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Always Will

By:  Ashleigh

Danielle sighed as she heard a knock on the door. She ignored it and went back to her original plan: wallowing in her depression on Saturday night, alone. The knocking continued and she finally gave in.

She opened the door and nearly fell over in shock. "Justin. What the hell are you doing here?"

"Well, hello to you too. Did you miss me?" When Danielle didn't answer he looked past her into the tiny apartment. "Is Roselyn here?"

"She's staying at a friend's house tonight," Danielle replied dryly. She put her hand on her hip and leaned against the doorframe with boredom.

True, she wasn't bored at all. In fact, she wanted to pull him into the apartment and scream all of her rage at him. She wanted make him feel all of the pain and annoyance she felt because of him in the past four years. And after he had felt every ounce of throbbing pain that would wound his ego, she wanted to kiss him and forget all of that pain.

There were a few more seconds of uncomfortable silence before Justin gave her a smile; the same smile that had gotten her into this mess in the first place. "Can I come in?"

"Sure," was all she had to offer-for the moment. As soon as he sat on the couch she let him have it. "What the fuck do you want? After four years you decide to waltz in here and ask to see the daughter that you abandoned when she was too much to handle."

"I didn't abandon you or Roselyn!"

"Really? What did you write again? Oh, I remember now: Danielle, I love you and the baby, but I can't take the pressures right now. I wish you well and I hope that we can find each other at another time, but right now just isn't going to work."

Justin watched a single tear roll down her caramel cheek and he felt his heart break. He knew that she would be hurt when she found that letter, but it wasn't until he saw that tear that he realized how badly he had injured her. Slowly he walked towards her and placed his hands on her shoulders. Looking into her eyes, his hands slid down her arms and captured her delicate hands.

"I was a jerk."

"Jerk is an understatement."

"An asshole," he said questionably. When she shook her head he offered, "I was a dickhead who was only thinking about himself; and I'm sorry for that, but I want to make up for it."

Suddenly remembering the pain, Danielle pulled away and sat on the couch shaking her head. "I can't do this. I refuse to let you back into a life when you find it easy so you can break a heart at your convenience."

It was Justin's turn to place his hand on his hips. "Did it ever occur to you that I'm back to right the wrongs I've done? I don't want to break your heart; not this time."

Looking up at him standing like that- legs apart slightly, both hands on his hips, his blue eyes glistening- she would have traded everything to have an hour with him sans consequences. Her thoughts cleared quickly and she shook her head. "Justin, I'm not worried about me. Now, thanks to you, I have someone else to worry about. I'm responsible for someone else's life. I'm not gonna let Rosy get her hopes and then let her be disappointed." She sighed yet again and looked up at him. "Justin, I still love you and I probably always will, but I gotta know that you're not just here to get rid of the guilt."

They stepped towards each other, bringing them closer than they had been in four years. Justin's hands wrapped around her waist and brought her flush to his body. He stared into her chocolate orbs and felt her pain-the pain that he had caused. They stood there for a while, staring and swaying to music only they could hear.

Before either knew what was happening, their faces inched together and their lips touched. Her arms automatically wrapped around his neck and one of her hands found its way into his hair. His tongue touched her bottom lip timidly, awaiting permission to enter.

She knew it was wrong. She knew that she would end up regretting this eventually, but something was pushing Danielle to continue. She couldn't remember the last time that she had been held like this. She had recently begun dating again, but no one could live up to her standards. At least, that what she told herself. She knew that the real reason was that none of those guys were Justin.

Danielle moaned as she felt his warm tongue on her tender neck. After four years, he still knew how to drive her crazy. He lifted the oversized t-shirt over her head and dropped to his knees. He had always been obsessed with her stomach. He placed butterfly kisses in random locations before she pulled him to his feet.

"The bedroom's much more comfortable."

He picked her up and rushed down the small hall to her room. She began to fiddle with the buttons of his shirt as soon as her feet hit the floor. Finally his clothes were shed, except for his boxers.

Danielle climbed on the bed and leaned her head against a pillow as she watched him take off his final piece of clothing.

Her eyes widened and she giggled at her own shock. "Four years have a lot of effects on people."

Justin sat between her legs and pulled her into a sitting position as well. He reached behind her and unclasped her bra. His tongue was instantly attracted to her right breast as he used his hand to knead her left. She moaned his name as he moved his mouth to her left breast and paid it equal attention.

Danielle was struck with confusion when he stopped and kissed down to the rim of her light pink panties. He simply smirked and removed the panties slowly. Her scent was suddenly released and intoxicating to him. He could see how wet she was and he smiled at the thought of being inside of her again.

Without warning, Justin's warm tongue touched her clit, making Danielle shiver. He sucked at it a little longer, and then he thrust his tongue into her. Her moans only made him want to pleasure her more. She grabbed for his hair, the sheets, the pillow-anything as the waves of delight washed over her.

Justin slid up her body and waited for her to regain her composure. Danielle looked at him with a dazed expression. "You never did that when we were together."

Justin shrugged. "I was selfish then," was all he replied. She pulled him into a heated kiss. Danielle could feel his rock hard erection against her thigh and moaned into his ear.

"I need you now."

That was all it took. Within seconds, Justin was nestled deep within her. He paused, reveling in the bliss of being inside of her once again. He looked into Danielle's eyes as he set a torturously slow pace.

"Damn baby, you feel so good," Justin licked at her neck and chest. "Jesus, you're tight."

"Justin, harder, please."

Justin obliged her every command. They were both covered in a thin glaze of sweat. Incomprehensible words rolled off Danielle's tongue. He fit her perfectly and her walls created a tight suction. Her nails dug into his shoulders as she tried to keep from cumming.

"Let it go baby, just let it go."

It didn't take much more persuasion from Justin. Danielle came, her walls clamping around Justin, sending him over the edge as well.

They collapsed against each other, each breathing as erratically as the other.

Justin held Danielle against his chest and smiled as she fell into sleep.

"I never stopped loving you, Danie. I never will."

I know, Danielle thought as she snuggled closer.

It had been two years since that night at Danielle's apartment. Since then, Justin had made it a conscious effort to be a part of Roselyn's life. Every so often, he would show up with one of the guys and they would go to amusement parks or just for ice cream. Other times he would just come over and watch movies and have popcorn fights.

It was becoming harder and harder though; Danielle had hooked up with a real jerk. His name was Marcus and he was a control freak. Not only did he hang out with the wrong crowd, but he didn't have a real job and he was beginning to push Danielle around. It broke Justin's heart to see the bruises that Danielle tried to cover with make-up. It hurt him even more to think of what that jack-off might do to his daughter.

Justin voiced his concerns as he and Danielle watched Roselyn on the playground from a nearby bench. "Danie, what is it about this guy? Why do you keep on going back to him?"

Danielle's posture straightened at the mention. "He loves Rosy and me." She avoided Justin's gaze as he scoffed at her comment. "I mean it. Sometimes he just lets his anger get to him and he acts out. We've all let it happen to us once in a while."

"No! Not everyone physically abuses the people that they love just because they've had a bad day." He shook his head and took a deep breath. "Stop making up excuses to save his sorry ass and start protecting your daughter- our daughter."

"I would never let him hurt Roselyn, not that he'd try to."

"How do you know that, Danielle? How do you know that he or one of his druggie friends won't try to hurt her?"

"Justin, I need to go," Danielle lied as she looked at her watch.

Justin stood up and offered his hand. "I'm not trying to judge you or your situation; I just want you and Rosy to be happy." He smiled as the adorable six year old ran to him.

Danielle smiled half-heartedly as she readjusted the large sunglasses that hid her puffy eye.

After Justin had dropped the two off at Danielle's small apartment, she had begun to cook while Roselyn played with Barbie in her room. A few minutes later, Roselyn ran into the room holding something in her hand.

"Mommy, what's this?"

Danielle nearly keeled over with shock when she saw what her daughter held in her hand. "Sweetheart, where did you find this?"

"In my room, in my toy chest."

Danielle couldn't believe what she was hearing when the door opened. "Rosy, go to your room."

When Roselyn still wouldn't move, Danielle almost lost her temper and raised her voice at the young child. She felt awful and leaned down to hug her daughter. "I'm sorry baby, I just need to talk to Marcus, okay?"

The child nodded and headed back into her room.

Danielle stalked into the front room where Marcus was placing some cash and a gun into a drawer in one of the end tables. "Why the hell are there needles in my daughter's room? I told you I didn't want you or your friends shooting up in the apartment."

Before she realized what was happening, a heavy hand came down on the side of her face. Three months ago, she would have fallen from the amount of force, but she was used to it now. "Who the hell do you think you are? This is my place; I'll do what I want."

Danielle turned to walk away, but he grabbed her arm and forced her to face him. "I'm not done with you. I know that you went out with that fucker Timberlake."

"He's just a friend, Marcus, and he's Roselyn's father. More of a father than you'll ever be."

Marcus raised his hand, but was interrupted by Roselyn's pleads. "Don't hit mommy! You can't hit my mommy!"

Marcus turned and headed for Roselyn. Just as he was about to slap her, he felt something at the back of his head.

"If you even think about touching her, I'll shoot you," Danielle threatened. She had remembered Marcus' gun in the end table and was holding the steel object against his skull. She had never even been tempted to look at the gun, let alone shoot it, but she knew that she would learn how to if he tried to injure Roselyn.

He knew that he could push her only so far, so he ran out the door screaming threats at the top of his lungs.

Danielle hugged Roselyn tightly, but her relief didn't last long. She knew that she needed to be out of that building by the time he came back. She rushed Roselyn into her room and instructed her to pick some of her favorite toys and clothing. She, too, ran around grabbing anything of significance.

After a few minutes, Roselyn walked to her mother's side. "Where are we going, mommy?"

Danielle paused and stared at the cell phone that Justin had bought her. "We're going to stay with your daddy for a little while."

Justin's concentration was broken when his cell rang. He had been in the studio recording his third solo album listening to a couple beats. He had been joking with Rodney Jerkins, one of the producers, when he suddenly sobered. Danielle's voice was filled with panic as she asked if he could pick them up.

He made record timing. Within 20 minutes, Justin was standing in the apartment. The first thing he saw was the gun that had been thrown on the floor.

"He didn't pull a gun on you, did he," Justin asked, his temper boiling at the thought.

"No, actually, it was the other way around."

Justin's mouth fell open and then he laughed. "You always were a fighter." He noticed Roselyn and her withdrawn demeanor. Not only was this not the norm for any six year old, but it was very unusual behavior for his energetic baby-girl. "Sweetie, are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?"

Roselyn shook her head, and then ran to her father's arms bawling.

Justin grabbed their bags and walked out to his SUV. After making sure that Roselyn was buckled in tightly, he began to drive to his house. As they traveled the nearly 40 minutes across town, Danielle retold the story of what had occurred.

When they reached Justin's large mansion it was past 7 'o clock. Justin heated some leftovers that his mother had cooked the day before.

After eating dinner, Danielle began to clear the table. As she bent over to access to the dishwasher, Justin made an inappropriate comment. Laughing, she nudged his elbow and he tapped on her rear playfully. She threw the dish towel at him. He retaliated with another light tap on her arm.

"No! You can't hit each other," Roselyn yelled as she ran upstairs. Danielle followed quickly.

Roselyn had her own room filled with enough toys, clothes and arcade games to spoil any child. Danielle explained that Justin and she were just playing. Danielle stayed in the room for a few minutes more, watching her daughter as she fell asleep. She had Justin's curls, but hers were a little bit darker, like her mothers. Roselyn also had his smile and his eyes, but her nose was her mother's, thank goodness. Being mixed, she had a light creamy tan. She was truly beautiful. Danielle smiled thinking of the night she and Justin had created that beautiful little person.

As Danielle was walking to her room, she noticed Justin lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She felt bad for avoiding him since dinner, so she tip-toed in.

"Penny for your thoughts."

Justin's eyes fluttered open. "Why it never worked out between us."

Danielle shrugged and sat on the bed. "I wish I had an answer. Maybe we were just too young. I mean, you were 18 and N'Sync had just blown up. I was 16. We didn't know what we wanted."

"Maybe," Justin laid his head on her stomach. "Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I stayed. What if I did the right thing and took care of you and Roselyn?" He looked ready to cry as he grabbed her hand. "I can't stand to lose you or Roselyn. I don't want to be the type of guy that gets his kid once a month and doesn't have a meaningful relationship."

"You'll never end up like that," Danielle reassured. She stroked his hair rhythmically. "I've seen you two together. You're a great father."

He suddenly pushed up and looked at her. "What if we tried to make it work again?"

Danielle fumbled for the right words. "Justin…No, we can't…I mean, if…and then..."

Justin stood there, smirking at her nonsense reaction. "Why not? What," he paused for effect and stepped closer to her, "is keeping us apart?"

Danielle backed up, hitting the wall behind her. "A lot of things."

Placing his hands on either side of her head, he just chuckled and began to torment her neck. "Name three things," he mumbled against her 'coffee & cream' skin.

Danielle thought of anything that would at least get him to stop and think for a second. She opened her mouth, but abruptly shut it when she felt Justin push two of his fingers into her.

"I'm waiting," Justin whispered against her earlobe.

She simply shivered in response. Justin continued to move his fingers in and out of her body at a torturous pace. Danielle could only hold onto his shoulders for support. A moan escaped her mouth as she succumbed to the waves of pleasure.

Justin licked his fingers and smirked impishly. He was taken aback when Danielle pushed him onto the bed and straddled his waist.

"If we do this, you have to promise no bailing out." She applied pressure to his hardening manhood. He stuttered out "I promise" as she slid to her knees and rid him of his pajama pants. "And when you want out, just tell me. Roselyn's emotions are at risk."

"I would never hurt you or Roselyn, you know that."

With those words, she stripped away his boxers and lowered her mouth to his thick penis. She licked the pre-cum from his already swollen head. He moaned at her every touch. Her tongue ran up the underside before she took his entire length into her mouth.

"God Danie," he moaned. "If you keep this up much longer, I'll cum right here." Danielle continued to satisfy him, nearly gagging on his impressive size. His hands caressed her neck and tangled in her dark textured hair as she created a powerful suction. With one last guttural moan, he came into her hot mouth. She stared into his eyes seductively as she swallowed every drop he had to offer.

Justin pulled her up to him and kissed her, tasting himself. He flipped them over so that he was on top and began to remove her shirt. She closed her eyes, anticipating his response. As he lifted the T-shirt, deep purple marks stood out on her brown skin. He kissed each one as he uncovered it.

"It doesn't hurt, does it?"

Danielle giggled and ran her fingers through his thick curls. "No, you could never hurt me."

He moved on to her shorts and panties and slipped them off together. He kissed another small bruise on her thigh. He snaked back up her body slowly, making sure he touched every part of her body.

Danielle kissed on his shoulder before whispering, "Rosy is right down the hall." She looked at him challengingly, "How long can you keep from screaming?"

She flipped them over and winked at him. She lowered her body onto his rigid shaft. She rocked her hips back and forth slowly. She was soon moving up and down at a rapid pace. She leaned her head back in an effort to control her orgasm.

Justin was close to his peak as well. He held onto Danielle's hips and pushed her up and down at a break neck pace. Sweat formed on their bodies as they tried not to cum. Justin muffled his own shouts by kissing any part of her body he could reach.

He rolled them over quickly, never leaving Danielle's warm body. Justin slammed into her without mercy. She gripped his shoulder as he went deeper with each thrust. He could hear Danielle cursing under her breath. She suddenly pulled him down for a long kiss and moaned into his mouth as she came.

With one last thrust, Justin lost it as well. He waited for a few minutes until her walls stopped their spasms around him. He pulled out and laid his head on Danielle's perfect chest. Before they had mumbled 'I love you', they were asleep.

The End


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