Happy Birthday, Baby

By:  Sarah

'A full day of recording and dance rehearsals. What a wonderful way to spend your birthday,' JC thought to himself as he dragged his tired body into his house, dropped his keys onto the table in the entryway, and kicked off his sneakers. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard soft piano music filtering through the house's stereo system. Curious, he headed to the living room where the central system was set up. He stopped short in the doorway and took in the scene before him. The coffee table had been moved to the side and a large blanket was spread out. Candles were scattered around the room, illuminating it with a soft glow. Several cartons of Chinese food were set on the blanket along with a neatly wrapped gift. The scene was completed when his eyes rested on his girlfriend of 1 1/2 years, Sarah, who was standing in front of the stereo. "Baby?" he questioned. "What is all this?"

"Josh!" she exclaimed, immediately running across the room to give him a hug. "Happy birthday, sweetie!" They shared a gentle kiss before she took his hand and led him further into the room. With their hands still entwined, they lowered to the blanket.

"Baby, you didn't have to do this," JC said softly before kissing Sarah's forehead lightly. "But, thank you," he added with a smile.

"I know I didn't have to," Sarah responded as she settled herself between his legs and leaned back against his chest. "But, I wanted to. I love you and I wanted to help you relax. Especially on your birthday! You've been working too hard lately!"

"I know I have. Perfectionism can be a curse," JC said with a rueful smile. "And I love you too."

"So what do you want first? Food or present?" Sarah questioned with a smile.

"Food!" he exclaimed with a laugh. "Wade was a bitch with dancing today!"

Sarah joined in with his laughter as she reached for the carton that contained the sweet and sour pork with rice. She laughed as his face contorted into a look of pure bliss when she fed him a forkful.

"What?" he asked as he cast a playful look her way.

"That look! It looks like you just had good sex instead of Chinese food!" she replied still giggling.

"Impossible!" he retorted with a grin. "We're both still fully clothed and my hair isn't messed up from your fingers!" he finished as they laughed together.

That's how their entire meal went. They talked, laughed, and just enjoyed being with one another. When the food was gone, Sarah reached for the gift she had bought JC. She smiled in happiness as she watched JC's eyes light up when he opened the wrapping to reveal a brand new music/songwriting program for his computer and keyboard.

"Baby! Oh my God! I love this!!" JC exclaimed as he wrapped her in a tight hug.

"I'm glad, hun," Sarah said before kissing his cheek. "You ready for part 2?" she asked with a soft, seductive smile.

"Oh yeah," JC breathed out as he pulled her even closer. Sarah smiled and bent her head to kiss his neck. When she heard his groan of approval, she lightly licked his pulse point and then began to softly suck on it. To tease him, she sucked gently on his ear. "Oh, Christ!" JC exclaimed. Sarah smiled to herself as she sucked lightly on the skin behind his ear. When she heard his groan, Sarah pulled back and removed his shirt before lightly pushing him onto his back. She straddled his hips as she kissed down his chest, pausing to nibble on his nipples. She heard him moan and moved in for the hot spot. Sliding down his body further, she dipped her tongue into his belly button before sucking on the skin around it. "Sweet Jesus Christ..." JC moaned out as he slid his hands into Sarah's hair. "You always know just where to touch, baby."

"I just love to please you, Josh," Sarah said softly as she pulled his pants and boxers off together. She slid between his legs and peppered the top of his engorged shaft with light kisses.

"Baby, please... just take me. I just want to be inside of you right now," JC begged as he reached for her.

"Of course, sweetheart. Anything my birthday boy wants," Sarah replied as she pulled away long enough to remove all of her clothing. They both moaned in satisfaction as Sarah straddled JC's hips again and slowly sank down on him. Sarah took a few deep breaths before bracing her hands on his chest and slowly starting to move her hips up and down on him.

"God, baby you feel so good," JC moaned as he started to move his hips with her pace.

Sarah groaned in response as she quickened her pace. "You fill me so completely, JC." She watched his handsome features as he threw his head back into the pillow and moaned. Sarah took the opportunity to bend down and suck lightly on his neck. Teasingly, she slowed her pace briefly before speeding up again.

"Aww... damn, baby. Jesus, you feel so good," JC whispered as he let his hands roam her sides and back. JC groaned loudly as he felt Sarah's walls start to tighten around him. It pushed him that much closer to the edge. "I'm gonna cum soon, baby," he gasped out.

"Cum on, baby. Cum with me," Sarah whispered to JC as she pulled almost all the way off of him and then slammed her hips to his. "JAAAAAACE!!!!!!!," she screamed as she tightened around his shaft and let her juices coat him.

"SARAH!!!! Oh God..." JC exclaimed as he pulsated and then spilled his load into her. They continued to move together until they were both empty. "Mmm, baby... that felt so good!"

"It certainly did, baby," Sarah replied as she slowly slipped off of him and then snuggled against his side with her head on his chest.

"I love you, baby," JC whispered as he kissed the top of her head.

"I love you too, Josh. Happy Birthday," Sarah responded softly before they drifted off together.

The End


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