
By:  Robin


Before she opened her eyes she heard them giggling. The ‘babies’ - far away from home. The other guys were all old enough to do things. They went to nightclubs and bars in every city. The ‘babies’ were left to play video games, watch movies and entertain themselves. She was usually reading or listening to tapes in the next room. Occasionally, she watched a movie with them and treated them to beer or liquor from her mini-bar, no one the wiser. When they were homesick or just plain run down, she looked after them. He ran them ragged. They were somewhere in Europe in a cheap hotel. The fat man with the leer certainly knew how to squeeze a buck until George Washington actually sobbed.  By hiring her as the nanny/tutor, he was able to save on the expense and annoyance of having 2 mothers trailing along. She had the teaching credentials in addition to some Spanish, German and Italian language. She had signed on for a 2-month stint that was half over. She missed her friends back home. Mary, the wardrobe girl, sometimes actually shared the room when she wasn’t with her boyfriend, the sound guy. She heard the door close and assumed they went out. The rooms were connected by a shared bathroom, which meant it was time for a long, leisurely shower. It would take forever to get coffee from room service and she was craving caffeine. Maybe the boys had a soda.  She walked through and pushed open the door that led to their room. He was lying flat on the bed reading a magazine and when he saw her, he turned red. He was wearing only his boxers.

‘Kiki?’ They had given her that nickname one night after many wine coolers. It started out as ‘kinky’ and then evolved.

‘I’m sorry, Lambie. I thought you guys had gone out and I need some caffeine. Don’t mind me, okay?’

‘There’s some in our fridge.’ He stammered.

‘Did you have breakfast? Want to order up? I need to take a shower and it will take forever for them to cook toast and deliver.’ She sat down on the bed next to him and he inched away. He was looking at her strangely, uncomfortable. He was still a little on the round side but he was gorgeous. Fat man had the hairdresser dye the ‘babies’ hair blonde. They probably didn’t have 2 whiskers between them. Some day he was going be a real heartbreaker. ‘What’s the matter?’

‘I’m, um, not dressed.’

‘So, what’s a little skin between friends, huh?’ She reached out and rubbed his neck. He was very tense. ‘Come over here.’ Her hands moved slowly down his smooth back. Nice butt. ‘Is something wrong? Did you guys drink too much last night?’ He looked as if he might cry.     

‘Kiki, please don’t treat me like a baby.’ Even in a whisper, his voice gave her chills. Suddenly, it was all very clear. She smiled and put her hand on his cheek.

‘Lambie, have you ever had sex?’ He shook his head. She knew the other guys frequently regaled the babies with their exploits. It may as well be me she thought. He was watching her face carefully. ‘Would you like to?’

‘Yes.’ He could hardly breathe, his eyes lit up like Christmas. She smiled, stood up and lifted the nightshirt she was wearing over her head. If fell to the floor. He was staring at her in awe. She felt very powerful as she lay down on her side. ‘You’re beautiful.’ He said without blinking. Don’t laugh at this sweet kid she thought.

‘Come lie beside me.’ He was alongside her in an instant. The magazine fell to the floor. She could feel the heat of his body and his shorts were standing away in front of him like a tent. ‘Kiss me.’ He began to kiss her and he tasted like mint toothpaste. His lips were soft and warm and tentative. She teased his tongue. He went along willingly. His hand was touching her breast. His hips were grinding hers and she could feel how hard he was against her stomach. A little sigh escaped her mouth and he pulled back. ‘It feels good, don’t stop.’ She told him. He was kissing her again, more confident. He was trying to nudge her onto her back. ‘No, you first.’ He lay back on the pillow and she began kissing his neck. Tiny, soft wet kisses along his collarbone. His breathing was ragged and his heart was racing. As she worked her way down his chest, her hands lingering on either side of his ribs, stroking delicately over his small beige nipples. She licked all the way down to the waistband of his shorts. She nuzzled his belly button and he giggled as she pulled his boxers off. His chest was smooth and pale but there was a soft trail of dark blonde hair down his belly. He was starting to wiggle his hips but she held him still and took him in her mouth. He gasped and his hands grabbed the covers. She played with him with one hand as she held him deep in her throat and sucked ever so gently. She knew he wouldn’t, couldn’t hold out long. She felt his body tense and heard him say ‘oh god’ just before he exploded in her mouth. She swallowed him quickly and was licking him dry when he reached down and pulled her up to his face. He kissed her, tasting her mouth.

‘Is that what I taste like? Kind of salty?’ She nodded. His hand found one soft breast and his mouth found the other. Her nipple grew between his lips and surprised and excited him. Her heart was pounding beneath his hand and he looked up to see her grinning at him.

‘Don’t stop, it’s so nice.’ She arched her back as he sucked greedily at her breast. Her hands were on his shoulders and her fingers scratched lightly over his skin. His hand moved boldly down her stomach and stopped over her mound. His fingers went further and when he came in contact with the warm, moist folds, he froze. ‘Get on top, come on.’ She pleaded. He was over her and inside her, his big green eyes watching hers. ‘Oh, Lambie – it feels incredible. Are you okay?’

‘Ummm, fantastic.’ He was moving wildly inside her until he found a rhythm that struck them both. Her eyes were closed and her hands were on his backside, pushing him into her. He felt the pressure powerfully building. The sensations drove them passionately as they moved faster and faster till they came together in an intense explosion that left them both struggling for air. Her fingertips were touching his cheek, his hair. He was wonderful and playful and innocent. She was watching him, smiling. He couldn’t remember ever being this sated, peaceful and content. Everything Joey and Chris had ever told him about ‘doing it’ didn’t even come close to the real thing. When he felt able to speak, he lifted his head to look at her. She was glowing like candlelight. He didn’t want to move from her body and destroy this divine connection. He brushed his lips across her shoulder. His smile was mischievous.

‘Am I still a baby? Cause I don’t mind anymore.’ No little kid could make her feel like this fine.

‘No, You are a special guy. If you are a baby, I am the cradle robber.’

The End


Please tell Robin what you thought of this story!