
By: Neenie


Brian walked slowly into his dark house looking around wearily.  He saw a faint glow coming from the living room and turned towards it.  As he entered the room, he felt a large arm wrap around his chest, holding him tightly, and a large hand fell over his mouth.


“Stop fighting, Bri.  You know you will.”  All struggles Brian ceased hearing the voice of his closest friend.


With his mouth still covered, he said, “Nick?”


“Yeah it’s me.”  Nick pulled his hand away from Brian’s mouth, allowing him to speak freely.


“What are you doing?  Why the hell are you holding me?”


Brian’s eyes widened feeling Nick’s breath against his neck and lips caressing his soft skin gently.  “You can wait to find out that answer, can’t you?”  Nick’s lips claimed Brian’s ear lobe, sucking and nibbling gently.  Brian bit his lower lip, trying to keep his impending moan inside.  Nick loosened his grip on Brian, his arms slowly lowering and resting on his stomach.


Nick pulled Brian’s body a little closer to him, allowing him to feel his erection.  “Nick,” Brian said, his voice wavering slightly.  Nick’s lips danced across Brian’s neck, stopping at his shoulder, as his finger met Brian’s lips.  “Shhh.  Don’t say a word.  You know you want this,” Nick whispered, his tongue running along Brian’s shoulder. 


Nick’s hands moved further down Brian’s stomach, easing themselves inside Brian’s pants.  “What are you doing Nick?” Brian asked, his lower body starting to squirm but his upper body falling against Nick’s chest. 


“Just relax, okay,” Nick whispered his mouth close to Brian’s ear.  The palm of Nick’s hand rested on Brian’s growing erection, the thin fabric of his boxer shorts the only thing standing between the skin of the two men.  Nick’s hand began rubbing hard upward then downward on Brian’s thick cock. 


“No, Nick, we can’t do this,” he said, his breathing increasingly erratic. 


“Why not?  You know you want to.”  Brian sighed giving in to Nick.  Nick’s erection pressed against Brian’s back as the shorter man began moving against him.  Nick’s tongue outlined Brian’s ear before he sucked lightly on his earlobe. 


Nick removed his hands from the front of Brian’s pants and stepped in front of him.  Brian’s eyes were shut and his face a slight shade of pink.  Nick brushed his lips against Brian’s before tearing the shirt from his body.  Nick lowered his kisses to Brian’s neck and worked his way down his body.  His tongue swirled around one nipple and tugged lightly on the other. 


Finally Nick knelt before Brian, tickling his sensitive stomach with his chin stubble.  Brian’s fingers massaged Nick’s scalp, grabbing his short locks between his fingers.  Nick’s fingers worked feverishly to unbutton Brian’s pants and freeing his thick cock.  In one swift motion Nick pulled Brian’s jeans and boxer briefs to the ground. 


“Sit on the chair,” Nick said pushing Brian into the chair in the room.  Brian sat with a thud and watched as Nick pushed his legs open.  Nick rested his hands on the top of Brian’s thighs and smiled up at him.  “How long have you wanted this to happen?” he asked squeezing Brian’s legs gently.


“I don’t know,” Brian answered. 


“Come on, Bri, you have to know.” 


“For at least two years,” he said closing his eyes.  Nick squeezed Brian’s legs again before leaning up until they were face to face.  “Me too,” he smiled before claiming Brian’s lips.  Their tongues met, swirling around each other’s mouth.  Nick rested his forehead against Brian’s; stealing kisses every few moments.  “Do you trust me Bri?”


“You know I do,” Brian said leaning forward in the chair wrapping his arms around Nick’s shoulders. 


“I’m glad you said that.  Sit back and close your eyes.”  Brian did as he was told and waited to see what Nick had in store for them to tonight.  Brian shuddered as he felt Nick’s presence behind him and a warm hand run down his chest.  “Do you trust me completely?”


Not able to speak he nodded his head.  Brian heard a metal click than felt Nick tug on his arm.  He heard a click and a tightening around his left wrist.  He opened his eyes, looking at what Nick had done.  While he was distracted Nick grabbed his other wrist and handcuffed it to the back of the chair.


“What are you doing?”  Nick walked to the front of Brian and knelt before him.  “I thought you said you trusted me?”


“I do, but what are you doing?” 


“Patience, short man.  You need patience and if you’re a good boy you’ll get a treat afterwards.”


“After what?  Will you tell me what the hell is going on?”


“Brian?”  His head shot around, looking at his girlfriend of two years. 


“What are you doing here Sara?”


“Nick and I were wondering if you have patience.  We are going to test it tonight,” she said as she sauntered over to him wearing hardly anything.  Once in front of Brian, she slowly unbuttoned the buttons on her see-through nightie.


Through clenched teeth Brian said, “Sara, keep your clothes on.”  Brian saw the look in her eyes, the desire that illuminated from them, the same look she gets before they make love, when it clicked.  ‘They are gonna do it in front of me to see how I handle it.’ 


Sara smiled, her pearly whites gleaming against the candlelight, as she dropped her nightie to the floor.  “What’s the fun in that Bri?” she innocently asked.  Nick walked from the corner of the room and stood behind Sara, wrapping his arms around her waist.  “Do you think you can handle this Brian?” Nick snickered as his hands moved upward, holding tightly to Sara’s breasts, tugging at her nipples.


His nostrils flared as he tugged on his wrists.  He wanted to free himself.  Sara noticed the look on his face and smiled.  She licked her lips and leaned herself against Nick, running her tongue over her slightly curving lips.  “Sara, stop that.”


“Stop what, baby?” she smirked, her tongue leaving a glistening trail over her lips.  Brian closed his eyes as Nick’s mouth touched her neck.  Nick whispered something in Sara’s ear and listened as she groaned her response. 


“Open your eyes Brian,” Nick demanded.  Brian forced his eyes open only to find Nick standing directly in front of him.  Nick knelt in front of him, resting his large hands on Brian’s thighs.  He snaked his hands up Brian’s thighs.  Not able to take it anymore, Brian tilted his head back and moaned as Nick’s fingers grazed over his balls.  “Eyes open Brian,” Nick said with more force.


“What are you doing?” he asked, looking down at his hard cock and Nick’s lust-filled eyes.  Nick ran his tongue over the precum that seeped from his slit.  “Just wanted to taste you before I take my hard thick cock and ram is into your girl’s tight sweet pussy.  That okay?” he asked raising an eyebrow.  Nick leaned forward, his hand resting on Brian’s chest and his lips dangerously close to Brian’s.  “When I ask you a question, Bri, I expect an answer.  Is that okay?” 


“Yeah, that’s okay,” Brian breathed.  Nick pressed his lips against Brian’s allowing their tongue to explore each other’s mouths.  Brian whimpered when Nick broke the kiss and sat back on his heals.  “Sara, come here,” Nick called.  Sara sauntered over to him.  Nick smiled seeing her stand before him, her body separating him from Brian.  “Sit,” he commanded. 


Sara lowered herself to sit in front of him, but Nick stopped her.  “No, here,” he said, pushing her onto Brian’s lap, straddling his legs.


“Brian, if you so much as cum on her back you will get no pleasure tonight, do you got that?  No kissing or cumming should be coming from you.  Understood?”


“Yes, Nick, I understand.”  Nick pushed Sara flush against Brian, making sure his cock was resting against her ass.  Nick sat up straight, smiling at her.  He leaned his chest against her spread legs, his mouth quickly attacking her erect nipple.  Clamping it in his teeth, his tongue swirled and teased.  His right hand was against her left breast, her taut bud snug between his thumb and index finger.  With each of his movements, Sara began bucking her hips.  Nick reversed his oral attack to her other nipple giving it the same attention. 


Once he teased and tormented her breasts, he snaked his tongue down her thin tanned stomach, stopping just above her mound.  He reached up with both hands grabbing her breasts tightly before releasing them.  Sara leaned back against Brian, moaning deeply with each of Nick’s movements.  Once he was satisfied, Nick ran his fingers over her newly shaven pussy before parting her lips.  “God, girl, you are so fuckin wet.  That’s just how I like it.”  


He ran his finger over her clit, causing her to gasp loudly.  Nick’s eyes turned to slits as his tongue replaced his finger, licking slowly.  His tongue, lapping up her juices, worked its way down towards her hole.  Sara moaned, leaning back against Brian.  Her hips moved with the pleasure Nick was giving her.  Brian squeezed his eyes shut, enjoying the way Sara felt against him. 


“Nick, stick your tongue in me,” Sara moaned.  Nick gladly obliged, his tongue sliding down her slit and to her opening.  He buried his face between her legs, his tongue poking at her hole.  Nick pushed his hands between Sara and Brian’s bodies, pulling her closer to his face but also making sure to touch Brian’s hard cock.  His tongue plunged into her pulsating opening, eager to taste her insides. 


Nick’s tongue darted quickly, her flavor seeping onto his tongue.  Jealously surged through Brian’s body, as much as it was a turn on for him.  He rested his forehead against the back of Sara’s head and whispered, “Is he better than me?”  Not answering, Sara leaned her head back and brought her hand behind her, grabbing onto Brian’s hair.  “Deeper Nick.  Deeper and faster.  Fuck me with your tongue, damn it,” Sara cried nearly out of breath. 


Nick raised an eyebrow, inserting his whole tongue inside her.  “Yeah, Nick, please,” she moaned.  Her one hand left Brian’s hand and stopped at her breast, tugging at her erect nipple.  “That’s is Nick.  A little faster,” she moaned once again.  Nick’s moans matched hers, causing a vibration to run to her core, sending her quickly over the edge.  Nick’s tongue lapped the juices that oozed from her center. 


He slowly pulled his tongue from her body and stared up at her.  Nick stood before her and stared at Brian behind Sara.  “Well, Bri, let’s see if you were able to hold up your end of the non-negotiable bargain, okay?”  Nick pulled Sara’s body swiftly from Brian’s body, allowing his eyes to survey the older man’s body.  “Stand right there, Sara.  Don’t move one inch of the sweet, sweet body of yours.” 


Nick knelt before Brian once again and rested his hands on Brian’s thigh.  “Very very good, Brian.  I’m proud of you.”  Nick leaned up, his lips curled in a smirk, and rubbed his nose against Brian’s.  “You’re cock is still hard and you didn’t cum like I told you.  Good job,” he said, his lips brushing over Brian’s.  “Just one more thing you need to sit through and you’re all mine.  Same rule, no cumming or you won’t be satisfied tonight.”  Nick stood once again and turned Brian’s chair to face the couch. 


Nick stood before Sara’s sweaty and naked body, his eyes roaming every inch of her skin.  “I want to fuck you right now,” he growled. 


“So fuck me,” she challenged.  Brian closed his eyes, letting his head hang.  His cock began pulsating, hearing his woman talk dirty to his best friend.  Nick grabbed her hair and threw her onto the couch.  Before climbing onto the couch, he stripped off his remaining clothes.  Finally, he climbed onto the couch between Sara’s legs.  He lifted them over his shoulder and began entering her.  He shifted his gaze to Brian, noticing how his eyes were closed. 


“New rule, Bri.  Eyes open.  You watch what I do to her so you know what to expect from me when I’m done.  If you keep your eyes closed, your cock will stay hard all night with no relief.  I’ll leave you handcuffed all night,” he smirked, ramming his dick in Sara’s wet pussy.  Brian’s slowly open and lifted his eyes to Nick’s face, watching the pleasurable expression on it. 


“Uhhh, Nick,” Sara cried, her eyes locked on Brian.  When Brian met her gaze, she ran her tongue over her swollen lips causing him to moan.  “Do you like this Sara?  Do you like me fuckin you senseless?”


“Oh god yeah, I love it more than anything.  Fuck me all you want, Nick, all you want,” she moaned, her eyes once again locked on Brian.  Nick pumped his nine-inch hard cock deep inside her crevice, until he could not fit anymore.  He quickly withdrew and rammed himself back inside, continuously.  “You like this Bri?  You’re liking your woman get fucked by me, aren’t you?  You wanna fuck me too huh?  You want that dick of yours in and out my tight ass don’t you?  You want my cock in your ass.  God, Sara is so fuckin tight.”  Nick groaned as his hands massaged her leg before kissing it. 


Sara gripped the armrest of the couch, thrusting her hips against his.  “Oh fuck, fuck me harder Nick.  I’m almost there.”


“I feel you tightening, baby girl.  Fuck,” Nick yelled, throwing his head back.  Nick pumped harder into Sara’s wet and tight pussy, his release not too far behind.  He pumped and held his cock completely inside her.  Nick emptied himself with a loud grunt, and Sara’s walls were milking the cum from his cock.  Nick sat back on his heels watching Sara’s chest rise and fall quickly and his softening cock slid from her body. 


“I suggest you catch your breath and take a hike, Sara.  I wanna have a little fun with Brian over there.”  Sara sat up on the couch and ran her hand down Nick’s chest before leaning up to kiss him.  She stood and made her way towards Brian.  “Good luck with him.” 


They each watched as she grabbed the jacket she left on the banister and covered her naked body with it.  Once they heard the door closed Brian and Nick locked eyes with each other.  Nick chuckled as he crawled from the couch and continued crawling the two feet to Brian.  “Do you want this Brian?  Do you want what will happen between us?  I want to do more than fuck you senseless,” he grinned as he began crawling up Brian’s naked body.  “I want to please you, be pleased by you and then make love to you.  Can you handle that?”


Brian clenched his jaw, swallowing hard with Nick’s words.  “Do you Bri?  I’ve always wanted to fuck your girlfriend, and it was really really sweet, but now I want you.  It’s always been you that I’ve wanted,” Nick smiled.  His face was even with Brian’s now, their lips a mere inch apart. 


“Do you Bri?”  Nick leaned forward, his lips pressing against Brian’s.  He signed as Brian gave him his answer, returning the kiss.  Nick reluctantly broke the kiss resting his forehead against Brian’s sweaty forehead and rubbing their noses together.  “I want you so bad right now Bri, but you’ve been a good boy…a very good boy tonight and I want to give you something for that.  Something to relax you.”


Brian smiled and tugged lightly on his wrists.  “Let me go Nick.  Let me go so I can touch you all over.  I want to feel your skin against mine.  Please let me go,” Brian pleaded with his eyes. 


“Let me do one thing for you first, Bri.  You’ve been good and patient and following orders perfectly.”  Nick kissed his way down Brian’s chest stopping at his navel.  Brian watched Nick stop at his navel and look up at him.  Nick winked at Brian before moving his head more south and running his tongue over Brian’s swollen cock.  Brian allowed a moan to escape his lips, as his nearby release would come.  He threw his head back, feeling Nick take his entire length in his mouth.  “Oh god, oh god, oh god,” Brian moaned. 


Nick carefully used his teeth, grazing them over the vein running along the underside of his cock.  “God, Nick,” Brian yelled, his arms trying to break free from the handcuffs.  Nick pressed his tongue against Brian’s slit, concentrating now on pleasuring him.  His hand pumped up and down Brian’s length as his mouth concentrated on his head.  Nick pulled away from Brian momentarily.  His hand pumped harder and their eyes locked.  “Cum for me Bri,” he moaned returning his mouth to Brian’s cock.  Every muscle in Brian’s body tensed as he growled loudly and released his warm cum down Nick’s throat in loads.  Nick’s mouth remained on Brian’s dick as it became limp. 


Nick sat back on his legs and rested his head against Brian’s right thigh.  Bri’s chest slowly rose and fell from the high Nick brought him too.  “Are you okay, Bri?”


Between breaths Brian smiled.  “Yeah, Nick, I’m better than okay.”  Nick kissed Brian’s thigh, allowing his lips to linger lightly before he stood. 


“Where are you going?  You aren’t leaving me here, are you?” Brian asked.  Nick walked back to Brian, letting his hand run down Brian’s chest.  “I wouldn’t leave you anywhere, Bri.  I’m going to the table to get the keys to let you free.” 


Brian smiled and turned his head to watch Nick’s naked form walk about the living room.  Once he found the handcuff keys his grin widened and he dangled them, walking quickly over to Brian.  He knelt before him, first releasing the left hand, followed by the right hand.  Rubbing his wrists he smiled down at the kneeling Nick.


“Let’s go to your bedroom,” Nick smiled pulling Brian out of the seat.  The two friends stood before each other, their eyes surveying each other’s sweat glistened bodies.  Desire and lust illuminated from Brian’s eyes as he meekly said, “You go up, I need to get something first.”  Nick leaned down and kissed Brian passionately, his tongue massaging Brian’s gently with each movement in his mouth.


“Don’t be long, Bri.  I want you so bad, I can taste it.”


“Me too.  I’ll just make things more tasty, Nick.  Go up, make yourself comfortable and I’ll be up in about 3 minutes.”  Nick left the living room, well aware Brian was staring at his ass.  Once he reached Brian’s room, he walked to the bed, stripping it of it covers and fluffing up the pillows.  He lay himself comfortable in the center of the bed while he waited for his new lover.


Brian’s heart was beating quickly as he moved around the kitchen getting everything he needed to make this special.  Once he had everything in his hands, he took a deep breath and made his way to his bedroom.  He slowly opened the door and took in the beauty that lay before him.  Nick was sprawled out in the center of his bed, his hair a mess and lying in different directions on the pillow and his hands tucked under his head.  “Nick,” Brian said after finding his voice.


“I didn’t think you were coming back.  I would’ve waited forever for this though,” Nick smiled.  Brian walked closer, the caramel tucked under his arms and the bowl full of ice in his hands.  “Caramel and ice?  I think you know what you’re doing,” Nick continued smiling. 


Brian placed the caramel and bowl of ice on the table next to the bed and climbed up on Nick, straddling his stomach.  “You were driving me insane down there when you were fucking Sara.  You knew that too, didn’t you?  I was so close to exploding,” Brian growled as he lowered his body against Nick’s, their long erect cocks rubbing against the other’s.  “When you told Sara to leave I knew you were gonna come to me and please me.  I thought I was gonna lose it with your touch though.  I managed to make it last; not that long, but long enough,” he said, his lips within an inch of Nick’s and their hips grinding together in an urgent motion. 


“I want to return the favor, Nick.  You know I love caramel, don’t you?”  Nick nodded remembering the many times they ordered caramel sundaes, extra caramel, at McDonald’s.  Brian reached over, grabbing the bottle of caramel and before Nick knew what he was doing, Brian was sitting on his thighs with his stomach and cock covered in caramel.  Nick watched closely as Brian lowered his head to his stomach.  He moaned deeply as Brian’s tongue worked feverishly to clean Nick’s gorgeous stomach. 


Not able to control himself any longer, Nick’s hands found Brian’s head and guided him to where he wanted his mouth.  Brian complied, finding himself face to face with Nick’s nine-inch, swollen erect cock.  “Caramel covered Nick, I think I’m gonna like this a lot,” Brian smiled his tongue met with the base of Nick’s shaft.  Nick’s hands wrapped tighter in Brian’s hair as an exquisitely warm rush ran through his body.  Brian winced at the slight pain but pushed it aside when his tongue reached the top of Nick’s cock and he took it in his mouth.  “Yeah, Bri.  Let me fuck your mouth.  You know you want me too,” Nick growled.  Nick guided him up and down his cock, moaning loudly each time he hit the back of Brian’s throat. 


Closing his eyes and relishing in the feel of Nick’s cock in his mouth, Brian’s teeth grazed his length, stopping at his head.  Sucking in his breath, Nick mumbled, “Oh yeah Bri, that’s it.  You’re mouth is so warm.  I’m so close Bri.  Oh god,” Nick cried, his hands leaving Brian’s head and grasping for the sheets on the bed.  Brian’s hand pumped Nick’s dick, his mouth concentrating on his head.  “Oh fuck,” Nick whispered. 


Brian’s tongue teased his slit, precum dribbling out.  “Stop teasing Bri, please.”  Nick groaned loudly, his hands wrapped in Brian’s hair once again, pushing his length inside Brian’s warm mouth.  “Yeah…oh yeah…” he gasped. 


Nick’s hips moved faster, bucking wildly into Brian’s mouth.  “Shit…fuck…I’m gonna cum man, FUCK,” he yelled.  Nick’s cum spurted into Brian’s mouth and down his throat as he eagerly lapped it up.  Nick’s chest heaved rapidly as it rose and fell from his high.  Brian kissed his way up his stomach, stopping to tease his nipples with his tongue.  “Ya okay, Nick?”


Nodding, he watched as Brian lowered his body against his, flesh against flesh, each of their cocks pressed against the other’s.  “I want to be in you so bad, Bri.  I want to feel your ass around my cock.  Fuck, I’m getting hard again.  You are enjoying this, aren’t you?” Nick groaned his words full of pleasure. 


“Oh yeah, I’m enjoy every bit of you, Nick.  I want to enjoy more.  I want you to fuck me like you never fucked anyone before.”  Brian’s lips crushed Nick’s before he gave him the chance to say anything.  Braking the kiss, Brian’s lips nestled against Nick’s neck, pecking lightly down to his shoulder. 


“I don’t want to fuck you Bri,” Nick said, looking down.  Brian stopped midkiss and looked up at Nick, trying to register what he said.  “What?”


“I said I don’t want to fuck you,” he whispered, bringing his hand to Brian’s face.  “What I want is to make love to you all night.  I want to fill you with my cock and feel your cock all up in me.”  Brian’s face broke out in a smile as Nick moved closer to him and rolling him to his back.  He attacked Brian’s neck, shoulders, chest, ear, cheek and mouth as he moved himself between Brian’s legs. 


“Are you ready?”  Brian nodded, watching as Nick sat back and ran his hand over his enormous cock.  He spread his precum over his dick and over Brian’s virgin hole.  Nick began pushing himself inside Brian, watched the pain distort Brian’s face.


“Bri? You okay?  Want me to stop?”  Brian shook his head, whispering, “No, don’t stop.  All the way, Nick, please,” he begged. 


Inch by inch, Nick inserted himself inside Brian, watching his face change from pain to exquisite pleasure.  “Damn, that feels so good Nick,” he said biting his lip.  Nick and Brian’s eyes connected, staring deeply into the others.  Brian smiled up at Nick, feeling Nick’s entire hard cock in his ass.  “God, fuck me harder Nick,” Brian moaned.  “Ram your hard cock in me, Nick.” 


Nick’s hands moved around to Brian’s ass, pulling him roughly until his balls were heard slapping roughly against his ass.  Brian brought his hand to his cock, pumping it in rhythm of Nick’s movements.  “Oh yeah, Bri, stroke your hard dick while I fuck your ass.” 


Nick felt himself get closer as he watched Brian’s hand stroke himself.  “Fuck, Nick.  Fuck me harder.”  Brian’s muscle’s clenched against Nick’s cock and Nick groaned loudly. 


“Make me cum, Bri.  Make me cum…stroke your cock…”  The tightness around Nick’s cock was too much for him to take.  He fell against Brian’s chest, his thrusting and moaning coming in rhythm.  Brian’s stroked his dick faster, wanting to get his release as Nick got his. 


“OH FUCK,” Nick yelled against Brian’s neck.  Nick shot his load deep into Brian’s ass; Brian found his release emptying his cum against his and Nick’s stomachs.  Nick continued thrusting until he felt his dick grow soft.  He reluctantly slipped himself from Brian’s ass with a groan. 


Nick rested his head against Brian’s, his hand running over to cum-soaked stomach.  “Thanks Bri.  That’s something I always wanted to do with you.  I didn’t think you’d go for it until I talked to Sara.  I don’t remember what brought it up, but we were talking about fantasies one night,” Nick said, his hand lowering to Brian’s hardening cock and began to stroke it back to life, “and she confessed what hers was…and then what yours was…”


Leaning back against Nick, his ass against Nick’s dick, Brian whispered, “And what’s your fantasy?”


Kissing Brian’s neck, his hand stroking harder, Nick answered, “You tell me.”


Brian closed his eyes, his tongue running over his lips, his erratic breathing quickly turning frantic.  “Oh god Nick, harder.  Please, harder,” he groaned.  “Make me cum Nick.  Oh fuck, Nick, come on…”


“You like this don’t you?” Nick growled in his ear, grinding his dick against his ass faster.  “You do, don’t you?  Tell me Bri.  Tell me what you like,” Nick panted.


“I like this.  I love this.  Make me cum Nick, make me shout your name,” Brian said as he began fucking Nick’s hand.  Nick’s other hand came around and began massaging Brian’s balls.  Nick’s eyes closed, silently praying Brian would say the words he’s been waiting to hear. 


“Fuck, Nick, I’m gonna cum.  Oh shit, oh shit, oh god,” he moaned.  Brian thrusted quicker against Nick’s hand, the feeling throughout his body becoming too much for him to handle.  For the second time that Brian came – on his hands, on his stomach, on the bed, on Nick.  Brian chest heaved rapidly.  He brought his hand to Nick’s side and began rubbing his skin softly.  Nick’s hand remained around Brian’s dick, not wanting to let go.  “Nick?” Brian asked softly, leaning his head to the side leaving his neck open for Nick’s oral assault. 


“Yeah, Bri?”


“I wanna be inside you.  I wanna feel what you felt.  Can I?  Will you let me do that?”  Nick was sure Brian could feel his heart pounding through his chest and against his back. 


A smile crept upon Nick’s face as he answered, “Yeah, Bri.  You just fulfilled my fantasy.  I’ve been dying to hear you say those words to me for as long as I can remember.”  Brian eased Nick’s hand from his cock and rolled to face him.  Their soft dicks were against each other’s and Brian’s hand gently caressed Nick’s chest.  Brian’s clear blue eyes met Nick’s and he smiled softly before placing his lips on Nick’s. 


Nick moaned as Brian’s tongue entered his mouth and danced erotically with his.  As gentle as his touch, Brian pushed Nick to his back and rested himself on top of the younger man. 


Nick broke the kiss first, mumbling, “I want to feel you inside me Bri.  Please don’t make me wait.  Please don’t make me beg too.  I can’t handle you being…” Brian silenced Nick with his kisses.


Their cocks hardened against each other’s and Brian smiled down at Nick.  He moved to kneel between Nick’s legs.  “Are you ready Nick?”


“Oh god yeah.  I’ve been ready for years Bri,” Nick smiled in anticipation.  Brian ran his hand over the precum that drizzled from his slit and coated it over his cock.  Repeating himself, he coated Nick’s virgin hole with his cum before slowly inserted his cockhead inside.  Nick’s face distorted from pain to pleasure as Brian inserted more of himself in. 


Nick held onto the top of the mattress, thrusting his ass in rhythm of Brian’s thrusting.  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Nick growled, his eyes slightly open and watching Brian concentrate on doing this right.  “Fuck Brian, harder man.” 


“Shit, Nick, this feels so good,” Brian croaked.  The passion was evident on their faces.  “Nick I’m gonna cum.  I can’t…wait…uhhhhh,” Brian screamed his release as he emptied himself in Nick’s tight ass.  Completely spent, Brian fell against Nick, slowly slipping himself from Nick’s ass.  His breathing was still erratic.  Nick ran his fingers through Brian’s hair, trying to calm him down. 


“Thank you Nick.  I have to thank Sara later too.”


“Thank me for what?  I enjoyed this.  I’ve been waiting for this for as long as I can remember.  Thank you for letting this happen.  I was nervous but Sara convinced me that you’d go for it.” 


“We both have to thank her, huh?” Brian smiled as he moved himself off Nick’s body and lay at his side. 


“Bri? Nick asked quietly. 


“Hmm?” he answered, close to sleep.


“Can I stay here with you tonight?  Just to hold you in my arms or something,” he whispered. 


“I’d kick your ass if you left, Nick,” he said.  Wrapping his arm around Nick’s stomach, Brian fell into a deep sleep.  Nick entwined his fingers with Brian’s hand that rested on his stomach and found sleep as easily as Brian.


The End


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