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Chapter 2

By the next morning the whole town knew what had happened the previous day at the local high school. News travels fast in a small town like Foresville.  

Josh reluctantly got out of bed that morning finding out that it wasn’t a bad dream like he had hoped. He’d still decided to go to school that day. He’d debated it and eventually chose to go, he didn’t do it and he was determined to prove it. Staying away from school would sent out the unwanted message that he was hiding, that he didn’t want to show his face and people would see that as an act from someone who was guilty. Although he was convinced this was the right choice it didn’t make getting out of his warm, safe bed any easier.  

“Are you sure you want to go?” his dad asked for what seemed like the millionth time during breakfast.  

“Yes I’m sure dad, I have to go, I can’t run away from it. They’ll think I’m guilty, I have to prove them I’m not” Josh said full of confidence but his stomach was twisting into knots, apparently not quite as convinced as he wanted to be.  

His dad nodded in acceptance, proud of the courage of his son hoping and praying he would still feel the same at the end of the day.  


“What the hell do you think you’re doing” Frank, Ashley’s brother, grumbled pushing Josh away from the school’s entrance.  

“Same reason as you; go to school” Josh said trying to push passed him but Frank pushed him further away, fiercer this time almost like a warning not to come any closer.  

“I don’t think so, I think you better leave before I loose my temper” he said pushing him again.  

“I’m not leaving” Josh stated not caring about the group of people who were quickly surrounding him.  

“We don’t need a rapist in our community do you understand me” Frank said, he wasn’t asking, his tone of voice was nothing like a question. Josh glared at him,  

“I’m not a rapist” he said through gritted teeth.  

“You little shit…” Frank said furiously grabbing Josh’s T-shirt pulling him closer, ready to punch him when a stern male voice cut through the noise of the crowd.  

“Stop it right now!” Principal Green yelled while he pushed his way though the crowd.  

“Mr. Chasez can I talk to you in my office for a second” the principal said in a cold tone of voice. Frank slowly let go of Josh but he didn’t break eye contact.  

“I’ll deal with you later, Frank” the principal said waiting for Josh to walk out in front of him. He turned, walking after the young man, faintly hearing the comment of a boy in the crowd behind them,  

“Be careful sir, it ain’t safe to be alone with him”  

Although it hurt Josh to hear someone say something like that about him, he kept his chin up and walked inside the school building with the principal close behind. 


“Josh what are you doing here?” the principal asked while he closed the door, offering Josh a seat.  

“What does it look like I’m doing sir?” Josh retorted after he sat down, looking the principal in the eye while he moved around the desk and sat down in his desk chair.  

“It looks like you’re asking for trouble” Principal Green stated simply seeing the insulted look in the young boy’s eyes.  

“I’m not here to cause any trouble sir, I came because I have a right to have an education, falsely accused or not” Josh said determined.  

“Josh don’t get me wrong, I admire your courage but I have to think about my students”  

“I’m your student too” Josh said indignantly.  

“Who says I’m not thinking about you?” Josh glared at him.  

“I think it’s better for everyone including you Josh, if you go home” the principal said looking him in the eye.  

“What happened to innocent till proven guilty?” Josh asked angry he would be sent home.  

“Didn’t you just see what happened Josh?” the principal asked incredulously gesturing wildly, pointing in the direction of the entrance of the school.  

“Yes, but I have a right to get a decent education and I’m innocent. I’m not going to let them get to me I’ll prove them I’m innocent, I’ll prove them and this whole town wrong”  

The principal was stunned so Josh continued, “If you’ll excuse me I have an English class that starts in a couple of minutes” Josh stated, he wasn’t going to allow the principal to send him home. The principal sighed, frustrated this kid didn’t took his advice but he admired his courage,  

“Ok,” he nodded. “But I’ll have to warn you that this will not be the end of it for them”  

Josh nodded, “Thanks” his eyes softening.  

“I appreciate that sir” Josh said moving to stand up.  

The principal nodded before Josh shuffled out of his office, leaving his principal with a strange feeling; he admired his student’s courage, although a little misplaced, but he still admired it. 


Josh walked down the hall, feeling every pair of eyes staring at him. He kept walking.  

Seeing the disgusted looks he got from the girls as he passed them. He kept walking.  

Hearing the words ‘pig’, ‘rapist’ and ‘asshole’ from untraceable sources. He kept walking.  

Noticing the people whispering something to each other after they pointed at him.  

He still kept walking, it hurt him but he kept walking. 


He quietly picked up his tray of food at lunchtime, seeing the cafeteria lady who’d always been nice to him since the first day he’d moved here a little over three months. He offered her a small smile but it was not returned. The lady averted her eyes and started talking to another lady in whispered tones; Josh knew they were talking about him. He turned away from her, shielding himself from the hurt she caused when she pretended she didn’t know him, ducking his head not wanting to meet anyone’s hate filled eyes.  

He sat down at the first table he came across, he expected nothing more than the people who were already sitting there to pick up there food and move away from the table the second Josh had put down his. It had happened in class and it happened now. He hadn’t expected this, of course he knew he wouldn’t be everyone’s favorite person and he realized that people who didn’t know him would whisper behind his back, would turn away from him the moment his eyes met theirs but he’d expected his friends, the people who were supposed to know him to trust him he didn’t have anything to do with the rape.  

Those were the people who should have no doubt in their mind that he wouldn’t do that but he’d only made a handful of friends in the three short months that he’d been here and those handful of supposedly friends dropped him like a ton of bricks. Pretending they’d never been to the movies together, pretending they never played ball together and pretending they never talked about unimportant stuff. They pretended they didn’t know him to prevent the people in town from associating them with a rapist and Josh knew he had no friends left, if he could even call them friends….. 

< The Accusation >