It’s All In The Pants

By:  Sarah

“If you wanna fly, come and take ride. Take a space ride, with the cowboy, baby…,” Justin sang at one of their many shows. He went through the dance routine and sang the lyrics without even thinking. He looked out into the crowd and had to make a conscious effort not to roll his eyes as he looked at the young teenagers in the front row wearing skimpy clothes. He never got turned on anymore at the sight of them, the thrill was gone. He turned sideways to walk across the stage and stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes bulged out at the sight of JC’s massive erection straining against the tight red pants he was wearing. ‘Does he have to wear those pants?!,’ he groaned to himself. He tried to tear his gaze away, embarrassed that he was looking at JC’s erection, but for some reason he couldn’t. He felt his face grow red as he felt his own penis start to rise in excitement at the sight of JC’s. He broke his gaze away as JC looked over at him and hurried over to his position for the dance break.

~*~After the show, back at the hotel~*~

Justin flopped down on his bed face-down. He was glad the night was over. After he had first seen JC’s erection, it seemed as though he couldn’t keep his eyes off of it. He couldn’t believe he was attracted to his best friend. He had messed up the dance routines more than once because he was lost in thoughts of JC as his eyes were glued to his swollen dick. He was taken from his thoughts by a loud knock on his door. Groaning, he pulled himself up and went to the door. Looking through the peep-hole, he saw it was JC. ‘Shit!’ he cursed to himself. He dragged his hands down his face and took a deep breath before opening the door. “Hey, JC. What’s up, man?,” he questioned in a weak voice.

“That’s what I came here to ask you, J. What was up with you out there tonight? You ok?,” JC questioned in a concerned tone.

Justin let him in and then shut the door before sitting on the edge of his bed. He covered his face with his hands as his heart and mind engaged in a battle of whether or not to confide in JC with his feelings for him. JC walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“What’s wrong, J? Talk to me.”

He was shocked when Justin looked up at him and revealed the tears streaming down his face.

“I-I can’t, JC,” he managed to choke out.

JC sat next to the younger man and pulled him into a hug. Justin collapsed against him and sobbed into his shoulder. JC didn’t know what to do. So, he just rubbed Justin’s back comfortingly, waiting for him to speak. When Justin finally pulled back his eyes were red and swollen from his tears.

“Justin, what’s wrong?,” JC questioned, worried about him.

“I-I can’t tell you, JC. You’ll get mad at me,” Justin replied through his tears.

“Justin, you’re my best friend. You can come to me about anything. You know that,” JC reassured him. JC watched as Justin just stared at his hands. “C’mon, J. Tell me. I promise I won’t get mad. Just tell me what’s wrong.”

JC watched as Justin took a deep breath and then looked up at him. “I… I have feelings for you,” Justin softly whispered, afraid of JC’s reaction.

JC sat there shocked at the words that had just come out of Justin’s mouth. He was so shocked because he had never in a million years, thought that Justin would feel the same as he did. A smile spread across his face as he reached over gently wiped away Justin’s tears with his thumb.

“It’s okay, Justin, ” he said softly.

“It… it is?!”

“Yeah, it is,” JC said laughing slightly. “And you wanna know why?” Justin nodded his head. JC took a deep breath and leaned over, softly kissing Justin’s lips. He pulled back to see Justin’s reaction. Justin had his eyes closed and his lips were slightly parted. As Justin opened his eyes JC whispered, “That’s why.”

“You feel the same way, JC?,” Justin asked, shocked. JC nodded and smiled at him. A happy smile crossed Justin’s face as he reached over and hugged JC tightly. When he felt JC’s arms wrap around him, he felt his penis start to harden. He softly whispered in JC’s ear, “Can… can I kiss you?”

JC groaned at the feeling of Justin’s breath on his ear. “Of course you can, J.”

Justin pulled back slightly and kissed him gently. He moaned against JC’s mouth as he felt his fingers tangle into his curls. He sucked JC’s bottom lip into his mouth as he gently pushed him down onto the bed. JC’s arms wrapped around Justin’s neck as Justin’s hands traveled down to the hem of his shirt and underneath, running them lightly over his toned stomach. As their tongues battled for the same space inside JC’s mouth, JC’s hands moved to unbutton the shirt Justin had on. Once he managed to undo them all, he pushed the material off of Justin’s shoulders and discarded it on the floor. He moved his hands over his well defined chest, pausing to pinch his nipples. Justin exhaled into JC’s mouth, breaking the kiss.

“JC… I want you,” Justin whispered hoarsely as he stared down at the older man beneath him.

JC nodded and rolled them over so he was on top. He pulled his shirt over his head and it joined Justin’s on the floor. As he leaned down and started to suck on Justin’s neck he reached between them and slowly unbuttoned and unzipped Justin’s pants. Justin’s pants soon joined the growing pile on the floor, leaving him in nothing but his boxers.

“C… please,” Justin pleaded.

“Shh…” JC said as he lightly placed his forefinger on Justin’s lips.

JC slid down Justin’s body, taking his boxers with him on the way. He sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of Justin’s large cock. He parted Justin’s legs and moved in between them. Taking Justin’s large cock in his hands, he gently blew across the tip.

“Jesus, JC!,” Justin groaned as his body tensed involuntarily at the sensations JC was causing.

JC just smiled and snaked his tongue out to lick the head of Justin’s cock.

Justin moaned and choked out, “Please, just suck me, C!!”

JC happily obliged and eagerly took Justin fully into his mouth. As he started a slow pace of sucking him, he felt Justin’s hands go into his hair and try to force more of himself into his mouth. JC ran his tongue all over Justin’s cock and raked his teeth lightly up and down his shaft.

“Oh fuck… JC… I’m gonna… Oh God…” Justin panted out.

Wanting him to cum, JC fondled Justin’s balls in his hand as he deep-throated him.

"Holy shit, JC!," Justin shouted as he emptied into JC's mouth.

JC swallowed everything and then slid up Justin's body. He kissed Justin's lips gently while he waited for him to come down from his orgasm.

"That was incredible, JC," Justin breathed as he looked over at the man lying next to him.

"Glad you enjoyed it," JC responded with a smile.

Reaching over to caress JC's cheek softly, Justin whispered, "C... I want you inside of me. Please."

JC took Justin's hand and intertwined their fingers, kissing Justin's. "You sure, J?," he asked softly.

Justin nodded and locked his gaze with JC's. JC was touched at the amount of trust he saw in Justin's eyes.

"Alright, J, turn over," JC whispered.

Justin turned over on to his stomach as JC rid himself of his remaining clothing. When he laid on top of Justin, he felt him tense slightly.

"You ready, J?," JC asked as he leaned down and kissed his neck lightly, trying to soothe him.

"Yes, JC. I want this," Justin responded.

JC took one of Justin's hands in his as he spread his legs. He gently pushed the tip of his erection into Justin's tight asshole. He heard Justin whimper softly and felt him grip his hand tightly.

"I'm sorry, J," JC whispered as he kissed his shoulder and rubbed his lower back, trying to give him some comfort. He waited until he felt Justin's body relax before he started thrusting in and out of him. "Shit, J... you're so tight. It feels so good," JC groaned.

"Go... go faster, JC. Please," Justin pleaded between breaths.

JC happily complied and starting pounding into Justin hard and fast. He rocked their bodies together as he felt Justin's body start to tighten beneath him.

"OH FUCK, JC!!!" yelled Justin as he released on the sheets.

Hearing Justin yell his name pushed JC over the head. And with a few more hard thrusts, he shot his load into Justin, shouting, "OH GOD, J!!". JC collapsed on top of Justin, panting heavily. When he regained enough strength, he pulled out and rolled over, laying next to Justin. Justin scooted over against JC's side and laid his head on his chest.

Taking a deep breath, Justin softly said, "JC, I... I love you."

"I love you too, J. I love you too," JC responded just as softly as he ran his fingers through Justin's golden curls.

Those were the last words they spoke to each other before they drifted off, curled in each other's embraces.

The End


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