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Chapter 3

Justin smiled as he watched Josh. He was so beautiful, his eyes were magical and his hair… you just wanted to touch it, at least he wanted to. He was glad he’d talked to him, although Josh probably knew him, the whole school knew him, he didn’t really know him personally but that would change now.

Luckily his plan had worked out thus far. Josh had gone along with it but he had noticed how Josh avoided him. Justin guessed he couldn’t really blame him but this had to happen. He knew he would make it up to him. Once he’d tell Josh how he felt about him, he’d forgive him, Justin would show him just how right they were and make it up to him in tenfold. This would all be worth it.


Justin watched Josh as Mrs. Bracket spoke about the Civil War. Justin however wasn’t listening he was too busy looking at Josh. It had been a week since he’d confronted Josh with the info and he became his slave. He hadn’t really let him do anything except get his notes or books when he’d forgotten them making Josh late and not him. Josh had sat through two detentions in those short few days and although it looked promising Justin still wasn’t sure.

Josh had gotten his stuff without protest, had served his detention without a whine and although it seemed to be a good sign Justin still wasn’t sure if he could trust Josh. Could he trust him to be gay? Because sure he could very well be faking it, waiting for Justin to make a mistake, waiting for him to make a pass at him and out himself.

Yes, Justin decided it was too soon to call this off. He needed to be sure, sure this wasn’t a trap, sure the boy he liked was really gay and that he could be trusted before Justin would let his true colors show. He therefore decided to continue with this for one or maybe two more weeks. If Josh held up, if he would stick with it and if he would do all that Justin asked in order to save his skin then he would convince Justin that it was for real, that he was really just saving his skin, no ulterior motives.

Josh would never allow Justin to use and humiliate him if this were a trap. He wouldn’t stick that long, Justin knew this for sure and so it was decided; he would continue this for one or two weeks and if Josh took it all, Justin would make his move and they’d live happily ever after… or so he hoped.


“Hey Josh!” Justin called as he spotted his crush in the nearly disserted hallways on Wednesday afternoon. Fifth period had already started. Josh scrunched up his face, ducking his head and lifting his shoulders as if he got caught. Actually he did; he hadn’t wanted Justin to find him but he had. His shoulders slumped as he slowly turned towards the voice.

“Yes” he answered questioning although his tone also indicated he didn’t want to know what Justin had to say.

“Can you come over to my place after school?” Justin asked as he came closer, either ignoring the tone in his voice or he really hadn’t heard it. Josh scowled but remembered it wouldn’t be a good idea to piss him off. He figured his slave duty would begin that afternoon.

“Okay” Josh agreed in monotone, he didn’t want to show him any emotions.

“Cool” Justin said happily, as if he’d asked his friend to come over. Josh frowned.

“Um… why? What do you need me at your house for?” he asked, torn between curiosity and nervousness. Justin smiled.

“You’ll find out soon enough. I’ll see you at four” he dismissed the question before he turned and speeded off to his next class. Josh groaned, letting his head drop backwards, staring up at the ceiling for a brief second before he too went to his fifth period, already knowing he was late.


“So…” Josh started as he slowly got in after Justin had opened the door for him with a smile.

“What… like… what do you want me to… like do?” Justin smiled still.

“I’ll show you” he said before gesturing for Josh to follow him. Justin went up the stairs, turning left at the end and walking to the end of the hall. He went in ahead and when Josh’s eye fell into the room his mouth dropped wide open. He suddenly had the urge to turn and run. This was the biggest mess he’d ever seen, this was not a room this was a rubbish-dump.

“You see this is… well was my room. I just can’t find it anymore” Justin explained with a snigger.

“And it would be nice to see what color carpet I had” he added with a smirk.

“You’re not serious” Josh whispered while shaking his head.

“I am, I would really like to see the color of my carpet” he joked.

“You… you want me to clean this up?” Josh asked incredulously, ignoring the joke.

Justin nodded.

“You’re crazy”

“Nah just a little messy” Justin gestured.

“A little?” Josh exclaimed.

“You call this a little? Did you clean your room at all the past five years?”

“Yeah, maybe once?” Justin sniggered. Josh openly gazed at the mess. It was terrible; clothes were thrown around on the floor carelessly, schoolbooks lay scattered around on the floor. And here and there something else peeked out from under the mess; Josh could see other papers, magazines and even a few CD’s.

“The mess won’t clean itself you know. I wouldn’t need you to clean it if it did unless you have some sort of magic power you want to share” he teased. Josh scowled at him.

“Better hop to it, I’ll help you”

Josh frowned.

“You know sort things out” Justin added with a smirk, plumping down on the bed, the only really visible thing in the room. He put his hands lazily behind his head as he eyed Josh the whole time.

“Garbage bags are in the closet, hamper is around the corner and your hands are attached to your arms” he explained, ending once again with a joke. But Josh, once again, didn’t laugh, he didn’t think it was very funny. With a heavy sigh he got to work, with the deal in mind. He knew he had no choice, it probably could have been a lot worse.


Josh spent hours cleaning up Justin’s room and by the end of the evening there were actually signs of the carpet. Justin had given him all kinds of instructions and he’d discovered more and more items scattered on the floor, buried under piles of other items. He’d come a long way today but at 7 he had to leave for diner and Justin let him. It was enough for today, plus the longer he needed him to clean out his room the longer he had an excuse to invite Josh over. So Justin walked Josh out, he just smiled his thanks before closing the door.

Josh sighed as he turned around and walked home. He’d worked hard today; Justin’s room looked so much better but he hated that he’d been the one to do the job. He knew however that he had no reason to complain; to clean his room wasn’t the worst thing Justin could make him do as his slave. There were far worse jobs to do as a slave, it wasn’t humiliating either. He knew he had no reason to complain but still he could have spent his afternoon a whole other way and most definitely a whole lot better if he wouldn’t have been gay or better if Justin hadn’t found out about him being gay. He sighed once again, realizing that thinking like this wouldn’t really change anything. He shook his head, ridding himself of his thoughts as he just walked home, maybe he could do something fun tonight...

< Be My Slave >