To Be Able To Say I Love You

By:  Sarah

“Josh?” Justin asked as he and JC sat on the couch in the back of the bus. JC turned his gaze from the passing scenery to Justin’s face.

“Yeah, Justin?”

“Do you ever get tired of this?” Justin questioned as his tired eyes met JC’s gaze. JC sighed as he took in Justin’s weary form. Knowing Justin wasn’t finished talking yet, JC simply shifted their positions until Justin was lying across the couch with his head resting in JC’s lap. JC ran a hand through Justin’s short curls while he waited for him to speak. “I mean, sure, we’re living our dreams. But, what about all the stuff we didn’t ask for? Like the lawsuits, the cruel press, the intrusions into our private lives? God, I can’t even go into a public restroom without it being all over the internet in 24 hours flat. Hell, 24 *minutes* flat. I’m tired of all THAT, Josh. It makes me not want to do this anymore sometimes.”

JC thought for a few minutes before answering. This worried him a little bit because Justin had been feeling this way more and more lately. “I understand, Justin. And I also know that it’s harder on you then it is on the rest of us. But, do you really want to give up your dream? Don’t the positives outweigh the negatives?” JC questioned softly as he moved his hand that wasn’t in Justin’s curls to rub his stomach soothingly.

“I use to think so, Josh. But, lately… I just go through the motions. I don’t get the joy out of it anymore,” Justin replied as he looked up at JC. JC noticed the soft glimmer of tears pooling in Justin’s eyes and knew this went way beyond what he was letting on.

“Just… what’s this really about? What’s really bothering you?”

“What do you mean, Josh? All that does bother me. I’m telling –.“ JC placed a warm fingertip over Justin’s lips before he could get too upset.

“I know, Justin. I know. But, I also know you. And I know you’re not telling me everything,” JC whispered softly.

Justin sighed softly and looked up at JC, saying softly, “I hate not being able to say ‘I love you’ in public. I hate having to hide my love for you. All this crap going on isn’t worth hiding you and our love.”

JC’s heart tightened a little at the sight of tears falling down Justin’s cheeks. “I know, baby. I hate it too. One day, we’ll be able to tell everyone. I promise.”

“But don’t you ever get tired of not being able to kiss in public?” Justin asked as he got up and then started to pace the small back lounge. “We can’t kiss, we can’t hug, for God’s sake we can’t even hold hands like every other couple on the face of this earth! I’m so fucking sick of this, Josh! I’m about ready to give all this up just so I can have a normal relationship with my boyfriend!” Justin cried out exasperatedly. JC just stared at Justin, slightly shocked. He knew he’d give everything up for Justin and it felt wonderful to hear that Justin felt the same.

“Baby, come here,” JC said as he reached out and grabbed Justin’s hand, pulling him into his lap. “I feel the same way, Just. But, just think, we only have a week left on this tour and then it’s just you and me for 2 months - 61 days of nothing but loving each other. And I promise we’ll even talk about coming out. Okay, Just?” JC said softly as he hugged Justin to him.

“You mean that, Josh?” Justin questioned softly as he raised his teary gaze to meet JC’s eyes.

“Every word, baby,” JC whispered before leaning in and capturing Justin’s lips with his own. Justin’s arms found their way around JC’s neck as their lips, teeth, and tongues clashed together. JC nibbled and sucked on Justin’s bottom lip as his hands found their way under his shirt to rest on bare skin.

“I love you, Josh,” Justin breathed out as JC’s mouth found its way to his neck. JC nipped at the sensitive flesh he found. His teeth scraped, leaving bruising marks, which his tongue soon soothed. Their lips clashed together again as JC twisted their bodies in order to guide Justin down onto the couch. JC made quick work of Justin’s shirt and started leaving a trail of burning kisses from his collarbone down to the middle of his chest. His tongue quickly found one of Justin’s nipples and flicked over it. “God, Josh,” Justin cried softly as he tangled his fingers in the soft brown curls. JC bit down gently on the nub making Justin arch up against him. He started to grind his hips into Justin’s, making their clothed erections rub together roughly. “Shit, Josh… more…” Justin moaned out as he moved his hips against JC’s.

“Easy, baby,” JC soothed as he kissed his way down to Justin’s stomach. He kissed the perimeter of Justin’s belly button before dipping his tongue inside and then sucking softly, making Justin hiss quietly. JC quickly pulled off Justin’s jeans and boxers, feasting his eyes on Justin’s thick cock that slapped against Justin’s washboard stomach as soon as it was released from its confinement. JC slowly licked the underside from base to tip before anchoring the base in his left hand and devouring the tip with his mouth.

“Jesus, Josh!” Justin cried out as he felt JC’s warm mouth surround him. He fisted JC’s hair gently, struggling not to thrust his hips too much as JC’s tongue probed the slit at the head of his cock. Justin tried his best to keep his moans quiet but failed miserably when JC’s mouth engulfed him entirely. “JOSH!” he screamed out as his hips shot upwards towards JC’s mouth. “Oh God, Josh… please,” Justin panted out as JC gave his cock long, powerful, heat-filled sucks and played gently with his balls. Right as Justin neared his finish, JC pulled his mouth away. Justin just about cried. “Please, Josh. Oh God, you can’t stop. Please, baby…” he begged.

“Shh.” JC shushed Justin with a kiss before quickly shedding his own clothes. He climbed over Justin again, rubbing their erections together as he leaned down and gave him a passion-filled kiss. He let his tongue explore every crevice of Justin’s hot mouth as he lifted his pelvis up and lined up with the tip of Justin’s cock. Pulling back from the kiss, JC met Justin’s eyes and they shared a heated gaze as JC whispered, “I love you,” and then sank down on Justin’s cock. Both men moaned loudly at the sensations filling them. Justin moaned at the tightness of JC’s ass surrounding his throbbing erection and JC moaned at Justin’s thick cock pulsating inside of him. The two lovers held hands as they moved together. Their mouths fused together as Justin’s tongue mimicked what his lower body was doing to JC. Their hips were grinding together erotically as they tasted each other.

Justin tore his lips from JC’s as a deep moan escaped his throat, signaling his upcoming release. “Josh, I’m almost there. Please…” he panted. Justin moved one of his hands from JC’s grasp to wrap around JC’s weeping cock. He stroked it roughly in time with their hips, wanting JC to come over the edge with him. Justin tensed and with a scream of JC’s name, he emptied his hot seed into JC’s body, “JOSH!!!”

JC wasn’t far behind as he moaned out, “Jesus, Justin,” and let his hot cum splatter onto Justin’s chest and stomach. As they caught their breath JC panted out quietly, “I love you so much, Justin. You mean more to me than anything else.”

“I love you too, Josh. And I know I’ll be okay no matter what as long as you’re by my side,” Justin whispered back as he kissed JC softly.

“Always,” JC promised as he settled down on Justin’s chest, not bothering to pull off of him or clean up.

The End


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