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Try Again

By:  Angela

"Kids, get away from the car!" 22 year old Kelley Olsen yelled at her son Sean and his friend.

"Mom," Sean said running up to her. "When's dad coming?"

"I don't know."

"I miss daddy," Sean said.

"I know, hunny. But you know how mad daddy gets at me."

Sean pouted and went back to playing with the neighbor's kid.

Kelley rushed back inside to call her ex-husband.

"Hey what's up, this is Dan, I can't come to the phone right now so leave a message and I'll hit you back, 'ight?"

"Dan, pick this phone up right now. I know you are not doing another...."

"Hey honey," he said picking up the phone.

"Dan, what day is it?"

"I don't remember."

"Let me remind you. Does 'come get your kid on Friday, I have plans' ring a bell?"

"Oh my gosh, I totally forgot, Kels. I'm so sorry."

"Whatever. I'll just leave him with my mom seeing as your busy doing a.."

"I'm not busy," he said interrupting her.

"Oh really?"


"What a shocker."

"Do you want me to come get him or you want to drop him off?"

"Well, seeing as I'm already late for my interview, I'll just drop him off."

"Great. See you in a few then."

She hung up.

"Come on Sean, in the car."

She grabbed her purse and drove her son over to Dan's.

"Dan, just remember this the next time you and your band goes on tour," she said as Sean went inside.

"Kel, I need to talk to you later, OK?"

"Sure. But I'm running late so I'll come get him tonight."


She pulled out of the driveway and sped to her interview.


"This is a very impressive resume, Miss Olsen."

"Thank you sir."

"Thank you so much Miss Olsen, we'll call you in a few days," he said leading her out of the office.

"Thank you very much."

Kelley got in her car and called Dan.

"Hey Dan, I'm done."

"How'd it go?"

"Fine, is Sean ready to go?"

"I guess so."

"Good, I'll be there in about 10 minutes."


"Ashley, hi," Kelley said as Ashley opened the door.

"Hey Kels-bels. How are you?"

"I'm great. Do you know where Dan is?"

"Upstairs. He needs to talk to you."

"OK. And I was just going to tell him bye, too," she said laughing.

She went upstairs.

"Dan?" she said knocking on the door to his room.

"Hey Kelley."

"Hi, you needed to talk to me?"

"Sit down."

She went over and sat on the bed. He kneeled in front of her.

"I've been thinking lately."

"There's a shock."

"Kelley, I'm being serious."


"Anyway, I've been thinking about us."


"I miss the way we were Kel. I still love you."

Kelley rolled her eyes.

"Dan, you know it's your fault. You could have changed it, but you didn't."

"And because of that I kick myself everyday. When I wake up in the morning, I miss having my arms around you. I love you Kelley."

Kelley put her arms around Dan's neck. "Babe, you did this to yourself."

He suddenly kissed her hard on the lips. Kelley gave in. He then lowered her on to the bed. Kelley pushed him off her.

"Dan, no. I don't love you anymore." With that, she ran out of the room and flew downstairs.

"Come on Sean, let's go."

"Can't I say bye to daddy?"

"No time to. Bye Ashley." He waved as she got in the car.

Dan walked downstairs.

"What did you do, man?" Ashley asked.

"I told Kelley I still loved her and I kissed her."

"No wonder she flew out of here so fast."


"Mom, how come we left so fast?"

"Well, your daddy told me something I didn't want to hear."

"You should marry Ashley."

Kelley started laughing, "where did that come from?"

"I don't know," the 4 year old replied. "I think Ashley would make a good daddy for me."

Kelley pulled into the drive way and looked back at Sean. "You're not saying that you want Ashley to replace your daddy, are you?"


She sighed. "Come on," she said getting him out of the car.

As soon as she got in, Sean sat down and turned on the TV to Spongebob Squarepants. Kelley went to the kitchen to check the 4 messages.

1st message: "Hello Kelley. It's me, your mom. Do you remember me? Give me a call. I want to know how you are doing. You never see me anymore."

2nd message: "Kelley, it's your mother again. Are you still not home? Well, call me when you get home. Stop ignoring me, sweetie."

3rd message: "Hey Kelley. You probably don't remember me, but this is Trevor. You know, from Dan's band. Um, can you call me back when you get this? My number is 483-8239. Thanks Kelley."

Kelley looked at the answering machine as that message ended.

4th message: "Kelley, I'm coming over. You don't love your parents anymore. Your father is worried sick," in the background of the message, Kelley heard her dad say "don't bring me into this. I support Kelley all the way for ignoring you. God knows I tried."

Kelley laughed as she erased the ones from her mother, but kept the one from Trevor. She stared at the phone for a while. Then finally picked it up and dialed the number.


"Hi, is Trevor there?"

"Yes, hold on just a second," the voice said. "Hey, wait a minute, is this Kelley?"


"Hey Kelley, it's Erik!"

"Oh hey Erik! You and Trevor are still living together, huh?"

"Yeah. Both of us are still single."

Kelley laughed.

"Here he is," Erik said.


"Hey Trevor."

"Kelley, thanks for calling me back."

"Sure, what'd you need?"

"I was wondering if sometime this week you would be free."

"Uh, I think the only time is tomorrow night," she said laughing.

"Oh really. Well, I was wondering if maybe you would want to get dinner with me?"

Kelley smiled into the phone. "I would love to."

"Great, I'll pick you up at 7:00."

"Can't wait."

"So I'll see you then, Kel."

"Yeah. See you then."

"Bye Kelley."


She hung up.

"Who was that, mommy?" Sean asked.

"A friend of your fathers," Kelley said smiling.



"Dan, are you busy tomorrow night?"

"Uh, I don't think so."

"Can you come over and baby-sit Sean?"

"I guess so."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Why? Where are you going?"

"I have a date."

"Really? With who?"

"Oh, just a friend of yours."

"Oh god, who?"




"As in, Trevor 'I'm too shy to go up to that girl and ask her for her number' Trevor?"



She laughed.

"What time do you want me over?"

"Uh, is 6:30 OK?"


"Thank you so much Dan."

6:30 the next day:

"Dan, thank god, I'm running so late."

"That's what I'm here for," he said.

"Look, Dan. I want to say thank you for doing this. I mean, you didn't have to. You could have said no because I was going with one of your bandmates."

"No, it's fine. I mean, Trevor hasn't had a date in a while, so I'm happy for you."

"Thanks Dan."

"Yeah," he said walking into the kitchen.


"Hey Trevor," Dan said answering the door.

"What up Dan?"

"Nothing much man."

"What are you doin' over here?"

"Just watching Sean while you guys have fun."


"Uncle Trevor!" Sean said running up to him.

"Hey little man!"

"What are you doing here?"

"Me and your mom are going to go out."

"Really? That's cool!"

Trevor laughed.

"Hey Trevor," Kelley said walking down the stairs.

"Hey, you ready to go?"

"Yeah," she bent down to Sean, "be good for your dad."

"I will."

She went back to normal height. "Thanks again Dan."

"Yeah, but you two have fun. Don't stay out too late."

"Yes, dad," Kelley said as they walked out the door.


"Thanks Trevor. I had fun."

"Yeah me too."

"We should do this again."


"Well, goodnight."

"Night Kel."

Kelley walked in the door.

"Hey," Dan whispered.


"Did you have fun?"


"So are you going out again?"

"I don't think so. We both decided friends is better."


"Yeah, well, if you want you can crash here."

"Nah, I think I better get back."

"You sure?"


"Alright. Thanks again, Dan."

Dan nodded as Kelley started to walk up the stairs.

"Hey Kel?"


Dan ran up next to her. He looked in her eyes and kissed her. He pulled back.

"Please tell me that you felt something."

Kelley nodded.

He kissed her again.

"Can we try this again?"

"I don't know, Dan. We tried it before and it failed."

"But I've only felt this way about before when I first met you."

Kelley grabbed Dan's hand and walked up to her room and closed the door.

"I didn't want to wake up Sean."

"Please Kelley, I love you."

Kelley sighed and sat on the bed.

"I don't know Dan."

Dan sat next to her.

"Please Kelley. Just one more chance, that's all I'm asking."


"Hello?" Kelley said answering the phone the next morning.

"Hello, is Miss Olsen there?"

"This is she."

"Hello Miss Olsen, this is Jeff, I interviewed you for the job on Friday."

"Oh, hello Mr. Smith."

"I would just like to inform you that you got the job."

"Oh, thank you very much."

"You're welcome. You'll be meeting with your boss tomorrow and you'll be meeting your clients as early as Tuesday."

"OK, thank you."

"Be at the building by 10 'o clock. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thank you Mr. Smith."

"Please, Kelley, call me Jeff."

"OK, Jeff."

"Goodbye Kelley."


She hung up and went downstairs to start breakfast.


"Hello Kelley. It's a pleasure to meet you," her boss said.

"You too Mr. Davis."

"Now I know you signed on to be a label assistant for Alicia Keys, but I'm sorry to tell you that her old assistant decided to stay with us."

"Oh that's fine, sir."

"Please, Kelley. Call me Clive. None of this 'sir' stuff. It makes me feel older than I am."

She laughed, "sorry, sir, I mean, Clive."

"That's a little better. Now, since Alicia is already taken, do you have another artist you would be interested in assisting?"

"I have no clue," she laughed.

"Well, we have Monica, Mario, O-Town, Busta Rhymes.."

"Wait, did you say O-Town?"

"Yes, we are in desperate need of a new label assistant for them."

She had a sly smile on her face, "really?"

"Are they someone you would be willing to assist?"


Kelley turned off the car and took the key out of the ignition in front of Dan and Ashley's house. She sighed and opened the door.

"Hey mommy," Sean said opening the door and running back in towards the kitchen.

"Well, aren't you happy to see me?"

"He really is, he just doesn't show it that well," Ashley said from the front room.

"Hey Ashes."

"How was your first meeting?"

"It was great. I am defiantly going to love working there."

"Good," he said smiling.

"Is Dan home?"

"Actually, he just left, be he should be back any time."

"Oh, OK. I have to tell him the great news. Hey, by the way, when is you guy's next tour starting?"

"In about two weeks."

"That soon?"

"Yeah, they work us to hard."

"Oh, shut up Ashley!" she said throwing a pillow from the couch at him. "You've only had a, what, year long break."

"So? We have been working!"

She laughed. "You ready to go, Sean?"

"Can't we wait for dad?"

She sighed. "Fine," as she sat on the couch next to Ashley.

"You sound stressed," Ashley said putting his arm around her.

She looked at him, "you try raising a four, almost five year old and getting a new job."

"No thank you."

She laughed. "You know what Sean said to me Friday coming home?"


"He said 'you know what? You should marry Ashley. I think Ashley would make a good daddy for me.'"

Ashley started laughing. "I would make a good dad?"

"Hey, I agree! One day."



"Be the mother of my children," he said laying his head on her.

"Sure, Ashes. Then I will have kids from two O-Town members."

Just then, Dan walked in. "Hey Kelley."

"Hey Dan."

A ping of jealousy went through his body when he saw Ashley with his head on her shoulder.

"How'd the meeting go?"

"Great. Did I ever tell you guys where I am working?"

"No," Ashley said.

"Well, I am working as a label assistant for J Records."

"Really?" Ashley said sitting up.

"Yep. And I just got the job to be the new label assistant for O-Town."


"What?" Dan said. 

"Yep. I got assigned to you geeks." 

"That's awesome Kelley!" Ashley said. 

"No, it's not. Do you know what a label assistant does, Kelley?" Dan said. 

"Yeah. I wouldn't have applied if I didn't." 

"Damn it Kelley." Dan walked up the stairs. 

"What's his problem?" Kelley asked. 

"You don't wanna know." 

"Sean, you ready to go?" 

"Yeah, mom." 

"Let's go," she said, lightly pushing him out the door. "Thank you Ashley," kissing his cheek. 

"You're welcome Kelley. And welcome to the O-Town 'professional' family." 

She laughed as she walked down to her car. 


"What is this feeling taking over  

Thinking a word could open the door  

Surprise, it's time to feel what's real  

What happened to miss independent  

No longer need to be defensive  

Goodbye or you will love, it's true" Kelley sang at the top of her lungs driving with Sean in the back-seat and Ashley next to her. Ashley and Sean exchanged glances. 

Kelley looked over. "Oh, sorry guys." 

Sean laughed. "You're funny mom." 

"Thanks, I try." 

"You know Kelley," Ashley said, "you should sing for Clive." 

"Heck no! I work for him, I don't need to be one of his artists." 

"But you're really good Kelley." 

"Blah, blah, blah," she said laughing. They pulled up to the rehearsal place. 

"I am so glad that you guys aren't doing choreography anymore. I was gonna have to gag if I saw anymore stupid boyband moves." 

Ashley laughed. They saw Dan and Sean waved. 

"Hey guys," Dan said holding the door open for Sean and Ashley. "Kelley," he said stopping her. "What is up with you and Ashley?" 

She laughed, "what do you mean?" 

"Are you like going out or what? You guys have been hanging around a lot." 

"Dan, you don't know what 'just friends' means, do you?" she said walking in. 

"What was that all about?" Ashley said walking in with Kelley, in front of Dan. 

"Dan is being a dumb person again." 

"What else is new?" Ashley said smiling. 


"Kelley!" Erik said coming up to her and hugging her. 

"Hey Erik." 

"It's been way to long!" 

"I just talked to you on the phone a couple days ago!" 

"So? I haven't seen you in a while. Look at you. You are looking way to good to be a mom." 

She laughed. And waved at Trevor. 

"Hey Kelley," Jacob said. 

"Hey Jake. How are ya?" 

"Good," he smiled. 

Kelley waved at Janie who was right next to him. 

"You guys ready to rehearse?" Mike said coming in. 

"Sure, Mike," Dan said looking at Kelley, pissed off. 

He walked ahead of her. She looked at Ashley and made fun of Dan behind his back, making Ashley laugh. 


Ashley and Kelley walked out laughing with Trevor and Dan right behind them. 

"I don't get it, Trev." 

"Get what?" 


"What's not to get?" 

"The fact that after the eight years I knew her, she is all of a sudden different now." 

"She grew up since freshman year of high school, Dan." 

"I know, but even when we were married, she wasn't like this." 

"Maybe she moved on." 

"But I don't want her to. I love her, Trev." 

"Why don't you tell her that?" 

"I do. I did. She won't listen." 

"Maybe this is the case of 'you had your chance but you blew it' sort of thing." 

Dan tossed Trevor a look. 

"OK, maybe not." 

"God damn it," they heard Kelley say. 


"Look," she said pointing to what was behind her car. 

"Damn it," Dan said. 

"What's going on?" Ashley said. 



"Yeah. They follow me!" 

"I'm sorry." 

"They just want pictures of Dan's son." 

Ashley led her and a covered up Sean to the car. 


Kelley got out of her car and walked to the front door of Ashley and Dan's house. 

Ashley opened the door, "whoa, Kelley. Look at you." 

She smiled. Tonight was the J Records Grammy Party and she had to go representing O-Town. "Thanks. You clean up nice yourself." 

"Come on in." 

"Let me guess, Dan still isn't read yet." 

"That's not true!" he yelled from upstairs. He came down and saw Kelley. Her hair was up like she was going to the prom, she had on a red dress and her shoes made her about five inches taller. "Wow," he slipped. 

Kelley's cheeks got red from embarrassment.  

"You ready to go?" Ashley said breaking Dan's thoughts. 

"Yeah. Coming Dan?" she asked walking to the limo that had pulled up while they were inside. 

"Please get through tonight," he whispered to himself as he was locking the door. He turned around to see Ashley and Kelley locking arms to the limo. At that moment, he wished he were Ashley. 


The next day: 

"I'm pitching first!" Sean yelled as he played with the neighbor kids. 

"I'm pitching second!" two kids said at the same time. 

"I'm catching first!" 

Kelley laughed from her computer. She heard all this from an open window. As she looked out, Dan drove up to the house. Sean ran to his car door and hugged him when he got out. When Dan released, Sean went right back to pitching and got a strike out of the kid. 

Kelley got up and opened the door. 

"Hi," she breathed. 


"Um, did you need something?" 

"You hungry?" He held up a Taco Bell sack. 

She laughed and opened the door wider, letting him in. 


Kelley laughed at what Dan had just told her about a prank the guys did. 

"You guys are so mean to Trevor." 

Once they both calmed down, Dan started "listen, Kelley, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for trying to get you back. I realize you want to move on now." 

She sighed. "Dan.." 

"Kelley, let me talk. I have been trying to get you back when I just now realize that I'm your past." 

"Dan, I love you!"


"Oh, god." Kelley went into her room and closed the door. Did she really love Dan or was it Ashley she was saying I love you to? 

"Kelley? Can I come in?" 


He came in and closed the door behind him and sat on the edge of the bed. 

"I know what you were really thinking." 

"Oh really?" 

"You love Ashley, right?" 

She looked up at him. "I don't know anymore." 

"I understand. Tell him." 


"Come on, I'll look after Sean," he said getting her to her feet. 

When they got to the bottom of the stairs, Kelley turned around and hugged Dan. 

"Thank you." 

"I still love you Kel, no matter what." 

"I love you too, Danny." 

"Now go, Prince Charming awaits." 

She laughed and ran out to her car. Once she got on the main street, she turned on the radio.

"What would you do to get to me 

What would you say to have your way 

Would you give up or try again 

If I hesitate to let you win 

Now would you be yourself or play your role 

Tell all the boys or keep it low 

If I say no would you turn away 

Or play me off or would you stay, oh"

Kelley ran up to the house and pounded on the door. Knowing that Dan was behind her gave her a sense that she could actually do it.

And if at first you don't succeed 

Dust yourself off and try again 

You can dust it off and try again, try again 

If at first you don't succeed 

Dust yourself off and try again 

You can dust it off and try again, try again, try again

"Hey Kelley, what are you doing here?" 

"Ashley, I need to talk to you. 

"Come in."

I'm into you, you into me 

But I cant let it go so easily 

Not until I see what this could be 

Be eternity or just a week 

You know, our chemistry is off the chain 

It's perfect now but will it change 

This aint a yes, this aint a no 

Just do your thing, we'll see how it goes...ohhh

"Listen, I've been thinking so much about Dan, me, Sean, and you. I thought about it for so long now. Ashley, I love you."

And if at first you don't succeed 

Dust yourself off and try again 

You can dust it off and try again, try again 

If at first you don't succeed 

Dust yourself off and try again 

You can dust it off and try again, try again, try again

"Really, Kelley?" 

"Yes. I do." 

"I love you too."

If you don't wanna throw it all away 

I might be shy on the first date 

What about the next date 

I said you don't wanna throw it all away 

You might be buggin' on the first date 

But what about the next date

----2 years later

"What did I always tell you, Kelley? Ever since Freshman year, I told you, if at first you don't succeed, try again."

"Yeah, I know. I'm happy I did. Thank you," she hugged him.

"Whoa, I gotta go. We need to get this thing on the road, babe."

She smiled. "Tell Ashley I say hi."

He laughed. "You'll see him in a couple minutes!"

"Yeah, but I haven't seen him since Wednesday!"

"Good reason behind it, darling."

"Bye," she waved.

----2 years later 

"What did I always tell you, Kelley? Ever since Freshman year, I told you, if at first you don't succeed, try again." 

"Yeah, I know. I'm happy I did. Thank you," she hugged him. 

"Whoa, I gotta go. We need to get this thing on the road, babe." 

She smiled. "Tell Ashley I say hi." 

He laughed. "You'll see him in a couple minutes!" 

"Yeah, but I haven't seen him since Wednesday!" 

"Good reason behind it, darling." 

"Bye," she waved. 

"Hey Ashley, man, you ready?" 



"This is a really big day for these two. My ex-wife and my best friend. Something out of Jerry Springer, right?" Everyone laughed at Dan's joke. "But seriously, I love these two. To the first day of the rest of your lives as husband and wife, Ashley and Kelley. Congratulations." 

They smiled as everyone drank. 

"OK, guys, this is the weirdest song for the cake cutting I've ever heard, but these two are crazy kids.

'Try Again' by Aaliyah." 

The End

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