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Chapter 8

She harshly knocked on the door, wiping at her tears while she shifted from one foot onto the other.  

“Come on open up” she said frustrated, rubbing her eyes to keep the blurry vision, caused by the tears, out of her eyes.  

“Robin?” Ashley asked confused looking at her; Robin was the last person she expected to find on her door step.  

“Can I come in please?” Robin asked while another tear escaped from her eye.  

“Yeah sure, what’s wrong” she didn’t really like Robin but she looked very upset and she probably came to her with a reason knowing the feeling was mutual.  

“Uh… I’m sorry to bother you” she said trying to talk without crying.  

“That’s ok, what’s wrong?” Ashley asked concerned, Robin’s eyes were red and her face was tear strained, she’d obviously been crying but about what was what Ashley was curious about.  

“I…. um….” she didn’t get any further than that, she broke down crying, her face falling in her hands as she stood there shoulders slumping in the middle of the hall. For a moment Ashley looked at her, not knowing what to do but when she saw Robin’s shoulders shaking she walked over to her.  

“Hey,” Ashley said comforting, her putting her arms around the lost girl in her hallway.  

“Come on, calm down…” she comforted, Robin quieted down and Ashley led her to her bedroom, setting her down on the bed while she took a seat on her desk chair.  

“Something happened?” she asked carefully, watching Robin nodding her head but she kept her head in her hands, not looking up to meet her eyes.  

“What happened?” she encouraged Robin to talk, she was getting curious, what the hell happened to her which made her act so lost and devastated, so totally broken-hearted that she’d come to her.  

“He… he raped me” she whispered through her hands.  

“What? Who?” Ashley said, taken aback by the answer, not exactly knowing if she heard it right.  

“Josh… he raped me” she repeated looking Ashley in the eye.  

“What?!” Ashley asked again, it didn’t seem to get through to her.  

“He raped you?” she asked, when Robin nodded as reply she went for the phone.  

“We need to call the cops, report him” Ashley said already gripping the phone, ready to start dialing.  

“No you can’t!” Robin yelled frantically.  

“Why not?” Ashley asked stunned.  

“Because my dad will kill me” she said sadly.  

“Why? He raped you that’s not your fault” Ashley reasoned.  

“That won’t matter to him! He’ll never want to see me again, please don’t” she pleaded, Ashley slowly lowered the phone,  

“I’m sorry” she said moving towards her, wrapping a comforting arm around her. They were silent for a while, each lost in their own thoughts.  

“Why don’t you take a shower? You can call your parents you’re staying here after that” Ashley suggested, Robin nodded grateful,  

“Thanks” she whispered, wiping away the last tears before she disappeared into the bathroom.  


“You got some nerve Josh” Ashley said getting in his face.  

She’d been tossing and turning all night, feelings of guilt washed away, she was pissed! He really raped someone and he was going to pay. Robin hadn’t said anything after her shower, she simply called home with the short message that she was staying at a friend’s house and slipped into bed afterwards, without a word.  

“What do you mean?” he asked confused.  

“You’re some actor Josh…” she said letting her voice trail off.  

Josh simply stared at her, a blank _expression on his face while thinking; ‘What the hell is she making up now?’  

“You’re on trial for rape and you go out and do it again!”  


“Don’t deny it! You raped Robin last night and you won’t get away with that!” she said pulling Robin next to her who’d been standing behind her.  

“What? You too?!” Josh asked incredulously furrowing his eyebrows. Robin swallowed hard; biting the inside of her cheek from nerves while Josh let the new accusation sink in,  

“Wait! You set me up! You two have been planning this from the start!!” he yelled at them.  

“No Josh, don’t turn this around on us! You did this and you’re busted now…. you’ll pay for this Josh, you’ll pay….”Ashley hissed before walking away, pulling Robin with her.  


“You were fantastic!”  

“Thank you” the person said smiling with the compliment.  

“You even had me convinced!” the other one said.  

“That was the plan right?” the person asked.  


“Should we really be doing this?” the person asked all of a sudden.  

“Yes! Are you having second thoughts?” the other one asked concerned.  

“I don’t know, I’m not sure”  

“What do you mean?”  

“Shouldn’t we leave this up to the police?” the person asked uncertain.  

“We did! They came up empty, they’re no use…. trust me” the other individual convinced,  

“We can beat it…. together”  


< Accusation >