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Chapter 7


“Daddy! Daddy!” Sam yelled excitedly, jumping up and down on the bed at the foot of the bed where two pair of feet rested. Josh groaned but opened his eyes to see his son smiling at him,


“Hi daddy” the kid said innocently as he waved at him. Josh smiled as well, the kid’s smile contagious as he reached out to grab the munchkin. He wrapped the kid in his arms before turning slightly to take a look at the young man sleeping next to him.


Somehow they’d gone from kissing tentatively almost timidly to sleeping together in one bed. The key word however was sleeping since that was all they’d been doing. Josh had used the excuse he didn’t want to wake up Sam if he would join him in the bed although Sam was hard to wake up but hey Justin didn’t know that. Justin didn’t care because he’d bought the excuse without a moments thought, happy Josh wanted to share the bed with him. Justin was still shy though and had lied down on his side of the bed but Josh had spooned himself into him and wrapped his arms around the younger man with the question, “Is this ok?” The bopping of the curls had been his answer and happily they’d fallen asleep like that.


“Daddy, I hungry” Sam told his father, this kid was always hungry well so was he, he chuckled.


He nodded, “We’ll go get something in a minute ok? I just have to go to the bathroom” Josh told his son before sitting up, turning around to lay his son down on the vacant spot before he shuffled to the bathroom.


“Ju-tin!” Sam yelled, prodding Justin to wake up, shaking him at the shoulder. Justin turned towards the kid, eyes still closed.


“Ju-tin” Sam repeated but softer this time, as if he was telling a secret. Justin slowly opened one eye, peering at the mini version of Josh lying next to him on the bed. Sam’s face broke into a smile when he saw Justin woke up.


“You woke me up kid” Justin said playfully angry. Sam nodded satisfied with a big mischievous grin on his face.


“You’re gonna pay for that munchkin” Justin threatened playfully before he reached out and started tickling the kid which caused him to erupt in a fit of giggles and a few squeaks. Josh poked his head in the room, wanting to see what made Sam giggle this loudly, he smiled when he saw the playful struggle on the bed.


“Daddy, help” Sam screeched as he tried to twist his way out of Justin’s grip having spotted his father in the room. Justin hadn’t spotted him and stopped almost abruptly, looking up at Josh not knowing if he would be angry with him.


“Don’t stop” Josh reassured him, “He probably disserved it” Justin smiled up at him, glad he wasn’t angry before going back to the little one. The giggles and squeaks continued and Josh stood by watching.


“Daddy, no fair!” Sam pouted when Justin finally stopped his attack on the little boy. Josh tried to hide his smile as he glanced to Justin seeing he was unsuccessful at holding in his. But although the smiles of the two adults, Sam continued to pout and crossed his little arms over his chest in protest.


“Why don’t we go eat some breakfast?” Josh suggested knowing that would do the trick. Sam’s pout slid of his face and his lips turned into a smile,


“K” he agreed as he turned onto his stomach and lowered himself on the floor before taking off towards the door. Justin stared at Josh in amazement.


“How did that work?”


“He’s a Chasez and when my kid is hungry, he’ll forget anything when you mention the word food” Josh told him with a shrug and a wink at the end. Justin laughed at this elaboration before pushing the blankets off of himself and slipping into his jeans. He ran a hand through his hair and decided he didn’t really care what it looked like, he saw Sam waiting impatiently and said,


“K, I’m ready let’s eat”


Sam’s face broke into a huge smile at those words and he reached up to open the door, allowing Justin to help him seconds later when he couldn’t get it done.


“Race you to the diner” Justin challenged Sam who nodded his head seriously and took off running. Justin close behind him to keep an eye on him and Josh following with Sam’s bag where he’d put in some items that could come in handy during breakfast. He smiled at the sight in front of him, Justin catching up with Sam and then pretending to slow down again so he got behind and Sam took the lead. When they reached the diner; Sam in the lead Justin stretched his arms towards the boy and picked him up, lifting him high up in the air, making it an unfair game but a good which got Sam laughing and Justin as well. Josh finally caught up with them,


“Issa ‘bout time” Sam told his father seriously still propped up on Justin’s arm. Justin laughed at the statement of the kid on his arm and looked at Josh with a smile.


“Hey I’m an old man” Josh defended, tickling his son in the side earning him a few giggles.


“Let’s eat” Justin announced before he walked inside Josh following closely behind and once again smiling endeared at the sight in front of him.


< Criminal With A Past >