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Chapter 6


That evening they stopped at a motel to spend the night. Sam was exhausted, as soon as his head hit the pillow he was out like a light giving the two adults some time together. It had been a weird but fun day. They’d made small talk and that felt good but now was maybe a good time for something more, a little more in depth since Josh still wanted to know what had happened to Justin before he jumped in his car.


“What happened that day in Millington” Josh asked carefully, although he wasn’t afraid of Justin anymore he still didn’t know if he should ask something like this. He wanted to know; it had been on his mind ever since the moment the boy stepped in his car but asking was something different than wanting to ask.


Justin plumped down in a chair, he let his head fall into his hands, pulled his hands through his hair and looked up.


Josh pulled the blankets up a little higher and tucked Sam in, pressing his lips to the small boy’s forehead before walking towards Justin. There were a small table and two chairs at the opposite site of the two beds which were lined up against the wall.


Josh sank into his seat sitting opposite of Justin waiting till he began all the while studying the boy’s face.


“I robbed a store”…..



“How can I help you Justin?” Ferry asked friendly.


“Give me some money?” Justin said, trying to act nonchalant. Ferry looked confused.


“Give me $200” Justin repeated, seeing the confused looked on Ferry’s face.


“I’m sorry I can’t do that” Ferry said, understanding Justin was serious when he asked him to give him some money.


“Give me the money, Ferry” Justin repeated fiercer this time. Ferry shook his head no.


“Give. Me. The. Money” Justin repeated through gritted teeth as he drew the gun and pointed it straight at the clerk. He’d hoped it wouldn’t be necessary but desperate times call for desperate measures. He needed this money.


“Put the gun down, son” Ferry said calmly, holding up his hands.


“Give me the damn money, Ferry” Justin told him, pulling back the safety pin.


“Alright, calm down” he said over and over as he opened the cash register and took out some money, a couple of hundreds, hoping it would be enough. Justin grasped it firmly, keeping his gun on Ferry as he walked backwards to the door.


“I’m sorry Ferry” Justin apologized before he pushed the door open and ran out.


“So am I” Ferry said to himself as he dialed 911.




Justin kept running, already hearing sirens after a couple of blocks. He was heading towards the freeway although he didn’t know why.


He hadn’t had time to think this through, what had he done?


An unfamiliar car came into view and he sped towards it, opening the passenger side door and getting in. He pointed the gun towards the driver and said,





Josh stared at the boy as he finished his story, right when they met.


“Told you I was a screw up” Justin said trying to make a joke out of it but Josh didn’t laugh, he just stared at him. Justin couldn’t quite figure out what the man was thinking about.


Did he really think he was a screw up as well?


Did he want to bail now?


Did he want to report him?


Minutes passed by and Justin still didn’t get an answer from Josh, tears welled up in his eyes and he couldn’t stop them from falling. He dropped his head in his hands once again and let the tears fall, one after another. He was startled when he felt a hand on his shoulder, another one on his upper arm light pressure in order to get him to stand up. Justin did so and looked into the concerned blue orbs of his travel companion.


He let Josh pull him against him and soothe him. Justin cried for a while longer not knowing why Josh had this effect on him; he’d cried more in the last few days than in the past year.


Maybe it were the concerned blue eyes that did it.


Or the warm touch from his gentle hands.


Maybe it was his smile that made something inside of him snap.


Josh, in all his glory made him realize that this was not the way he wanted to live. He didn’t want to live like this; feeling hurt, miserable and extremely ashamed of the things he’d done. He pulled back a little and as he looked at the man who’d picked him up he suddenly saw all the beauty that was Josh.


As if guided by an unexplainable power they slowly leaned in, meeting halfway in a tentative, gentle kiss.


Their hands entwined and torso’s touching.


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