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Chapter 6


“So…” Josh said trying to break the ice between him and his new economics partner.


“So…” Robin echoed a little nervous.


“You ok with working together?” he asked tentatively, he didn’t want her working with him against her will but on the other end she would have said so already if she didn’t want to, right?


“Yeah” she replied, she wasn’t totally comfortable with the idea but she didn’t really mind either.


“You sure?” he asked, which proved Robin that he cared. She’d doubted the accusation from the start especially since it came from Ashley but him being nice could also be a cover, she decided to be careful for now. It couldn’t hurt to be careful.


“Yeah, lets get to work” she dismissed, she didn’t want to go into the whole rape accusation, she just wanted to get started with the assignment.


“Ok…” he agreed sitting down at the table in the library, Robin had suggested they should work here since they had books and computers here which they needed to use for their assignment but Josh couldn’t help but think she wanted to meet here because they would never be alone.


It hurt him that no one trusted him anymore but he couldn’t really blame them, he’d be careful in their shoes so he tried not to let it get to him too much.




“Robin!” Josh yelled when he spotted his partner, she turned around while he came closer. She slightly panicked when she saw Josh jogging towards her and she quickly looked around, seeing there was no one else in the hall she got nervous.


“Hey” he greeted friendly when he reached her, she unconsciously shrunk back against the wall behind her hoping he wouldn’t notice but he did, he raised his eyebrows at her,


“You ok?” he asked, concern lacing his words. She nodded nervously, Josh caught the nervous look in her eyes and the fact that she was constantly looking around, drawing the conclusion that she was nervous because she was alone with him and no one around to help her. He took a step back realizing he might have better kept his distance but he’d been too excited about his idea that he’d forgot about it.


“I’m sorry” he apologized, putting his hands up in front of him to show her he was intentionally keeping his distance.


“I just had a great idea for our project but I guess it can wait,” he said disappointed.


“I’ll catch you later” he said the disappointed tone still present, accompanied by a defeated one. He turned around and walked away. Robin let out a breath of relief she didn’t know she was holding but the relieved feeling was soon replaced with a guilty one.


‘You stupid’ she cursed herself, he looked truly hurt by her behavior and she felt sorry for him,


“Idiot” she muttered under her breath.




“Josh?” Robin addressed him carefully. He turned around facing her, waiting for her to continue.


“I’m sorry if I hurt you,” she said looking down at her hands.


“I don’t know what really happened and I had no right to be so weird about it, I’m sorry”


“It’s ok, I understand why you did it, it’s just…” he paused,


“It’s her word against mine and everybody believes her, I’m not asking you to trust me right away, I’m not that naïve but please just give me a chance before you jump to conclusions” he ended, he hated the fact that everyone believed Ashley instead of him. There was absolutely no prove except for their statements and since he was new in town everyone took Ashley’s word over his.


“Sounds fair” she smiled looking into his eyes, God he really did have the most beautiful eyes she’d ever seen. She lightly shook her head to get the thought out of her mind thinking she still didn’t trust him completely, not yet.


“Now about our project, what was your brilliant idea?”


< The Accusation >