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What I Missed About You

By:  Ashleigh

Lauren sighed. She tweaked the picture one last time as she thought about her absent boyfriend. She was dating none other than Justin Timberlake who was currently on tour with the other four guys. It had been 2 and a half long months and she missed him beyond belief.

She looked at the poster and traced his face with her finger, sighing once again.

"God, I wish you were here. I wish I could tell you everything that I miss about you."

She felt two strong arms wrap around her. "Hey baby. I missed you too."

He kissed her neck before answering the question he knew was in her head. "We had a couple of days off and I thought I would surprise you."

"You're too much." She turned to him and kissed him, softly at first, but her emotions soon began to take over. He traced his tongue over her bottom lip before entering her mouth. He had unconsciously pushed her against the wall as he broke away to lift her shirt.

"No bra?" He smiled at her impishly before attacking her chest with his skilled tongue. His hands traveled back around her waist and found her firm ass. Wrapping her legs around him, she continued to grind into his hard-on.

He waked them over to the bed and placed her on the edge. Leaning closer he nibbled on her ear before he whispered; "Here's your chance to tell me everything that you missed."

"Well, first off- I miss the way you kiss me." He kissed her once more, an innocent, but wanting kiss.

She ran her hands up under his shirt and broke away.

"I miss that six pack of yours."

Justin ripped the shirt off and threw it down with her pink tank top. She flicked her tongue out over his tanned stomach as she slid off the bed and to her knees, bringing her "face to face" with the bulge in his pants. In one swift movement Justin was totally exposed.

"You look good enough to eat," Lauren smirked at the pained expression on his face.

Justin's muscles tensed as her words vibrated off of his manhood.

She blew on the tip. This was Lauren's pay back for all the time he had left her home without anyone to satisfy her needs. She snaked her tongue out and rolled it over the already purple head. Suddenly she took him into her mouth and began a slow and torturous bobbing motion.

"Sweet Jesus, I'm not gonna last much longer."

Justin caressed the back of her neck until he felt his release. When he came, Lauren swallowed all that he had to offer.

"Just how I remember. Delicious," Lauren said as she allowed him to pull her up to his chest and slide of her jean shorts.

He kissed her hungrily, tasting himself, and pulled her onto the bed.

Lauren looked into his blue eyes, darkened with lust. Her hands tangled in his curls and pulled him down for another mind-shattering kiss.

"God, I've been waiting for this," she sighed.

Justin positioned himself at her center and kissed her forehead. Then, without warning, he slammed into her. Lauren cried out at the extreme mixture of pain and pleasure. Justin began a slow and steady pace at first, but he sped up at Lauren's request.

"Shit, baby. You're so fucking tight."

Lauren could only moan in return. She was in ecstasy. There was a sweet mix of pain and pleasure that was caused from not being with anyone for two months. She raked her nails over Justin's back, his sign that she was quickly falling over the edge.

With three more thrusts, Lauren's orgasm ripped through her body, triggering Justin's. He collapsed next to her and pulled her into his arms.

After a few minutes, Lauren found her voice and giggled at the thought. "Yup, this is definitely what I missed the most."

The End


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