could sense that by the tightening around his fingers.  His kissed his way up my neck stopping on my mouth.  He opened his eyes and tried looking down into mine but found mine, not surprisingly, closed.  He glanced sideways and noticed AJ staring at the two of us.


He grinned against my mouth before turning his attention back to our kiss.  His tongue met mine and I lost all senses.  I moaned into his mouth, using both hands to pull his hair.  My hips moved frantically against his fingers, my impending pleasure coming quickly.  I was vaguely aware of our surroundings, the only thing on my mind was pleasure.  


Nick pulled himself up slightly breaking our kiss.  Awkwardly with one hand, he managed to pull his shorts down far enough.  With the same hand, he pulled my shorts and panties down around the hand working inside me.  Glancing up quickly he noticed that Brian and AJ were gone.  “We’re alone Jadyn.  I need to be inside you,” he said, nibbling on my neck.  He rolled on top of me, smiling as he removed his fingers and slid inside of me.


“Still have to be quiet, Nick,” I said, I hands moving down his body and stopping on his ass.  He moved quickly inside of me, needing his release as much as I needed mine.  His mouth covered mine, forcing his tongue into my mouth to block my moans.  My hands kneaded his ass while his hands slipped between me and the couch lifting me closer to him. 


The blanket shifted down our bodies, resting at his lower back.  His thrusting became faster and his kiss became intense.  I could feel my body become tense beneath him.  “That’s it Jadyn, just let it flow, baby,” Nick said, his hands squeezing my ass roughly.  “I’m with you Jay, baby.” 


Nick kissed the side of my neck.  His hand moved from my ass to cover my mouth as I began to scream loudly.  “Jadyn,” he whispered just before he, too, lost control.  He grunted with every last thrust, burying his face in my neck.  He emptied himself inside of me, his thrusting continued until I stopped quivering beneath him. 


Breathing heavily, Nick kissed my cheek and whispered, “Jay, that was only supposed to be cuddling.”  Nick slowly pulled himself out of the warmth of my body and shifted his shorts up.  He did the same with mine and once we were fully dressed his leg moved back between mine.  Our foreheads rested against each other’s as Nick’s arm wrapped tightly around my waist.  “Night, baby Jay.”


A few hours passed when I woke up, noticing my surroundings were different than they had been a few hours earlier.  He moved us into the bunk and wrapped his arms around us.  “Morning Jay,” he said as he slowly moved away from me.  I touched my fingers to my lips.  They still felt like they were on fire.  “Anything wrong?”


“No, no, baby.  I must’ve been dreaming of something while we were sleeping,” I said quietly.


“About what?” he asked, his blue eyes staring down at me.


“I can’t remember, Brian.  I just can’t remember,” I said, snuggling next to him, knowing full well my dream was about his best friend.


The End


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