Something Like You

By:  Sarah

JC and his girlfriend Sarah held hands as they strolled down the private beach behind his Orlando home by the water's edge. Nothing much was said and truthfully, words weren't really needed between the two. They were just happy to be in one another's company. Occasionally, they would look at each other and those glances would be full of love.

So many times I thought I held it in my hands
But just like grains of sand, love slipped through my fingers
So many nights I asked the Lord above:
Please make me lucky enough to find a love that lingers
Something keeps telling me that you could be my answered prayer
You must be heaven sent I swear… cuz

Something happens when you look at me, I forget to speak
Something happens when you kiss my mouth, my knees get so weak
Could it be true? This is what God has meant for me?
Cuz baby I can't believe
That something like you could happen to me

JC, who was closest to the water, got a mischievous look in his blue eyes as he looked at Sarah. When he was sure she wasn't paying attention, he quickly leaned down, scooped up a handful of water, and splashed her. Sarah screamed in surprise when the water hit her.

"Josh! That's cold!" she exclaimed as she glared at him.

"Aww… I'm sorry, baby," JC said with a smile that told her he really wasn't sorry at all.

"I just bet you are," she muttered under her breath as she wrung her shirt in her hands to get the excess water out. Sarah started walking down the beach again without waiting for JC and smiled to herself when she heard him start to jog to catch up while apologies spilled from his lips.

"Aww, baby c'mon… don't be mad. I'm sorry, I really am," JC said softly as he caught up with her. Too late, he realized that Sarah had moved into ankle deep water and he was once again, closest to the water. As he went to put an arm around her, she smiled innocently at him and shoved him. Losing his balance, JC fell on his butt in the light surf. She could only laugh at him as he stayed seated in the water with a shocked expression on his face. While she stood there laughing, JC quickly regained his composure and tugged on her ankle, making her fall on top of him in the water. They both laughed at each other, but the laughing ceased when their gazes locked as JC's hands slowly rubbed up and down her sides.

Girl in your eyes, I feel your fire burn
Oh your secrets I will learn, even if it takes forever
With you by my side, I can do anything
I don't care what tomorrow brings
As long as we're together
My heart is telling me that you could be my meant to be
I know it more each time we touch cuz

Something happens when you look at me, I forget to speak
Something happens when you kiss my mouth, my knees get so weak
Could it be true? This is what God has meant for me?
Cuz baby I can't believe
That something like you could happen to me

"I love you," they both whispered at the same time. They smiled and JC leaned in and softly touched his lips to hers. Sarah's eyes drifted shut as her arms automatically wound around his neck. JC let his own eyes close as he tilted his head and deepened the pressure of the kiss. He let his fingers lightly run over her nipples through her wet t-shirt as his tongue gently forced it's way into her mouth. He smiled against her lips when he heard her soft moan. Gently, he eased her backwards until her back hit the sand and he was on top of her, never breaking their kiss. He started grinding his hips into hers as his lips moved down to suck on the skin of her neck.

"Mmm, Josh," Sarah moaned softly. JC pulled back long enough to smile at her and remove her shirt.

"No bra, baby? Bad girl," he teased as he licked and sucked his way down to the middle of her chest. He felt her fingers tangle in his hair as he slowly made his way to her left breast and began to gently roll the nipple around with his tongue.

"Jesus, Josh," Sarah breathed out as she arched her back up.

"Like that eh, baby?" he asked with a smirk before he kissed his way to her right breast and gently rolled the nipple with his tongue before softly biting down on it.

"Sweet Jesus, baby," Sarah whispered before gently pushing on his chest to make him move back a little. She quickly pulled his shirt over his head and allowed her nails to lightly rake over his nipples. She smiled at his groan and leaned up to his ear. "Josh, make love to me," she whispered softly and seductively. He needed no other encouragement and pulled her shorts and panties off. As Sarah watched with desire and love laced her in features, JC sat back briefly to remove his shorts and sport shorts. He slowly crawled back on top of her and linked his fingers with hers.

Something magical
Something spiritual
Something stronger than the two of us alone

Something physical
Something undeniable
Nothing like anything that I've ever known, cuz

Something happens when you look at me, I forget to speak (Yeah, something happens, baby)
Something happens when you kiss my mouth, my knees get so weak
Could it be true? This is what God has meant for me?
Cuz baby I can't believe, no
Something like you… something like you
That something like you could happen to me
Something happens…
Can't believe that you happened to me

"You ready for me, sweetheart?" he questioned softly.

"Always am, baby," Sarah replied.

Their gazes locked on each other's as JC positioned himself and gently slid into her warmth. They both moaned in satisfaction. JC rocked his hips slowly, making the water splash around them as Sarah wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in deeper. Their gazes never wavered from each other as JC brought one pair of their linked hands down to where they were connected. He moaned when he felt her slide her fingers around him on his outward stroke. To return the favor, he gently fingered her clit.

"Josh, I'm gonna cum. Oh God," Sarah gasped as she arched against his body.

"I'm there too. Let it go, baby," JC whispered as he stared into her eyes. Sarah felt her body begin to tremble and she clenched her walls tightly around JC's member. She moaned his name softly as she coated him with her juices. When he felt her walls grip him, JC exhaled deeply and let himself spill over into her hot depths. As they came down, JC rested his head on her chest as the cool water lapped around their bodies.

JC raised his head and pressed his lips to her forehead before saying softly, "How'd I ever get lucky enough to have someone like you, Sarah?"

"I ask myself the same thing about you everyday, Josh," Sarah replied just as softly as she ran her fingers through his hair. "I love you, Josh."

"I love you too, Sarah," Josh whispered before gently pulling out of her. They got dressed and hand in hand walked back to his house with smiles on their faces.

The End


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