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Chapter 10


“Josh!” she called for him almost bouncing up and down from excitement.


“What?” he asked confused, slowly coming down the stairs rubbing his eyes.


She met him halfway on the landing in the middle of the staircase and launched herself into his arms, kissing him passionately, her hands on the back of his neck.


“Wow, what the hell happened to you?” he asked her once she reluctantly pulled away.


“A secret” she snorted, “she wanted me to keep her secret”


“What are you talking about?” Josh asked, his forehead wrinkled in confusion.


“I got it” she simply stated. Seeing the twinkle in her eyes he hoped it was real, he hoped he wasn’t dreaming this.


“Josh didn’t rape me, I made it up”




“I kissed him but he rejected me”


“So you told everyone he raped you?”


“Yeah well, he’s just an arrogant bastard anyway, he thinks he can get anyone he wants. Guys never reject me and I wasn’t going to let him be the first one”


She stopped the tape, smiling widely at Josh whose mouth twitched into a smile as well.


“Ooh my God!” he exclaimed, her smile grew wider.


“Am I dreaming?” he asked, his smile disappearing for a second. She shook her head no, he pinched himself and the smile came back.


“I’m not dreaming! I can’t believe this!” he exclaimed wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her tight. He kissed the top of her head while he rocked back and forth.


“I never thought she’d confess now! To tell you the truth I was slowly loosing hope, I thought she’d never come out with it” she said looking him in the eye.


“See it was a good thing to always bring the tape recorder”


“Yes,” she smiled.


“We got her”


“And I owe it all to you” Josh said grateful, she blushed slightly and ducked her head. Josh lifted her head up with his finger so he could look her in the eye.


“Thank you Robin, you saved my life” he said sincerely before leaning in for a kiss.


“Let’s call the police”….




“How could you do this to him?!” Robin asked Ashley when she saw her in the school’s hallway, she hadn’t had a chance to confront her with this, she wanted to know what Ashley was thinking, what she was hoping to achieve by falsely accusing Josh. Ashley simply shrugged like she didn’t care,


“He disserves it!”


“No he doesn’t!” Robin countered, angry Ashley didn’t seem to care about what she could have done.


“Yes he does, just because he didn’t rape me doesn’t make him any less of a bastard. He raped you” she said, full of herself, not realizing the mistake she made by confessing her secret to Robin.


“No he didn’t” Robin denied.


“What?” Ashley asked still content although her confident features were slightly faltering.


“Josh never raped me” Robin stated.


“But…. but…. but you said…..” Ashley said slightly panicking.


“I know what I said…. but it’s not true. Josh never raped me and he’ll never will” Robin informed her.


“You lied to me!” Ashley said trying to cover her panic by being angry, she was angry but the panic level was rising quickly.


“Yeah well I don’t think you can really say anything about that, you lied to everyone”


“You used me” she accused defensive.


“No I didn’t I just waited long enough for you to confess, I knew you would sometime, it was only a matter of time and I’d be around when you wanted to confess, the true friend” she said mocking with a smug smile.


“You bitch” Ashley swore at her.


“No you’re the bitch here. You made Josh’s life miserable, everyone was against him and everyone despised him, now the truth is out and you my dear friend will be the one who’s going to be despised and who’s going to be miserable. You’ll have a lot of time thinking about what you did….. in jail” Robin informed her.


“What?” Ashley was slowly starting to loose it and Robin almost felt sorry for her, but the image of her boyfriend the hurt in his eyes, seeing him miserable made her loose the little compassion she felt at that moment.


“But I didn’t do anything!” she said her voice cracking.


“Neither did Josh but you were willing to let him go to jail, you were ready to ruin his life just because he rejected you!” Robin’s voice grew louder as the anger rose inside of her.


“I made a mistake!” she exclaimed, still trying to save herself.


“Ashley, you can’t call that a mistake. You did it deliberately,” Robin said getting her voice and emotions back under control.


“Falsely accusing someone is a crime too and unlike Josh you’re guilty of your crime” Ashley stared at Robin, shock written on her face, she’d never expected the truth to come out and even if it did she never thought Josh would fight back. She figured he’d be too glad he was off the hook that he would want to forget about this, she realized she was wrong but it was too late.


“You know what they say; when you do the crime, you do the time” Robin said with a hint of a smile on her face.


“Robin…” Ashley’s small voice came but Robin ignored her, knowing it would be her last attempt to save her own skin.


Robin let her words sink in, leaving Ashley alone with her thoughts and probably fears as she turned around and walked away.


< The Accusation >