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Chapter 5

Josh awoke the next morning to a squirming Sam. Sam had been awake for a few moments and he wanted to move out of the bed but his father’s strong arms encircling his small body made that impossible. Josh retracted his arms and stretched them over his head. Sam turned onto his belly before he lowered himself onto the floor. He ran toward the overnight sleeping bag, Josh had put together in a haste, and soon found the item he’d been looking for; the whinegums. He stuffed the first one in his mouth and held the bag protectively close to his body. Josh slowly sat up,  

“Sam, no put those back, you know that’s not for breakfast” Josh scolded his son softly being mindful of the still sleeping boy in the next bed. He looked even younger asleep, Josh thought before he focused his attention back on his son. Sam put the bag back and turned towards his dad, looking all innocent but knowing perfectly well whinegums weren’t for breakfast. Josh stretched his arms out in front of him, a silent invitation for his son to come to him. Sam smiled and wobbled to his dad as quickly as he could. Josh lifted the kid up with ease and settled him in his lap on top of the blankets. He glanced at the other bed where Justin was still sleeping in. He was glad the boy was still here. He wouldn’t have been content if the boy had just took off in the middle of the night. The worries, whichever they were, had probably worn him out Josh figured. He was still curious what had happened to him but he had other things to think about right now; a hungry son to begin with.  

“Come on Sam” Josh said setting the boy on the floor once again before pushing the blankets away.  

“Let’s get some real breakfast” Josh ushered his son to the door after slipping into his jeans.  

“Be quiet ok, Justin needs his sleep” Josh said softly, pressing his index finger against his lips to visualize his words.  

Sam nodded seriously before shuffling to the door with his dad. 


Justin woke up ten minutes later, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes he looked around the room but didn’t spot Josh nor Sam. He figured they’d split when they got the chance and he couldn’t blame them. He plopped back on his bed, dropping his arm over his eyes tiredly. His eyes stung from the tears he’d shed the night before and his curls; his ever hated curls probably stood out into every possible and impossible direction but he didn’t care at this point. He was forced to leave his bed when he felt his bladder protest, begging for release so he slowly sat up only seeing then that Josh’s bag was still laying where the man had set it the night before. He shuffled to the bathroom and when he washed his hands he avoided looking into the mirror but somehow his eyes were drawn to it. He took one look and immediately wished he had a cap or a hat or anything he could put over his head. He’d probably scare the kid away with his fro but he didn’t exactly had time to pack when he left on this unexpected trip so a comb would have to do he thought, knowing full well that that would never work out. Baby blue eyes stared back at him holding a look of weariness, hurt and fear. He pulled his eyes away from the mirror, quickly left the bathroom and climbed back in bed, pulling the covers up high as if they would protect him from life in general. Not much later he fell into a much needed slumber. 


“Ju-tin! Ju-tin!” Sam yelled in his ear, prodding him to wake up. Justin slowly opened his eyes as he focused on the small boy propped up on his knees next to him on the bed.  

“We gots you breakast” Sam told him with a smile, holding up the small white bag triumphantly. Justin carefully sat up, keeping an arm around the boy if he did happen to loose his balance.  

“Here” Josh said stepping in with a cup off coffee once Justin was resting against the headboard. Justin wearily accepted it,  

“Thanks” he said a little dazed about the unexpected breakfast.  

“You didn’t have to do that” he said ducking his head in shame.  

“It’s fine” Josh told him with a small smile tugging at his lips before he reached out to Sam, lifting him off the bed so Justin could move more freely.  

“Come here kiddo, let’s get you changed”  

“K” Sam agreed easily, he was an easy going child. Although stubborn like his dad, he didn’t give his dad a hard time often, only when he really wanted to do or have something or of course when he didn’t want to do something. The bond between father and son was already extremely strong but that wasn’t really hard to understand since all they had was each other. Justin smiled as he watched Josh playfully padding his son’s behind making him squeal and run into the bathroom as fast as he could. Josh following behind closely, giggling all the way. The same giggle Justin heard coming from the bathroom moments later when Josh caught his son and began tickling him before hauling him onto the sink.  

Justin sipped his coffee and ate the donut wondering why he’d disserved this. Actually he knew he didn’t disserve this.  

The question was why did he get it?  


A few minutes later Josh reappeared with Sam trudging behind him studying his dad’s walk as he tried to imitate him. Justin was dressed till Josh’s surprise and drained his coffee cup before he turned towards him.  

“Thanks for breakfast. I’ll get out of your way now and I’m truly sorry for everything I’ve done to you” Justin told him seriously. He then turned to leave, his hand on the doorknob he slowly opened the door. He was truly going to leave; just like that.  

“You don’t have to leave” Josh blurted, interrupting the departure of the young man. Justin froze, his hand still on the doorknob.  

“If you want we’ll take you to LA”  

Justin turned swiftly, suspiciously, “You serious?”  

“Yes” Josh nodded, Sam imitating his dad although the kid had no clue what he was saying yes to. Justin’s shoulders slumped in defeat,  

“You don’t have to”  

“I want to” Josh told him warmly. Sam tugged on his dad’s pants leg,  

“We want to” Josh amended with a small smile.  

“Are you sure?” Justin asked still not sure if Josh was telling him the truth, if he wasn’t trying to mess with him.  

“Yes. If you still want to go to LA. We’re heading for LA anyway so you’re welcome if you want to come” Josh told him seriously, something in his gut told him he shouldn’t let this boy walk out of his life. Sam didn’t seem to be afraid of him and that meant a lot; kids had the best instincts and Josh wasn’t really afraid of him anymore either. He was just a kid, a scared kid in trouble. Although Justin had tried to make him believe he was tough, his little breakdown yesterday evening proved him wrong. Justin seemed like he could have been his friend if the circumstances where somewhat different and Josh wanted to help.  

Justin still couldn’t believe his ears; he’d threatened these man and his son and now they were offering to take him with them when they didn’t have to even. He was astonished. 

“Thank you” Justin whispered truly grateful and taken aback by the offer. Not a lot of people had been this nice to him in his life. The people that were supposed to love him had never been this nice to him but yet a stranger was. Justin found that very ironic, Josh just smiled.  

“Let’s get going” Josh said as he took his son’s hand, their bag in the other. They shuffled passed Justin who stared after them.  

“You coming?” Josh asked, turning around to see that Justin was still standing in the doorway; his hand on the doorknob still.  

“Uh… yeah” he stammered, shaking his head to get rid of all the thoughts that had been running through his head. He closed the door and jogged to catch up. They soon reached the car and Justin watched as Josh strapped his son in his carseat.  

He walked to the garbage can as Josh shut the back door. Justin took out the gun that he still carried in the waistband of his pants and threw it in the garbage can, making sure Josh saw it before making eye contact with the man who greeted him with a smile. With the smile still present he walked towards the car and opened the passenger door. Josh lowered himself in his seat and seconds later Justin did the same. They shared another smile before Josh turned on the engine and took off, an extra passenger present but this time he was wanted.

< Criminal With A Past >