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Chapter 7

It was Wednesday when Justin addressed him again. Justin had smiled at him on Monday but he hadn’t said anything to him nor had he demanded anything from him. Josh had been relieved however today Justin had approached him once again. He’d been invited to come over after diner but he went reluctantly, knowing Justin would make use of his slave and Josh didn’t want to know how.

“This, is what I want you to do” Justin told him after he’d opened the door for Josh and led him out of the house to the backyard. Josh looked from the porch they were standing on out into the yard and… the grass field. He sighed, knowing what he had to do as Justin also pointed towards the lawn mower.

“Better get started, my parents get home at ten” Justin told him, informing Josh more or less he had to be done by ten. Josh had a feeling that Justin’s parents had given their son this job but just like with the other assignments Josh had gotten, it were things Justin didn’t want to do and therefore he passed them on to his slave. Josh said nothing, he just started because like he’d found out the past week; the sooner you started the sooner it would be over.

Justin sat down on the couch swing on the porch with a coke, watching how Josh worked. He smiled to himself as Josh struggled with the lawnmower. This was the best idea ever, he complimented himself for coming up with this plan. Josh would now be in full view for the next couple of hours, working those muscles. Justin knew it would take a while, the field wasn’t really big but it would take at least two hours. Two hours wherein he could relax and wherein he could watch Josh’s every move.


Almost two hours later Josh was almost finished and Justin was still watching, swinging back and forth lightly but never taking his eyes off of Josh. Josh wasn’t stupid, he wasn’t blind he noticed how Justin was watching him. He told himself Justin was supervising whether or not he did a good job but for some reason he wasn’t buying it. He had a feeling that Justin wasn’t looking at the progress at all, he was watching him. He could feel Justin’s eyes on him and it made him uncomfortable, nevertheless he kept on going, pushing the lawnmower over the grass, effectively cutting away the offending grass and finishing another lane.

Josh gave the mower one more push and it cut off the last bit of grass he’d been instructed to mow. He turned around surveying the field to make sure he hadn’t missed anything, satisfied that he hadn’t he turned the mower around and pushed it back to the house before slowly, almost dreadfully going up the few steps that led to the porch, led to Justin.

“Have a seat” he offered, knowing how exhausting it could be. Josh eyed him but slowly sat down beside him.

“You want something to drink?” Justin asked friendly. Josh had just mowed the lawn for him, the least he could do was get him a drink.

“Let me guess; I’ll have to get it myself? Bring you another one in the process?” he asked in return, a snapping tone in his voice. Justin smiled; Josh may have been exhausted but he hadn’t lost his attitude.

“No” Justin told him as it were a ridiculous idea.

“Don’t be silly, I’ll get you one” he added standing up and going for the backdoor.

“You worked so hard” he smiled before opening the door and disappeared inside. Josh cursed him as the door closed behind him; jerk.

“Here you go” Justin offered him the bottle of water as he came back out on the porch, sitting back down next to Josh. Josh took the bottle, ducking his head as he thanked him. He took a few swigs of the water before finally looking sideways to Justin seeing he’d brought something else outside.

“You’re up for a game?” Justin asked him, showing him the basketball Josh had spotted a few seconds earlier.

“No” Josh grumbled; he really didn’t want to play basketball with him. He was up to it, wasn’t too exhausted like Justin probably thought he just didn’t feel like it.

“Oh come on” Justin said, a bit of a whine in his voice, already standing up leaving Josh little choice but to follow. Josh sighed but stood, knowing Justin wanted to play basketball and what Justin wanted Justin got. Unfortunately.

“Fine” he mumbled, indeed following him to the hoop that was attached to the back of the garage. Justin was already dribbling the ball when he got there. Josh shoved his hands in his pockets, standing in front of Justin waiting what he’d do. Justin continued to dribble the ball deciding to just start the game in stead of talking and so he quickly dribbled the ball around Josh and made the shot before Josh even had his hands out of his pockets.

“One, zero” he announced as he caught the ball and handed it to Josh who was still watching openmouthed. As Justin grinned at him Josh snapped out of his shock. He took the ball from him and walked to the backline deciding he was going to kick his butt.


“Why didn’t you try out for the basketball team?” Justin asked some time later, he was truly amazed at Josh’s basketball skills. He hadn’t anticipated him to be this good.

“Because I didn’t want to” Josh said simply but oh so stubborn. Justin looked a little hurt for a split second and Josh wondered if maybe he shouldn’t have said that. Justin was after all blackmailing him, pissing him off wouldn’t help but Justin didn’t seem to be pissed. Far from it; suddenly he started laughing.

“Fair enough, your turn” he said still with a smile, passing him the ball once more.


They played basketball till it was too dark to play and overall Justin was the winner of their game. Josh didn’t really care because he wasn’t really competitive and the truth was Justin was better, not much but he was a very good player. Justin smiled as he saw him off, pleased he won but admitting that Josh had definitely put up a fight. He was good competition and maybe he should be happy Josh wasn’t willing to join the basketball team. Josh walked home slowly that evening, pretty tired from both mowing the lawn and playing basketball and despite he’d lost the game he’d definitely showed him.

< Be My Slave >