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By:  Ashleigh


I looked over at my gorgeous girlfriend, Nicole, still sitting at the desk. It was 9:30 at night and she was studying for her med-school finals the next day.

“Sweetheart, have you been there since I left this morning?”

She nodded guiltily. “Well, I took a couple of breaks,” she added.

 “Nicole, you need to relax.” I sighed and spun the chair around. “Lets take a bath; a long, hot, steamy bubble bath. Think of it as a hands-on approach to anatomy,” I added wiggling my eyebrows up and down.

“Justin, baby, I wish I could, but I’ve got to study.”

I ignored her protests and managed to guide her into our large master bathroom. “Nikki,” I began, removing her clothes at the same time. “I’ve been at rehearsals for the tour all day long and I need a massage. Besides, your body is screaming for some attention.”

She relented and helped me pull my clothes off as well. We stepped into the foamy water.

“See, doesn’t this feel good?”

She simply nodded and leaned her head against my chest. I decided it was time to step it up a notch. I picked up a washcloth and some body wash and began to scrub her back.

Listening to her moans only made me want her even more, but I restrained myself…sort of. I slid my free hand into the water and parted her soft folds. She moaned as I pushed my fingers in and out of her slowly.

“God baby, I love what you do to me.”

I kissed her neck as she arched her back. I loved watching her face contort as she approached her peak. She bit her lip as I continued at the same pace and I could tell it was driving her crazy. I loved knowing that I had a little power over her and that the burning she felt from within could only be cured by me.

 “What are you doing,” she asked me sharply as I removed my fingers.

“Ride me,” was my simple reply into her ear.

She turned around slowly and began to move her hands over my chest. “I thought you wanted a massage.” She slid onto me and I thought I might explode from her initial touch.

I could only manage to moan my pleasure. I loved this feeling. Every time was like our first time together. She began to bounce more forcefully sending water out of the tub and onto the floor. Her walls spasmed  around me. With one final thrust, I came, emptying my load into her warm body. She leaned against me for support. When our breathing had returned to normal, she stepped out and handed me a towel.

After drying off, we headed straight for the bed and fell asleep almost immediately, holding each other.


The End


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